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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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11 hours ago, jadecloud said:

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@andy78 You're right about HK being smart and giving MH a trick question. Now HK knows for sure that something fishy has happened to her late dad. Bet she's going to start digging. And prob will remember what she heard between TS and MH 4 years ago. 

Ahhh YK and GS are starting to date! YAY! Love this progress. In fact, as an aside, I really hope KHJ will have an OTP main role with LJY in another drama. They look mighty good together too.

HK, poor HK. She's conflicted in the knowledge she has found about MH being untruthful, and probably chiding herself for working so hard, like a hunting dog, for MH and CNP for so many years, doing his bidding in cases that were unethical. And indirectly causing her marriage to be strained. HK is also conflicted about loving JE because of foxy MH and what she suspects he could have done re death of her father. But I'm glad she is smart and level-headed enough to separate 'misdeeds(or crimes?)' between dad and son. I hope JE will help HK look into the facts of the 'accident or murder'(it's almost certain it was no accidental slip/cut and fall) as well as into all other CNP matters, including returning the rights of CNP to the twins.

With almost all the cards laid out, HK and YK are in danger from all angles - MH, TS, JR, SIS and son, SR...aish.. Will SH help her son when push comes to shove between father and son? Will SR wake up already? Exciting! Can't wait!

Gonna watch csubbed ep 36 now...catch y'all later :P  


And this is probably why JE suspected that HK was overreacting because she is normally level-headed...

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4 hours ago, trust71 said:



just want to say my greeting ..i give my share later.

@trust71  Thank you, chingu for alerting us!  I second your notion, about how amazing all chingus here, are...!  

woohoo!     speaker phone leaf          More than 10,000 replies.  sign_Congrats_wav.gif

you are all super amazing...  Love your insights and dedication, chingus.        very-happy-eggy-emoticon.gif?1302821238piece-of-cake-smiley-02.gif?1301944212

Ep. is at 78% on Viki

Will go catch up on the thread....



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50 minutes ago, irilight said:

@trust71  Thank you, chingu for alerting us!  I second your notion, about how amazing all chingus here, are...!  

woohoo!     speaker phone leaf          More than 10,000 replies.  sign_Congrats_wav.gif

you are all super amazing...  Love your insights and dedication, chingus.        very-happy-eggy-emoticon.gif?1302821238piece-of-cake-smiley-02.gif?1301944212

Ep. is at 78% on Viki

Will go catch up on the thread....



78%? Wow That's fast!! We minght be able to watch it later today or tomorrow. 

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@lenet --- I am with you --- I don't think MH caused DJH's death on purpose in any way.  I think he may have promised to bring DJH's precious new medication to market "for the good of mankind" --- GH described him as a researcher who poured all of himself into developing that special combo --- part herbal & part medicine!  His last wish would be to see if produced and distributed.  They surely knew MH would need to fabricate paperwork to make it happen!

Another part of the promise DJH got from MH probably had to do with sharing the wealth with his twin daughters.  

I'm not letting Writer Bae trick me with the "Hae Gang" vs "Ong Gi"--- HK's just being too smart for her own good!   GH changed the baby's name, remember? Why? I'm not really sure.  Maybe MH never knew Baby HK's name was originally "Ong Gi". Plus, it would be "natural" to make up a few "last words" to comfort HK. So either way, the Writer isn't going to fool me that easily!  

My bottom line on the name "mistake"? I can see reasonable doubt's in the conclusion HK has assumed to be the only answer!

@jadecloud--- Any chance the 3 repititions of "wei yi do" could be a clue?  And i want to see what's among Grandmother's belongings when BS remembers  and gives them to Yong Gi. 

And "totally unrelated", I when I saw HK stumbling toward the entrance of her officetel, the turn around to see what was wrong with JE, the retrace her steps toward the entrance --- I was thinking of the many responsibilities she shoulders uncomplaining , courageously, never shifting blame onto any one else --- and I saw her as a true Warrior!  Then I remembered when TS corrected some simple nasty remark about HK and said with a mix of envy & admiration, "Hae Gang is a Warrior!"  No wonder he & JR have always been afraid of her.:o  :angry:  :(

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22 hours ago, jadecloud said:

Another TS' minion steals some docs from BS' office. Apparently those memo from the late KSY, which contains his notation(bad) and his worries on Pudoxin. Seems to be bad news for TS, who looks worried. 

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Research Journal/Diary

Name: Kim Sun Ryong (YK's fiancé)

Dept: Central Research Centre, CNP

February 24, 2011

19 o'clock at Imjingak Station tomorrow 010-9569-1485 (a phone #)

Should the reply not be (both) a recall and stop selling Pudoxin my decision will not change.

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@mdj101 thank you for your thought provoking posts (page532). Sorry, I did not get a chance to read them before the drama aired this morning. I agree with you about IHAL-MLED and thank you also for letting us know about JJM next drama and the thread for it. I will check it out for sure.

17 hours ago, mdj101 said:

When will BS give Yong Gi the grandmother's belongings?  YG has already said "My Grandmother wouldn't allow me to see his body.... because I was pregnant!"   Hint, hint, hint! Are you listening, BS?


Interesting to put this timeline in perspective. So this whole trip was relatively recent, when YG was already pregnant. For some reason, I thought it was way long time ago; Maybe because we were talking that it takes usually some 15 years to put a new drug on the market. So TS really cut corners; Lots of them. But why?  Did this company have nothing else to offer to the public?

14 hours ago, Lmangla said:


~ am going to agree and disagree with you.... hahahaha... I do that a lot. so yes, SR actions are all a bit absurd but I actually think it is because the actress playing SR is not able to sell us the duality of her character and instead, we are almost seeing a split personality kind of weirdness which makes us scratch our heads and go "huh???"....

think it is interesting that in some cultures, the duality of people is much more explored in drama and movies than others. so with english movies, people are distinctly good or distinctly bad. there are usually no grays that even tiny children will be able to tell you who the villains are. however, in many asian dramas and movies (even cartoons), the duality is very much present where the villains also have a complex human-ness to them which can give rather mixed emotions. why, even the ghosts in horror movies are given complex back stories to make you feel a bit sorry for them. and it is true to life because all of us have that duality isn't it? aren't we all a mixture of good and bad and it is our actions, thoughts and words that lean us more in one direction or the other....

back to this drama, we see this duality in other characters as well but these are veteran actors who sell it much better. so look at MS -- who knows how many people he killed off but we see his great love for his brother, his desperation to better himself, his half affection towards his wife... there is JR -- the comedic villain who is driven by revenge but is in many ways hungry for love from her husband as well as her parents and brother... there is MH -- did he kill the twins father on purpose? did he steal the patent on purpose? yet he is so respectful of his daughter-in-law's talents and almost has a mentor relationship with HK...... so these dualities exist with other characters as well, it is just that they are doing a better job of selling them that we dont' get the jarring feeling......

@Lmangla, I agree with your thought provoking post.  Actually SR has said things that should show us her duality; For example how she felt HK crushed her and stepped on her pride, but - I agree with you that she has not convinced many of us. While many of us feel sorry for her because of he background, she has not succeeded to illicit real compassion for her character, by many. I think, partly  because her arguments sound more like "poor little me" victim exclamation, trying to justify her very bad behavior of seducing a married man. If that was not bad enough, she now goes around trying to harm his ex-wife, including going by and not calling for ambulance or police help when she saw her stubbed body. And she dares to be upset that HK did not warned her about PDX?! Furthermore, she goes on trying to drive the twins apart too. Even her kindness to SH seems on purpose, since SH supported her to marry JE.

About MTS, I agree with you too. We know he is a nasty character, A Snake as @andy78, calls him, who does way more evil than good. And yet, in those tender moment with JR, even as we know he is a cheater, we see a good side to him. I remember one exchange when he told her, something to the effect that no matter how much he strays, there is only on JR in his life, his precious wife. He was really convincing!

MH is often convincing too. Until recently many of us saw him as a kindly older gentleman who has no clue about the real bad deeds of MTS, and is truly on the side of HK..

Yes, we did wonder how come he did not find YK in Korea, and even did he know that MTS had marked her for death?

SR, is not even good with her own family, the kids - as much as HK was with them.

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9 hours ago, LHRCN_ said:

AHH the female voice at the beginning is Kim Hyun Joo's voice, hahaha she was MC of that Yesterday Music travel show. LOL


Wonder if this song has been translated in English, the title is 'old (past) love' and it came out in 1991.  The lyrics are just beautiful, sad and haunting, makes me wonder if it says anything about where IHAL is heading.  Sorry I'm just guessing because I have not see Ep 36 yet so I don't know where the song fits in.  Trying to read the thread before I watch the episode.  If no one can find the lyrics in English and if it seems to have meaning for the drama, I will give it a go later.  Thanks.

EDIT: Never mind this post, it was posted before I read all the English lyrics on here.

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7 hours ago, mdj101 said:

@jadecloud --- In "Secret Love Affair", Hye Won & Seon Jae left nothing to my imagination, as I so fondly recall:

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The Beginning:  







Guess it's pretty obvious that I really, really loved "Secret Love Affair" . I highly recommend the drama to you all!  And encourage you to visit the blog: ( https://pianoconversations.wordpress.com/ ),                                               that grew from the Soompi forum and those devoted fans in that forum.  It is full of lots of background on the music that is an integral part of really appreciating this drama.  Without the forum, I'm sure I would have missed a lot of what the drama is truly about .

"Secret Love Affair" is way more than "just another Noona  drama"!         :blush: 

Now in MLED, I think JJM's character never had sex for 20 years after that one hot & steamy 2D/1N get-away the young couple enjoyed.  Might have been true for Eun Dong-ah as well, I'm not sure!

  Reveal hidden contents










Oh @mdj101 what fond memories those videos from SLA and MLED bring.  Thank you.  


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7 hours ago, my2centsworth said:

This drama is becoming like a watched pot. We are all waiting for it to boil over. And it will !

The writer seems to have developed 2 separate SRs. I still don't like either of them...lol. I do worry about her family. She hurt them when she had her affair with JE. So much so that the children were not even allowed to say her name. Now, she is welcomed back with open arms and that was before anyone knew she was sick. Now, what is going to happen to her family when they find out that she blackmail TS ( a murderer ) to help he "squash" JE and HK? She knows what TS is capable of doing. She just put herself in the middle of a big mess. She's crazy if she thinks for one minute that he can turn all this around and kill or try to kill JE and HK putting all the blame on SR. More hurt for that family, especially the children. I really think that SR's character should die. If not, her condition will worsen and that family will be saddled with her care.

Another avenue  the writer seems to have taken......JE's Mother"s dementia......    It is like a magic act. Now she has it and now she doesn't !   The writer seems to  have made it too convenient to when she has one of her dementia episodes. The drama is heating up, but I'm not sure if it's more smoke than fire. Think it's time for the writer to add more wood to the fire. Just my point of view guys......lol



I totally agree with your sentiment @my2centsworth but SR cannot die because that will make her a martyr first and then a saint. And then JE and HG's love line will be dead in the water.  Whenever someone gets sick or die in a K Drama, it's like a reset button, or more like a massive cleanser, all evil deeds get cleaned.  If the sick or dying person was bad s/he all of a sudden becomes good and anyone who was fighting them before s/he was sick or dying have to change their ways otherwise they get treated horribly or made to feel as horrible.  I am always amazed how the Koreans in K Drama (I don't know if that's true in real life in Korea) completely freak out when someone gets sick even a nose bleed.  When the mothers in law collapse for one reason or another than is a crisis of national importance where everyone goes into panic mode running around like crazy people and everyone starts to beg for mercy.  You get my point.  Perhaps the writer will do it differently if she choses to go down that road but that's what came to mind when I saw you mention 'death.'

So for the sake of JE and HG, I hope the writer doesn't kill her.  I just want her to give her some kind of a character, but I don't know if it's bad acting like previous posts suggested or bad script.  I guess it's the two sides of same coin.  One leads to another and on and on it goes.

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Episode 36

JR confronts YK over Prof Min. Yk let JR in & greet her at the door

YK: Omo....you had come...I was just in the midst of making kalguksu, therefore my hands were indisposed with flour

YK claps her hands together to give JR a puff of flour

YK: Please do come in & have a seat..come this way....

JR: Come & sit down here together...I have a matter that I will like to say to you

YK: Then you should come by over there (dinning table) & have a seat...it is almost 12 o' clock I need to make lunch for our Gyu Seok ssi...that I don't even have time to sit down to chat with you. I need to render him 3 meals a day, no matter whatever happens...this is indeed....

JR: Gyu Seok ssi...who are you referring as your Gyu Seok ssi...who is not for you to be calling him Gyu Seok...Gyu Seok ssi...are you in the right frame of mind....do you really can't see the differences....

YK: Do you perhaps have a problem with anger issue...Omo!....what is it now that is actually driving you to be so angry...Oh!...I now understand...I will inform Prof for you....this may able to calm you down a little

JR: W..What!

YK: I still need to continue with chores...with my hands


JR: Therefore...to the very end there is no thought for you to part ways

YK: Yes...it is perhaps that you will be leaving...& not having kalguksu...if you are having...then I will have to make some dough & make a portion for you 

JR: You are a Mother of a child

YK: Ah...then we will just have them (kalguksu) on our own

JR: You are an unwed mother, you still haven't established your own circumstances....your circumstances....not only is that a problem you have at hand...your daughter is a patient of an illness that can't easy be cure...she is a patient of an illness that will never be able to seek a cure in her lifetime....how could you push that child of yours (daughter) off to my doryeonnim (도련님, brother in law, Prof Min) do you think that it is appropriate. I am sure that you should also be well aware that your daughter illness is hereditary...it is not known whether or not it is you that had given her or her father has given it to her but don;t you dare bring her in to our household

Doryeonnim (도련님) is an address of your husband younger brother

YK: There will come a time that I will have to show you whether or not it is appropriate or inappropriate, Hyeongnim ( 형님)

Hyeongnim ( 형님) is an address where the younger sister in law address her elder sister in law & they are married to 2 siblings brothers

JR: What!...Hyeong....nim?...How dare you....address me in that manner....Said that again...repeat that again

YK: Yes.....Hyeong...nim?...We will definitely get along with each other...well & fine...Hyeongnim....just like Hyeongnim & Ajubeonim (elder brother in law,아주버님, TS) who taken such consideration & concern for us...we will definitely live our life perfect & in happiness & will strive in great effort to live our lives well in that manner....Hyeongnim.....Hyeongnim.....I really have great confidence in able to achieve that...Just as what Hyeongnim had prior mentioned that I am a Mother of a child...an wed mother, again to mentioned that my child is ill with illness as well but then to mentioned that we love our Gyu Seok ssi....how could I able to refuse him.....I will gamble with fate & destiny to hold onto him firmly. I definitely will able to succeed in doing this well...hyeongnim

Ajubeonim (아주버님) is an address to your husband elder brother

In anger JK throw the cut noodles that YK has just finished making as Prof Min & WJ comes in, Prof Min use his body to block JR throwing arsenal of cut noodles at YK. Prof Min shouts at her sister in law

Prof Min: Hyeongsunim!

Hyeongsunim (형수님) is the adress for your older brother wife

JR: D....Doryeonnim?

Prof Min: Kindly redo the dough again for us

JR: What?

Prof Min: Redo the dough for the kalguksu portion for the 3 of us!!!!...What are you doing there now...redo the dough for us...Hyeongsunim!!!...Not until the 3 portion of kalguksu is place & serve in front of the 3 of us to eat...don't dare to think that you will leave in one single step from here

JR: What...What did you say?

YK: Here is the flour....water....also this disposable glove

Prof Min: Quickly.....here is the flour...start adding water...kindly knead it into a dough...make sure it is springy in texture....Hyeongsunim!

YK aeyo & looking "vulnerable" on Prof Min shoulders for JK to see...Poor JK having a great battle kneading the door under Prof Min hawkeye supervision

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6 hours ago, mdj101 said:


6 hours ago, mdj101 said:

@chubbychub1966 --- Thank you for introducing me to K.will  ---  His voice is so smooth, like deep velvet!  I love it and have already played it over several time!   While searching for good English lyrics, I see that it is a "golden oldie".  I didn't find lyrics in English easily so I settled for this very nice MV.  From a drama titled "Tree of Heaven" --- Have not seen this drama.

Listening to this version I now remember this is the song every one in Korea sings and cries over soju about their lost love.  haha

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2 hours ago, lenet said:

My believe is MH did not murder.  So far, dirty works are done by others  -MTS and HG - not himself.   I don't think he is evil to that extent, 1) he may have hesitated to save his friend but I doubt he would push him off the mountain. 2) He most certainly usurped the right of Ssanghwasan out of greed seeing the obvious opportunity at his friend's death.  Those 2 reasons alone I think is enough to cause him guilt and led to his refusal to have HG as his D-I-L to keep reminding him of his misdeeds and his constant help to GN as she has said.

@lenet Good to see you again. You must have been caught up with work in the new year. I'm not sure that MH is not evil. Initially, I'd thought MH could not have caused DJH's death via murder, that it was most likely an accidental death. But when I saw how tricky and manipulative he was to HK, intending for her to take the seat she's in essentially to be his 'hunting dog' and his 'chopping knife', I changed my mind over his sneaky and quite heartless behavior, considering HK is his DIL and is his late buddies daughter, and his son's beloved woman. I think MH has a lot of skeletons in his closet. He is too sneaky and manipulative, and will do almost anything to achieve his goals - wealth and power. I remember he was the one who gave orders to TS to 'dispose' of this person or that person. And MH was the mastermind behind what happened to MIDO's Shin, essentially stealing his drug invention in broad daylight. 

However, I do see your points. I can even agree with the probable likelihood of indirect cause of death, as in not helping in time of need, and watching his buddy die under his nose. That trauma alone could be enough to make him suffer recurring nightmares in cold sweat.

But, if he isn't as evil and hard-hearted, why has he not done anything for the twins and their mom back then, knowing GN has had a hard life trying to raise HK? And why didn't he attempt to help GN find her other twin YK? Why didn't he give GN a share of the profits or his wealth and enable her and twins to live better? How could he be so cruel as to effect the destruction of Shin and his biz? How could he not feel remorse for indirectly causing his grand-daughter's death?

@mdj101 Same questions to you too. And thanks for OMG! OMV vids. They are all so awesome! What a treat! I had no idea that was how OMV wrapped up. Funny and good-looking couple, and such fan services were accorded. I bet the thread must have gone wild towards the end... LOL. I think SMA and SJS vs JJH and KHJ are 2 pretty distinct set of OTPs. I seriously can't see the latter IHAL OTP doing what OMV OTP has done. LOL I'd eat my words anytime for that to happen...hehe, but highly doubt so. Thanks for the 'thank you gifts'. I'm keeping all of them (in my vid lib) :P  PS: Henry, don't mind his cuteness when I see him perform. Pretty talented boy indeed.  

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1 hour ago, mdj101 said:

@jadecloud--- Any chance the 3 repititions of "wei yi do" could be a clue?  And i want to see what's among Grandmother's belongings when BS remembers  and gives them to Yong Gi. 

@mdj101 I realized, after watching subbed ep 36, that the Uido Island 'clue'; from halmoni points to some other matter. It seems, from the newspaper reportage of the hiking accident, that the place MH and JH went to for their hike was at Bukhansan(Ren Shou Peak). Now I'm wondering if UIDO could be the island where DJH has his plants and herbs garden from which his SHS drug was concocted from. Hmm... @gerrytan8063 care to shed some light? You prob know more about SK and hiking trails than many of us here, esp moi :P 


Some links to info/refs:





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Guest my2centsworth
4 hours ago, tiMadam said:

i think she still has but taking some medication...i'm not sure someone else could confirm.

JR's miracle cure....lol

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17 hours ago, jadecloud said:

But, if he isn't as evil and hard-hearted, why has he not done anything for the twins and their mom back then, knowing GN has had a hard life trying to raise HK? And why didn't he attempt to help GN find her other twin YK? Why didn't he give GN a share of the profits or his wealth and enable her and twins to live better? How could he be so cruel as to effect the destruction of Shin and his biz? How could he not feel remorse for indirectly causing his grand-daughter's death?

agree w/ you ......too much question to be answered right! doubt if the writer will give us some answer. DHK amnesia come and go   and we did'nt even know what kind of amnesia she suffered.

IN my POV...Without any valid reason ..all of a sudden MH is being nice and concern in their financial situation GN will doubt and curios WHY  MH is doing thing w/c is unusual...they are just best of friend. GN will have a doubt being a friend have a limit in what they can help you.

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Guest my2centsworth
4 hours ago, tiMadam said:


Thank you figuring all this out. Been racking my brain with it. For  YK's  grandmother to write that down has to be some type of clue into YK and HK's father gong there. Could be for an entirely different reason and not just for hiking. Hope the writer takes us there. Maybe a person or place is there that can answer so many questions for YK and HK.  ( and for us too...lol )  The grandmother knew she was dying and this could have been the way of her telling YK to go there.  For many years, YK's father live with that old woman. She had to know something about the type of work he did? I love a mystery !  

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Guest my2centsworth
49 minutes ago, seungshin said:


I totally agree with your sentiment @my2centsworth but SR cannot die because that will make her a martyr first and then a saint. And then JE and HG's love line will be dead in the water.  Whenever someone gets sick or die in a K Drama, it's like a reset button, or more like a massive cleanser, all evil deeds get cleaned.  If the sick or dying person was bad s/he all of a sudden becomes good and anyone who was fighting them before s/he was sick or dying have to change their ways otherwise they get treated horribly or made to feel as horrible.  I am always amazed how the Koreans in K Drama (I don't know if that's true in real life in Korea) completely freak out when someone gets sick even a nose bleed.  When the mothers in law collapse for one reason or another than is a crisis of national importance where everyone goes into panic mode running around like crazy people and everyone starts to beg for mercy.  You get my point.  Perhaps the writer will do it differently if she choses to go down that road but that's what came to mind when I saw you mention 'death.'

So for the sake of JE and HG, I hope the writer doesn't kill her.  I just want her to give her some kind of a character, but I don't know if it's bad acting like previous posts suggested or bad script.  I guess it's the two sides of same coin.  One leads to another and on and on it goes.

Depends on how she dies.

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4 hours ago, seungshin said:
17 hours ago, jadecloud said:




Another TS' minion steals some docs from BS' office. Apparently those memo from the late KSY, which contains his notation(bad) and his worries on Pudoxin. Seems to be bad news for TS, who looks worried. 

MOD EDIT: Do not quote pictures.







Research Journal/Diary

Name: Kim Sun Ryong (YK's fiancé)

Dept: Central Research Centre, CNP

February 24, 2011

19 o'clock at Imjingak Station tomorrow 010-9569-1485 (a phone #)

Should the reply not be (both) a recall and stop selling Pudoxin my decision will not change.

MTS so worked up when he saw that journal.....it was one of his telephone #...w/c can be trace if they really do the full investigation and it will implicate him....even though he stole that journal of YK husband; HE still afraid the DHK must have been photo copy that piece of evidence.:fearful::fearful:

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9 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

Thank you figuring all this out. Been racking my brain with it. For  YK's  grandmother to write that down has to be some type of clue into YK and HK's father gong there. Could be for an entirely different reason and not just for hiking. Hope the writer takes us there. Maybe a person or place is there that can answer so many questions for YK and HK.  ( and for us too...lol )  The grandmother knew she was dying and this could have been the way of her telling YK to go there.  For many years, YK's father live with that old woman. She had to know something about the type of work he did? I love a mystery !  

You're probably right. I've since found out, after watching ep 36, that the place where MH and JH went hiking was not in UIDO Island, but at Bukhansan(ref earlier post below). With this, I think what lies in Uido Island could be a garden/green house where JH has been growing his plants and herbs which are the ingredients for his SHS drug.

We may just get to see HK and YK visiting Uido Island soon. Would be awesome. We'll see if this will pan out.




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