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[Philippine Drama 2015 - 2016] On the Wings of Love


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I think Man Sol will get them together for real: after he knows that the marriage for green card arrived to be one true feelings marriage, that Leah really loves Clark and I bet Clark will not let Man Sol not to not his real feelings for Leah too, he will give some piece of advice that will "wake up" Leah and will accept Clark's feelings and finally give him a sweet hug/kiss (I hardly wait those moments)

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@AlexMao They rushed Leah's comeback to Filipines...after her big eager after mother she's not curious why she did that? ...and even she and Clark in a way decided to fight for they love she used meeting her mother  and forget about that all and left Clark...she said that everything she has in SF is a lie and thats true...but how come running away will resolve anything...then they rushed Clark's visit to Flilipines...and now we'll have 2 weeks of games without limmits...and then Clark will have to go back and how will they connect then?...for me it went  wrong from the momment Leah rushed back and that 2 weeks preview...that doesn't mean that things can't come to right trail for me in this tuesday...we'll see

Sorry for all here who wants only to be writen prays for the show but sorry...and don't get me wrong i like this show, i'm here from the start...but there r some parts i don't like that much

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Guest AlexMao

@zagigirl I don't know if I'd say they rushed her departure honestly. I think it was mostly due to shock and in reality not knowing how to handle it all. She certainly could have handled everything better than she did but I think in this case a "out of sight, out of mind" mentality works albeit she still has to come to terms with everything and has everyone has kind of eluded to she's failing that tremendously. Clark's presence I think will help her somewhat but I think it will likewise hinder her "big reveal" to her family. She needs to find a way to deal with everything that has happened and at the same time has ease that information out as well. I mentioned the "shock and awe" factor previously about revealing everything to her father but I couldn't really explain a way of doing that without honestly hurting him in the process because there are too many questions and too few answers at the moment. 

I'm in agreement with you in part as the writer tends to rush some bit and put on the brakes on in other places. They need to work on that and find a nice and steady pace especially if this show has been extended well beyond the new year. It's going to be a train wreck like a lot KDailies that never get a handle on the story they're trying to tell nor figure out the proper pace at which to tell that story. 

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I understand where you all are coming from. Personally for me I'm waiting to see how this week plays out before I make a proper judgment on the story so far (specifically in the Philippines).

One thing I am relieved about with the preview is that Mang Sol gets told the truth about marrying for a green card by Leah, I was going to be upset if that was taken away from her and someone else told him instead.

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@KDIK Could not agree more! It was such a relief to know that Leah will be the one confessing about the fixed marriage.  And seeing how Tatang reacted and even asked her if she truly loves her husband, I can definitely see a glimmer of hope for these two.  I expected Tatang to totally oppose the idea but based on his reaction, I think he will be the binding force that will reassure Leah that Clark is worth fighting for.  And please Leah, stop pushing him away for Christ's sake!  That Clarky boy is a gem.

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Screen-caps for today's episode #OTWOLToughLove from Dreamscape :


It was a day-dream sequence !! (referring to that BTS pic of Clark in his bell boy uniform that I shared). I don't see Leah holding out for much longer, her feelings are still very much there just this time round she doesn't want to be wreck less. Jigs you continue to disappoint as per usual & looks like Tita Jack is finally waking up.

Edited by KDIK
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Guest lalalala823

YASSSSSS at Tita Jacks finally waking up and shouting some sense into her not so filial son. Jigs deserved that and more. 

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YASSSSSS at Tita Jacks finally waking up and shouting some sense into her not so filial son. Jigs deserved that and more. 

I totally love that scene! She finally said to Jiggs what she really felt! It's time for her to wake up and put some sense to her selfish brat of a son.

Regarding Leah and Clark, Leah is starting to annoy me. I understand that she don't want to hurt Clark's family but then what about Clark? Does she even think of what he feels? Poor Clark doing everything for her and then here Leah pushing him out of the picture.

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I'm backing Leah on this one. Were fortunate enough that Clark has an understanding of where Leah is coming from, he can see that she is broken and understandably so, everything that she ever believed in was what her mother encompassed & that all came crashing down. Leah is lost and trying to find herself again, this time solo (which is where I hope we see what dreams sprout for herself besides making her family happy). The Leah we all love and adore is still there, we've just got to wait and see her comeback, only this time stronger. (of course with the help of Clark breaking down those walls one by one.)

I'm sure there is a breaking point for everyone, for how long they can last before they give up but that's the thing about love it's all or nothing, it's about being there for them when they're at their best & worst. Clark is more than willing to be there to fight for them because he believes in what they have and wants to remind and re-instill that faith she lost due to her mother back in her, he'll take the lead and find a way because they're worth it, Leah is worth it. Leah isn't immune to Clark, she still loves him and it's evident in the longing, the concerned expressions etc but she reigns it all in.

Anyways here are the latest screen-caps for tonight's episode #OTWOLPursue by Dreamscape :


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Hi, Nice to meet you too! and YES, BB as in Bigbang! VIPs Until Whenever!

I'm not really sure about the details of the story but yes Extended till next year and I hope it does not drag the story of LEAH and CLARK!

I just love the series so far! I have not missed a single episode! I'm a CertifiedOTWOLista (OTWOL fan) as they call it here in the Phils. and a true JaDine fan!

Love them for Reel (CLeah) and for Real (JaDine)!:wub:

Btw, the episode today #OTWOLPursue!!! I can't explain myself in English but I'm so KILIG!!! Their scenes are too cute for words! Clark is such a sweetheart! I love him! He's an ideal Boyfriend! haha I'm somewhat disappointed again with Leah... Oh well, I think i need to consider her feelings too but... ugh! The effort and sweetness of Clark! How can she not give into that! haha ;) 

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Guest AlexMao

What's the likelihood that Tita Jack is faking her injury and simply forcing Jigs to stay with her? 

Can anyone break down the conversation between Tiffany & Sasha the scene with Tolayts standing in the background?

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Hello @AlexMao - I don't think it's likely Tita Jack is faking her injury. She did take a bad fall and the doctor did tell her to rest it up or it will get worse. At this point, at least, she's not faking. We can't tell if she will forever be using this to keep Jigs in the US. 

Re: Tiffany and Sasha's conversation


Sasha walks up to Tiffany when they chanced to be at the neighborhood store at the same time. Sasha tells Tiffany it's been a while that she looked for an opportunity to talk, to clarify her relationship with Tolayts. Sasha tells Tiffany that she and Tolayts are just friends. Sasha says she really just likes Tolayts (not in that way) because he's kind and a good person. Tiffany chides Sasha for having to explain, since there's no relationship with Tolayts anyway. Tiffany actually pushes Sasha to get together with him because Tiffany also wants to see Tolayts happy. Sasha says: but it's you he loves; you're the one who can make him happy. Tiffany says she can't give him that anymore - she's not going to be someone who will have a boyfriend or get married ever in her life.

My two cents' worth (if they're worth any :) ) - I've been reading a lot of "frustrated with Leah" feelings all over. Feelings are feelings, after all - they are valid and never rational. And that is also what I would like to say looking at Leah's situation over all. Nanang's "deception" (or Leah's perception of it) has negated EVERYTHING she believed of her mother, her family, her dreams, her future, her very self. It's not easy to build yourself up again from that. Family has always been at the center of Leah's values, and if she chooses Clark, she knows that Tita Jack and Jigs will forever be angry at and more importantly, HURT by them. At this point, she sees it as: love for Clark = hurting a family. Which is also: keeping her relationship with Clark = doing it Nanang's way. Even if Clark probably doesn't think so. She's also trying to do everything she can to separate from her mother and her mother's choices. Add to that the woes of work; or in her case, not having any, a major adjustment of many who are underemployed in terms of skills abroad, but cannot find even the same gainful employment in their homeland. Clark is trying his best to be there for her, much in the same way that Leah tried to be there for Clark in the early days of their getting-to-know-each-other in San Francisco. She needs the time and space, which Clark does honor. Unfortunately, his RaksNotDed squad are such clumsy stalkers they are discovered. 

I think the way Leah responds to receiving love at this point is the same as how Tiffany receives it. Tolayts has even been courting for a year. But since Tiffany has become very wary of that kind of love (she has mentioned Gabby's father in passing), and then this deep hurt from Nanang, she's totally closed off and jaded about love. Leah's stakes are higher because she's already married and her values, as instilled by her father about marriage being sacred. In that sense, what she's risking--her heart, her future are also higher. Yes, we know Clark will catch her, won't let her fall. But Leah doesn't know that at this point and she will need the time to get there, through Clark's constancy. She hasn't really thought past what happens beyond her nose or, as she says last night, her six-month deadline of finding employment. She's looking for peace in her broken pieces and it would be difficult to find Clark there, even if she wants to. I, too, would love to see the old positive-filled, bubbly, nurturing Leah back. But more than that, I would love to see a head-over-heels in love Leah, the Leah who is a proper wife to Clark. I would give her time, though. Maybe there are people who can bounce back from that kind of heartbreak easily, but maybe not Leah, knowing how inwardly joyful and secure she had been until now. 

Re: some interesting tidbits I've picked up on legalities


Leah really needs to go back to the US before a certain period or her green card lapses and she will have to apply for a temporary visitor's visa or some form of entry permit to reenter the US. At some point, she really will have to make a decision about that. I think this was addressed in her conversation with Clark in Ep. 52, when she gave herself a deadline. Her green card, I think, is still conditional at this point. I'm not an expert on immigration laws - it's just based on understanding and the touches I have with these kinds of things in my real life and my work. :)

Lawyer-fans of the series talked about Clark and Leah's marriage and how they are practically married forever (I see their conversation threads and their arguments and such :D; they are so cute).  Neither Leah nor Clark are US citizens. Their marriage holds in the Philippines as it does in the US. But while their marriage holds wherever they reside, if they divorce, they will only be divorced in the US and their marriage holds in the Philippines. Why? Because the Philippines does not have a divorce law. (It is one of the only two remaining countries in the world without one. Yes, it's that rare). As both are still Filipino citizens, they are both still covered by the laws of the Philippines. I don't know if it's the right legal procedure, but if I understand correctly, if they divorce in the US, they will still need to file for nullity of marriage in the Philippines - which is very difficult to obtain barring any technicalities (age, for example; and not being of sound mind and body, or being already married at the time of marriage). If Clark was already a US citizen at the time of his marriage to Leah, he could file for divorce and should it be granted, then that is the only time the divorce will be recognized in the Philippines. Even if Leah petitioned for the divorce and it was granted, the marriage still holds under Philippine law because Leah is not a US citizen. I don't know if it's the writers'/creators' intent, but taken in this context, this puts another layer on the theme of the insolubility of marriage; and it underscores Tatang's words and his anger when he found out that Leah got married without him knowing anything of the marriage or the person she married. At the very least, it certainly is a legal impediment on Jigs' claims of marrying Leah after she and Clark divorce. If I am understanding the law right, marriage to Jigs after Leah divorces would make Leah a bigamist under Philippine law. Clark could technically  file an adultery case against her if it comes to that; but most importantly, the marriage to Jigs would automatically be null and void.

Taken in this context also, Leah and Clark's earlier conversations about "divorce" and "separating" come to a different light to me. That phone conversation between Leah, while she was staying at Monette's place and Clark, when he said they needed to talk about their separation. I'm not sure if both Leah and Clark, or even Tita Jack knows this aspect of marrying-for-papers (having gone through her own, she sure picked up a lot of things, but since it's established that her character is not really interested in getting married again, it's probably not relevant to her), but it suddenly makes sense to me (at least in the Filipino dialogue--I don't know how it's subbed) that their heartbreak is over their "separation" not really about the divorce. It's their relationship being broken that breaks their hearts, not legally ending their fake marriage. 

I guess we just have quite a bit more to look forward to. :)


Edited by hazelnutthursdays
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@hazeulnutthursdays - My mind is blown !! I never knew that law existed, like woah !!.

Screen-caps for today's episode #OTWOLConfession from Dreamscape -

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Hello @KDIK - ...or does not exist you mean. :D

 Divorce does not exist in the Philippines. I think it's also why Clark and Leah's relationship is kept chaste, as Leah prefers, because per Leah's values, they're not yet married "in church." It's old-fashioned and very conservative and I do know that in modern Philippine society it's no longer common practice, but I'm guessing that's how she was raised (look how traditional Tatang Sol is) and that's how Leah chooses to honor her upbringing. It's not that civil marriages are not recognized - they are legal and binding, but I have this sense that a church wedding is still the gold standard for Tatang Sol.

Clarification - it's not that US citizens or other nationals in the Philippines are not subject to its laws - illegal activities and such are the same wherever you are, I suppose, but talking family laws. Like how same-sex marriage is still not legal in the Philippines, so gay couples, of which one party is a Filipino citizen who get married, for example in Canada or the US will not be considered legally married in the PH. That's how I understand it, at least. I could be wrong - I'm no legal expert. I don't know if that is the intent, but Clark's not yet an American citizen and how that was established early on, very first thing in the series, may have something to do with this implication. (Or a set up for a future conflict?) 

Or. I could just be overthinking. :) 


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 i thought clark is an american citizen based from the oath taking scene.  you have to marry an american citizen in " marriage for convenience" not just an immigrant. leah has a temporary greencard for now and will get her permanent greencard when they/she pass their/her final immigration interview after two years.  this interview is done to double check if the marriage is fraud or not. 

i missed the leah and clark's sweet interactions -the hugs and the kisses.  hoping they're coming soon.

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 i thought clark is an american citizen based from the oath taking scene.  you have to marry an american citizen in " marriage for convenience" not just an immigrant. leah has a temporary greencard for now and will get her permanent greencard when they/she pass their/her final immigration interview after two years.  this interview is done to double check if the marriage is fraud or not. 

i missed the leah and clark's sweet interactions -the hugs and the kisses.  hoping they're coming soon.

Hello @pepper2  - It was Clark's friend, Denzel who took oath to become a citizen. Clark said at the end, "Someday it's gonna be me." When Tita Jack introduced Clark and Leah for the first time, she did say that Clark is not a citizen, but a permanent resident. Permanent residents can petition their family members, including spouses. http://www.uscis.gov/family/family-green-card-holders-permanent-residents

My work lately has been touching a lot of US stuff and legalities and so it has also become a little bit of an interest. :) I am no expert, but things do somehow check out.  

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Hi! I just want to share this English translation of Rico's "IGIB" (Water-Fetching) Poem:

Kapag Sinabi Kong Mahal Kita by Juan Miguel Severo (OTWOL's Rico)
When I tell you "I love you"- My English translation

Kapag sinabi kong ‘mahal kita’, ang ibig kong sabihin, salamat at nandyan ka
When I tell you "I love you," what I mean to say is, "Thank you 'cause you're always there..."

Kapag sinabi kong 'mahal kita’, ang ibig kong sabihin, hinahanap-hanap pa rin kita
When I tell you "I love you,"what I mean to say is, "I'm always searching for your presence..."

Kapag sinabi kong 'mahal kita,’ ang ibig kong sabihin napapagod din ako,
When I tell you "I love you," what I mean to say is, "I, too, feel  weak..."

nanginginig ang aking mga kalamnan,
"Every fiber of my being is trembling..."

nanglalambot ang aking mga tuhod,
"My knees are weakening..."

nangangawit ang aking mga braso,
"My arms cannot bear this burden..."

Dahil kapag sinabi kong 'mahal kita,’
Because when I tell you "I love you,"

ang ibig kong sabihin pagpapaguran ko ito, hihintayin kita, susundan, susuyuin.
it means, "I will exert all my effort, waiting for you, following you, making you happy..."

Dahil ang aking 'mahal kita’
Because my "I love you."

ay hindi nagtatapos sa mahal lang kita.
does not end with "JUST I love you."

Ang aking 'mahal kita’
My "I love you"

ay mayroon pagtanggap na ito ang hirap na kalakip ng pagibig, yakapin mo
is an implied acceptance that "all these hardships go with this love, embrace it"

Kapag sinabi kong 'mahal kita,’
When I tell you "I love you,"

ang ibig kong sabihin ay malupit ang mundo
I meant to tell you, that the world is cruel

at mamahalin ko ang lahat ng kakampi mo
and I will love all those who fight and struggle with you

kaya hayaan mong dumating ang mga bagyo,
So, let the raging storms come,

hayaan mong malusaw ako sa araw,
Let me melt in the scorching sun,

hayaan mong kumbinsihin kita na kakampi rin ako
Let me convince you that I will fight and struggle with you

Ikaw na hantungang inaasam,
You are the cherished goal,

ikaw na kuwentong hindi pagsasawaan,
You are the never-ending story,

ikaw ang sandali na parating inaalala,
You are the moment I will always remember

 ikaw ang kailangan kong pahinga, ikaw ang pag-hinga
You are my much-needed respite, you are my breath...

Kapag sinabi kong 'mahal kita,’
When I tell you "I love you,"

ang ibig kong sabihin masaya ako dahil mahal,
what I mean to say is that I'm happy because, my love,

gaano man kahaba ang araw, uuwi ako sa iyo.
no matter how long and difficult the day is, my journey ends with you.

—  Juan Miguel Severo (OTWOL's Rico possibly referring to Jiggs)

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Kapag sinabi kong 'mahal kita,’
When I tell you "I love you,"

ang ibig kong sabihin ay malupit ang mundo
I meant to tell you, that the world is cruel

at mamahalin ko ang lahat ng kakampi mo
and I will love all those who fight and struggle with you

kaya hayaan mong dumating ang mga bagyo,
So, let the raging storms come,

hayaan mong malusaw ako sa araw,
Let me melt in the scorching sun,

hayaan mong kumbinsihin kita na kakampi rin ako
Let me convince you that I will fight and struggle with you

Ikaw na hantungang inaasam,
You are the cherished goal,

ikaw na kuwentong hindi pagsasawaan,
You are the never-ending story,

I'm in love with these lines.  Props to you @JM1618 for searching for the best words to translate this poem.  :)

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