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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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I bet she will have JE mum register the marriage without JE consent…all they need is his passport…this is what i have learned from watching YONG PAL…dangerous right? oh god she is truly sneaky and shameless character ...

How crazy if that is possible , SR can marry JE in his absence, I can just see a scenario where JE returns home from work to find himself a married man and you can bet that SR is definitely going to get JE mom involved so that JE or his family wouldn't be able to report her to the authorities for performing a fraud marriage.

What is scary is if SR can register a marriage with JE without his knowledge, the nut is going to never let go of JE since she is not only obsessed with JE but the pecks and privileges the position of JE wife offers and I bet even death wouldn't release her grip on JE life if she marries him.

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2015-11-5 STARSEOULTV - Ep 19 - JE and BS confrontation over YK2/HK




YK2 returned home from her overnight escapade with JE, to a mad BS who has been waiting for her. JE w/o retaliation, suffered punches from an angry BS. who later shouted out 'Your wife is dead!'. And brought JE to the columbarium where 'dead HK' was memorialized..  A stunned and sad JE looked on...cliiffhanger ending of ep.

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11/03/2015 HERALDCORP: LGH - Delicate, pathetic/bittersweet performance.

(and postponement (of revealing knowledge about twins).



LGH, a seasoned actor, can elicit audience's acclaim through his fine performance.

LGH as Baek Seok, second male lead, facing reality of his one-sided crush and through his fine acting skills, is becoming an increasing hot topic among knetizens. Baek Seok and his undying love for Do Hae Kang, but unrequited, drawing pity from viewers with his persuasive acting.

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2015-.11-.04 ISPLUS

KHJ as HK, full of emotion and tears. Totally immersed in role!




2015-11-04 AJUNEWS

Ep 21 Preview - Real YK encounters SR. 'Nice sister'.




  • SR is surprised to bump into a HK-look-alike in the hospital. Later,
  • SR is more surprised when she(YK) shows up as a recommended domestic helper (now we have the answer, makes sense that YK's going to be SR's domestic helper).
  • SR goes to Seoul to uncover the secrets of president CMH.


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thank's for all the photo and info. regarding the  two lead ........enjoy it.........

You're welcome @trust71. And we have our 'question' answered (if news report is accurate). YK will become SR's domestic helper, not a nanny. Makes sense, doesn't it? 

IHAL is getting much media attention and much love from knetizens and viewers. Too bad its popularity isn't getting respective reflection in ratings so far. Hopefully the best is yet to come for IHAL. Fighting!.

Good night LOVERS 

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Ep 20 - BJS visits YK2 at office

BJS: Yong Ki.
YK2: Director, what are you doing here?
BJS: I heard you drank a lot of alcohol. I made some bean sprout soup, so eat some first before you get back to work.Hurry, go wash your hands before it gets cold. Hurry up.
YK2: Yes. Ahh! The soup is so—My stomach feels completely better, Director!
BJS: Have some rice too. That way, you can get rid of your hangover faster.
YK2: Yes.
BJS: My son is having too much of a hard time, Yong Ki. He's dying from the stress. If you abandon him, if you leave him, you'll get hurt in the end, too. Turn it around when you still can, and come back. We'll be waiting. We'll still wait for you. No matter what anyone says, I'll only listen to you, and only believe what you say.We believe in you, Yong Ki.

----------------CR: Viki (screencaps and subs)------------

This scene really makes me mad and speechless. How can you do this, BS-appa? saving someone, taking care of and caring for her doesn't mean she has to repay kindness with her life, and marry your son, right? She's still a sick person, an amnesiac. HELP her recover first, then let her decide. PLEASE! What a burden for YK2 to shoulder,not to mention the guilt and obligation....AISH! Guess all parents are selfish and looking out only for their own?

(Alrighty...good night.)

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Some Thoughts

After almost a month of strategic wheedling from a colleague, who loved this drama a lot (though I suspect it's mostly because of Ji Jin Hee lol), I finally caved and marathon watched 20 episodes until my eyes grew bleary. I'm not much into 50 episode dramas, I think this is a first for me, so I'm gonna be joining you guys in waiting, with great anticipation, for the weekends to arrive sooner. The mere thought of 30 more episodes, for me seems daunting. I mean a little less than 4 months more right? Geesh, anyway, as most Koreans would encouraging tell us - Fighting!

Oh and before anything else, hola to @myonenonly how are you my dear? My fellow sogonger @jadecloud hi! @nearsea , @andy78 and @valsava *waves* hello, it's great to see you here!

I like how this writer builds his characters - we are all witnesses to their flawed nature, their wrong choices, how they hurt and love the most important people in their lives. I now understand the necessity of a slow build, how the writer patiently weaves a story in order to present us with the anatomy of a marriage gone wrong. 

JE didn't know how to handle his grief (I believe even HK). He closed himself up, even from his wife and wallowed in his misery. I'm sure he partly blamed HK for what happened to Eun Sol, if not, he laid the entire accident at his wife's feet. He began to resent her for it, he also resented how unfeeling she has become, how she easily coped up after their daughter's death, how she even suggested that they start anew and think of conceiving again. He wanted commiseration and succor, instead, what he got was an emotionally closed off HK, who was thinking they could rebuild their lives after the devastating loss of their child.

JE has his needs and his wife wasn't giving it to him, so he sought out somebody who was willing to understand him, somebody who didn't emasculate him, somebody who seemed to unconditionally love him, that somebody was SR. However, it's now becoming clear that he never loved SR. He thought he did, which was why he was able to coldly cut HK from his life. But as time passed, I think he was mostly grateful to her for being with him when he needed her the most (for saving his life) which was why he decided to be more of a mentor to her instead of being her lover. Unbelievable as it may seem, they do not act very lover like when they're together, they're not very publicly or even privately demonstrative.

I do have a love-hate relationship with JE (and BS), he is a good guy who made a crappy decision, he's weak and at times cowardly with his actions, but he genuinely cares for people and I do believe he loves HK, in his own convoluted way. As Emily Dickinson once said, "The heart wants what it wants, or else it does not care."

As I previously mentioned, I also believe that HK didn't know how to handle her grief. Instead of openly acknowledging her loss, she immersed herself in work. She may have had the outward semblance of having gotten it all together despite of their tragedy as she went through the motions of living yet her marriage was in shambles. She and her husband were sleeping in separate rooms, they were not speaking to each other and they could barely conceal their resentment with each other. She may be the one who seemed more emotionally in control, but she also kept on doing things that alienated her husband - she never even wondered why things kept going south, she just allowed things to unravel.

HK tried to save their marriage but it was like she was trying to save a sinking ship, they were destined to fail, with or without SR (of course, SR helped speed matters up) imo. Tbh, on hindsight, her amnesia was more of a blessing because it saved her from, what I imagine, would have been a soul crushing misery. It's the kind of gut wrenching pain that would readily make her question her existence and would probably even push her to just end it all. So HK as YK safely nestled her away from that kind of pain. 

@nearsea, I do believe, with the kind of love they have, it would have been just like picking it up from where they left off. Especially when JE saw HK's warmth. It was like he fell in love with her all over again. HK wasn't any different, she felt drawn to him from the get go. HK and JE just showed us what drove Emily Dickinson to write those pithy words. Unfortunately, they do have to mend the chasm (as wide as the Grand Canyon if truth be told) that stands in between them (not to mention solve a whodunit and recover HK's lost memories). Plus they have several huge obstacles - the devious SR, the unrelenting BS (whom I hope wouldn't go dark), HK and YK's birth mystery, The mastermind behind Eun Sol's death, Pudoxin and Ssanghwaseon, MTS and crazy Hyungnim (eh, did I leave out anything else?) to overcome. 

I wanted to write something scathing against SR, but she's now just collateral damage to JE & HK's toxic marriage. Oh and I do think passive aggressive Dr. Min will be part of real YK's and her mini me's life. Now that would certainly add more dimension too an already complex story. Hehe.

Edited by drmjs
Tweaks and clarifications.
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Ep 20 - BJS visits YK2 at office

BJS: Yong Ki.
YK2: Director, what are you doing here?
BJS: I heard you drank a lot of alcohol. I made some bean sprout soup, so eat some first before you get back to work.Hurry, go wash your hands before it gets cold. Hurry up.
YK2: Yes. Ahh! The soup is so—My stomach feels completely better, Director!
BJS: Have some rice too. That way, you can get rid of your hangover faster.
YK2: Yes.
BJS: My son is having too much of a hard time, Yong Ki. He's dying from the stress. If you abandon him, if you leave him, you'll get hurt in the end, too. Turn it around when you still can, and come back. We'll be waiting. We'll still wait for you. No matter what anyone says, I'll only listen to you, and only believe what you say.We believe in you, Yong Ki.

----------------CR: Viki (screencaps and subs)------------

This scene really makes me mad and speechless. How can you do this, BS-appa? saving someone, taking care of and caring for her doesn't mean she has to repay kindness with her life, and marry your son, right? She's still a sick person, an amnesiac. HELP her recover first, then let her decide. PLEASE! What a burden for YK2 to shoulder,not to mention the guilt and obligation....AISH! Guess all parents are selfish and looking out only for their own?

(Alrighty...good night.)


Turn it around when you still can, and come back. We'll be waiting. We'll still wait for you. No matter what anyone says, I'll only listen to you, and only believe what you say.We believe in you, Yong Ki...No matter what anyone says(SR), I'll only listen to you, and only believe what you say(HK)...


Edited by andy78
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thank's for all the photo and info. regarding the  two lead ........enjoy it.........

You're welcome @trust71. And we have our 'question' answered (if news report is accurate). YK will become SR's domestic helper, not a nanny. Makes sense, doesn't it? 

IHAL is getting much media attention and much love from knetizens and viewers. Too bad its popularity isn't getting respective reflection in ratings so far. Hopefully the best is yet to come for IHAL. Fighting!.

Good night LOVERS 


but does she need a helper ,she stay in an officetel. something fishy right. KNOWING KANG SEOLI.

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finally gotten around to watching ep 20... must be one of the few people who is totally buying the story (even JE-HK's strong love for each other) and not feeling like parts of it are weird. (well am having fever right now, maybe thats why?! kekeke.....)

so while watching JR interact with HK, she said that she wished that she had memories to delete as that would be better than not having any memories. made me really think. there are so many embarrassing, stupid incidents that I would like to permanently delete from my memory but even those are part of us and make us who we are in some ways. so if we had no memories, would we still be who we are? would we still have the same personality, the same quirks, love the same man? how much do memories make a person? ~ that is the question of this drama no? 

watching BS, am hopeful as he was able to admit to YK at least that he was in love with a woman who belongs to another. even his stepping away when he hears the same ringtone on JE's phone was a positive step. think he is so much shock and trying to process all the information. once he deals with the emotional fallout, then he will be able to react. thats okay because everyone deals with emotional fallouts in different ways. so am waiting to see how he reacts going forward...

thought it was interesting that JE is still confused about HK/YK2. he said that even though circumstances and everything tells him that it isn't possible, he stills sees his wife in HK. and he is afraid. just as she is. awwww... what a lover's dilemma -- beats the usual noble sacrifice stuff in other dramas no? but it was great that he finally talked to SR -- she obviously thought that he had gotten on his feet and now they can move on, only for her to be told that he would rather be with the ghost... while his explanation was brief, it made sense. he wanted HK out of his life and he wanted to protect himself and SR. but after going in circles, he has realized that even if HK is dead, all he wants is her...

was laughing at HW's mention of the kdrama 'mask' but at the same time, hope no one dies in this drama. that would be too much no?

Edited by Lmangla
because my brain short circuits for grammar!
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Guest my2centsworth

IMO, I understand that we feel JE and HG's towards each other feel rushed and sudden, but I think the writer does so because she needs and wants to lay the groundwork for the future episodes because the big storms are coming to them.  HG will regain her memory and will find out about what MH did to her family.

If the writer hasn't shown these strong love and feelings, we will find it even more absurd if they stand for each other and hold on to their love.  How could they face rocky and difficult times when they don't even realize they love each other so strongly?  I can see that since JE regretted his foolishness and realized how much he loved HG, he will be able to bear and endure the cold treatments and rejections from HG, I think.

I totally agree. And all those lovely words coming out of JE's mouth about how he has gone round and round and has got back to where he left off. The way he told SR how he feft makes me think that SR knew that if JE found out about the death of his wife, she (SR) would never be able to win his heart. I can only imagine what it was like for those two while they were abroad. When JE first approached (or should I say when SR chased after JE) he needed something in his life that was missing in his marriage and the thought that he could get it from SR. Now he knows how wrong he was. Sometimes we have to lose something to realize just how precious it is to us. Je is getting a second  chance and I think he will cherish her til death do them part.

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drmjs Nice to see you too! Hope we see you more often =]..

Now about the drama..I think the writer at first built this total concept of the incidents that will follow up..first je's cheating on his wife,hk's amnesia,hk's preconceived attachment to je,je being considered as a somewhat emotionally damaged person and seen in a sympathetic light etc etc.So the loopholes in between have been ignored..and also the fast story pace have made ways for audience to forgive him and ignore his behaviors..though it's been itching me for long lol.

If I was hk I don't think I'd be able to take him back..considering how miserably he chose to leave her in the way astrayed,You say je wanted commiseration from hk,but what about what she wanted? How her pain/grief does not matter at all? Why is it about only one person and his ways? The mother should be the one whose heart is piercing the most right? Who is he to tell her to grief and mourn? And then he starts hating her and finds solace in some other person ..for his own reason.Why it have to be always about him? I cannot see him without not seeing this and it's hard to see the new hk falling for him again.The writer has decided how to make this story go and it goes with hk-je finding their way  back again.She overlooks the most vital point in a couple's life and does hot hold communication/misunderstandings important at all.I say if je and hk...the way they are, go back together again,they'd fall apart again ...because his ways have not been mended.


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Guest my2centsworth

I bet she will have JE mum register the marriage without JE consent…all they need is his passport…this is what i have learned from watching YONG PAL…dangerous right? oh god she is truly sneaky and shameless character ...

How crazy if that is possible , SR can marry JE in his absence, I can just see a scenario where JE returns home from work to find himself a married man and you can bet that SR is definitely going to get JE mom involved so that JE or his family wouldn't be able to report her to the authorities for performing a fraud marriage.

What is scary is if SR can register a marriage with JE without his knowledge, the nut is going to never let go of JE since she is not only obsessed with JE but the pecks and privileges the position of JE wife offers and I bet even death wouldn't release her grip on JE life if she marries him.

Wow...so I can go to Korea and find a man I want and steal his passport and get married to him without his knowledge? LOL  Now just let me get an airline ticket.....Korean men her I come...LOL

That is scary and wouldn't put it pass SR to do it. But what is she planning to do with the real YK? Is she going to try and make her pretend to be HK and turn JE against HK? She has something up her sleeve.

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watching BS, am hopeful as he was able to admit to YK at least that he was in love with a woman who belongs to another.


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Ep 20 - BJS visits YK2 at office

BJS: Yong Ki.
YK2: Director, what are you doing here?
BJS: I heard you drank a lot of alcohol. I made some bean sprout soup, so eat some first before you get back to work.Hurry, go wash your hands before it gets cold. Hurry up.
YK2: Yes. Ahh! The soup is so—My stomach feels completely better, Director!
BJS: Have some rice too. That way, you can get rid of your hangover faster.
YK2: Yes.
BJS: My son is having too much of a hard time, Yong Ki. He's dying from the stress. If you abandon him, if you leave him, you'll get hurt in the end, too. Turn it around when you still can, and come back. We'll be waiting. We'll still wait for you. No matter what anyone says, I'll only listen to you, and only believe what you say.We believe in you, Yong Ki.

----------------CR: Viki (screencaps and subs)------------

This scene really makes me mad and speechless. How can you do this, BS-appa? saving someone, taking care of and caring for her doesn't mean she has to repay kindness with her life, and marry your son, right? She's still a sick person, an amnesiac. HELP her recover first, then let her decide. PLEASE! What a burden for YK2 to shoulder,not to mention the guilt and obligation....AISH! Guess all parents are selfish and looking out only for their own?

(Alrighty...good night.)

you are right in that he is thinking like a parent. but at same time, the above line indicates that he thinks that it is early stages, sort of like a passing attraction or a crush, not that she is in love with JE. so he is telling her to turn around while it is still possible and that it is not too far gone for her to leave. she can still come back to them without censure and they will accept her as they believe in her ~ think that is the message he was trying to get across.

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Guest my2centsworth



Ep 20 - BJS visits YK2 at office

BJS: Yong Ki.
YK2: Director, what are you doing here?
BJS: I heard you drank a lot of alcohol. I made some bean sprout soup, so eat some first before you get back to work.Hurry, go wash your hands before it gets cold. Hurry up.
YK2: Yes. Ahh! The soup is so—My stomach feels completely better, Director!
BJS: Have some rice too. That way, you can get rid of your hangover faster.
YK2: Yes.
BJS: My son is having too much of a hard time, Yong Ki. He's dying from the stress. If you abandon him, if you leave him, you'll get hurt in the end, too. Turn it around when you still can, and come back. We'll be waiting. We'll still wait for you. No matter what anyone says, I'll only listen to you, and only believe what you say.We believe in you, Yong Ki.

----------------CR: Viki (screencaps and subs)------------

This scene really makes me mad and speechless. How can you do this, BS-appa? saving someone, taking care of and caring for her doesn't mean she has to repay kindness with her life, and marry your son, right? She's still a sick person, an amnesiac. HELP her recover first, then let her decide. PLEASE! What a burden for YK2 to shoulder,not to mention the guilt and obligation....AISH! Guess all parents are selfish and looking out only for their own?

(Alrighty...good night.)

Don't think that BS's dad is being selfish.  He is just a parent who is watching his child hurting and is trying help. When he finds out about YK2 being the real HK he will probably be giving HK an apology. He has to watch his adopted daughter, SR get hurt by JE and now finds out HK/YK2 has feeling for JE too, what else can he do but ask HK/YK2 to stay with his son and not go to JE?

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Great and insightful comments here in pp.204&205.  Feels like we have "freshening, new winds" in our sails, moving all of our "ships" briskly along!  Love the info. from the news article about YK1 answering an ad for a "domestic helper" for a small officetel occupied by i lone woman who spends most of her free time at the Choi residence.  Think we all see what's going down with that little trick by SR!     :angry:

Did I choose SR in that Poll?  Darned if I'm sure who I voted for now! 

When will SR admit to herself that she will never have any part of JE? She is so scary!  If only she were not so intelligent!  She uses her youth & beauty to manipulate naive people who are easily fooled by her pleasing manners and seemingly sincere facade.   Machiavelli would have loved her as a Princess to his "Prince"!  A match made in....that other place!

EDIT:... Looking forward to the next episodes with renewed interest now.  But I really want the Writer to show me what went on when  Eon Sol's accident happened.  Somewhere in there may be a key to understanding how JE & HK veered off in different directions.  

             And personally, I want more insight into what the heck JE was thinking  in Episodes 1 to 9.  All I see is a Grade A jerk!  Yet we heard from his mother what a really great guys he was in the early days of their courtship! (when SH had that dementia lapse and talked to SR as if she were HK).    :huh::huh:     Feels to me that this is  gaping hole in the drama that needs to be filled in --- for me to welcome him back into HK's life.  However, HK seems more than willing to have JE back!


Edited by mdj101
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I can't wait what will happen in the next episode. And today is only Wednesday...... And the thought that I have to be like this every week for another 4 months is scary....... 

I hope JE will first discover YK2 is HK. It will be very terrible if YK2 discover it first. I also hope whatever plan that SR has in mind will indirectly help JE to uncover the truth first since she's the one who talked about YK2 to BIL when she thought JE was still asleep.

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Great and insightful comments here in pp.204&205.  Feels like we have "freshening, new winds" in our sails, moving all of our "ships" briskly along!  Love the info. from the news article about YK1 answering an ad for a "domestic helper" for a small officetel occupied by i lone woman who spends most of her free time at the Choi residence.  Think we all see what's going down with that little trick by SR!     :angry:

Did I choose SR in that Poll?  Darned if I'm sure who I voted for now! 

When will SR admit to herself that she will never have any part of JE? She is so scary!  If only she were not so intelligent!  She uses her youth & beauty to manipulate naive people who are easily fooled by her pleasing manners and seemingly sincere facade.   Machiavelli would have loved her as a Princess to his "Prince"!  A match made in....that other place!

EDIT:... Looking forward to the next episodes with renewed interest now.  But I really want the Writer to show me what went on when  Eon Sol's accident happened.  Somewhere in there may be a key to understanding how JE & HK veered off in different directions.  

             And personally, I want more insight into what the heck JE was thinking  in Episodes 1 to 9.  All I see is a Grade A jerk!  Yet we heard from his mother what a really great guys he was in the early days of their courtship! (when SH had that dementia lapse and talked to SR as if she were HK).


@mdj101 ~ what is the story that you are referring to here? is this the french book "little prince"?

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