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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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I am so excited for the eng sub of ep31. This drama really gives me goosebumps. Hk loves JE and she is really trying to protect him. Since the start of the story, thou the strong personality of HK, I feel her love to JE. Am looking forward that JE will keep his promise to HK that he will be at her side. 

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4 hours ago, mdj101 said:

@DelroyB --- most of the time i can completely agree with your posts. However, I have some things to say about SR's not having lied about HK "with the exception of the pictures"  ---- the pictures of the shoes outside the cottage room and the picture of her & JE at the bridge, singing lines of dopey love poem and looking all lovey dovey/post-"honeymoon" night.  

That was nothing compared to the understanding she had with JR to work as a team to make it possible for SR to marry JE. I went back to Episode 2 / 01:51 to 04:19 mins.  I wanted to be sure of what SR & JR actually said. I'll make it short.  Sr offered to fix it so that SR could marry JE --- not simply live with him as his mistress. JR told SR she could't handle HK on her own.  That HK would never agree to a divorce and would wait them out if they were just living together. 

 SR asked, "What do I have to do?"  (03:53 mins)  And SR answered, "Hold onto him. Do whatever it takes to make sure he will never leave you.  I'll get rid of Do Hae Gang. You grab onto Jin Eon." 

I'll end it there, or else I'll ramble on muttering stuff I can never back up.  IT WAS WRONG!  AND SHE TOOK THE DEAL.

 She's not a lot better than she is says HK is.  She left HK bleeding on the ground. She 's instigating the guy to go after HK, possibly to attempt to kill her again. She's instigating Yong Gi hoping to see HK in jail, and CNP ruined along with JE.   No, I think SR ceased being "pure & innocent" a very long time ago.  

And another thing, I don't think JE knew SR ran into the lab to pull him out until he saw her bandage wrist and heard his Mother exclaiming over her.  He saw her arm through the bars of the bed and had a blank expression on his face.  Mother already proposed marriage on his behalf!  :o  

As he was waking up, JE had a series of flashbacks. (35:34 to 36:50) Frankly, I'm not sure what to make of them!   Bu t I'll just bet they meant plenty! My brain is FRIED at this point.  An hour and a half until Epi. 31. I may need toothpicks to keep my eyelids propped open. Sleep can wait til 9:05 AM now.  :P

Episode 2 of KPOP STAR should get me there  wide awake!


Sorry I did not included it but I have mention before that what SR did with JR was morally wrong.  I also said have said in other post that JE like what he thought was pure and innocent but when he finds out what SR and  JR did it would be over.  Also SR mindset has become warped that why it poisoned.  I was hinting at that last part when I said that if HG is out of the way JE becomes SR.  That from SR view point I should add. 

SO I agree with you whole hardly.   My main point was for HG it was about power but she did not marry JE for that.  Over time her desires warped her slowly.  With SR the same thing happen again it was not for money in her case either.  It was for "love".  With SR the process was much faster. 

Neither women were gold diggers.  I think both changed to avoid there past.  HG was not going to worry about money or be powerless again.

SR was not going to have third temporary  family she was going to have a permeant one. Both  smart capable women choice the wrong method to achieve those goals.   SR fell faster because her first step going after JE know he was married no matter if he was going to get divorce are not doomed her from the start. 

So I thanks for keeping me honest. 

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1 hour ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

Don't tell me she will get ill and JE out if guilt (coy drugs) will marry her before she dies? Huhuhuhu

It's ironic too cuz SR team up with the people who destroy her body...she needs to be on the other side

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DelroyB said:

So I have different. 

The problem with HG is just like I love you has she ever said any of these things to JE?  As pointed out she drove him away.  At no time during the break down of the marriage or affair does she directly tell him.  I love you and I miss our daughter.   

I do belive she used JE to punish herself she knew him and how much he cared for her and what his reactions to her actions were and in way  she welcomed that reproach.  The main issue was she knew JE was not going to get over it. 

The affair let her vent she could take out her frustrations on SR. HG was in attack mode pre elevator.  She kicked it up a notch afterwards.  She took JE existence in her life for granted.  Because he was always there, because would endure his entire term in the army with out her visiting.    She thought he would always wait like he did during their 15+ years.  However what JE need most was one kind and honest word from HG.  HG miscalculated, like the first time she was going to confront JE about the affair.  She instead of being emotional she was so detached.  In fact she comes close to saying don't get caught.  It not about I love you and need you but about his potion in society.

The suicide episode was HG coming to realize , maybe JE could leave her, her plans  were gone and worst she might have really face ES  death alone. The wall she had built up for last few years of guilt, grief and anguish came down.

Yet JE gave her hope.  Not in the rescue of her but as he has done the past his care of her.  Look at HG face as she takes in the scene.  She knows that JE has taken care of her still.  She know from the things arrayed around her he has been up all night make sure she is safe and healthy.  This was a lease a glimmer of hope.  That why JE words just do not  matter to her.

Does she take that time to try and deal with things direct to JE , nope  she again goes after removing SR.

So my take is the reason HK wanted to wait on JE.  Was because she realized the both needed time way.  HG knew that in the end JE was always there for her.  She knew that in time he might come to regret  and when that time came she could be honest and open with him.  She could tell him about SE.

In their relationship JE was always the one to wait for her.  Now she could endure and hope JE would return.

JE and HG have bond.   Sometimes when things are broken they can never be repaired.  Other time the mending is stronger and last long then the original.

So my take is HG years ago looked at her actions and thought that the some the fault lie not in the stars but with herself.   Through her accident she ened up living the life JE asked her todo.

Also the conversation with SR.  She did remember the betrayal.  That why she walked away and cried, why she got mad.  She had known about it before but she felt it then.  That when she told JE to forget about other women kisses.   

This why her current behavior to over the top. 

Also before the affair.  Did JE deserve to have partner that knew his pain and ignored it?  Did he deserve in the one place he could let her guard down to be in an unfeeling detached ice place.  HG was surprised that JE could function outside the house.  That tells us 3 things 1) She did not think JE could separate work and private life, 2) she was kinda hoping he was miserable all the time. 3)HG thought JE could only be happy with her.

So think anther reason she went all out on SR was because SR was a true threat to her.  Her JE was no longer just her and ES.  She kinda knew she needed to change but she just could not at that tine.

So her waiting was not just about the changes needed in JE but she knew she really need to change if there would be hope in the future.  She was aggressive and assertive with everything in her life except JE.   I think she knew that part had to change. 


(excerpts from my post)

1) And after a while, she made a similar confession to her father-in-law, saying that she was wrong and she sincerely apologized. She was arrogant and thought because it was her husband, he would be understanding. Even if she didn't say anything, she thought he would know how she felt.

2) And however weird it may sound, but maybe the reason why she still wanted to accept him, although he hurt her and was cruel, was because she thought she 'deserved' to be mistreated.

3) And after a while, she made a similar confession to her father-in-law, saying that she was wrong and she sincerely apologized. She was arrogant and thought because it was her husband, he would be understanding. Even if she didn't say anything, she thought he would know how she felt. That she would always be everything to him, and that he would always wait for her.

4)  (my post, page 171) I believe Jin-eon would have been more than happy if Hae-gang had questioned him about Seol-ri, his feelings etc., which she didn't. She just provided him with the "formal notification" that someone was in love with him. No anger, no concern, no jealousy.

In a very arrogant and self-confident manner, she just told him to make sure that no gossip would go arround campus and affect his position.

If she had spoken to him in the way she'd done in her imaginative conversation, getting mad and upset, showing anxiety because she loved him and feared to lose him, she might have seen different Jin-eon as well as different attitude...

5) Later she admitted her blunders to her mother-in-law as well, saying if she'd helped her and had given her another chance, she (Hae-gang) will and can do better, that he can love her again and they can start all over.


As for your take, I wish  she had realized it earlier, instead of clinging to him the way she'd done before they got divorced.


6) And her remark about not having held his hand, shows that she blamed herself for not having been there for him earlier. She considered herself, her actions as the primary cause of all their problems.

7) Yong-gi2 "forgave" him just because she had no memory, which was what she told Seol-ri after the latter sent her the photos:

"Why did you send the photos? To shake me and shake our relationship? Merely with those two photos? Since I don't have any memories, I don't have any scars that I received from him. I only have the love I'm receiving. So those photos you painstakingly sent me aren't that hurtful or painful".


The key phrase here is not about her not having memories (which, as you see, she herself stated), but about her not having scars that she received from him, which is why those two photos weren't that hurtful or painful.

So, personally I don't think Hae-gang's current behaviour is over the top.

On the contrary, I believe this is how any offended and self-respecting woman (which Hae-gang has always been) would/should behave.


8) I think she was upset rather than surprised...

And it wasn't due to the reasons mentioned by you above, but because, after seeing the photos sent by Seol-ri, she realised that he'd been treating her worse than a dog (her own statement).

9) And that is just what my post was about...

"Among the reasons, which probably caused Hae-gang to hold onto and wait for Jin-eon, self-reproach was one of the strongest" - which means she was aware of her wrongdoings, was sorry for them, and was willing to change, which she declared in her conversation with mother-in-law, as mentioned earlier.


So, given the above, I don't think our views are too different.

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Do you mean SR was the guinea pig of pudoxin clinical trial? Well if that's the case it's too abruptly out of nowhere, since she didn't mentioned anything when BS talked about pudoxin side effects or HG's protesting related of pudoxin. I assumed 4 years ago when YG's fiance was killed, the pudoxin was still not in market, since the YG's fiance case related to the fabrication report of the result pudoxin clinical trial.

looked like in the preview, JE fight againts HG regarding of the company, :phew: exciting 

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2 hours ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

Count me in..he should taste what he gave HK.. Good let him FEEEEL and learn some manners, remember HK almost died 3 times!!

Even a birds outside already know your main food is JE's suffer...don't you worry chingu you were already on the list ;)

Sorry for not joining you...other people suffer r not food for me...even vegetables r better option ;)

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Guys I know you guys think that POOR JE he is suffering so much this and that!!! but I cannot still stomach episodes 1 - 8 how cruel was he how he rubbed his affair against HK face

he was even violent with her!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!! so IMHO he deserves every piece of tears he is crying now!! How dare he think that a mother does not feel when you loose a child!!!

Regardless if you are not screaming or crying to let everyone see you are suffering DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE NOT SUFFERING His biggest mistake is to have dared to think that she had no feelings for her child! did he forget that she gave birth to a child? does he think that is not the biggest experience any woman can have? 

WHEN he finally said " I finally know that you were trying not to crumble that you were crying inside!!!" I was HOW DARE YOU notice 4 years after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEriously much? too much!! he definitely was too much!! and like some of you guys have said to have compared SR in the same lines as HK wayyy too much so I DON'T feel sorry for him I AM GLAD HE is suffering he needs to suffer way more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he cheated he was physically violent to her so he deserves every lasting drop of bitterness he is receiving only then I can say that he would understand how much he made her suffer

Heck she is still suffering LOST 4 YEARS, GOT ALMOST KILLED 2 TIMES Because of him!! so heck yeah he deserves it!! he is just being a wuss crying here and there!! DON'T YOU Remember when HK was all night out in the rain waiting for him or looking at him being all lovey dovey with SR? she even almost killed herself because he betrayed her the only person that she trusted!! so to think that she was not suffering is really an exaggeration!  

I DO so he deserves it!! if only every cheating man could get ten times worst what he is getting maybe then they would learn not to cheat who knows!! I am in the mind of Monica Lewinsky style totally! and this is just my idiosyncratic thoughts 


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2 hours ago, DelroyB said:


Sorry I did not included it but I have mention before that what SR did with JR was morally wrong.  I also said have said in other post that JE like what he thought was pure and innocent but when he finds out what SR and  JR did it would be over.  Also SR mindset has become warped that why it poisoned.  I was hinting at that last part when I said that if HG is out of the way JE becomes SR.  That from SR view point I should add. 

SO I agree with you whole hardly.   My main point was for HG it was about power but she did not marry JE for that.  Over time her desires warped her slowly.  With SR the same thing happen again it was not for money in her case either.  It was for "love".  With SR the process was much faster. 

Neither women were gold diggers.  I think both changed to avoid there past.  HG was not going to worry about money or be powerless again.

SR was not going to have third temporary  family she was going to have a permeant one. Both  smart capable women choice the wrong method to achieve those goals.   SR fell faster because her first step going after JE know he was married no matter if he was going to get divorce are not doomed her from the start. 

So I thanks for keeping me honest. 

@DelroyB To JE, his relationship with SR was never about love. It was more of a temporary crush since he sees SR as young HK, and more about responsibility, coupled by being pushed by SH. As far as JE is concerned, SR and him was long over, way back close to 4 years ago. But JE was weak-minded and didn't want to hurt SR, and was afraid to come right back to HK to plead for forgiveness. Hence, it dragged till recently, when JE set everything straight with SR. When JE finds out the true 'dark' SR, and what she has done with JR and with killer Shin, JE will really have zero feeling or compassion for her. JE will end his hoobae/sunbae relationship as well. 

Now SR is desperate, and teaming up with JR and poking killer Shin to 'hopefully raise his ire' to hurt HK again. We'll probably see HK encountering another murder attempt, but probably it will be JE who will get hit in his desire to protect HK. I think that will be when HK shows her true feelings to JE once again.

I agree both women started out with love, and were consumed with the lure of power and wealth. And we do see this being spelt out in their character description. For HK, it was mutual, in fact overflowing love from JE to her; while for SR, it has been overflowing from SR to JE, with a temporary reciprocation of infactuation where JE sees SR as young HK and mistakenly thought he could rebuild his relationship from there, with SR. Soon enough, almost too soon  upon divorce and separation, JE realized SR is not HK, and his heart has never left HK.  Still wondering how that marriage between JE with SR will happen, if it will indeed happen. Or was it a mis-translation from hangul to chinese? Or did writernim 'intentionally' play with the word 'marriage' vs 'officially dating'? Hmmm...guess we'll find out soon.

Random thots on ep 31 raw, on HK and MH in the first quarter:

Having seen the early part of ep 31 raw...


  • HK indeed still loves JE. She is trying to protect JE, as told to BS. She's also missing JE when on her bed in her hotel room, she was looking at his text message over and over and over. 
  • MH came clean with SH and told her he had stolen Ssanghwaseon from Dokgo Ji Hoon, he regretted his action and felt it was fate that HK became JE's wife, and his DIL, giving him a chance to prepare the company to go to HK, essentially to JE too since they are a couple (to MH, JE told him HK and him are back together again, but the latest development is not told to MH yet). We also see that MH did not murder twins' dad. It was an accident (if my understanding is correct). But MH did steal the 'Ssanghwaseon patent' from which CNP empire was built upon. So, at least MH in his old age, and after countless nightmares over his guilt, has decided to do right. To be fair, that was his intent since HK became his DIL. 
  • But we now see another greedy character, that in SH. She makes MH choose between HK or her, and she wants CNP to go to her son JE. Now I wonder how SH would want to force the marriage between JE and SR, knowing now that HK is actually the rightful owner of CNP...   


Okey dokee, back to ep 31 raw... must say, it's sooo goood thus far!

PS: Thank you guys and LOVERS for recaps, insights and updates. I will backtrack after watching ep 31 raw. Can't wait! You guys ROCK! :P 

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애인있어요 32회

“사랑했다 나는 너! 미치도록 사랑했다!”

최회장은 가족들이 있는 자리에서 해강에게 그룹 부사장으로 오겠냐 묻고, 해강은 그러겠다고 한다. 이후 진언은 물어볼 게 있다며 해강을 서재로 부르고, 해강은 진언이 자리를 비운 사이 진언과의 추억이 담긴 물건들을 보며 애틋한 마음에 눈물을 흘린다. 한편 남편 자료가 없어진 사실을 알게 된 용기는 경찰에 신고해야겠다며 흥분하고, 당황한 우주는 이모라고 실토하는데...


hope someone will translate both previews!!!

I really can't wait to understand all the words...things won't be easy ...FIL has his own plans...i bet that revealing the truth is not what he wants...he said something about MOON TAEJOO CASE...HG DOESN' T LOOK TOO HAPPY...I HOPE SHE WILL REMEMBER WHAT SHE HEARD AND THE PATENT...

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41 minutes ago, zagigirl said:

Even a birds outside already know your main food is JE's suffer...don't you worry chingu you were already on the list ;)

Sorry for not joining you...other people suffer r not food for me...even vegetables r better option ;)

That lesson JE should learn from you kekeke that LOVE is precious and don't play innocent and let others suffer just to satisfy owns cravings. If noone let JE taste his own meds how will he ever know it can taste as bitter. Let he kearn from his mistakes..

World is a wonderful place for everyone to live in.

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1 hour ago, 12blbl said:

Do you mean SR was the guinea pig of pudoxin clinical trial? Well if that's the case it's too abruptly out of nowhere, since she didn't mentioned anything when BS talked about pudoxin side effects or HG's protesting related of pudoxin. I assumed 4 years ago when YG's fiance was killed, the pudoxin was still not in market, since the YG's fiance case related to the fabrication report of the result pudoxin clinical trial.

looked like in the preview, JE fight againts HG regarding of the company, :phew: exciting 


No it wasn't abrupt. We've been shown this fact since early eps. In fact, some of us were thinking that would mean SR can never become pregnant with a Choi heir. Remember the ep where HK went to SR's apt, combed through her apt and then flooded the kitchen? HK saw and took the clinical trial packet that SR had kept in her cabinet and that was where we were shown. That was the second time. The first was when SR was at the cafe she was working in, and took the meds there. Right before HK came barging in to censure her and told her to leave JE.


Translation: CN-B12/Clinical Trial/CNP/KSR(870406). HK took it with her, and then turned on the faucet to flood SR's kitchen.

CR: SBS/TSKS csubs (screencapped back then. not sure which ep though)

And yes, Pudoxin was out in the market. TS had forged the 'original' clinical trial result that YK's late fiance KSY has prepared notifying CNP of the harmful side effects. And that young girl who jumped down from the rooftop of the court house and died, was in court due to Pudoxin's harmful side effect. But was struck down by HK's smart manipulation of info. 

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12 minutes ago, jadecloud said:


No it wasn't abrupt. We've been shown this fact since early eps. In fact, some of us were thinking that would mean SR can never become pregnant with a Choi heir. Remember the ep where HK went to SR's apt, combed through her apt and then flooded the kitchen? HK saw and took the clinical trial packet that SR had kept in her cabinet and that was where we were shown. That was the second time. The first was when SR was at the cafe she was working in, and took the meds there. Right before HK came barging in to censure her and told her to leave JE.


Translation: CN-B12/Clinical Trial/CNP/KSR(870406). HK took it with her, and then turned on the faucet to flood SR's kitchen.

CR: SBS/TSKS csubs (screencapped back then. not sure which ep though)


It was episode 6 ... @jadecloud

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20 minutes ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

Still in his dreamland. This JE really. When is he snapping out to the world of reality? He should start reflecting how hurt his wife was when he desperately kicked her out of his life. Only then will he learn!

@Katrina Abdul Talib

JE is in the real world. The part of the world he is in is called 'LOVE' and being 'LOVESICK'. JE has reflected and has realized he had caused HK much hurt and pain. That's why he knelt down to explain why he did what he did, and begged for forgiveness, and promised to stay by HK's side like gum, forever. JE has learned! And he is still learning how to love, how to protect HK....if only you would SEE :P 

@koreanczazzy Ah ep 6. Thanks chingu :P 


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1 hour ago, Claudia Ximena said:

Guys I know you guys think that POOR JE he is suffering so much this and that!!! but I cannot still stomach episodes 1 - 8 how cruel was he how he rubbed his affair against HK face

he was even violent with her!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!! so IMHO he deserves every piece of tears he is crying now!! How dare he think that a mother does not feel when you loose a child!!!

Regardless if you are not screaming or crying to let everyone see you are suffering DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE NOT SUFFERING His biggest mistake is to have dared to think that she had no feelings for her child! did he forget that she gave birth to a child? does he think that is not the biggest experience any woman can have? 

WHEN he finally said " I finally know that you were trying not to crumble that you were crying inside!!!" I was HOW DARE YOU notice 4 years after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEriously much? too much!! he definitely was too much!! and like some of you guys have said to have compared SR in the same lines as HK wayyy too much so I DON'T feel sorry for him I AM GLAD HE is suffering he needs to suffer way more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he cheated he was physically violent to her so he deserves every lasting drop of bitterness he is receiving only then I can say that he would understand how much he made her suffer

Heck she is still suffering LOST 4 YEARS, GOT ALMOST KILLED 2 TIMES Because of him!! so heck yeah he deserves it!! he is just being a wuss crying here and there!! DON'T YOU Remember when HK was all night out in the rain waiting for him or looking at him being all lovey dovey with SR? she even almost killed herself because he betrayed her the only person that she trusted!! so to think that she was not suffering is really an exaggeration!  

I DO so he deserves it!! if only every cheating man could get ten times worst what he is getting maybe then they would learn not to cheat who knows!! I am in the mind of Monica Lewinsky style totally! and this is just my idiosyncratic thoughts 


Yeah..agree agree.

Had HK died when she tried to commit suicide or during that accident.. JE may never realise what he did and will never learn!

As a husband one should think 1m times before doing anything that may hurt his wife and their sacred marriage vows.. what JE did only a psycho would do to ones wife.

He is suffering now? Bangging on the HK's doors, beating his heart and, crying now and again are nothing compared to what HK went through!

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1 hour ago, Claudia Ximena said:

Guys I know you guys think that POOR JE he is suffering so much this and that!!! but I cannot still stomach episodes 1 - 8 how cruel was he how he rubbed his affair against HK face

he was even violent with her!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!! so IMHO he deserves every piece of tears he is crying now!! How dare he think that a mother does not feel when you loose a child!!!

Regardless if you are not screaming or crying to let everyone see you are suffering DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE NOT SUFFERING His biggest mistake is to have dared to think that she had no feelings for her child! did he forget that she gave birth to a child? does he think that is not the biggest experience any woman can have? 

WHEN he finally said " I finally know that you were trying not to crumble that you were crying inside!!!" I was HOW DARE YOU notice 4 years after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEriously much? too much!! he definitely was too much!! and like some of you guys have said to have compared SR in the same lines as HK wayyy too much so I DON'T feel sorry for him I AM GLAD HE is suffering he needs to suffer way more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he cheated he was physically violent to her so he deserves every lasting drop of bitterness he is receiving only then I can say that he would understand how much he made her suffer

Heck she is still suffering LOST 4 YEARS, GOT ALMOST KILLED 2 TIMES Because of him!! so heck yeah he deserves it!! he is just being a wuss crying here and there!! DON'T YOU Remember when HK was all night out in the rain waiting for him or looking at him being all lovey dovey with SR? she even almost killed herself because he betrayed her the only person that she trusted!! so to think that she was not suffering is really an exaggeration!  

I DO so he deserves it!! if only every cheating man could get ten times worst what he is getting maybe then they would learn not to cheat who knows!! I am in the mind of Monica Lewinsky style totally! and this is just my idiosyncratic thoughts 


The only problem is how many people abandon children?  There mothers who leave their children in an instant for another man, job or to state their ambition.   JE made a mistake but not like HG did not act and say things to that affect.  It was a week, month it was over a year. 

HK did not get killed because of JE.  BIL  tried to kill YK both times.  BS letting YK2  in front of CYN and not  protecting her after being warned by the real YK and JE both was more to blame than JE.  JE will suffer but he been the one digging up all the dirt on TS.  He the one that found out YK2 was HG.  He the one that brought her back from the brink of death both times.  He was also the one that knew had reached his limit and warned HG that they would hurt each other if they continued down the path they were on.  The man been suffering for have the drama.  Yeah he hurt HG back then but suffered 4 years of nightmares for what he did.  He comes back and it a rollercoaster ride.   I mean he jumped for joy when he found out she was dead.  He then was really gleeful in the hospital.   Oh and he thanked his bother for attacking HG.  JR not tried to make him miserable every chance she gets.  TS does not try and ruins  HG image. 

JE did a very stupid thing,  but HG contributed in no small way to his misunderstanding.  Episodes 1 & 2 are the culmination of 54 weeks of living with woman who know her behavior results in JE hating her.   She later explains she was being strong for him.  For smart woman that beyond stupid.  I miss my daughter was all she had to say.  Instead she not only acted like it did not matter, she referred to ES in JE presence as thing.    She told the mother how can she be happy sending her child and mother away.    That simple thing would have helped.

JE did wrong, and will suffer for it. But HG methods of protecting him always seem to cause more grief in the end.   Just like 4 years ago HG is the Queen of mixed singles. 

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3 hours ago, Claudia Ximena said:

Guys I know you guys think that POOR JE he is suffering so much this and that!!! but I cannot still stomach episodes 1 - 8 how cruel was he how he rubbed his affair against HK face

he was even violent with her!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!! so IMHO he deserves every piece of tears he is crying now!! How dare he think that a mother does not feel when you loose a child!!!

Regardless if you are not screaming or crying to let everyone see you are suffering DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE NOT SUFFERING His biggest mistake is to have dared to think that she had no feelings for her child! did he forget that she gave birth to a child? does he think that is not the biggest experience any woman can have? 

WHEN he finally said " I finally know that you were trying not to crumble that you were crying inside!!!" I was HOW DARE YOU notice 4 years after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEriously much? too much!! he definitely was too much!! and like some of you guys have said to have compared SR in the same lines as HK wayyy too much so I DON'T feel sorry for him I AM GLAD HE is suffering he needs to suffer way more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he cheated he was physically violent to her so he deserves every lasting drop of bitterness he is receiving only then I can say that he would understand how much he made her suffer

Heck she is still suffering LOST 4 YEARS, GOT ALMOST KILLED 2 TIMES Because of him!! so heck yeah he deserves it!! he is just being a wuss crying here and there!! DON'T YOU Remember when HK was all night out in the rain waiting for him or looking at him being all lovey dovey with SR? she even almost killed herself because he betrayed her the only person that she trusted!! so to think that she was not suffering is really an exaggeration!  

I DO so he deserves it!! if only every cheating man could get ten times worst what he is getting maybe then they would learn not to cheat who knows!! I am in the mind of Monica Lewinsky style totally! and this is just my idiosyncratic thoughts 



 Hey chingu....first, RELAX and CALM DOWN :P I'm not at all sticking up for JE. Just want to set the records straight, as straight as how writernim had intended in her script...and how PDnim had intended in his visualization for us :) 

1. No it didn't take JE 4 years to realize or notice. In that kneeling down remorseful plea for forgiveness, we learned that it was soon after they had divorced/separated. Exactly when, we weren't told, but likely within a couple of months. Why he didn't come back earlier? Why he couldn't? Go rewatch ep 30.

2. JE did not compare HK with SR. He was answering HK's question about SR. And JE had always, in his reply, put HK before he even mentioned SR's name. Again, go rewatch ep 30.

3. It's true HK lost 4 years of her life. But to put it ALL on JE's shoulders is unfair and untrue. HK was in that accident due to TS trying to dispose of YK. If we have to place blame, besides JE, there were also YK, and TS. Then, after accident, it was BS who caused HK to be imprisoned in YK's ID...so, again, to place blame, if really we have to objectively place blame ...there's more shoulders to go around. BUT I'm not saying we should blame the victims - HK ans YK - I'm saying JE is VERY wrong to cheat, but what comes after is not entirely his fault. 

4. Lastly, HK also had to take part of the blame, for it was her wild ambitions and saying her time has come (MH just offered her the VP position of CNP), her non-grieving (or rather lack of it or lack of manifesting her grief) of the loss of ES whom both she and JE loved dearly, and most of all, I feel, HK's 'cold' and 'callous' talk about late ES, about already having forgotten her, and wanting another child during the first death anniversary, which to most asians, it is akin to 'the dead not being laid to rest, the cold body not having been warmed by the earth 6 feet underground'. So that was pretty disgusting to JE (ep 2 screencaps below).


However, having said the above, I do not disagree that JE ought to suffer. And so, here we are, JE is suffering and more to come. JE-haters....time for you guys to have a soju parteeee.... hehe

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