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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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16 hours ago, lenet said:

I am confused by the chinese translated terms and the korean terms.  

HK in ep 32 said "you decide, Huae jang".  This in chinese is (会长) meaning President.   Then MH offered "You want to come in as Pok Sa Jang(副-社长)" , meaning Vice- Director. and not Pok Huae Jang (Vice-President)

I think JE is only Director of R&D and HK wanted that position to remove him from the company.  But in the end, MH is not offering the R& D posts but perhaps a new post or is it JR's former position or the one MTS is hankering for?

EDIT:  What was JR's post previously?  Has it been filled since she was dismissed?

She was the vice-pres.....then MTS took her position...she was now assign on the beauty product of their company.

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15 minutes ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

I don't see them taking advantage of her in anyway...their not wanting her not to leave is what LOVE is all about. Not only human, my housecat if I locked him outside my house, he will wail, I am not using meowing as he wails pitifully, non-stop throughout the night to be allowed in.

And the mum. Am very surprised at her attitude. VERY. Is she not playing her role 'waiting on' the Doc, as cook and housekeeper and even sending daily lunch packs to his office? Is she boarding FOC in her 'dead' daughter's home? Is doc paying rent (not her income tho)?

HK loss her memory.. and she loss her ability ti speak. 

Now YK n doter is living with her as "housekeeper" and she still dared not open her mouth to embrace her long lost daughter? This lady sure has mental issues... 

Cool only their love matters.   So if she has mother or child or other family that miss her.  They do not count.   Her finding out who she is does not matter. All that maters is they stay as free house keeper who kids can order around.   While there adoptive older sister is to leave and live lightly on her own and not to come back?    So a child who grew up with them is to turn 20 not send money, not  tell her husband about them because they will be a burden.

However their LOVE of YK keeps her there.  Ah so they never loved SR.  No wonder she is twisted. Also since when each turns 20 they leave then there is no love in the house except for BS and his dad.

I think a while ago many people wanted YK2 to move out.  In real family a daughter can leave find a job,get married. That not the end of family relationship.  These children should learn that.   Also they should learn just because someone find there old family that does not mean they cannot be loved.  

I think it better to see that BS was selfish and did not tell the mom because he wanted YK2 to stay with him.  

Also remember the Mom has asked the father (Who when YK2 was in critical condition did not tell the Mom) how is that her home?  When her daughter cannot sleep any where else.  She is in midst of pouring out her heart to her daughter. Then kid barges into a  older females room no knocking or anything. Starts yelling for her to wash notice the mom does slight greeting and continues to demand service.  The says Aren't you cooking. 

BS upon seeing the Mom.  Look at his face guilt is written all over his face.  After the first slap he continues to look guilty there is no refuting it our questioning it.   He makes no excuses for it.   YK did not loose the ability to speak but she was told that acts this way.  However we both know YK and HG never acted the way YK2 acts.   YK will demand respect. HG would have cut that brat off and told him to wash his own clothes.  Most likely woud have told him to make request not a demand.  Mom knows this.

Yes they love,  are selfish and take noona for granted. Which most likely was another cause of concern as they should have been more formal with her.

Mother with a daughter who through hard work got to position where everyone bows to her.  Is being ordered around by 12 year old. Aren't you going to cook?

If BS dad did not want his son slapped he should have come with her and have those children greet her.  I




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36 minutes ago, DelroyB said:

I think it better to see that BS was selfish and did not tell the mom because he wanted YK2 to stay with him.  

BS not only selfish, he is very selfish and was going to try his best to hang onto HG by any means possible, if not that other people learnt of HK existence, he was so far gone in his lala land than he couldn't even recognize YK when he saw her and she had to tell him about their shared past before he recognized her.

Then the was the scene at the hospital after HK was stabbed that got me laughing, JE shows him the DNA proof that YK2 is indeed HK and he is not crazy like BS suggested when JE says he recognizes YK2 as HK and BS tears the DNA result into shreds like if he buries his head in sand and refuses to acknowledge YK2 as HK, then she remains YK2.

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20 minutes ago, oyeleyeolusina said:

BS not only selfish, he is very selfish and was going to try his best to hang onto HG by any means possible, if not that other people learnt of HK existence, he was so far gone in his lala land than he couldn't even recognize YK when he saw her and she had to tell him about their shared past before he recognized her.

Then the was the scene at the hospital after HK was stabbed that got me laughing, JE shows him the DNA proof that YK2 is indeed HK and he is not crazy like BS suggested to say he recognizes YK2 as HK and BS tears the DNA result into shreds like if he buries his head in sand and refuses to acknowledge YK2 as HK, then she remains YK2.

That's why i said, BS also is being selfish n wanna keep HK as YK2. He knew earlier on when JE keep saying YK2 is HG but he just refuse to accept the fact n want to keep her identity. Ok maybe that is love but its still selfish. I dont see any difference what BS did to keep HK n what JE did to have her back. They act out of love. But when JE did it is labelled SELFISH but For BS its consider LOVE.

one more thing, Daddy Baek knew that his daughter is a home wrecker n he even know HK mom. N he witness how HK mom going wild in the hospital when her daughter get divorced bcoz of his daughter, But he did nothing to stop SR. Even after 4 years n see how HK mom suffered, he still do not advice or stop the relationship between SR n JE. BS too didn't do anything to stop his sister frm being a homewrecker. Infact he went to punch JE (but mistaken for JE friend, HW). To me that is selfish act too coz to them, that's what SR wants so they can't go against her wish as its SR happiness. 

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48 minutes ago, DelroyB said:

we both know YK and HG never acted the way YK2 acts.   YK will demand respect. HG would have cut that brat off and told him to wash his own clothes.  Most likely woud have told him to make request not a demand.  Mom knows this.

that is an interesting question ~ how would have YK reacted if she ended up in the Baek family house? have to agree with @DelroyB that she is feisty and not necessarily one to take orders easily. she would demand respect. in the beginning, when her coworkers treated her meanly, she tread the line between holding on to her job and demanding her respect. and the way she has raised WJ does not show a child who gets to do what she wants. so she would have treated the baek siblings in a similar manner. even with the Dr, she is not intimidated by his rudeness and instead glares at him and tells him off. thats why he took notice of her.

YK2 in a sense was defenseless no? if she didn't contribute, would she still have been able to stay without feeling like a freeloader? so she did whatever she could and perhaps, on some level, did the children know that as well?

here's a question for folks ~ how far off or close was YK2 personna to the original YK?

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With my limited Korean, I think HG just accepted JE's number 2 job. JE will remain R&D director and HG will come on as vice director. It could be that she is being brought in as VD of another group but no other group was mentioned. I am pretty sure JE did not get thrown over to do the research job on the Dobian project (I think Dobian is a collaborator of CNP) but my Korean is limited. 

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EP32 (30:45 - 48.00)  SPOILER

 Continue from (26.00 by referring to @jadecloud's segment of the dinner scene) 


JR:  Isn’t this outrageous?  There’s me, there’s JE.  How can he hand over the post of Deputy Director to someone who is of no blood relation?!  Moreover an enem……..  Now she is my superior… DHK, JE’s superior. Ho….hoho…….

SH:  I will crush it.  I will break it.

JR:  Father has said it so decisively.  What can we do?

SH:  Don’t know, I too have no idea. There ‘s only the dog’s bowl in my head(think means empty). I can only think about wanting to stomp on and crush her.  My blood is almost dried up.  My son’s blood is almost dried up.  I must make her blood dried up too. Make her bleed surely.

JR: Join force with me, step-mom. Like vampire, stick onto her body and suck her blood dry.  Let her have a taste of our terror.

MTS:  He took away my documents from my computer and said he will attack me.  What can I do to resist him?  JE is truly frightening.  He’s changed.  Who would have thought he would attack me this way? Lawyer Do and I in future will have a headache.  B-i-l will surely be the Achilles heels in whatever we do in future.

HK:  We have to remove this Achilles heels.  Before we slid and break, we have to remove it.

MTS:  But, you are leaving like this? Didn’t he say he has things to ask you? 

HK:  I go take a look. 

HK: (recall MH)  Your M-i-l has dementia. (recall JE) I will not allow it, father.  Father’s position, let me have it.  I will be responsible.   I will be dirty, I will touch poop and have blood rained on me, I will do.  I will do it, father.

HK:  Didn’t you say you have something to say to me.  Keep it simple.

JE:  Come up, it’s not something that can be said here.

HK:  Alright.  Can bring me some water?  And headache pills?

JE:  Headache?

HK:  Guess so

JE:  Wait a moment

HK watching photos in camera and crying.

JE:  HK ah, HK.. Can look at me?  Raise your head.  I’m going to move(to raise her head).  Ohh!....  Liquor smell right? You don’t like it.  Understand.  I’m forbidden to move closer. Alright, I won’t move closer. Take your headache pills.

HK:  It’s a lie.

JE:  What?

HK:  The photos. Me in the photos.  The person in the photo is always lying.  Pretending to be happy, pretending to be cheerful.  Just by looking at the photo now, it looks like I’m shameless and mad, right?  Been happy before, just like as if everything in this world will never change.  There were happy times.  I am thankful.  Without you, I would never have that happiness in my life.  But, your camera left out my sufferings and sorrow.  Do you know where is our difference? Do you know the reasons for why we can’t continue to be together?  You, only remember the Me in this camera.  However, I remember the ME which your camera did not record.  You don’t know right? I saw you sound asleep and many times I thought of slapping you and choking your throat, pour toilet water into your glass and mix lemon for you to drink.  I did that.  When I lived with you, I’ve done that. I can’t turn back.  It’s like a broken watch.  Time has stop. Destiny has ended, DHK AND CJE’s watch. Yes, if I stares at this watch like you, once or twice a day, the time may be right, but that is all there is to it.  I will delete the photos.

JE:  Then you, who is moving in the time that has stopped, what are you? You, who do not know danger and keep walking towards CNP,  why are you doing it?  Don’t return to the company.  Don’t even go near it.  If you do so, I won’t bother you. 

HK:  My life, I will decide myself.

JE:  Your life, your life not long ago, you were still regretting it and frightened about it.

HK  I can’t remember.  No, that was the time when I can’t remember who I was.  Because I don’t know who am I, because I have no confidence.

JE:  So, you want to become CNP’s hound again?

HK:  No, I will become the master

JE:  You won’t be able to

HK:  Why not?

JE:  Because it’s going to be me

HK:  You want to win against me?

JE:  Yes, I want to win against you, HK ah.

HK:  Alright.  Go ahead and try.

JE:  Hand over the diary and video clips.

HK:  What?

JE:  That KSY shi’s research diary and internal whistle blower report and videos that you stole from your sister’s luggage.

HK:  Who did you hear that from?

JE:   From Prof Min Gyu Seok

HK:  Who?

HJE:  You will be in danger if you hold on to it.  Hand over to me, I’ll secure it. Please.

HK:  I’ve already hand it over to MTS.

JE:  What?

HK:  As the exchange for you to be removed.

JE:  Really, you!

HK:  I’m leaving.

SR:  You’re back?  Dinner?

BS:  (recall HK) KSR too participated in the Pudoxin research.  Keep our matter secret, bring her to the hospital for a detailed check up. Should not have problem but just in case.

SR:  Brother?

BS:  Oh! Oh!

SR:  What……..Spit, what were you thinking?  Thinking of that woman again?

BS:  Noo……

SR:  If you continue to do this, I will soak you in the bleach.

BS:  What about you?

SR:  I prepare dinner for you?

BS:  If you do so, then its thanks to my cute little sister.

SR:  Go put your bag down and wash your hands.  I’ll get ready immediately. Today’s menu is soft tofu soup, brother.

SR:  Why aren’t you eating?  What happened?  You keep being in a daze.

BS:  I’m starting to eat

SR: I can smell alcohol

SR:  It’s not beer, it’s not soju.  Is it wine? Western liquor?

BS:  Wine……!

SR:  With who?

BS:  With CJE

SR:  Just leave it when you have finished eating. I’ll help to look at the homework before washing.

 Document : Pudoxin clinical trial list

SR: (recall HK) These 4 years, what have you been doing? After snatching away, what have you done?  Why is he still here with me? Kneeling to beg me to love him, bothering me.  Why still make me suffer?  You take him away. I've thrown him to you.  Come and remove it.  Don’t let him appear before me again, clear it away.  Why?  No confidence?  What a waste letting you take him away and yet you can’t even do it?

Knock on door

SR:  Who is it?  Come in.
BS:  Come out to the living room, have something to say.

SR:  Coming

BJS:  National flower tea, try drinking

SR:  It’s right to return home. Can even taste father’s tea.

JS:  Drink, just a sip and you’ll tear because it’s so good.

BJS:  How?  Good right? Fantastic right?

SR:  Yes

BS:  Father, why bother bringing what nice national flower tea and make her feel touched.  Just buy and drink, that’s better.

BJS:  What do you want to say?

BS:  I’ve applied for heath check up.  Go and have a check.

BJS:  Why sudden health check up?

BS:  It’s not sudden.  Everyone is checking accordingly.  Only our family is procrastinating.  Don’t reject, go check together.  Understand?  You too, gal!

SR:  brother, is money for burning?  I’m only in my 20s, what health check?

BS:  You’ll be 30 in a week

SR:  What ?  The next day after the next day, I’m still be in my 20s

BS:  So what with 30s?  Look at me, my heart is still like 20s.  Anyway, both of you have to go. OK?

SR:  It’s not cheap


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2 hours ago, lenet said:

I am confused by the chinese translated terms and the korean terms.  

HK in ep 32 said "you decide, Huae jang".  This in chinese is (会长) meaning President.   Then MH offered "You want to come in as Pok Sa Jang(副-社长)" , meaning Vice- Director. and not Pok Huae Jang (Vice-President)

I think JE is only Director of R&D and HK wanted that position to remove him from the company.  But in the end, MH is not offering the R& D posts but perhaps a new post or is it JR's former position or the one MTS is hankering for?

EDIT:  What was JR's post previously?  Has it been filled since she was dismissed?

I think HK wants to remove JE back to just a researcher in the lab.  She commented that HW and JE looks better in the white cloak compared to their office executive suits.

OH! I just googled another translation - Pok Sa Jang is DEPUTY DIRECTOR(usually second in-charge) 

Since our curiosity has been piqued, and LOVERS need to know for certain...hehe...

I recall a scene where YK visited PD (now TS' minion) at the hospital after he was struck on the head by TS' minion trying to rob him of KSY's evidence. At the hospital, in PD's ward, they were looking at CNP's organization chart, which I'd screencapped, thinking I/we might need to refer to these someday (but not sure which ep. but back in sept). And we do! Found them! :blink: Never thought we'd be scrutinizing this matter...LOL.:lol:

Now we can be sure what title each held back in 2011 and before. Ah, so there are two separate holders for chairman and president posts., and likewise for vices too. Often, we would see kdrama's bundle chairman and ceo/president together.

Summary of Designations over time:

4 years ago in 2011 & before


Chairman Choi Man Ho


Vice Chairman Geum SC


President Oh JH


Vice President Choi Jin Ri


Exec Director Min Tae Seok


Director/Lawyer Do Hae Kang


Strategic Manager Seo GH

Currently in 2015

Chairman Choi Man Ho

Vice Pres+RND Choi Jin Eon

Exec Director Min Tae Seok

Director Choi Jin Ri

Upcoming from ep 33...

Chairman Choi Man Ho

Vice Pres Do Hae Kang

Exec Director  Min Tae Seok

Director+RND Choi Jin Eon

Director Choi Jin Ri


We can see in 2011, HK was a notch below TS(just because he's JR's hubby, I guess), who was a notch below JR. So, with HK's new appointment as VP, she'll be second in command, since Vice Chairman and President are both seemingly 'silent board members/partners'. And indeed will be taking over Jin Eon VP's position, and sending him off to the RND Center as its RND Chief. 


CNP Org Chart.






@lenet here are the chinese versions FYI :P 




CR: SBS/Viki and TSKS csubs



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58 minutes ago, iamtaken said:


With my limited Korean, I think HG just accepted JE's number 2 job. JE will remain R&D director and HG will come on as vice director. It could be that she is being brought in as VD of another group but no other group was mentioned. I am pretty sure JE did not get thrown over to do the research job on the Dobian project (I think Dobian is a collaborator of CNP) but my Korean is limited. 

Dobian is an address term.  MTS addressed HK as Do-bian.  I think something to mean Do(HK's family name)  Bian means defence lawyer. :)

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36 minutes ago, lenet said:

Dobian is an address term.  MTS addressed HK as Do-bian.  I think something to mean Do(HK's family name)  Bian means defence lawyer. :)

You're right. Listening to the clip again, and looking at the csub, it is an informal form of address. It's short for 'Do Defense (Lawyer)'. 

But I don't understand why would HK want a RND project and not give it to JE to handle? Only when TS suggested to give it to JE, then did HK agree. Or was TS referring to the new court case pertaining to the RND of Pudoxin that BS has filed?

After watching this scene several times, I realized why TS was 'squirmish' and HK was 'rolling her eyes' as she agreed to TS' suggestion. Haha...what do you guys think?



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On December 22, 2015 at 10:34 PM, ayselluna said:


     Was it only Jin-eon who said 'things'?  Let's see:

  • Hae-gang said 'I forgot that kid'
  • She told her mother 'If you want to die, then die. I'm OK'
  • Baek-seok told Yong-gi2  'I'm hating you now' (the words said to someone he believed was his first love Yong-gi)
  • He also told Hae-gang he couldn't stand her 4 years ago, because she was nasty (which I  guess should indicate that he doesn't really love her, does he?).

  Or is it that Baek-seok can dislike the woman he loves due to her harsh demeanor but Jin-eon can't?

  If you take everything Jin-eon says at face value, then you should accept whatever Hae-gang, Baek-seok, and anyone else say as it appears too, shouldn't you?

You and I had a discussion long ago where I said that actions speak louder than words. All the examples you gave don't even compare or come close with JE.  HK's 'forget the kid' was said in a moment of frustration and you saw her pain later as she cried.  When she spoke to her immature mother out of a moment of frustration, but observed her mother closely after she got out of the car to see what she would do next and be ready to help.  BS' "I'm hating you now" who spoke from a place of pain after what he perceived as YK2's betrayal, but with no real conviction behind his words or even believable--HK also knew it. BS saying that he couldn't stand her 4 years ago. I'm sure he didn't and would have probable sent her home packing if she had a home to go to, but he stuck it out with her. That's why I say that he may have initially liked YK2 because he thought she was YK, but he came to love YK2/HK the person he got to know over the past 4 years.

In every example you mentioned, these people contradicted their words with their ACTIONS.  JE didn't contradicted himself, he reinforced his words with actions and showed it at every turn where HK was concerned---AND he did it for 9 episodes (JE's biggest bone of contention IMO is that he blamed HK for their daughters death and he expected more out of her in the way of guilt).  That's why JE is telling HK now how sorry he is and that he now understands that she was grieving too. That he couldn't understand it before.

So it wasn't a matter of taking what he said only at face value, it was also his actions behind his words.  Actions speak louder that words.  You have also read my post where I said that HK gets on my nerves because she says things, but she doesn't follow them up with actions. 


  2) Jin-eon loved Hae-gang, but he loved his daughter as well, therefore he didn't want to get physical with the person who acted as if she hadn't cared about their loss at all.

  If he had done it, to him it would have meant that he closed his eyes to Hae-gang's neglectful attitude to Eun-sol's demise, which in his view was irreverent. 

  For him Eun-sol was the fruit of their love, the proof of their genuine and mutual feelings, so when she was gone and Hae-gang behaved as if nothing happened, he probably started to doubt how much she actually loved the two of them.

 When she suggested that they should have another child, the arguments she used had nothing to do with love, but with age factor and her desire to demonstrate the in-laws that she wasn't gum who could be easily replaced.  How was Jin-eon supposed to react?

 He told her that she gave him chills because that's how she was then, cold and distant.

 If he'd told her that he was overwhelmed by her warmth, I'd have thought he was teasing  her.

 He didn't want to share a bed with her, because more than sexual intimacy he yearned  for emotional one. He craved that state of being that is all about closeness and trust.

 It would be easier/more convenient for Jin-eon, who refrained from sex for quite a while, to be intimate with  his wife on a regular basis, at least to relieve stress, but given their tense relationship  as well as his love and respect to her, he didn't want to 'use' her to satisfy his sexual  needs. And again, in  those  circumstances sex wasn't a priority to him.

 If he'd acted oppositely, that is when I'd have called his feelings for her in question.

You have romanticized JE's reaction and made ES an object, when their reaction is really something common that every parent who has lost a child goes through. His pain at losing ES is not because she was a symbol or object of love, it is because she was his dearly beloved child (regardless if there is love between him and HK or not). The only difference is the writer has given JE the reaction and response that is usually what the mother says and does. HK reactions is that of what the man normally does---men normally want to have sex to try and rebuild their relationship and get close.  


However, JE didn't reframe from having sex with SR. JE didn't reframe from touching SR. He didn't reframe from playing basketball and laughing with his co-workers. All his hatefulness was directed at HK because he blamed her and he resented her for not grieving from a place of guilt.  When JE says at the  hospital that he resented her for ES, his actions showed he did. When he said he still loved her even then, his actions showed he didn't.....he wouldn't have been able to have an affair if he loved her.

 3) I find it interesting that Hae-gang who never wanted to commit suicide after her  daughter's death, and never thought of it after seeing Jin-eon and Seol-ri kissing in the  elevather tor, as well as while seeing him in Seol-ri's apartment when the lights were turned off,  suddenly decided to jump into the river after she saw Seol-ri kissing him on the cheek, and  him putting her hair aside.

 However, what's important is that she did it in front of Jin-eon, having been absolutely sure  that he'd try to rescue her.

 I wonder why there wasn't another attempt after he told her that it was the last time he  interfered in her life and suggested that they lived and died separately...

 If she'd really run to her limit, how's it that she stopped at that one? Hmm..

Most people who commit suicide do so after so many things that have piled up, that at that particular moment, they can't deal with it anymore. My sister's friend whose husband committed suicide in front of her in the car while they were still in the parking lot at the therapist office. I can promise you, he did not do it in front of her hoping she would stop him. After reliving some of the pass during that session, he couldn't endure the pain a second longer.  

When HK told JE that she really wanted to die, I believe her and her actions supported it. Just as her anger at remembering that she tried to kill herself shows it was a real attempt. Drowning is one of the most horrible deaths a person can experience. Breathing in water is not normal and most people who have a desire to live, would struggle against taking water into their lungs.  HK didn't struggle because at that moment, she was depleted.  She wanted to die and JE rescuing her, was not part of the equation. 

I don't know if you've ever stayed up all night for several nights, but it can take a toil on you mentally, physically and emotionally.  HK had many sleepless nights as JE slept at SR's place or at the lab. I'm sure she received a call from her mother telling her that JE had rescued SR and took her with him. She's outside waiting for JE to come home and he never does. It begins to rain and she thinks about his promise that he would always love her. She is emotionally crushed by his betrayal and after 6 episodes of chasing after JE and trying to fend off SR, it's taking its toil on her. When she finally discovers where JE is late the next morning.  Her emotions are so raw at that point that when she sees the smiley face bubble gum, she's almost overcome with emotions in an elevator full of people. She arrives and sees their shoes outside the house--a symbol that they slept together in the same room--another stab to the heart of a mentally drained woman who is in pain.  Then to hear JE, who words were 'always used as a weapon' towards her, calls out happily and playfully for SR to come back in and lay down with him, then teasingly began to count saying he will come out--that is a lot to take after the way he has been treating her for a year.  Her hands shake and she stumbles backwards and runs away to the water's edge. Later she sees JE being affectionate to SR, allowing SR to kiss him and he brush back her hair and he smiles deeply into her eyes (these are things that HK2 remembers very vividly).......these were all things that JE refused her as his wife, but was doing with this younger woman.  HK wanted to die at that moment, because her pain was unbearable at that moment.  There was no thought of JE rescuing her, she wanted to escape her pain.



 4) If Jin-eon's actions only showed hate and disdain for Hae-gang, then I have to wonder  why he hugged her tightly after she regained consciousness and took care of  her nightlong, instead of leaving her in a hospital ... No-one would have done it to  a stranger, and no-one would have called a stranger 'Honey'.

 Jin-eon may not have had a moment of reflection that he almost lost the woman he loved,  because he thought she did it to give him a scar he could never get rid of, but he had a  recollection of her suicide attempt and a nightmare, do they count?  No need to ask... lol

Honey, I can tell you have never been to Southern United States of America. Calling people 'honey' runs neck in neck with calling them 'Sugar' and 'Darling' and it's said to complete strangers.  

I have to wonder if you have not watched real live news clips or read the newspaper where people have rescued complete strangers and were moved to tears after the fact. Even police officers experience this emotional rush.  JE didn't take her to the hospital but should have. A part of me think he did it to protect himself and his affair. There would have been questions asked how did his wife almost drown--she could swim. If there hospital are anything like the U.S., she would be required to have an extended stay for evaluation.

Since JE always thought the absolute worst of her, automatically blaming her for the pictures that were sent to him, for SR being fired, for leaving him in the burning building, always questioning her motive, he may have felt she did it on purpose.

I only recall JE having a nightmare once when he was unconscious. No it doesn't count, because he didn't let it stop him from twisting the knife in HK deeper. It should have really brought home what he was about to lose. Instead he got out of his hospital bed at hearing that his precious SR was fired, went home and got on his knees to beg his father to let him divorce HK, throw her away, etc, etc. 

 5) If Hae-gang truly loved Jin-eon, there is no way she could have coldly watched his pain at  her being cold fish, and remain unmoved (regardless of her intention)

 If Baek-seok truly loved Hae-gang, there is no way he could have coldly watched her pain at  his not wishing to communicate with her (after Jin-eon and Hae-gang's overnight date), and remain unmoved.

 If Gyu-nam truly loved Yong-gi, there is no way she could have coldly watched her pain at her cowardness, not telling her she was her mom, and remain unmoved.

In the case of HK being a cold fish, HK was this way when they were in college. Her personality never changed. This is the woman who coldly didn't communicate with JE while he was in the army. She was always cold. She became even colder with her job and after her child died. I NEVER got the impression that HK loved JE.  If there is one flaw with this drama, is HK was never depicted as madly in love with JE, even in college.

Another thing, how many of us see our own flaws? How many have had a 360 evaluation done? When you receive that feedback, you see yourself in a different perspective. I've said it before and will say it again, HK and the Doctor have/had similar personalities--cold. They don't see things through the same lens as someone with a different personality. HK said herself that she couldn't relate to JE until BS taught her to be warm.

I'm not even sure why you brought BS into this conversation. JE was upset because he felt betrayed and didn't want to talk about it; which was also probably some depression and sadness. Even so, it din't last long and the reason it didn't was because he loved HK.  JE's lasted 4 years while he had a woman to scratch his 7 year itch on the side.

Please don't get me started on GN who I feel was motivated by money and that is why it was her choice to leave their father and split up the girls. She calls her self a Richard Simmons and she was. What mother would do that to her cild because she wanted wealth? Even now, she's cruelly silent. The mother in this drama was always the child to me and HK was always the one raising her.  When HK needed some advice, the mother couldn't offer her anything worthwhile. After 'losing' HK, you would think that love would motivate her to not waste anymore time where YK is concerned.

 Shall I continue?  

 If I do, I'm afraid I'll come to realization that no character in this drama truly loves anyone,  and nor does anyone in the world, because people tend to hurt each other, and especially close  ones.

 But again, in case of Jin-eon, it is understandable how he could have coldly watched her pain at  his betrayal, because as he confessed, he did it to hurt Hae-gang, and in effect, to pay her  back for the pain she'd previously caused him by her dispassionate behaviour.

I believe everyone's love is subjective, and every one has their own concept of love.

For me, I do not understand the writer's depiction of love. It is a word used very loosely in this drama, but is not really shown to me (except between BS and HK--but that's not romantic love in this drama, it's----nothing). JE pretending to eat ramens with an invisible HK is just plain silly and overkill. HK following JE around and weeping for him while pretending and at times really hating him is also silly, childish. Even HK's reason for pretending is the big 'S' word I tell my little nephews and nieces not to use.

Since the characters in this drama have always said things that are not followed up by actions, I'm sure based on the preview that HK will start chasing JE; forgetting that she's trying to protect him. The reason why she will forget is because they both are egoistical characters--wanting to be chased. I think JE enjoyed having HK chase him and HK, as we will see, enjoyed having JE chase her. Power trip.  

For the writer to want to show JE as repentant and sorry for his actions, she has given him some of the most horrible lines that shows he has absolutely no understanding of what he's done and how it's impacted HK.  When he asks HK why she's acting like this? The silly things he says while banging on her door with his head, when he goes into the room....

I'll stop here.


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19 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

You're right. Listening to the clip again, and looking at the csub, it is an informal form of address. It's short for 'Do Defense (Lawyer)'. 

But I don't understand why would HK want a RND project and not give it to JE to handle? Only when TS suggested to give it to JE, then did HK agree. Or was TS referring to the new court case pertaining to the RND of Pudoxin that BS has filed?

After watching this scene several times, I realized why TS was 'squirmish' and HK was 'rolling her eyes' as she agreed to TS' suggestion. Haha...what do you guys think?

I think HK wants to rid JE of executive power.  Because as a director, you can still wield managing power.  But not if you are a research officer you can only meddle with research.  So the effective way is to take his position to keep him out properly.  HK had thought MTS is doing what she wants,  she was surprised when MTS agreed with MH(MTS wasn't expecting F-i-L ) to next spring a surprise on them all.  Not only did he not take JE's position away, he gave HK a higher position than all of them.  So like you say. JE and HK both get to stay.  But seems he favours HK over his own son.:D

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28 minutes ago, chubbychub1966 said:

Guys I'm crying!! They can't cancel IHAL this Sunday! bye-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif

Oh chingu @chubbychub1966 .don't cry.:cookie:Cookie? :flushed:

I've read this info a couple of days back in c-forum. I didn't have the heart to share it here yet and thot I'd do so after christmas.... anyway, yes, it's just too bad. And I think this won't be the last cancellation. Aigoooo...why can't SBS air two eps on Sat then? And how could SBS wonder why ratings have been low? This is one of the best kdramas of 2015 and the talent pool behind this kdrama is so superb, what a mis-management this is! JdQyVXS.jpg:angry:


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7 hours ago, jadecloud said:

JR: The position SIL wants, is the position that JE has, right? Do you want to go there, SIL?

TS: (to HK) The RND project that Dobian(i.e. Do Defense) wants, let's give it to BIL(JE).

HK: (Is that) right? 

TS: As for the details, we'll talk about that later.

HK: That's fine.



48 minutes ago, lenet said:

I think HK wants to rid JE of executive power.  Because as a director, you can still wield managing power.  But not if you are a research officer you can only meddle with research.  So the effective way is to take his position to keep him out properly.  HK had thought MTS is doing what she wants,  she was surprised when MTS agreed with MH(MTS wasn't expecting F-i-L ) to next spring a surprise on them all.  Not only did he not take JE's position away, he gave HK a higher position than all of them.  So like you say. JE and HK both get to stay.  But seems he favours HK over his own son.:D


@lenet The part of the dinner table convo pertaining to the gif is above it. The part where TS agreed with MH and later all were surprised by MH's offer of VP post to HK came later. I thought TS was squirmish and HK rolled her eyes because TS had not kept his part of the 'negotiation', to keep their(HK and TS) agreement in confidence. Because JR also knew about HK's intention to snatch JE's VP position from him, and relegate JE back to the research lab. No?

Anyway, I thought KHJ did a fab job in that scene. :) 

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One last thought, before I move on. I also don't like how HK is using BS. When she told JE about BS and how much he loves her, proposing to her 1000th times, that was such a betrayal. She doesn't care how he feels.  BS, because of the writer, is allowing himself to be used this was too. Any other man would have told HK to kiss his Richard Simmons and moved on.  The writer is not depicting real or true love. She's depicting romantic fantasy love. Nor is she depicting a remorse JE. She is showing a sad JE, jealous JE.

I think I will have to give this drama a break for now. I think I'll join the rank of others in S Korea that are tuning out of this drama for now. The writer built this drama to a climax and it just plateaued into a bunch of craziness, that have me waiting for the appearance of Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.


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Let's all write to SBS and ask them to show 2 episodes on Saturday. If we flood the website with requests, they may listen? or will they? @lenet, @jadecloud thank you for pointing out the hilarity in my trying out my rudimentary Korean to translate. Thank you for your clarifications. I tried to translate the SBS page into English so I could figure out how to complain but there does not seem to be a contact us button. Has anyone ever left a message on the SBS website?

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4 hours ago, chubbychub1966 said:

I can't believe they are canceling the episode :( Is this a sign that they will cut out a few episodes? Is it because of ratings? Aigoo

Anyway, I'm rewatching the first few episodes because I feel like I missed out on a lot. I'm starting to see why there was a lot of hate for JE. He's pissing me off right now lol. I can see why people want him to suffer more. HG's pain when he slept over at Sully's house is way bigger than JE's pain seeing BS bring HG flowers at the hotel. Idk anymore. This drama has officially ruined my life lol.

On a side note, I just realized that BS is so adorable!

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