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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Even if I can't marry you ...you can't leave me.

I won't let you go...you have to be mine.

You can't go anywhere...I won't allow it.

You...are my only Queen.

Famous last words.

HS isn't the only one to break her promise to never leave WS.  He has already offered the idea to YH that if she forsakes her family as king SHE will be his only queen....WHAT???  So here we have the final 2 episodes about to explode into pure unadulterated chaos with our OTP splitting up for stupid reasons.  I knew going into this show they would not be eternally together but Show....give me a break.

Everything seems to be rushed with so many character personality changes that make my head spin.  One moment their all lovey dovey and the next can't stand to be in the same room.  Communication...I guess in Goreyo they thought it wasn't a necessity.  How did WS think HS was going to react when she found out CR was killed so brutally?  How insensitive could he be?  Yes, he had good reason to kill her but HS's feelings never entered his mind.  

Now he will be on the warpath against Wook because he was HS's first love....I think that's just the last straw that broke the camel's back.  He's ticked off because Wook instigated the marriage to YH and so he couldn't marry HS, Wook is trying to control the court and maybe might try to win HS's affection again.  But why be angry with HS?  She told him she loved somebody else so many years ago but now loves him.  So just because its Wook he doesn't want to see her again?  That's just crazy.

The WS today isn't the WS HS fell in love with.  His actions speak louder than words.  Marry...have a prince...keep killing whoever gets in his way...push HS out of his life because of a petty jealousy. 

WS will end his days the way he started them....Alone and craving for love and acceptance.  

I think I'll go off in the corner to cry.

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To me So is still the So that always loved Soo but he's feeling insure and scared of Soo leaving or drifting away from him. That's why he got more processive of her and feel hurt when she doesn't listen or obey him. 

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After reading recaps and comments here,  i totally hesitated watching ep 18 onwards.  I thought, I'll just wait out the last3 and binge watch it all at once then have a day of feels then dust off my hands & heart on sleeves of it.   OMG! I broke down and watched :w00t: *squeals*!!  So..Soo sad:bawling: (get it? hehe) First set of tears came rolling when they snuck(is it even a word) out and were having one of their talks at the stones.  Also, when she told BA to send Jung a message...:cry: as well as the scene where JiMong told her to let go of the King first(i just felt like she reverted to being a child -not a bratty tantrum mind you, but like when a mom telling  her sweet child to give up a toy cause another child wants it).  


Poor King, him having mommy issues- even now is ...the struggle.  That is some serious therapy long needed.  

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I want to say that I totally understand why Hae Su wants to leave. First of all, the way she found out about Cr's treachery was way too horrific. It takes time process these sort of events. Even if Cr poisoned the king, spied on her, lied to her constantly, there's no way she can digest all this easily and be okay with her death. We shouldn't expect her to say "oh so she was a snake eh? good riddance then! what's for dinner?" She would have been very disappointed with her if she found out before, but even then wouldn't want her to die like this... and the one who orders her "little sister" to be executed is the man she loves (as she tells Baek-ah). I believe Su understands So's reasons, but cannot bring herself to come to terms with their consequences. After reading the blood letter, look how she shrinks as the camera pans out, she looks terrified. Thus, Su chooses to flee this place of utter horror. It's not about her not trusting Ws or choosing Cr over Ws. The girl, in my opinion, simply wants out.

-I have to add; the way Hs justified Cr's wrongdoings was ughh... "she did it for love" whut? Come on Hae Soo..

Edited by Artheusa
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35 minutes ago, ShaiKeun said:

Thank you. I decided to finish all the 3 final episodes before watching it to the end. I can't take it anymore! I am so much affected by this drama ( which never happened to me before) that i am at the brink of nervous breakdown by crying like a wild animal. I don't like to see the wedding of WS and that wicked witch. It will break my heart to see HS cry. All i can do now is reading all your comments here, getting the strength and hope from you guys.  

So do i. Still hanging in here, reads all recaps but doesnt want to watch it yet until i know how its ending. Its really hurt, sad, angry at the same time. How can a drama do this to me? Still hoping for the happy ending, at least in the future life.


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On 10/24/2016 at 1:27 PM, Siracusa said:

I just realized that SHR is the Korean old-timey version of The Godfather. So is Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) and Soo is Kay (Diane Keaton).

Michael was always the best candidate of his brothers to take over the family business because he had the best raw skills (smarts, patience, strategy) but Michael didn't want to get involved with the family business because that was never his dream. Through a series of turf wars with other mob families and the Corleone family getting hurt, Michael reluctantly takes on the mantle of leading the Corleone family. We watch Michael make harsher and harsher decisions as he goes from reluctant hero to ruthless mob boss because that is what the Godfather has to do in order to maintain order and ensure the safety of the family. In the end Michael has Kay by his side but they're alienated because she can't be involved in family business and the ending is him literally shutting the door on her.

Replace all the names in the preceding paragraph and it's the plot to SHR. With any luck, Wook, YH, and Won all meet the fate of the horse from the infamous horse head in the bed scene. 

I was thinking back to my Godfather post because something was nagging me. With the recent posts about bad/lazy writing, I realized that in episode 13 when King Taejo sent Soo off to look for CP and not to trust anyone who asks if he is dead, the writers paid homage copied from The Godfather. In one point in the movie, Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) warns Michael not to trust the person who tries to broker a meeting because it will actually be a trap.

I want to give the writers credit and say that they were inspired by Godfather and that the journey of a reluctant hero is common enough but after the bad writing in the past few episodes, they might just be copying the plot. My prediction for episode 19 is that Gwanjong will attend a joyous event and all his trusted henchmen will slaughter everyone (including Wook and Won) that stand in his way of his reign.

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21 minutes ago, snowglobe147 said:

HS (sweetly) rejects WS's proposal:

WS: Let's live together. Marry me.

HS: I can't.

HS: There's nothing I can do for you except to comfort you, so it's hard for me to marry you.

WS: Who told you such worthless nonsense? I'm not going to give up on you on a wound so trivial. Nobody can make me.

HS: I'm not giving up either. I'll stay by your side. If I become your empress or wife, I'll be tied down by the palace rules and not be able to see you when I want to, and have to follow the rules of palace etiquette. You know I'm not that kind of person. I'm okay. Truly, I'm fine.

WS: Even if I can't marry you, despite that, you can't leave me. I won't let you go. Because you have to be my person. You can't go anywhere. I'll never permit it.


WS: My only empress is you.



WS and HS cute date scene:

WS: Who told you you could just enter here at will?

HS: Everyone already knows that I am a favorite of the king .

WS: There are going to be rumors that I am only scary on the outside because of you.

HS: Then, do you want to come (play) with me before the rumors spread farther? Did you forget? It's the night of (*some festival*).

WS: (*snorts*) You're not even a (*something*). You can't just go traipsing around just because it's (*that festival*).

HS: Not in the palace. At Namdaega. Let's go to Namdaega, please?

WS: You want us to leave the palace? To leave on so short a notice... I'd have to take the poll of the council (of soldiers), and then the court ladies...

HS: No one will recognize us. If you just change out of your clothes, the people won't know what the king looks like.

HS: I was talking here with Chaeryung-ie, and you just whizzed past us from over there. Don't you remember?

(*They pinky promise, hold hands, playtogether with their masks on, make wishes, backhug, kiss*)



Ending scene:

BA: You weren't at your room, so I thought you'd be here.

HS: What should I do. When the person I love, killed my younger sister.

BA: His Majesty knew for a while that Chaeryung-ie was doing other things. So he was trying to separate her from you by giving her leave from the palace, but she'd went to you. If only she hadn't tried to stay at the palace by moving you, His Majesty wouldn't have taken such measures.

HS: No matter how wrongly she acted, how could he have given her so harsh a punishment? I can't figure out how to escape this agony. Chaeryung-ie only had someone she loved.

BA: Don't be like this. If you make that face, it makes me feel uneasy, so what must hyung-nim be feeling? He's worrying a lot for you. His concerns are sincere. 

HS: I have a favor to ask of you. Please relay this, and my words, to Jung-ie.

BA: What words?

HS: "I want you." 

BA: If I do this favor, you won't be so sad anymore, right?

HS: Yes.

BA: "I want you."

HS: Hae Soo wants you, sincerely...




Okay. This is nuts. This is just cruel. Not only to So, but to the viewers, and Jung-ie, and herself. Soo, stop making stupid decisions you're going to regret later! And So! I haven't watched the preview yet, but what is this idiocity about Soo having previously loved Wook, therefore that makes her evil?


(*tugs at hair*)

I told you she has this victim mentality..

When not a victim..she will delude herself into believing that she is one...and needs saving..


(ofc when she truly is a victim then she turns into a strong woman because others are anyway busy pampering her and taking care of her aka giving her the attention)



I really want some self reflection on her part...

What Yo told her..that she is responsible for all of this..

Now Wook should tell her that she is responsible for all the mess



The scene with Wook..where he asks her why she is supporting WS.. 

Ah!.. in that scene HS comes across as such a hypocrite.. and i don't know..so undeserving of being a woman who truly loved Wook

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I hope before everybody dies HS& WS will understandably explain their thoughts and feelings and reflect past events IN WORDS, I'm so tired of guessing work. Another choice please gather press con and make LJG&LJE explain their characters to us ;) following by public execution of PDnim & Writer nim (in case of bad bad ending) :angry:

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I'm on my way to work and listening to Lee Hi and Epic High song, feeling like tearing up at the parts "I'm not alive without you .... I died without you .... please don't for get .... please don't forget me, forget me".  Why so sad? 

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The late night thought: 


After watching evil Queen tragic death, that she somehow deserved and the very scary side of So, that I didn't want to see, while watching her dying, I am still curious  about on why on earth does the evil Queen hate Wang So this much?

Because of the scar, she did on his face? Well , I can understand that she will be eaten up by guilt, by shame for doing such a horrible thing, But instead of treating him like her enemy, wasn't she supposed to spoil him and treat him the best , because of what she did to him? if he reminds her of the day her King, left her to marry another woman and she associates him with her defeat and "rejection" from her loved man, she could just avoid him but not insist on torturing him, harassing him and treating him as enemy? I really really want to know the reason behind her biiiig  resentment towards WS. Could it be, that he is not her own son?

How could a mother  HATE  her child for no reason at all?  why-gif.gif?w=190

I hope someone could do a psychoanalysis of her character. :sweatingbullets:I am very interested to understand .

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I'm actually writing a fanfic about HS's last moments in goryeo, I'm hoping my imagination is not that far from what the writer is preparing us for, it's the only way for me to cure my heartbreak from all of these angsty episodes ( by breaking it even more,lol) I hope you guys will like it when I finish it :D 

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2 hours ago, butterflysaga said:

I'm sorry its kinda late.. But I found this freakin hilarious! :D

"What if" HaeSu were Baddass Mofo would be like...

Blargh comments:

25 Oct 2016

Gah, especially when Soo could save everything just by telling Evil Dowager Queen (she ranked up) the real reason why Yo did what he did without revealing too much.

This what should go down.

Little Jafar (LJ) :Yes, Soo, we can protect you.
HS : dkjfasdfjosidh
HS: you know what fuq this richard simmons, you want to know the truth!!
EDQ&LJ : Yes finally, something to bring down So.

HS: Well you in for a surprise, richard simmons! Yo abdicated because you came barging in to your sick son’s quarter forcing him to abdicate to Little Jafar with Grease sideburn here.

Yes, Jung, your mother didn’t beg to your brother. She plain force him to tattoo your name to the placard, technically casting him aside as a useless pawn.

LJ : no…

EDQ: Shut her up!

HS : Hells no, the dam is broken lady! Yo told me that he understand So know that he is in his shoes. Now Jung whatchagonnado? You want the truth right? Your mother forced a heart attack on your own brother.

So came in :WHAT IS….this?

Soo’s and EDQ WWE unfold


LJ : ????asdkfjashdfljashd.

So with that glassy eyes, he just fallen deeper in love with Soo.


cr: dramabeans



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7 hours ago, LyraYoo said:

Can I just have a montage to King Taejo who ruled Goryeo for so many years but did not get loony right away.

He's alone, but still he didnt' end up like what his sons did. 


 To be fair, he did have Lady Oh for quite some time; and he eventually died after lady oh passed away...

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11 hours ago, eunki said:

@ruizaio I can't agree that HS doesn't love WS, there was enough 'evidence' IMO.

Both have faults, HS lacks understanding and too idealistic, much was written about her so I won't elaborate; WS doesn't share much with HS regarding his decisions. He talks to her about his worries but not about his plans or motives. How he didn't want to give explanations regarding marriage to little princess, leaving for north capital, throne struggle. Even in palace after they are settled as a couple he tries to mask his worries with smiles and never shares a word. In this ep. as well he doesn't approach her twice during wedding night, and I can imagine how long and hurtful was that night for HS.. Maybe he thinks he protects her but that's only his thoughts! What happens is it seems now he wants her as a lovely bird in a golden cage, waiting for him and him only and telling him she understands anything he does. Any attention to other person or thing is met with suspicion. WS's childhood trauma is really deep and multidimensional, he has such high expectations about setting happy family, my heart is broken that he won't be able to get this...

Also they are from different times and have different moral values which is very hard to overcome or get used to. It became apparent to me in the scene when HS accuses WS of killing CR cruelly. I was impressed and startled when she suddenly started shouting at him in informal language (first time in the drama), which indicated how deep her emotional pain was and how frustrated she was seeing the closest person acting in the way she cannot accept. Maybe from her perspective she was waiting for smth like Sorry it hurted you so much but there was no other way. All this is immensely sad.


Your comment made me think to lady Oh words that people never change. HS still remained socially myopic. She's empathetic and too emotional, in order to step back and see the big picture. It's not like she's lacking judgement or intelligence, she deliberately choose not to see things that may disturb the balance of her universe. She was betrayed in her 21 century timeline, by her best friend, she's betrayed again in Goryeo era. HS words on Chae Ryung "her only fault was her being born a slave" does not erase Chae Ryung breach of trust. If HS can forgive her because she can relate to a woman in love doing foolish things in the name of love, it does not apply to the bigger picture of court games of power. I admit I am confused why HS choose not to be mad after being left all exposed and vulnerable by her closest friend that chose to sell all her secrets or use them against her. 

I agree with @eunki comment WS's childhood trauma is really deep and multidimensional, and HS love cannot cure it, only alleviate the pain. And all the courts games and schemes are pushing away love in order to enhance the struggle. He talks to her about his worries but not about his plans or motives because their analytical patterns are completely opposite. Any attention to other person or thing is met with suspicion because WS knows very well the twisted schemes within the royal court will use any word, any glance anything to change fragile power balance. 

I am waiting to see how it ends this strange powerful love between a warrior/strategist and emotional people loving time traveler. Don't tell me what happens in c version/novel..etc how it ends, i'm caught in the maze of this love story. 

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