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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Episode 38

Watched it partly subbed.

HK...HK...HK crazy-monkey-emoticon-083.gif

JE had been waiting all his life for you to say ' i love you ' - i mean the cold, original HK after memory- is -back HK.
And you say 'i love you' to him in the middle of the grocery store ! LOL.. how about a more romantic place huh!  see the PDA had upset an ajjuma..:P

THEN ....while your man is eating and enjoying the delicious food you cooked for him you would say "I am breaking up with you" making him cry in the middle of the meal...y-aaahhhhh so mean ! :crazy:

No wonder he did not want to sleepover....Thanks for the poisonous plant though...


And this mountain-hiking worker/keeper or rescuer whatever he is - he became the personal chauffeur of the Chairman.  It seems the chairman had been "generous" to this man...providing for him and his family well...even helped in sending the old man's children to the university? One became a prosecutor...hmmm....Still JE don't be too upset just yet...maybe your DAD is just being just that...generous..well hope so.  Try to be more objective man, and less too emotional..you have to keep a clear perspective.


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@Kfan7172 - I agree, the writer may be giving us red herrings on MH's accountability involving JH. It was just too easy to conclude that he did it especially when he's persistently evasive. Also the information JE and HW had uncovered were enough to create reasonable doubt. The old guy was guilty of something and he's a poor liar. 

Like @deandraluv, I watched ep 38 at 90% subbed. All the scenes with JE and HK were moving. Gah...the feels!

Let's take that supermarket scene for example. HK, out of reflex, hung onto JE like it was nothing, of course JE pointed it out and adopted a perpetually bemused look. She then floored him by declaring her love for him a second time. It was so touching it led him to give her a very public hug, much to the annoyance of the late afternoon ahjumma shoppers. Then there was that hunt for sleepwear which HK suggestively threw him that had JE scrambling for the sleep wear section pronto! Those were definitely flashes of how loving and playful they were before everything went bad.

At the dinner table, HK kept on staring at JE, it was as if she was memorizing every detail about him before cutting him loose. Prior to regaining her memories, they made a promise to be with each other no matter what. She held him to that promise even when she behaved coldly after regaining her memories, that was why she was hurt when he turned the tables on her. But at that instance, she told him that she was willing to set him free and that she didn't harbor any ill feelings towards him (that was painful to watch, by then I was crying in earnest, pretty much like JE). HK then gave him a flimsy excuse of wanting to find herself, uhm hmm. 

Ironically, that oleander plant was instrumental at bringing them closer. It made JE realize that she was in grave danger and it made HK realize that she was way in above her head with those death threats. They couldn't be together as a couple, but it gave JE a reason to stick with her until she's out of harm's way. Also, that situation gave them the impetus to be honest with each other. It was the first time I saw HK break down and admit to her past actions that led to their daughter's death. JE responded also with an apology of his past actions. That scene was huge because they finally acknowledged their mistakes and they started to grieve together. 

I agree @iamtaken, it's as if BS had a lobotomy with how he is currently being written. The writer is doing a huge disservice to BS, the character, by dumbing him down and making him seem clueless. 

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Guest airgelaal

Only one episode. Aaaaaaa, I hate them!!! And no preview. I hate then even more!!!

So what's the plan? HK said, that "Rumors will be spread to make the stock prices go down and an attempt will be made to buy up all of Cheon Nyeon Pharmaceutical's stocks." What rumors? And also said that man to keep the money. What money?

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Tuesday --- January 19, 2016 --- Afternoon.

Fell asleep in front of the PC, watching & trying to "get into" the drama, "Into the Sunlight" (1999).. Turned off somehow by the opening scenes --- Hot young guy on motorcycle, crashes into bar scene, proceeds to tear the place up,  yada, yada, etc.!  Knowing he was Jang Hyuk,  plus that KHJ was in the drama, plus the production values looked really good, and the cinematography was good.  So why did so many good actors take roles in this drama?  OK, Now on Epi. 7 and I like it --- Finally figured out some of the "birth secret" & other bits & I love seeing all the actors  "as they were 16 yrs ago". I'm back in that timme period again ( http://asianwiki.com/Into_the_Sunlight_-_Korean_Drama )


@Kfan7172 --- Than you for the "Prosecutor"!  Actually, the Driver's son, a Prosecutor, mentioned in Epi.38 was the ONLY  other person remotely connected to HK (via JE, MH, CNP) that I could come up with as I wondered WHO was qualified to temporarily fill in for BS?  Motivated, has same legal background and smart as HK (passed that Old Style bar exam), might even be a classmate of HK from the JRTI, experience dealing with criminals & the judicial system ---PERFECT! 

Obviously, I'm trying to "out-guess" Writer Bae.  I've picked my "position" and am trying to figure where the story can go from here!  She will no doubt out maneuver me once again!  But how?

@Lmangla & @juntan --- Thank you for bringing out how meaningful the 4 years of amnesia were for HK in the drama.  Far from being "wasted years" they were periods of growth, of maturation for each of our OTP. ( Edit: --- @iamtaken,  you made a comment helpful to me when you described JE as "acting almost like an automaton" during the 4 years  at Stanford Univ., thank you.) So hard to find meaning in that period! As a device the Writer uses to show how that "other 90%", the subconscious & unconscious parts of our mind/brain produce the meaning that gives deeper purpose to the directions we take in our lives.  How hard it is to give a "concrete example" (like JE asked of HK at the elevator in front of a bemused Hyun Woo)  of exactly how many thousands of small events create the person we have become at a given point in time.

And OK, If I use my imagination, I can even see how JE may have remained   "sort of apart" from SR  during what became for HIM a "4 year maturing period" --- The parallel of HK's "4 years emotional growth period" when she had amnesia.

@Lmangla --- On p.584, you said your friend remarked how Lawyer Lee Tai Young's years spent raising her 4 children & being a wife/Mother were the very foundation for her amazing career in Family Law ---No way were they "wasted years".

(https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Lee_Tai-young  )  



And @juntan --- I have accepted Writer Bae's device of "4 years apart" as the way she presents the focus  and the main themes of her drama: ... Reset & recognition of our mistakes, regret & remorse, repentance, restitution when possible, and  with a renewed course of actions/behavior in our life.  Have I covered it all completely?  I'm not sure.  

I think Writer Bae wrote a drama that tried to explore "Reset" & Second Chances in a very entertaining and enlightening way.  

Maybe not perfectly?  But I ask myself, could I do it any better?  Would ANYONE make a TV drama from the play I write?  NOT LIKELY! So I'll overlook a few "minor" (?) criticisms --- Did JE need to be that mean & nasty in the first episodes?  Did he have to screw that  SR? And live in the USA with her for 4 years?  Really?   SIGH!     :angry:

It's so QUIET in here right now!  Thank you for allowing me this space to ponder all the feelings and ideas after Episode 38.  Six more weeks!  Bet the Writer will continue to surprise me.  But I'm loving it. Still trying to get ahead of her.         B)

Edited by mdj101
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@Lmangla --- Thank you for bringing up the message of HOPE that Hae Gang learned at Baek Seok's side for 4 years!  Have we even mentioned "HOPE" as one of the main themes of the drama.

                                                **** Personally, I am embarrassed. *****  

Such a basic principle in a life of a human being.  And so easy for me to have taken it as a given,  like breathing! And therefore, I never gave it a thought.  But now I remember (Epi. 37 /09:00 to 11:16 mins.) Pres. Min Tae Seok (who ran "like a puppy who had to pee") went directly to ask Baek Seok, "Why?" and  (paraphrased) "What did you promise the family of Moon Tae Joon" They refused a money settlement, will NEVER get a verdict that Pudoxin caused his fractures. So why are they going ahead with the lawsuit they can NEVER hope to win??"

Baek Seok said the reason was "HOPE". "You can have hope even if you lose,and you can win but have despair. When people who have nothing, DO nothing, then you might" win or have more despair. "But if you look at it through HOPE, then it MUST be done. I have to protect that last strand of hope."

So many thoughts came to me after I read your post (p.584), @Lmangla. Yesterday, Jan. 18, was Martin Luther King Day, a Federal Holiday in the U.S. --- And "hope" is the essence his preaching.  How can any human being live, without having hope.  Don't all religions and philosophies  see hope as fundamentally an important part of life?





And when Writer Bae talks about  a wish for a "Reset" or a  "Second Chance" in life, doesn't that mean we must have HOPE?

:frown:  Or else, what is the point of it at all?


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16 hours ago, mdj101 said:


@mdj101   borrow you post.....

hoping that JE can read this.:)..he can still hope that something good will happen bet. him and DHK....who knows  the writer will kill the character of MH ...then all is well as long he's not in the picture anymore....they can forgive each others' father.

they must live happily after the storm. DHK must learn how to forgive if ever MH really done something on his father...that way they can reconcile..it takes her sometime to forgive JE . i think it will also take sometime to forgive MH...it's done her no good if she won't render forgiveness. :rolleyes:

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Rewatched ep 38, 100% eng sub!  Makes more sense on some scenes.  I still got teary when  I rewatched it.

13 hours ago, drmjs said:


Like @deandraluv, I watched ep 38 at 90% subbed. All the scenes with JE and HK were moving. Gah...the feels!

Let's take that supermarket scene for example. HK, out of reflex, hung onto JE like it was nothing, of course JE pointed it out and adopted a perpetually bemused look. She then floored him by declaring her love for him a second time. It was so touching it led him to give her a very public hug, much to the annoyance of the late afternoon ahjumma shoppers. Then there was that hunt for sleepwear which HK suggestively threw him that had JE scrambling for the sleep wear section pronto! Those were definitely flashes of how loving and playful they were before everything went bad.

It was also shown how well they know each other.  HG knew the exact razor JE used, she knew the watch was his favorite one. JE somehow knew that it was going to be her last cooking for him.  HG looked startled when he said that and she brushed it off by saying that he was wrong, she would cook the breakfast as well!  (I want the breakfast scene!!)

So, do you guys think that originally  HG planned to sleep with JE?  I thought so.  Up to point of break-up, it was still on. JE got turned off.  (To the viewers' POV, what a bad timing! We could have more than holding hand on the bed scene.)  I wonder what HG would say when she went out after JE if there was no plant.  Would she say, "JE, what about breakfast? I am your wife for the day. It is okay if you want more....":D

At the dinner table, HK kept on staring at JE, it was as if she was memorizing every detail about him before cutting him loose. Prior to regaining her memories, they made a promise to be with each other no matter what. She held him to that promise even when she behaved coldly after regaining her memories, that was why she was hurt when he turned the tables on her. But at that instance, she told him that she was willing to set him free and that she didn't harbor any ill feelings towards him (that was painful to watch, by then I was crying in earnest, pretty much like JE). HK then gave him a flimsy excuse of wanting to find herself, uhm hmm. 

Me too, I cried a lot just looking at them.  From JE's words, we learnt more how hard it was for JE to chase after HG until she agreed to date him.  I believe it was not because she had no feelings towards him, but I think, she wanted to pursue her education first and foremost.  Their words were so moving!:tears:

HG still gave JE a filmsy excuse and couldn't tell him the real reason why they couldn't be together.  



Ironically, that oleander plant was instrumental at bringing them closer. It made JE realize that she was in grave danger and it made HK realize that she was way in above her head with those death threats. They couldn't be together as a couple, but it gave JE a reason to stick with her until she's out of harm's way. Also, that situation gave them the impetus to be honest with each other. It was the first time I saw HK break down and admit to her past actions that led to their daughter's death. JE responded also with an apology of his past actions. That scene was huge because they finally acknowledged their mistakes and they started to grieve together. 

I agree with you that it was  huge as they both acknowledged their mistakes.  At first, I thought she was just refering to her not telling JE about her being threatened, but I later learnt that she meant it for her past, including her pre-divorce period.  JE knew instantly what she was sorry for and said he did wrong more.  Then she said sorry for having lived that way.  She started to acknowledge that her being introvert led her to the break of their marriage.  She didn't tell him how much ES death brought pain and guilt in her, she avoided it.  I got teary again on that tender moment when HG was laying in his embrace and cried.  I like when JE touched her head/hair as he tried to console her.

JE was being extra careful and considerate that he wanted to sleep on the sofa.  HG was inviting, she said didn't have blanket, JE said he could use his coat....then HG suggested the holding hands.  I think, the reason why JE wanted to sleep on the sofa was because he knew he couldn't stop once he slept next to her :phew: (I am hoping for k -drama miracle when holding hand can result in pregnancy)

Can't wait for the next stills and preview!

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I'm hoping the guy stopped and tried to comfort or see what's up with JE. That way he will have an alibi and they can finally put MTS away! Seol Ri really knows how to ruin her brother and HG's plans. I would not feel bad if she gets killed off in the show. 

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5 hours ago, airgelaal said:

Only one episode. Aaaaaaa, I hate them!!! And no preview. I hate then even more!!!

So what's the plan? HK said, that "Rumors will be spread to make the stock prices go down and an attempt will be made to buy up all of Cheon Nyeon Pharmaceutical's stocks." What rumors? And also said that man to keep the money. What money?


HK intends to buy CNP shares, and to be ahead of everyone in the "race"to own CNP. I believe the rumors should arise from the Pudoxin trial, the increasing doubt and distrust from investors on the medicine which CNP produce, which can easily cause the stock prices to drop. Maybe this could also be linked to HK's move of reducing R&D budget and resort to outsourcing? Cause when the truth of Pudoxin is revealed to the public, people won't believe in CNP researchers nor CNP itself to produce their own medicine? 

HK is striking a deal with that man. That man will use his skills to purchase all available CNP stocks for HK, with the money HK provides (selling her assets and changing all to cash), and in return, whatever remaining money is left, or he earned through trading, is for himself to keep. 

Like what HK said, " Because it isn't the money but the stocks that i need. You can keep the money that you earned." 

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I forgot to mention another scene that was moving:

When JE and HG talked about the watch.  HG teased JE and said," I will let it starve" JE said: "Just as you and I now, the time just stops." (paraphrased) Then, HG was in deep thought for seconds.

I am glad to see them in good terms even though they are not a couple,  we know it is not easy for them to hide and suppress their feelings, I think they are maturing.


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Hello LOVERS :) 

Few pages back, I've posted PD notes on KHJ. Now, it's on JJH ... (LINK)



Finally watched ep 38 fully subbed. Exciting and emotional. Sweet and sad. Also somewhat makjangish with an ending like what happened to BS.  (Btw, I haven't backtracked all pages, so pls pardon me if there are duplicates of anything)

First, my thots on HG's plan...Yes, I believe she'll do exactly what she has learned from MH, which was what MH did to Shin(pic below). HK will make use of media(riding on Pudoxin's 'bad' publicity and turning it into her advantage), stock market(ex-con), and the law(her legal expertise) to deal with MH, chasing him out of CNP like a mouse. This is why I think HK has to break up with JE, in addition to all the reasons she gave JE during their dinner. BUT that's only as far as what she thought she has to do. But more about that later.

We've seen HK's first step already, in striking up a deal with that ex-white-collar-con, who supposedly is a genius in stock market manipulation, with a sterling track record of three successful huge manipulation in the past. Of course, success doesn't last forever, let alone trying to escape the claws of the law. Hence he ended up in jail. But I thought it is pretty smart of HK to already think of getting his help upon his release.

All HK cares for is control of CNP. Her deal with the ex-con, keep all the money you can make, with the seed money from HK. Wow! That's a carrot no sneaky rabbit can refuse!

I hope there'll be no finger-prints from HK. I hope there'll be no insider trading complications. I hope HK will succeed without any entanglement with the law.


PS: back with more later... :) 


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@mdj101 ~ what a great way to start the morning with that quote. yoyo10

like you said, we often discount the importance of hope. why? perhaps, it is because we have no way of valuing it and so it seems like just fluff? but when we lose hope, we lose that vitality and become robots. thats what happened to JE and HK after the death of their daughter and we see them at their worst self in ep 1-9. they had nothing to keep them going through the night and fight for the dawn and so they clawed at each other no? and his attempt to build something with SR was a desperate attempt to find something hopeful again perhaps... so if we look at hope as a theme, what are these characters hoping for?

JE -- knows that he will most likely not be with HK and he will have to walk away. there is the company troubles, mother's dementia etc....

HK -- knows that she will not most likely not be with JE. there is the company troubles to fix etc and she may not be able to find closure for the sins she felt she did.....

BS -- knows that he may not win the case and give HK the closure she is desperately seeking for....

JR and MS -- knows that they might lose it all but they continue to fight

SR -- there is nothing left for her to win except a satisfaction of seeing egg on HK's face....

YK -- her daughter is sick and her husband's murder may never be solved....

Dr -- he may not be able to help WJ through treatment and his brother is crooked....

MH -- well he may have done all sorts of shady things... so what is he hoping for?

GN -- estranged from her daughters

SH -- has dementia, son is having problems. stepdaughter hates her.......

what do folks think? on the face of it, their situation seems rather dark and there seems to be nothing hopeful about it at all but yet, these characters are motivated by hope for something. so what is it that keeps them going? what are each of them hoping for?


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7 hours ago, trust71 said:


they must live happily after the storm. DHK must learn how to forgive if ever MH really done something on his father...that way they can reconcile..it takes her sometime to forgive JE . i think it will also take sometime to forgive MH...it's done her no good if she won't render forgiveness. :rolleyes:


after watching the last eps, i have a feeling that MH will get a heartattack or will die in the end??

note: if HK gets pregnant then she should think of another plan, she cant allow it that her child being born in jail. 

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On 1/18/2016 at 1:34 AM, andy78 said:

i hope TS plan won't work...his plans against the sisters always failed...if the boy was with JE or will mention  then TS AND HIS TEAM WILL BE IN TROUBLE!!!I hope to see that happening...or the boy might mention seeing JE crying...


@andy78, I think you nailed it. It all happened at the same time, and JE can vouch for the boy.

I still cannot believe MTS, that he can sit with SIS and plan to frame his son at the same time.

On 1/18/2016 at 3:28 AM, kikotaichou said:

I'm watching Lee Jae Yoon (Dr.) in the drama Heart to Heart. It's nice to see him in a lot of scenes. That being said, I can't wait to see a kiss scene between the Doctor and YK! :) 




Lee Jae-Yoon is also in a new web-drama with Yoon Jin-Seo (whom I have loved ever since "Oldboy" movie. It is called "Cheers to Me." I hope someone subs it. I started watching it in Raw, and it looks good.




@gerrytan8063, ah.. coffee.. I was looking at the red packaging and guessing it was cola related. I was wrong.

On 1/18/2016 at 6:27 AM, drmjs said:

One thing caught my attention though, the oils from the plant's leaves and stem can be airborne, so it can cause toxic respiratory reactions like difficulty of breathing and laryngeal edema. Wait huwaaatt?!? Was that their intention all along? 


@drmjs, in Hwajung, we saw exactly that. How their "victim" collapsed just from inhaling it (she did  not die, but was incapacitated for some time). BTW, I too, am wondering about SIS' son. We were told he was so bright, so my guess is that he could have applied for a scholarship. I think at the moment, he may be consumed by anger, and cannot apply himself, maybe?

On 1/18/2016 at 8:03 AM, deandraluv said:

Did MH lie about Ssanghwasan?  Did he take it from DJH?  Is it true that it was DJH's last words for him to take care of it?  I guess we still have to wait for the answer...

@deandraluv, actually, that makes sense to me that DJH would have asked MH to take care of Ssanghwasan. Why? Because DJH had spent year developing it. It was his brain and love child. It makes sense that in his last moments he wants to ensure that it will see the light of day so to speak, and at the same time, ensure the future of his daughters.  But - MH did not really do anything for the daughters all these years, and by that - he had failed his friend.

On 1/18/2016 at 11:34 AM, mdj101 said:

 I think MH is lying to cover-up the drunken actions of his unhappy, despairing friend.   


@mdj101, that are my feelings too. And that is why MH sort of lets MTS get away with it - because he does not want to reveal the truth about DJH, so as not to hurt GN and the girls.  Even when confronted by MTS in ep. 38,  MH did not look at all guilty. He actually snapped back at MTS, saying he was there, but MTS wasn't.

On 1/18/2016 at 3:41 PM, mdj101 said:

How sad, emotional, and foolish that Jin Eon would jump to a conclusion like that ---Based soley upon the fact that his father has employed that man as his personal driver all these years!  He needs to step back and calm down first, after the emotion washes over him.  Then act like the trained scientist that he is and begin the investigate the situation.

@mdj101, absolutely.....   !  I think JE came to expect the worst about his dad, after finding out all the dirty information about PDX and what has been going on in CNP. Thank you so much for the information about the French drug; It is almost a reminder to people, to volunteer at their own risk.

In truth, the real cancer in that company is MTS (and JR)

On 1/19/2016 at 4:02 PM, deandraluv said:

I kinda thought of the same thing....Now that the man is beside them and MH has been generous to him and his family, MH looked like he did something wrong and his kind gestures could be bribery for not telling the truth.  He lied perhaps when he said he was the only one who knew the truth.  The chauffeur knew as well!  

@deandraluv, true.. But the truth that MH is trying to hide, could be the truth about his friend and his suicide, if that were the case.

On 1/19/2016 at 8:38 PM, mdj101 said:

Well, his "minion" told Min Tae Seok that CEO Shin's son lives in Sillim-dong.  Naturally, I Googled it ASAP --- Expected it to be somewhere in a very "low rent" area, but surprise!  Not at all! 

@mdj101, you always inspire me to look more too....   Actually, according to the following blog, Sillim-Dong is in fact, a low rent area; But that does not mean it looks like a slum (it does not)


@Lmangla, I got that book from a reseller on Amazon. In fact, I just received it.  About HK's years under amnesia, as being wasted or not - these years, also helped her to reconnect with her passionate and loving side, as well as fun loving side. All those experiences along BS and the kids, culminated in her readiness to meet JE also, in a new light.

22 hours ago, Kfan7172 said:

EP38 Connections
Name Yoon Hak Seong - Prosecutor who lead case against ES killers company 

Name Kim Ki Seong- Manager of Bukhan Mountain at the time of HK YK fathers death - NOW chauffeur of CNP, SH driver, who's son received help from MH/CNP in his no doubt expensive school. to become a prosecutor

SAME Person - Son & Prosecutor -- sure looks that way.

MH connection looks less like a innocent person in death of HK YK father -- but this could all be misdirection by the writer-- 


@Kfan7172, thank you for making these connections for us. But they have different last names? I was also wondering when we saw the chauffeur, if we had seen his son.

Sorry.. I wrote that before seeing the exchange on page 585.



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7 hours ago, jyfan88 said:

HK intends to buy CNP shares, and to be ahead of everyone in the "race"to own CNP. I believe the rumors should arise from the Pudoxin trial, the increasing doubt and distrust from investors on the medicine which CNP produce, which can easily cause the stock prices to drop. Maybe this could also be linked to HK's move of reducing R&D budget and resort to outsourcing? Cause when the truth of Pudoxin is revealed to the public, people won't believe in CNP researchers nor CNP itself to produce their own medicine? 

@jyfan88, in that respect, maybe KSR actually helped HK (unknowingly, of course) with her picketing and inviting the media.


6 hours ago, jadecloud said:

HK will make use of media(riding on Pudoxin's 'bad' publicity and turning it into her advantage), stock market(ex-con), and the law(her legal expertise) to deal with MH, chasing him out of CNP like a mouse.


@jadecloud, thank you for all your insights in this post. It saddens me, because I don't see how after doing that HK can go back to JE's side as his wife, and be part of the Choi family.

So what is writer Bae's plan for our OTP?   I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop....

@mdj101, @Lmangla, Do JE and HK still have hope at this point, of picking up the pieces and being a family again, despite all that is happening around them, with the business and his family?  (and despite their proclamation that this is the end for them. When the end comes out of love, I want to hope there is a way back for them)





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