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[Drama 2015] The Village: Achiara's Secret 마을- 아치아라의 비밀


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Actually we can't trust the word of the rapist Nam, look at how he tried to kill Young Lady. His face when he hold the stick and repeatedly beat him, he really wanted Young Lady dead. If not for the police siren, our young lady would be dead. So although YL believe him when rapist Nam said he did not kill KHJ, who knows. He will do anything to protect himself. 

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So intense, the preview! 

So even if Nam's wife did kill HJ, it was because of someone? I still speculate it's because of her husband. 

No hint about what is int that lacquer box at all in the preview but based on detective work I suppose the police have enough to at least interrogate him. 

We are going into the final week , my friends!


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Kim Hye-jin was not Nam's daughter, was she? In episode 14, Nam's disease was diagnosed 10 years ago while Hye-jin was born 30 years ago. Sorry, if this was already discussed.

Nam could have been with the disease and not knowing about it himself long before he was diagnosed with it. Maybe he only went to see the doctors only after symptoms start showing.

Kim Hye-jin was not Nam's daughter, was she? In episode 14, Nam's disease was diagnosed 10 years ago while Hye-jin was born 30 years ago. Sorry, if this was already discussed.

No, she is his daughter. It was said that Nam's diagnosis was discovered, when he was around 40 years old and he is now in his fifties. So the rape must have occured, when he was 20 years old! 

The Fabry disease is a hereditary genetic disorder. It is something you are either born with or without, you cannot catch it later in life - it is in your genetic makeup from the get-go. Just because Nam ajusshi was diagnosed in his forties does not mean he did not already have the disorder since birth. He is probably just a lucky case in which the symptoms only show later in life and he must have been going through life thinking himself to be absolutely fine.

I've been thinking about Nam ajusshi's insistence to Agasshi that he does not "do that" anymore ever since it was revealed the man was diagnosed this late in life. Could the diagnose have had anything to do with his decision to try and live on the straight and narrow from there on? I've been considering him the worst kind on monster even among monsters like rapists for going around and spreading his illness. Now we hear he did not know he not only risked leaving behind children, any girl born from such an encounter would be carrying a potentially deadly genetic disorder. Could he have found his sense of guilt and drawn the line at consciously risking the birth of children with a genetic disease? Then again, we don't know just when he decided to call it quits with his rapist life. Could the decision could have stemmed from meeting HJ, a child he left behind carrying the disease? Seeing the results of his actions could have been quite a wake-up call, I think.

Ah, well, he could just as well have started feeling too old for chasing after women at night. Still, I do hope ajusshi trying to leave a clean life was the result of his knowing his disease. It would make him seem at least a little bit human.

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@gnixfim The Young Lady's personality is interesting. He told SY that Nam ahjussi couldn't lie. But he was wrong. The man tried to kill him, when he beat him up. If police hadn't arrived, Young Lady would have been killed. Nam is dangerous, when he is corned. However, I think, it was his wife who killed KHJ because she wanted to reveal his past and crimes.

Young Lady seems to be a little simple-minded. The fact he chose to kill these persons because they were unhappy by giving happiness just before they died. When SY confronted him about his actions, he was so surprised but he accepted her complain: it's her right to choose to be unhappy and pains/ unhappiness prove that you're alive! I can imagine, he would stop it.

To me, Young Lady rescued Nam by testifying for him and his wife was his last victim. This could explain why she doesn't like Young Lady to be around. Moreover, this could be a clue why the 6th victim was killed while he was in custody. Young Lady must have asked for his (Nam) help, to give him an alibi, just like he did in the past.

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@gnixfim The Young Lady's personality is interesting. He told SY that Nam ahjussi couldn't lie. But he was wrong. The man tried to kill him, when he beat him up. If police hadn't arrived, Young Lady would have been killed. Nam is dangerous, when he is corned. However, I think, it was his wife who killed KHJ because she wanted to reveal his past and crimes.

 because they were unhappy by giving happiness just before they died. When SY confronted him about his actions, he was so surprised but he accepted her complain: it's her right to choose to be unhappy and pains/ unhappiness prove that you're alive! I can imagine, he would stop it.

To me, Young Lady rescued Nam by testifying for him and his wife was his last victim. This could explain why she doesn't like Young Lady to be around. Moreover, this could be a clue why the 6th victim was killed while he was in custody. Young Lady must have asked for his (Nam) help, to give him an alibi, just like he did in the past.

I'm with you about your analysis of Agasshi. It's quite possible he is convinced Nam ajusshi is unable to / does not lie just because Agasshi has never been confronted by a lie told by him. I mean, the only reason Agasshi says the carpenter's wife does lie is because SY told him she heard from the wife the carpenter's family was not in the area around the time of HJ's death while Agasshi knows they visited the town, allowing him to catch the wife's lie.

I think Agasshi being so simple-minded is what makes him so dangerous as a criminal, since he seems to believe with all his heart he is helping his victims, letting them be happy for eternity. I'm actually hoping that, since he seems to have a soft spot for both sisters and not just HJ, maybe SY's words about choice and even negative feelings being proof that you are alive will help Agasshi to realize what he has done is a bad thing, too.

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I look forward to ep 15 and 16 but at the same time don't want it to end. This show really deals with the hyprocisy of humans. For example the halmoni eventhough she prays often and read the scriptures but she does it hoping to redeem her bad deeds and never change her evil charecter. She is quite pretentious that way and not practicing the true meaning of Buddhism which is forgiveness and love for all being. Yoona knows this and takes every opportunity to poke her pride. Haha. Mr Seo proving he can be more cold blooded than an arms dealer by leaving him lost in a forest without a coat. I think he must be the one who killed off driver yang. What if actually the halmoni had known about ji sok past and helped her son clean up because of their family political ambitions thus the car accident that killed the parents of Sy and Hj. 

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On 11/30/2015, 1:50:25, bebebisous33 said:

No, she is his daughter. It was said that Nam's diagnosis was discovered, when he was around 40 years old and he is now in his fifties. So the rape must have occured, when he was 20 years old! 

He got diagnosed 10 years ago, but he might suffer from years ago even before he knew about his disease right

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Since this is a hereditary disease, I am sure rapist Nam knew about his disease from very early especially one of his parent would have suffered from the same disease but the hospital did say his symptoms manifested later compared to others with the same disease. I don't know if we could attribute his violent tendencies to the disease itself or his own character. Even young lady is disgusted by his raping. 

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On 30.11.2015 16.01.52, monalisa said:

But tho I did see Nam hitting KPL, he did not push him into the lake which was what he told SY.

Could that be another translating mistake (since the team is rushing the translation, there can always be some mistakes. one of the more recent confirmed ones to come to mind would be the whole "the monster gave birth" in the transaltion versus the actual "the monster came out" discussion some pages ago)? I would like to apply to @baduy for a confirmation of the translated line here.

5 hours ago, cissmahs_3690 said:

Since this is a hereditary disease, I am sure rapist Nam knew about his disease from very early especially one of his parent would have suffered from the same disease but the hospital did say his symptoms manifested later compared to others with the same disease. I don't know if we could attribute his violent tendencies to the disease itself or his own character. Even young lady is disgusted by his raping. 

Not necessarily. As previously discussed,  a man can not inherit the genetic disorder from his father, who only fives it to his daughters (yet it's 100 % sure a daughter will inherit it from the father). As for a man, he would have to have inherited the affected gene from his mother who (provided she did not inherit it from both parents, which would make both her x-genes defect, which would be highly improbable as it happens to be a very rare disease) would have a 50/50 chance of her child inheriting the gene carrying the disease. So, even if Ajusshi knew his mother to have the Fabry disease, he might have presumed himself to be healthy when the symptoms did not turn up for years.

Also, this coming from Wikipedia, which is of course not the most reliable source for scientific information, but happens to be the most accessible one, i quote: "the rarity of Fabry disease to many clinicians sometimes leads to misdiagnoses". Remember, when GY was brought to the hospital, SY had to explain her presumed condition and she even gave the contact information for the specialist. It would seem none of the Fabry patients was treated in the local hospital, since the doctors did not seem to recognize the symptoms, which they could have if they had experience with the condition. So, while I'm not saying anything for sure, it is possible Ajusshi (and his offspring) is the first in the family lineage to be correctly diagnosed.

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40 minutes ago, gnixfim said:

I would like to apply to @baduy for a confirmation of the translated line here.



The sub looks okay. He says 무지막지하게 패더라고요, 그러고 나서 막 호숫물에 쳐넣고, which I'd translate as  "He beat the hell out of me. And to cap it all he shoved me right into the lake" [literally: the lake water]

It seems the Young Lady is playing for Soyun's sympathy here and embroidering the event a bit (though the scene does cut away rather quickly, so perhaps he's actually telling the truth).


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4 minutes ago, baduy said:


The sub looks okay. He says 무지막지하게 패더라고요, 그러고 나서 막 호숫물에 쳐넣고, which I'd translate as  "He beat the hell out of me. And to cap it all he shoved me right into the lake" [literally: the lake water]

It seems the Young Lady is playing for Soyun's sympathy here and embroidering the event a bit (though the scene does cut away rather quickly, so perhaps he's actually telling the truth).

Thank you :)

While the scene breaks off quickly, Agasshi regains consciousness too far from the water to have actually been in the lake. So, if he really says he was thrown into it, he either crawled out into the tall grass some time during the night (in the time gap we are not shown), which should probably have had him freeze to death in the wet clothes overnight, or he is, as you pointed out, fishing for sympathy by exaggerating the encounter. I'm leaning towards the second option.

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What a shocker beginning and end! I can't wait for subs because there are so many revelations/answers in this episode.


Didn't expect Grandma to pass away just like that. Looking at how JS brought her hand up to try strangle her right before GH entered the room, I've suspected she has a murderous streak in her. And the ending scene. Who would have thought JS would be there at the lumber mill and be the one to be strangling HJ. Whether or not she is the ultimate killer of HJ remains to be revealed in the final episode.

On a lighter note, it's snowing in Achiara! How beautiful... I miss snow :D

2 hours ago, DinoD said:

Omg.. KHj killer actually is ji sook 

Actually, we don't know that for sure yet. We still have to wait till the next and final episode before we know who ultimately killed HJ.

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The halmoni died!:blink: This was a surprise... I love how JS is written.

1. JS is about to get thrown out of the house, she complained to the halmoni and yelled at her. I believe, she mentioned the past and some secret. Halmoni got shocked and had a heart attack. She got caught by GH.

However later, when JS is crying over the dead body, you really have the impression that she is sincere and shocked that she caused the halmoni's death. Nonetheless, just after her death, JS is emptying the halmoni's bedroom. She is donating or throwing away her belongings which upsets GH, when he arrives home. She is acting as the new mistress of the house, although she was about to be thrown out of the house. In this scene (JS is taking care of the halmoni's belongings), JS appears again heartless and cold.



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I'll mention one of the many revelations today because it ties in with what was puzzling a lot of us: why did Hye Jin hide that DNA report behind the picture of a mother and baby which Yuna taught Soyun to see in a totally different and sinister light?



It turns out that the "anonymous" other subject of the test that established a relationship via the female line  was Yuna. We went through all the various possibilities at the sibling and ancestor levels of Hye Jin's family tree, but I don't think it occurred to anyone that we were looking in the wrong direction, though it seems obvious enough with hindsight that Hye Jin would choose to have her own DNA tested against Yuna's and why she  would then assume that the result of the test confirmed her suspicion that she and Yuna shared a grandmother. 

In the new portion of the scene with Hye Jin and Jin Suk's studio that we got to see today, we guess that Hye Jin had just told Ji Suk she had proof that she was her sister, but that provoked Ji Suk to produce the evidence of her mother's hysterectomy.  Seeing that document, the real truth dawns on Hye Jin as we watch. She then produces the DNA result showing the female line relationship between herself and Yuna and hands it to Ji Suk, who suddenly realises that she's made a fatal move in showing Ji Suk that they could not be sisters, since in conjunction with this other document it means that they must be mother and daughter.

We now see that that was what led to Hye Jin deliberately provoking the bloody and publicly witnessed fight, which gave her the material for the second DNA test proving beyond doubt she was Jin Suk's daughter, which we then see then showed Chan Gwon (so that we now realize that his shock when Ju Hui showed him the same document from the time capsule over two years later was not because he hadn't seen it before, but because he realized it was now in Ju Hui's possession).  This revelation is inserted into the foreground scene where Ju Hui tells Soyun she herself hadn't known about her mother's hysterectomy and had believed that Hye Jin was her sister, until one day her mother showed up at the pharmacy, told her the truth about Hye Jin's birth and asked her to save her sister by claiming that it was she, Ju Hui,  who was Hye Jin's mother.  Ju Hui protests that, quite apart from the outrageous nature of this request in itself, yet one more piece of evidence of her mother's utter devotion to Jin Suk and her contempt for Ju Hui, no one would possibly credit that she could have got pregnant at the age of 10. "Why not, such things happen nowadays, don't you read the newpapers?" her mother retorts.  Thereby, her mother snatches the title of Most Evil Granny from the barely cold hands of JS's newly-deceased MiL...



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