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That last scene though with YH in therapy...is that a mirror image? Kinda weird coz he injured his rught knee again right? But from that scene it looks like left leg is the one heavily bandaged.

Though i dont want to think negatively but like @fortune01teller I cant help but think that its a precursor to some more sad events. I was expecting the time jump but to have them meet again after just almost 1 episode with no other strings/conditions/catch is very suspicious.

3 more episodes!!! Arrrgggh...

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We had one ep of mostly tears so now that they are united I'm going to think positive that the writer will take us back to the cute, funny romantic comedy she started with.  This drama has been different from the being even with them throwing in the dramatics of the last ep. Don't know why they always has to throw in the separation issue in. Maybe it's in some rule book of drama writing, 


I don't think YH is ill but feeling the effects of what that year of separation has done to his relationship with JE. In the preview JE is sitting on the other side of the table while YH is laying on the couch. The intimate comfort before the accident they had reached is missing. After a years separation JE was was very happy to see him but something is missing. The intimacy of being close and  together is no longer there for JE. He realized what he did to JE and their relationship by going it alone and not including her.. His choice of not including JE  took something from JE and their relationship. 


Sorry to say but I don't think that erotic night will happen soon. YH has some make up to do for his stupid move of going off alone. He's so use to doing and being alone he didn't realize the pain he put JE through. 


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6 hours ago, ireumimolla said:

Text Preview Ep 14:

드디어 주은 앞에 나타난 영호.주은은 한시도 영호를 곁에서 떨어지지 못하게 하고.1년 만에 다시 맞는 크리스마스, 영호와 주은은 헤어졌던 시간을 보상받으려는 듯 둘만의 애틋한 시간을 보내는데...

Young Ho finally appears before Joo Eun. JE does not let YH leave her side even for a second. Meeting on Chrstmas again after a year, YH and JE makes up for the time they spent separated by spending an affectionate time together...

Well accor to preview she won't let him in at first...thats why he's sad :P

Joke aside...that still worries me...

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While it was hard watching tonight's episode and I will have to wait for the subs for clarification I have the feeling the writer cleverly pulled a stunt on us again. We were all anticipating that his worst injury would be his right leg because it would dramatize the fact that it wasn't the healthiest of his body to begin with.

But by choosing to have JK left leg being the worst injury from the accident the whole scenario about extended rehab makes even more sense for me. Cause while he may have recovered from his bone cancer within his right leg he may subconsiously stressed his left leg since his recovery. With the help his healthy left leg he was able to show everyone he was fine by putting more weight on this side. So with the left leg being completely destroyed it makes sense that the recovery is taking longer and is more complicated as he will have to break with the subconscious habit of relying on the left leg's strength for walking etc.

I think that's why he also lost his balance when leaning to the left side during that rehab exercise as shown in th preview. He lost his balance while trying to put his body weight onto his left leg and knee.

As JE doesn't know about the injured left leg but just that his leg is injured she as well assumed it has to be the right one and he wanted her to keep believing it. He did not want to see him having two injured legs as she would worry and be in pain for him. So he let her believe it's all about his right leg as it is shown during their reunion scene. He  saw her looking at is right leg and just proved his it is properly working, but he did not move his left leg. I assume it still takes his whole concentration to keep his balance when stressing the left leg and he did not want to reveal this new imperfection (as he would most likely feel of it) of him right from the beginning as he thinks it's unsexy.

Well at least that's what I thougth of without having subs and just relying on the raw version. Maybe the subs will prove me wrong later on. Who knows...

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We forgot 1 thing.... the arranged marriage is still on the table.... halmoni still want him married the girl she picked the heir of the pharmaceutical company. We havent see this twist where the upper class elder force their wiĺl to have the heir marry aomeone they picked. 

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My river of tears has ebbed and now the well is dry.... and that is without subs yet! No more pls!  @NhicarTI hope it is not what you think this ep is - a precursor to some more sad events... 3 eps left but the penchant of the writer is to give us some feel-good scenes and wham! blindside us, time and again.... so the remaining 2 eps will be this way???? the remaining issues are the arranged marriage and the dad, halmoni and the psychological make-up of KYH as people have different ways of dealing with pain so I don't know if it was explained in this ep as there are no subs yet.

Thanks @plappi @andy78 for the article....   "I'm not an easy woman to get. You should come back, sexy and pretty. Remember, if you can still do it, then it's not over yet. If you believe, you can do it. It's ok with me you're still sick or you're not as sexy nor as pretty as before. Please just come back. I'm sorry I didn't tell you how much I love you".  Although I don't understand why she has to say "I'm not an easy woman to get".. I can't connect the dots (have they run out of lines?)....  "sexy and pretty" ..... can't they just say HEALTHY?

47 minutes ago, awsparkle said:

We had one ep of mostly tears so now that they are united I'm going to think positive that the writer will take us back to the cute, funny romantic comedy she started with.  This drama has been different from the being even with them throwing in the dramatics of the last ep. Don't know why they always has to throw in the separation issue in. Maybe it's in some rule book of drama writing, 


I don't think YH is ill but feeling the effects of what that year of separation has done to his relationship with JE. In the preview JE is sitting on the other side of the table while YH is laying on the couch. The intimate comfort before the accident they had reached is missing. After a years separation JE was was very happy to see him but something is missing. The intimacy of being close and  together is no longer there for JE. He realized what he did to JE and their relationship by going it alone and not including her.. His choice of not including JE  took something from JE and their relationship. 


Sorry to say but I don't think that erotic night will happen soon. YH has some make up to do for his stupid move of going off alone. He's so use to doing and being alone he didn't realize the pain he put JE through. 


I'm even wondering if that erotic night will ever happen!!!! or maybe there's some nerve damage (which is not far fetched) that he can't get it up? rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009 Kidding aside I feel the same way and maybe that's why his expression was what it was when he closed the door - he knows he's hurt KJE  .... but I'm sure it hurts him more to have done that... hopefully, ep 14 will give us some sort of explanation.... But I think he will resolve to make it up to her big time... next ep, he should be bonding with the family of KJE...

But still, there are some remnants of TRA LA LAND ooops kdrama land, I mean...... someone tried to kill you and he gets off easy by resigning? they said WS move to post the int'l license of KYH is illegal and SJ covering it up? case of disbarment.... your best friend steals your (ex) BF but still concerned with her welfare? Is there no retribution in all this? As usual, all is forgiven.... WORLD PEACE is the answer (isn't this for beauty pageants only?) man oh man!!!!

I LOST THE EP.13-14 BET....... so what else is new???? was there ever a decision on what ava losers will have to use? or do I still have to keep chief min?

it's past 5 in the morning and I barely had sleep..... I now officially belong to the EYE BAG CLUB with SJS as the president and I'm the sexytary!!! anyone care to join?

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@rain719  I dont mind just a little bit of sadness (if writer is lurking, just a little bit ok? Not buckets and buckets of tears) as long as the storyline for the next 3 eps will be solid and good to tie the loose ends and give us our happy ending (got to be a happy one this is a romcom not a melo) :)

On the I am not an easy woman to get...since my Korean speaking skills is down to the very basic I wasnt sure if there was just something missing jn the translation? I am not an easyn woman to get rid off (or to let go) seems a better dialog since she said this after he sent her the tap tap sms.

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1 hour ago, Lady_Fay said:

While it was hard watching tonight's episode and I will have to wait for the subs for clarification I have the feeling the writer cleverly pulled a stunt on us again. We were all anticipating that his worst injury would be his right leg because it would dramatize the fact that it wasn't the healthiest of his body to begin with.

But by choosing to have JK left leg being the worst injury from the accident the whole scenario about extended rehab makes even more sense for me. Cause while he may have recovered from his bone cancer within his right leg he may subconsiously stressed his left leg since his recovery. With the help his healthy left leg he was able to show everyone he was fine by putting more weight on this side. So with the left leg being completely destroyed it makes sense that the recovery is taking longer and is more complicated as he will have to break with the subconscious habit of relying on the left leg's strength for walking etc.

I think that's why he also lost his balance when leaning to the left side during that rehab exercise as shown in th preview. He lost his balance while trying to put his body weight onto his left leg and knee.

As JE doesn't know about the injured left leg but just that his leg is injured she as well assumed it has to be the right one and he wanted her to keep believing it. He did not want to see him having two injured legs as she would worry and be in pain for him. So he let her believe it's all about his right leg as it is shown during their reunion scene. He  saw her looking at is right leg and just proved his it is properly working, but he did not move his left leg. I assume it still takes his whole concentration to keep his balance when stressing the left leg and he did not want to reveal this new imperfection (as he would most likely feel of it) of him right from the beginning as he thinks it's unsexy.

Well at least that's what I thougth of without having subs and just relying on the raw version. Maybe the subs will prove me wrong later on. Who knows...


Plausible ... but then again this will add to the unresolved issues... so do we get an extension????? I wouldn't mind the tears, the heartache if this drama will be extended!!! I get to see SJS more! This drama is a keeper and worthy of rendering the replay button useless!!!!


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Well this is the first time I didn't watch an episode of this show raw. I wanted to wait for the subs so perhaps I would be less sad with the episode.

I liked that JE and SJ were able to open up and talk things through, I like that JE isn't bitter about WS and SJ relationship because she has found her own happiness and they seemed to really care for each other. Of course I think she should keep SJ as a "friend" but not a close one.

Uncle got what he deserved, and at the end the mother and younger son are just disowned so what did he accomplish. Halmoni was as harsh as ever with her words but she's old and hurt and I hope she changed her ways. Dad was very calm and collected, and I like that he didn't overreact.

I can understand where YH was coming from, and I think if I were JE i would wait and forgive him too. He knows her personality and her ability to take hints, he wasn't being malicious or trying to hurt her so its understandable that they would pick up right where they left off.

Thank you, writer nim for not torturing us with the long distance and making the knee heal quickly although Episode 14 will show us how hard he fought to heal and come back to her. 

Now all thats left is the Halmoni to let go of the arrange marriage. 

Looking forward to more lovey dovey time and of course that long awaited "comfortable erotic night".


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Eng subs are out! I'm just not sure if I can watch the whole episode right now :( I'm also worried about YH crying outside JE's apartment door. Was he just overcome with emotions upon seeing JE but couldn't let it all out when he saw her? I hope so...because if there's another impending separation that would just be :angry:

And besides, YH did say he'd see her everyday...I hope!!!

And JE wearing that pretty peach dress...wonder what occasion it's for!

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Just finished episode 13 with sub... And I killed my tissues box...

random thoughts:

- I understood the writer's idea with the tap-tap but it seems a bit strange to me that they didn't maintain some sort of communication in the 21 century... The strongest point of this couple was the way that they communicate with each other! A year for rehab makes sense to me, but a year waiting without any kind of news not so much. Only in dramaland really...

- oh boy, I was warned about SMA's crying but I never thought that affected me so badly... The minute that she began crying, I already finished my tissues supplies! I couldn't help to sob at the same time... 

- Finally, some sincere beating between JE and SJ! Those girls should had that cat fight ages ago! SJ seems even more relieved then JE, she's only happy that she's still have her friend back. And better yet, JE told what she needed to ear about WS. Maybe now she'll be more self confidence. But she deserved the beating tho.... LOL

- I'm sympathetic with YH's father. I know that showing and telling his feelings isn't his forte but this episode confirmed me that he deeply loves both his sons and was truly in pain but his plain words didn't convey that, only his eyes... And in also in this matter, chief Min's eyes were the most sorrowful, it broke my heart the way that he looked JE in the hospital...

- From what I understood, there is no one to testify how the accident occurred (that really it was a attempted of murder) besides the envolved parts so legally, the uncle could make things messier if he wanted. I thing the fact that he didn't object and agree it's a proof that he finally saw all the greedy actions that took place to protect his sister and nephew only made them lose what was more important for each one of them: uncle's career and HR's and YJ's family. I'm very curious to know the family's dynamic one year after...

- I'm sure now that it was YH who made that pink scarf after they show us the little detail at the end of the scarf.

- Another thing that puzzled me was the way that several plots were neatly tied up like uncle's resignation, SJxWS, SJxmom and winning the championship, it almost felt the last episode to me! So what's left besides that famous racy night? There are 3episodes left. I'm a little wary of the story's path, I hope that YH doesn't have any more health issues, I thing he suffered enough, do you hear me writer-nim?!


PS: @rain719 dear, can I now change my Ava? Episode 13 already aired... I've been a good girl! ( most of the times...) ;)


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My eyes are SO puffy. 

That sequence of her speaking to him through the door broke my heart into pieces. Once he heard her say the last phrase, his resolve died and he wanted to get to her but couldn't. I think this scene is one of the most raw and beautiful display of love I have seen in kdramas. They're amazing actors - I'm sure it was exhausting to shoot and mentally, they both probably had to channel some sad feelings to be able to reach that level of emotion. Poor SMA. She cried like 75% of this episode but girl still looks flawless. So jelly. 

Kdrama gods and writer, let's end the last 3 episodes with a bang (literally, in this case for them) and happy rainbows, please. 

It's so sad. I should know by now that all kdramas, even romantic comedies, usually throw in some tropes, yet I continue to emotionally victimize myself by watching them lol life of a drama fangirl! 

Can't wait for tomorrow and actually the drama ending. These poor people need some sleep. Their eyebags are hanging down to their cheeks. 


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When she said "I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I love you sooner..." I don't know Mr. Young-Ho or myself who was the one crying more.:tears:

Dear friends, some gifts from Sugarmay for touching moments






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1 hour ago, Lissabonni said:

Just finished episode 13 with sub... And I killed my tissues box...

random thoughts:

- I understood the writer's idea with the tap-tap but it seems a bit strange to me that they didn't maintain some sort of communication in the 21 century... The strongest point of this couple was the way that they communicate with each other! A year for rehab makes sense to me, but a year waiting without any kind of news not so much. Only in dramaland really...

- oh boy, I was warned about SMA's crying but I never thought that affected me so badly... The minute that she began crying, I already finished my tissues supplies! I couldn't help to sob at the same time...  yup... there are actresses and actresses but... few can cry like she does! the gut wrenching type!! and I cried more when KYH cried at the end when she confessed her love for him!

- I'm sympathetic with YH's father. I know that showing and telling his feelings isn't his forte but this episode confirmed me that he deeply loves both his sons and was truly in pain but his plain words didn't convey that, only his eyes... And in also in this matter, chief Min's eyes were the most sorrowful, it broke my heart the way that he looked JE in the hospital... you're just biased?? rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009

- I'm very curious to know the family's dynamic one year after... I hope KYH will reach out to his younger brother (I'm sure he will..... that's how my KYH is!)

- I'm sure now that it was YH who made that pink scarf after they show us the little detail at the end of the scarf. YEESSSSS!!! Our macho sexy KYH knits!!!

- Another thing that puzzled me was the way that several plots were neatly tied up like uncle's resignation, SJxWS, SJxmom and winning the championship, it almost felt the last episode to me! So what's left besides that famous racy night? There are 3episodes left. I'm a little wary of the story's path, I hope that YH doesn't have any more health issues, I thing he suffered enough, do you hear me writer-nim?! you still have the dad, halmoni, introducing KJE to them, arranged marriage and meet KJE's family, wedding and of course the EROTIC HONEYMOON!


PS: @rain719 dear, can I now change my Ava? Episode 13 already aired... I've been a good girl! ( most of the times...) ;)you may but why should you? Thought you heart chief min?  rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009



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4 hours ago, NhicarT said:

That last scene though with YH in therapy...is that a mirror image? Kinda weird coz he injured his rught knee again right? But from that scene it looks like left leg is the one heavily bandaged.

Though i dont want to think negatively but like @fortune01teller I cant help but think that its a precursor to some more sad events. I was expecting the time jump but to have them meet again after just almost 1 episode with no other strings/conditions/catch is very suspicious.

3 more episodes!!! Arrrgggh...

Then unfortunately  writer ruined the show for me.

And I was going to recommend this drama to my best friend who has very stressful job. We love to share funny and fluffy stuff with each other.

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"Oh My Venus" increases slightly



"Oh My Venus" came in last.

According to Nielsen Korea, the KBS 2TV drama "Oh My Venus" rated 8.7%. This is 0.1% higher than the previous episode.

Sin Min-ah and So Ji-sub's "Oh My Venus" is a healing romantic comedy about a worldwide famous health trainer and a not so fit lawyer who used to be once a hottie.

Kang Joo-eun (Sin Min-ah) waited for Kim Yeong-ho (So Ji-sub) a year later and they reunited.

SBS "Six Flying Dragons" rated 13.4% and MBC "Glamorous Temptation" 10.0%.

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Guest julie721

Just finished ep 13 with subs...

oh dear oh dear...  Shin Min Ah, girl... You sure know how to cry. It's such heart wrecking and emotional acting, I can't help myself to cry too... So beautifully done. Kudos too to So Ji Sub, aaaargh... They both are very good actors.

so finally, JE-SJ resolved their matter.. JE is such good person, she doesn't hold grudges and even reassure SJ about WS. She's definitely one of my favorite characters in history of KDramaland.. 

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