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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, littlebiebie2 said:

@penelop3 & @antoniaclamens

 I search high & low for the link. Fortunately I found it. Please check your PM ^^

count me in please...crying in the corner.....i can't commend as much as i would like to and thus i end up missing all the good stuff...have pity on this soul and send me the links as well chingu...i'm counting on you...thanks...virtual hug

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40 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

The description said it was when Jung had hidden in Soo's room, but the sleeves are different. People think So went to Damiwon after Yo's teacup throwing tantrum. People also think that he was drinking before the backhug scene. Who knows. Until we get to see all the deleted scenes... the team is working hard, the copyright holders seem open to the idea of a Blu-ray/DVD release, but the director's too busy (prolly reediting for the domestic version) to say aye or nay. Keep praying that it will come!

Let's pray all together!!!! :)

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Not sure which version I watched.  I think they have youku version? Since it's the same leaked episode.  has the SBS version with the backhug scene. Not sure which one. But it has almost complete scenes, including back hug. 

Okay, I stand by my convictions.  
Yo is evil but he's not as evil as Evil Mom or Won or YH or CR or Wook. I'm not trying to play God or anything - pardon if I step on anyone's toes. BUT if I have to rank the level of evilness in them, it will be:
1. Evil Mom: the root of all evils, definitely not gonna receive award "Mom of the Year" - is this truly how you educate your sons??? :blink:
2. Won: the ultimate henchman for all kinds of evil projects schemed by anybody evil enough to plan it (Evil Mom, Wook, Yo, hopefully not So later on) :o
3. CR: taking action in project poisoning Moo thus direct involvement in killing him - see how bloody your hands are, CR? :angry:
4. Wook: master mind in betraying Yo, master mind in the project poisoning Moo, master mind in making So the King's dog, geez.. list goes on. :huh:
5. YH: intentionally trying to poison Moo, she is too blinded by her ambition, by her thirst of power. She is born in the wrong period. Had she been born in 21century, she can rally for Queen and we're even going to support her for it. :sweatingbullets:
6. Yo: killing Eun, SD, rival clans, and for being too glamourous for his own good - seriously what's with the earings even Moo didnt wear them. :crazy:

This drama makes me question a lot about humanity in Goryeo. But then again, if one thing I know for sure, history does repeat itself. What they did may seem so bloody and horrifying, but here in 2016 - people still do these horrifying acts, but.. in a more civilized manner. Okay, derailing too much. Back to topic: 

I cannot pity Yo for too long. He got his comeuppance as should the rest of the evil gangs. But then again, since this is based on history and nothing so idealistic ever happen in history, I will settle for Yo's going looney as a karma's payback, and for the rest: 

Won and CR will die - as per So's order. So I'm okay with that too. :sweatingbullets:
Evil Mom - weeell... can we say that she will die lonely and unhappy? :rolleyes:
Wook: Wait, how did Wook die in history? Not BBJX. I remember reading that he will die of disease and age? :mellow:
YH: ...... (pause) ..... as much as I want her to suffer for her evil deeds, she will live a long live and gave Gwangjong 5 children.... *speechless :vicx:

Again, not to belittle Eun and SD's death, I cried a lot during their death scene. But the one that break my heart is the So and Soo's scenes. From the cold treatment, the lies, the long loong looong suffering - seriously in 2 years and doing the same routine every night and day longing for someone? OMG. Here we have social media and apps as distraction but imagine in Goryeo's time. Poor Ha Jin; to the passionate ending. 
It's climax really (no pun intended) B), I just wish that after the kiss, wipe tear, then kiss, then hug, then follow with more kisses and ..you-know-what. I think I need to lie down after this. :heart:

It's only 2 more weeks, folks!!! Yaaaay.. as much as I want to keep watching So and Soo, a part of me is happy that it will finally be over - then, I can go back with my life and rewatching favorite scenes and imagining a different ending. Hahahaa..  

1 hour ago, mewtwo said:

Yes it was the late king, he also saw Eun & heard his voice in the beginning & there was also a glimps of Mo pleading to him to save him & reaching his hand to him 

Which brings me to this question: if Jimong and Gen Park are the one that cause the hallucinations - by pretending to be Eun or King Taejo, but how about the auditory hallucinations. Eun's voices and King Taejo's? Sorry I didnt get this part. Thaanks!

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2 hours ago, stevii said:

oh yeahhh this make sense! thankyou! i wish they would show the scene you know, and its a brilliant story line too if it is true that queen Yo wanted to poison moo but instead killed her firstborn which naturally was the CP hahaha thanks! 

I should really start writing my own sageuk novel now... \^o^/

@penelop3 On reading your Evilness List, I just noticed YH's true evilness to psychopathy level. Considering how Eun sees/respects her as a sister, yet she did not hesitate to tell Yo of Eun's hiding place, knowing very well that this will kill him. There's no remorse in her that she summons the death on her most benign brother. At least, Wook showed sadness on Eun's death and WWon did not have direct connection to Eun's death. And there she is.. still calculating and calculating where should she put her investment on. So inhumane.

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28 minutes ago, may6 said:

   I know it is unexpected to think of yo as a sensitive guy, but upon giving much thought, maybe we can all agree that before he was all fluff, all talk, he likes to command but not really carry out the order...when he was taking the palace once upon a time in ep 13, he led WW do all the fighting  and WH was  hired to kill the king...so i guess he tends to pacify his mind that way and beside the guy was never successful in anything he did until that point...and he really didn't kill Moo ....Moo was already addicted to mercury courtesy of WW and W Won, he was merely a by standard  viewer of the events ...his sin is that he didn't do anything...he led it happen ...but to his credit ...there was nothing he could have done for Moo...he was already far gone ...truely sick ....so yo conscious  ...since he likes to watch all the time was not so affected at the time...eu death...lies on his own hands...so that torments him...like he said he, what is he ?...a pig sacrificed  for his mother ambitions...he  did notice too late in the game that he has a conscious  ,that he was his mother ginea pig to experiment on ...all he had was her so he wanted to satisfy her ...a mother's love or absence of it can make or break a child...he was never successful so he did not take into account how all this will affect him...action done, guilty conscious  ....he want to atone for it...and he is going mad in the process...his mother just keeps pressuring him...and his only way of coping with his anger is to became a tyrant ...he has even lost faith in himself...not he was set up to do anything magnanimous  ...but he is becoming a more frighting monarch out of guilt and stress..21 century (situation management )   coping  disability ...HS will say 


I do agree with you that Yo is really sensitive. He holds grudge. He dislike his mother only see him as tool to get the throne. He dislike that Yeon Hwa rejected him before but came to him after he became a king, he held onto Wook's betrayal. I read description about Yo also that he is a sanitary freak so he doesn't like to get blood on him, which explained his reaction when the monk assassins' blood splatter on his face.

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4 hours ago, katakat said:

HAS ANYONE SEEN THIS? I'm screaming!!! Not sure if this is from episode 17 or if it's going to be one of the later episodes. But I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet. SERIOUS SPOILER!!!


  Reveal hidden contents

Starts at 1:10!!!!

I'm freaking out. Does this mean that they wont be together? Sorry if someone already posted this. Ugh if this was in episode 17 then that means that we were so close to seeing it yesterday. :( I notice that he jumped into the water and took her under it with him. I feel like that would be a lot of things happening in 17. I'm hoping that if this is from episode 17, then that will mean that there's still a chance of a happy ending. I'm wondering if the actual Hae Soo is alive and took her place in the present. What if they were to go back in their own bodies and she turns into a complete strangers to him?!

 chingu what am i suppose to be looking at...move aside dear  Yoo, it seems that i'm the one having a heart attack ... but then i don't see anything ...just a recollection of other dramas  they have appear to mix together to tell a virtual story ...i think i even saw some scenes from MDBC ...counting that i saw right that is...eyes don't fail me...jaja..thanks anyway


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Is it just me? So is so SEXY especially when he's mean to Soo hehe. I don't feel bad for her at all I'm glad the table flipped about time she does the chasing and waiting. We all already knows he loves her dearly. So good to see her loving him equally back. 

Come to think of it none of these characters are hateful well maybe just So's mom. I still don't get how she can not love one of her 3 sons....unless he's really not hers? Lol but yes everyone is just fighting to survive, survival of the fittest. Ofc Yo went overboard but yes he's paying for it now. Can't wait to see So rule next. Whoot, I love his reason & I accept it. I liked it that the throne was nothing to him before but I'm also totally digging his political mindset. But really he's just so cool & sexy hehe ;P 

Also I'm glad they revealed again that indeed Taejo did love So, sending him away was for his own good to prepare him for his future role. I no longer feel sorry for him in that case anymore in the beginning he did totally seem motherless/fatherless like seriously what's the point of being a prince if your treated worse than a commoner? 

Monday, hurry. I need So in my life. #stalkingJoonggi'sinstagramdaily

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20 minutes ago, may6 said:

   I know it is unexpected to think of yo as a sensitive guy, but upon giving much thought, maybe we can all agree that before he was all fluff, all talk, he likes to command but not really carry out the order...when he was taking the palace once upon a time in ep 13, he led WW do all the fighting  and WH was  hired to kill the king...so i guess he tends to pacify his mind that way and beside the guy was never successful in anything he did until that point...and he really didn't kill Moo ....Moo was already addicted to mercury courtesy of WW and W Won, he was merely a by standard  viewer of the events ...his sin is that he didn't do anything...he led it happen ...but to his credit ...there was nothing he could have done for Moo...he was already far gone ...truely sick ....so yo conscious  ...since he likes to watch all the time was not so affected at the time...eu death...lies on his own hands...so that torments him...like he said he, what is he ?...a pig sacrificed  for his mother ambitions...he  did notice too late in the game that he has a conscious  ,that he was his mother ginea pig to experiment on ...all he had was her so he wanted to satisfy her ...a mother's love or absence of it can make or break a child...he was never successful so he did not take into account how all this will affect him...action done, guilty conscious  ....he want to atone for it...and he is going mad in the process...his mother just keeps pressuring him...and his only way of coping with his anger is to became a tyrant ...he has even lost faith in himself...not he was set up to do anything magnanimous  ...but he is becoming a more frighting monarch out of guilt and stress..21 century (situation management )   coping  disability ...HS will say 

@shiraru I agree with @may6 about Yo's change of behaviour or better guilty conscience. From the start, he never killed people himself. He gave the order and even witnessed it (episode 2 or episode 15), yet he was doing it for his mother. In the beginning, he was even just following his mother's instructions. Hence he never felt guilty. Moreover, he never killed Mu with the mercury. It was Wang Wook's idea and Wang Won helped him to realise it. However, Wang Won betrayed Wang Wook and revealed the poisoning to Wang Yo therefore he could use Mu's poor health to his advantage. That's why he doesn't feel guilty about Mu's death. Everytime, either his mother or his own brothers planned the killing/assassination, but he was just a part of it or he used it to his advantage. However, with Eun, it is different for many reasons: Since he had become a king through rebellion, he needed to cover up his treachery. So Wang Wook gave him the idea to kill Eun's clan in order to justify his action. However, since he was the one giving the order, he had a bigger responsability. Nonetheless, he tried to get rid of his responsability by using Wang So as his weapon and tool. So he gave his brother the order to kill Eun, yet the former didn't find Eun immediately. Only because YH revealed it to him, Wang Yo decided to do it himself as he was under pressure (time). Notice that Yo shot his younger brother with two arrows, while Wang So was trying to protect Eun the entire time. Eun had even begged him to spare him and his wife... they would leave the palace. Yo knew Eun very well as someone nice and who would keep his promise. He was even aiming at Eun for a third time, when Wang So killed him. Yo didn't just kill Eun, he made him suffer as he was agonizing. The bottom line is that Yo is to blame for Eun's death... he killed him with his own hands. Yet, I would like to underline that it was Wang Wook's idea to blame Eun's clan in the first place. Wang Wook was already trying to aim at Eun's grandfather under Mu's reign. Wang Wook's hands shake a little but that's it. He doesn't feel really bad about it because he didn't kill Eun himself. That's why Wang Wook has no big remorse. However, he is really scary because he was the one who influenced Wang Yo with this idea. Wang Yo is right: the smart ones are the really scary one. The reason why Wang Yo is mad at his mother is that as soon as he became the king, she tried to act like the "king". He had to put her in her place. Then she kept pressuring him to have Jung recognised as the Crown Prince. That's why he realised that his mother had used him the entire time. I mean, Wang Yo had two wives and I can not imagine that with two wives, he had no children at all. Based on wikipedia, he had one child with his second wife. Wang Yo who had been longing for his mother's love and recognition realised that she did everything for her favourite son: Wang Jung. 

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15 minutes ago, Kelly86 said:

Is it just me? So is so SEXY especially when he's mean to Soo hehe. I don't feel bad for her at all I'm glad the table flipped about time she does the chasing and waiting. We all already knows he loves her dearly. So good to see her loving him equally back. 



It's the same for me too. As much as I love the scenes where the two of them are lovey dovey with each other, I like the scenes as well where WS is kind of mean to HS. I'm not being a sadist or something but there's just something about these scenes that look so appealing. I guess it's because it's LJK we're talking about here. We all know what he's capable of. He just portrays the character soooo well he totally owns it. 

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