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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@suchadiva42 although i know some are probably corrupt i do have a certain belief that the law and therefore lawyers and judges are to protect us

and i hope that the movies and dramas exaggerate and\or only show us the extreme cases

i think most lawyers are just trying to do their job

 and in the case of this specific trial - i think everyone nows theyre guilty and the job of  Hea Kang was to reduce the penalty 

which is the case with criminal lawyers 

i think in real life most criminal dont getthe not guilty verdict but can have a reduced sentence or in this case only have to pay minimum

and of course put warnings for pregnant woman - which by the way is standard on any medication by the FDA  

sorry for long monologue 


Morning Lovers,

@nevill,  From Criminals, Corporate then you have the Corporate Criminals, In the words of a few lawyers the laws are designed to protect them the Criminals and not the Victims. Even if the company was convicted it would have only resulted to a small fine and not even a slap on the wrist because no one forced her to take the medication knowing she was pregnant.. This is why it was so easy for HK to win her case against this girl granted her past history with pregnancy and the internet article stating some women seek this method out in terminating and unwanted pregnancy. Her problem is she didn't expect this outcome into never having kids..     


i agree that no one forced her but if there was no warning then the company must return all products and put a warning on it for consulting a doctor bf taking it for pregnant and prescribed medicine ppl

i dont think that they a judge would take lightly a medicine that has been approved but can damage the ppl

but probably they wont get a severe sentence but only money and a slap which will translate into more strict review for there new medications 

from then on they wont be as trusted and have a harder time producing new medicine to the public

at least i hope that will be the case


Hello @nevill, I guess we will be following one another around today. 

If the FDA didn't have them to put the warning on they packages the company won't do it. So they slap would be as a judge if he has any morality i him he should forward the proper channels to the FDA also ask the company to recall and change the packaging on the label to add  warning to the pregnant women..    

i really think that a judge would do that also i think a recall for a company is a sever penalty in itself 

bc it will make the case public and cost the company money and its reputation 

so in the long run it is wirth it 

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@suchadiva42 although i know some are probably corrupt i do have a certain belief that the law and therefore lawyers and judges are to protect us

and i hope that the movies and dramas exaggerate and\or only show us the extreme cases

i think most lawyers are just trying to do their job

 and in the case of this specific trial - i think everyone nows theyre guilty and the job of  Hea Kang was to reduce the penalty 

which is the case with criminal lawyers 

i think in real life most criminal dont getthe not guilty verdict but can have a reduced sentence or in this case only have to pay minimum

and of course put warnings for pregnant woman - which by the way is standard on any medication by the FDA  

sorry for long monologue 


Morning Lovers,

@nevill,  From Criminals, Corporate then you have the Corporate Criminals, In the words of a few lawyers the laws are designed to protect them the Criminals and not the Victims. Even if the company was convicted it would have only resulted to a small fine and not even a slap on the wrist because no one forced her to take the medication knowing she was pregnant.. This is why it was so easy for HK to win her case against this girl granted her past history with pregnancy and the internet article stating some women seek this method out in terminating and unwanted pregnancy. Her problem is she didn't expect this outcome into never having kids..     


i agree that no one forced her but if there was no warning then the company must return all products and put a warning on it for consulting a doctor bf taking it for pregnant and prescribed medicine ppl

i dont think that they a judge would take lightly a medicine that has been approved but can damage the ppl

but probably they wont get a severe sentence but only money and a slap which will translate into more strict review for there new medications 

from then on they wont be as trusted and have a harder time producing new medicine to the public

at least i hope that will be the case


Hello @nevill, I guess we will be following one another around today. 

If the FDA didn't have them to put the warning on they packages the company won't do it. So they slap would be as a judge if he has any morality i him he should forward the proper channels to the FDA also ask the company to recall and change the packaging on the label to add  warning to the pregnant women..    

i really think that a judge would do that also i think a recall for a company is a sever penalty in itself 

bc it will make the case public and cost the company money and its reputation 

so in the long run it is wirth it 

@nevill,  I think it's a fair price at the cost of two deaths, Mother and child but whomever they used to research this product should have known from the very beginning this drug wasn't good for a pregnant person.. All pregnant people can't afford prenatal care..  

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my guests just left...omg Hk ,JE anD SeoLRI...eating together...she asked Seolri if she confessed her feelings...uncomfortable moment for the 3 ...HK remembers the 2 kissing...Kang Seol ri WATCHING HER LIPS IN THE MIRROR ...thinking at her lover...Je remembers Seolri words...her love confession...HK watrches their photo :Don't betray me she asks

Next morning Hk remembers the way those 2 looked at each other...JE came in...the 2  talk...uncomfortable moment...JE sister is playing boss...she loves humiliating people...she made a man kneal ...her worthless husband found more about Kim girlfriend...her being pregnant...watches the video again...Yeonki and that pig from office scene...she is so funny

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Well I'm thinking the girl knew the circumstances and read the label, but continued to take the pills to sue for money, because as lawyer HG was telling the court how many previous abortion she had, that girl looked dumbfounded looking at her husband/boyfriend like it's his fault of not wanting to become a father IMO.

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JE sister and her husband...he pretended to punish one of them but i think he wanted to help them escape ...they left ...his wife asked him what is new about Kim fiance...Yeonki and her friend talk...she thanked her friend for helping her...Je mom meets a man with a baby in his arms  ...funny scenes ...something about Miss KOREA...THE MAN IS Baek Suk father...Baek Suk also arrived more funny scenes...Baek Suk and YEONKI grandmother meets at pharmacy...talk..back to Baek Suk and JE mom ...still about Miss Korea...Seolri arrives she is calling him dad and is like a sister for those children ...they call her noona ...brought them gifts...HK father in law visits her mom...they talk about JE...


Baek Suk dad and Seolri talk...she wanted to give him money...he said no ...he seems such a great dad...Seolri still left him money...

 Yong-Gi meets with a reporter talking about the drugg and her fiance case...need subtitle to understand why she seemed so worried and surprised ...Hk serving her father in law and her sister in law...like always her sister in law is being mean...JE and his mother...omg he is such a mamma boy...the lady is so boring...JE and his mom join familly table

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JE father seems not content  with his son...they have a bad relation...talking about that medicine...i guess he does not trust that drug.. Yong-Gi is at PC watching her fiance photos ...found a video he left...is crying...flashbacks...omg those people destroyed her life...

More ''happy'' Choi familly scenes ,JE is against his father is seems...against that drug that will put people life in danger...HK looks so sad seeing the way her father in law treated her husband ...dinner is over...JE sister and her husband ploting...power fight will soon begin...JE said sorry to HK...they talk about his father ...she told him to give up i think he can't win against him i think...Hk promissed him she will do it she will protect him...JE received a call Hk found the divorce papers JE prepared

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Kang Sul Li looks sad remembers the talk with her dad...is working ...her sunbae arrived...Kang Sul Li and JE scene ...the man looks unconfortable knowing her feelings for him...later both meet at bus station ...talking...like always he has doubts and i think she won't give up to him...i think she told him she'll wait...don't wait he said...the girl has no shame!!!Touches him ,short kiss on his lipps...bus arrived...she left...JE fallows the bus in a taxi...Hk remembers the divorce paper she found...is in her car going somewhere...JE fallowed  Kang Sul Li hears her talking with a woman about the man she likes ...Hk came to Kang Sul Li house...talks with a man that asks her if is Kang Sul Li relative...



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Please one more ep and I want time to jump up to see how HK would react as YK and how she would live as YongKi. I also want to see more backstory of JE's love for HK. At the restaurant it was the first time he showed some love for her, telling her to eat. I would like to know what happens to YK and her baby, seems like she is going to have a baby's girl, because i see so many dolls in her room and some baby's clothes. Since HK and YK are identical twin, if YK's baby looks like YK she will look like HK too, and if Eun sol did look like HK, Eun sol and YK's baby would be the same. Since we have a time jump of 4 years so YK's baby would be the same year as Eun sol when she died.


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For this, I agree too. In fact, Jin Eon did something else he shouldn't do as a married man, as a professor to a grad student under advicement. Jin Eon placed both his hands on Seol Ri's face, looked right into her eyes and told her not to give up on the Stanford scholarship offer. That made Seol Ri's heart thumped even faster since we all know she has the hots for Jin Eon. SMH. Do professors do that? I never did get that 'treatment' before. Well, I definitely am in no way as attractive or sexy as Seol Ri...hehe and :phew: 


@jadecloud,  She's going to give up on that scholarship offer for him, but when things get rocky in they relationship because he won't marry her because of his wife she will throw it in his face what she gave up for him and should do the same give his wife up for her..  She will make him feel like he cheated her until it's laid out in her face in black and white who cheated whom first.. I think he's going to have problems getting rid of SR she to into him to just walk away because he wants his wife back when she has had apart of him..  I never imagine that I see SR (Hana play this kind of role) but I'm going to judge her actin on the level of a seductress mistress..   

@valsava I believe he did marry Seol Ri. But not sure when that happened (I haven't read all the characters' descriptions), as in was it right after he got his divorce finalized in 2011 or much later,like after 2011.

About PHB in this kind of role, I thought she has the perfect look - face and body - to pull it off. The kind and girl-next-door superficial look made it even better and more appealing. At least to me. Although TBH, I'd like her to be in a good role so I can cheer her on. Now, I can't cheer her on nor sympathize with her, except try to understand her motivation and background.



Hi,@katrina-abdul-talib,  Understanding her background and motivation has nothing to do with seducing a married man and your professor at that we have all develop crushes at one time or another but we don't go out and act on them if the man was single or even divorced at said time of her action I would cheer her on but he' not and her doing these things isn't helping his marriage only contributing more problems between husband and wife to work past they issues if they can get passed them she seducing him in the wrong stage of what he;s going through he and wife needs to  fix whatever problems between them so they can both move on also once they marry or if they do marry she will never be able to fill that void in him and things between he and SR will become a problem because she don't know how to fix it and he will distance himself from her also.. It will all come down to he loves his wife and he never closed that chapter before moving on..

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I felt sad with the young girl, she's still young and she had bright life ahead only to put her self in the middle of predicted trouble and tragedy, she should learn JE and HG characters first and why their marriage life fell apart.  I mean he cold shoulder you and he fall in love with a person whom similar with his dead ex-wife, that in fact his real and not dead ex-wife that you both cheated , so ironic :crazy:.

Although the recent eps still boring , i kind of curious with the plot around HG new life after her accident and her relationship with her ex husband next.

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@andy78" Thanks and appreciate your recapping.

Oh I couldn't wait for the subs and watched it raw. What an episode it was with HG catching JE and SR kissing, down to SR being so happy feeling her lips about the kiss she and JE shared. But I don't know if that was SR dad was talking to her, she didn't like one bit what he was saying to her. I can say this much everyone in JE father's household  is keeping a secrets and I certainly can't wait until they all revealed. So HG found the divorce papers that put her in a trance :w00t: as well as she's thinking now JE wanting the divorce to be with SR, but that's not being the case of the situation with them going thru the storm as a Married Couple. I also have to agree with @valsava" about SR background in which it doesn't have anything to do with her liking or in love with a Married man, and she's young but she also have to live and learn the circumstances of her reaction that she'll be in,  and that is JE already taken regardless he signed the divorce papers. but didn't turn them in as to where they're still married if you ask me. Lastly" The end of this episode had me grasping for more with SR doing the back hug on JE while HG looking on. Now I definitely can't wait after seeing the next episode in which it's better than today's episode and as I've said before each episode will get better and better.

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@andy78" Thanks and appreciate your recapping.

Oh I couldn't wait for the subs and watched it raw. What an episode it was with HG catching JE and SR kissing, down to SR being so happy feeling her lips about the kiss she and JE shared. But I don't know if that was SR dad was talking to her, she didn't like one bit what he was saying to her. I can say this much everyone in JE father's household  is keeping a secrets and I certainly can't wait until they all revealed. So HG found the divorce papers that put her in a trance :w00t: as well as she's thinking now JE wanting the divorce to be with SR, but that's not being the case of the situation with them going thru the storm as a Married Couple. I also have to agree with @valsava" about SR background in which it doesn't have anything to do with her liking or in love with a Married man, and she's young but she also have to live and learn the circumstances of her reaction that she'll be in,  and that JE is already taken regardless he signed the divorce papers. but didn't turn them in as to where they're still married if you ask me. Lastly" The end of this episode had me grasping for more with SR doing the back hug on JE while HG looking on. Now I definitely can't wait after seeing the next episode in which it's better than today's episode and as I've said before each episode will get better and better.

@suchadiva42,  Hello and good Saturday to you,

I've been having this thought in the back of my mind that SR find those divorce papers and turn them in at the court office but I'm also thinking that if she has lost her memory he can't file the divorce if she's not around or remember anything I do believe SR will be the first to know where she is and what happen to her and stay quite about it to carry on her affair with JE.. These are just some thoughts I have..  

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@andy78" Thanks and appreciate your recapping.

Oh I couldn't wait for the subs and watched it raw. What an episode it was with HG catching JE and SR kissing, down to SR being so happy feeling her lips about the kiss she and JE shared. But I don't know if that was SR dad was talking to her, she didn't like one bit what he was saying to her. I can say this much everyone in JE father's household  is keeping a secrets and I certainly can't wait until they all revealed. So HG found the divorce papers that put her in a trance :w00t: as well as she's thinking now JE wanting the divorce to be with SR, but that's not being the case of the situation with them going thru the storm as a Married Couple. I also have to agree with @valsava" about SR background in which it doesn't have anything to do with her liking or in love with a Married man, and she's young but she also have to live and learn the circumstances of her reaction that she'll be in,  and that JE is already taken regardless he signed the divorce papers. but didn't turn them in as to where they're still married if you ask me. Lastly" The end of this episode had me grasping for more with SR doing the back hug on JE while HG looking on. Now I definitely can't wait after seeing the next episode in which it's better than today's episode and as I've said before each episode will get better and better.


@suchadiva42,  Hello and good Saturday to you,

I've been having this thought in the back of my mind that SR find those divorce papers and turn them in at the court office but I'm also thinking that if she has lost her memory he can't file the divorce if she's not around or remember anything I do believe SR will be the first to know where she is and what happen to her and stay quite about it to carry on her affair with JE.. These are just some thoughts I have..  

@valsava" Good afternoon to you as well.   

You know when something on your mind it's spot on with you at times, and the way I see it that kiss really jump started SR heart, thinking JE is really going to divorce HG so they can be together. but once JE get to the point and tell SR that he's staying with his wife, I think we're going to see a different side of SR and it's certainly not a good one either.

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i really hope somebody will translate Character Chart!!!

i loved Baek Suk dad ...such a warm person...from character chart it seems he will meet girls mother...maybe will be friends or romantically involved...we all think and maybe hope that Hk and JE will meet and have a second chance for love  ...but could be that they meet again.to understand each other , to say a proper goodbye .....

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