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Lee Seo Jin 이서진 (3MAD Guest)


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..OH WOW ...how did you all manange to find back those words !! ..THANKS !! ..i always treasure what i share with you all here !!

haha aussie ..that wingy bear .!! er .i still hate it !! hehe .

hugs everyone !! ......let me try to repost some pictures

now u know with some other dimples man appearing .......

but i will alway say ..lee seo jin dimples.are the deepest and charming ! haha ^^

Hi, hi, shirley! *HUG*

Like aussie, I never can forget your writing about WINGY THE BEAR, hahaha. :lol: That was SOMETHING!

I second to that. LSJ's dimples are THE BEST! ;)

Hmm... who else has dimples? I can think about only Hyun bin.

It's like almost impossible login in :(

Rainy... you are a genius :D Thank you soo much :kiss: Hope that you are having a 'good' time studying :P

Currently Channel U is playing Since I Met You at 6pm everyday I think. I only managed to watch once.

Of course aussie ... I'll PM you my itenary soon... or e-mail.

Have a break..

Hi, hi, zurae! *HUG*

I hope you are doing great these days... not that busy, haha. :lol:

Oh, I loved that drama <Since I Met You >.

I guess tis is the latest photo by LSJ.

credit to LeeSeoJin.com, reupload by me


I love this picture sooooooooo much. :wub: Thank you for sharing.

Oh, and I really really hope aussie and you will have a chance to meet each other in Dec. It will be wonderful. I wish I could be there, too.

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Interesting article regarding LSJ...


기사)가장 보고 싶은 몸매-이서진1위

이서진이 '가장 보고싶은 몸매'의 소유자로 꼽혔습니다.

권상우, 배용준, 비, 에릭 등 탄탄한 근육질의 남자 톱스타들이 영상집이나 영화, 드라마 등에서 윗 옷을 벗어 자신의 근육질 몸매를 자랑한 경험이 있는데, 그동안 몸매를 좀처럼 공개하지 남자 스타들 중 가장 보고싶은 몸매의 소유자로 이서진이 꼽힌 것.

연예포탈사이트 그루넷(www.groonet.com)이 지난달 23일부터 7일까지 '단 한번도 윗 옷을 벗지않은 남자 스타들 중 가장 보고싶은 몸매의 스타는?'이라는 네티즌 설문조사를 벌인 결과 이서진이 전체 47%(871표)의 지지를 얻어 1위를 차지하였습니다.

'다모' '불새' 등 액션과 멜로물 등 다양한 작품 활동을 통해 큰 인기를 모은 이서진은 딱 한차례 몸매를 공개한 바 있습니다.

'불새'에서 지은(이은주 분)의 마음을 사로잡기 위해 자존심을 걸고 에릭과 수영 대결을 펼칠때 한차례 살짝(?) 공개한 것.

이서진은 인공암벽 등반과 헬스 등으로 꾸준히 몸매관리를 해와 '몸짱'이라는 후문.

2위는 꽃미남 탤런트 이동건(22% 416표).

이동건은 연예계 데뷔 이후 지금까지 단 한번도 속살(?)을 공개하지 않은 스타.

패션모델로도 손색이 없을 정도의 몸매를 소유하고 있는 이동건은 탄탄한 근육질의 몸짱은 아니더라도 꾸준한 운동을 통해 촬영 강행군에도 끄덕 없도록 체력을 키우고 있습니다.

3위는 현빈(10% 183표)으로 '내 이름은 김삼순'에서 다니엘 헤니와 수영대결을 펼칠때 현빈의 군살없는 근육질 몸매가 공개되어 여성팬들의 가슴을 설레게 하기도 했습니다.

4위는 '올드미스 다이어리'의 지현우(7% 123표)로, 소년의 이미지가 강하고, 또 데뷔한지 얼마 되지 않은 신인이라 작품속에서 옷을 벗는 일도 없었던 터라 아마도 몸매를 공개했을 때의 남성다운 이미지를 기대하는 네티즌들이 많았던 것으로 보입니다.

5위는 만능 스포츠맨 고수가 차지했으며, 강동원, 조인성, 송일국, 이병헌, 조승우 등이 그 뒤를 이엇습니다.

한편 그루넷에서는 7일부터 ▶HOT '캔디' ▶서태지와 아이들 '난 알아요' ▶Ref '이별공식' ▶젝스키스 '폼생폼사' ▶쿨 '슬퍼지려 하기 전에' ▶듀스 '나를 돌아봐' ▶터보 '나 어릴적 꿈' ▶핑클 '블루레인' ▶SES '너를 사랑해' ▶룰라 '날개잃은 천사' 등 '해체되었던 그룹의 멤버들이나 솔로활동으로 그룹 활동을 하지 않는 멤버들이 다시 한 무대에 선다면 가장 듣고 싶은 노래'에 대한 설문조사(www.groonet.com/poll/?show=thisweek)를 진행중입니다.

- ⓒ 그루넷(www.groonet.com), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 -

I will make short summary...

Whose body do you see the most? --- 1st. place, LSJ.

Entertainment portal site, www.groonet.com conducted poll about WHOSE BODY DO YOU SEE THE MOST from Sep. 23 to Oct. 7 and LSJ took the first place with 47% (871 votes) support of netizens. LSJ who became so popular with both mello drama and action such as Damo and Bool Sae once showed his well trimmed body when LSJ and Eric competed swimming race in the Bool Sae. LSJ keeps his body figure through cliff climbing and workout in the health club.

2nd place went to Lee Dong Gun (22%)and 3rd place went to Hyun bin (10%).



I still remember the scene when LSJ and Eric competed in swimming in the Bool sae.

Eric's swimmingsuit was white one and LSJ's one was red? :P :P

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Another article...


이서진, "배우 반대하는 아버지와 몇년간 대화 안해"



배우 이서진이 세상을 떠난 아버지를 떠올리며 한숨 지었다.

그는 지난 8일 제10회 부산국제영화제가 열리는 부산 해운대 해변가에서 진행된 케이블 영화채널 홈CGV '생생토크 영화포차' 녹화에서 "배우가 되는 것을 반대하는 아버지와 몇 년간 대화를 나누지 않았다"고 고백했다.

배우 김태우의 진행으로 소주와 함께 '취중 진담'이 오간 이 자리에서 그는 "미국 유학을 떠날 당시 영화 공부를 하고 싶었지만 집안의 반대로 결국 하지 못했다"며 배우가 되기 전의 경험을 털어놓았다.

그는 "서울에 와서도 계속 이쪽 일을 하고 싶어 애를 썼는데 부모님이 계속 마음에 안 들어하셔서 아버지와 몇 년간 대화를 나누지 않았다"며 고개를 떨구는 모습을 보였다. 그는 지난 8월 부친상을 당한 바 있어 이같은 고백이 더욱 마음을 아프게 했다고.

제작진은 "이서진씨가 무척 후회하는 모습이었다"면서 "아버지 얘기를 하며 고개를 떨구는 이서진씨의 모습에 모두들 마음이 짠했다"며 당시 분위기를 전했다.

한편 이날 '생생토크 영화포차'에는 영화 '무영검'의 이서진과 윤소이 외에도 영화 '러브토크'의 배종옥, 박진희, 박희순이 출연해 진솔한 이야기를 풀어놓았다.

또한 김동호 부산국제영화제 위원장과 대만의 거장 허우 샤오시엔 감독, 배우 장첸이 함께 하는 폭넓은 대화의 장도 마련됐다. 이날 녹화분은 14일 오후 9시 홈CGV를 통해 방송된다.

LSJ, "I didn't talk with my father who opposed my being actor for a few years"

Actor, LSJ sighed thinking about his father who passed away recently.

During shooting for cable movie channel, Home CGV's LIVE TALKS MOVIE STREET BAR on Oct. 8th in Pusan Movie Festival, LSJ confessed that he didn't talk with his father for a few years because his father opposed strongly about his being actor. Actor Kim Tae Woo(JSA) hosted the show and had honest talks with guest stars drinking Soju. LSJ said that he wanted to study movies when he went to abroad to study but he couldn't because of family's opposition. After he came back to Seoul, he tried to be an actor but his father didn't like that so much. That's why he didn't talk with this father for a few years. Saying this, LSJ looked down the ground sadly. Production staff said that LSJ looked so sad and regretful and listening to him ached everybody's heart.


Seo Jin ssi, 힘내세요, Fighting!!

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For our rainy... ;) another article about LSJ...


야성미가 펄펄` 이서진 맞어?

MBC 드라마 `다모`와 `불새`로 스타의 자리에 오른 이서진. 반듯하고 지적인 이미지를 풍기는 그가 초창기엔 아주 거친 매력을 발산한 적이 있다. 2002년 발매된 `SKY` 최진영의 뮤직비디오 `영원` 속에서다.

`영원`은 차인표와 장동건 두 형제가 주인공이다. 어떤 계기로 헤어진 두 사람중 차인표는 FBI 요원이 되고, 장동건은 암살자가 된다. 서로가 형제인줄 모르는 두 사람은 쫓고 쫓는 관계가 된다.

그 와중에도 차인표는 잃어버린 동생을 찾는 벽보를 붙이면서 혈육을 찾아 헤매지만 결국 장동건은 결국 FBI에 포위돼 사살당한다.

뒤늦게 나타난 차인표는 김규리가 건네준 장동건의 사진을 보게 된다. 어렸을 때 차인표와 장동건이 옷벗고 찍은 사진이다. 같은 사진을 갖고 있던 차인표는 장동건이 친동생임을 알게 된다.

그 뮤직 비디오에서 이서진이 맡은 역할은 장동건의 애인을 납치해 유인하는 깡패다. 속옷도 입지 않은채 맨몸에 걸친 반짝이는 가죽 점퍼와 박찬호처럼 기른 턱수염에선 야성미가 물씬 풍긴다. 왼쪽 귀에만 한 링귀걸이와 은색 목걸이도 이색적이다.

뮤직비디오엔 고급장성(소장) 역할을 맡은 정준호, 장동건의 애인역으로 김규리도 등장한다.

한편 현재 이서진은 현재 중국에서 `무영검`(영문제목 Shadowless Sword, 감독 김영준) 제작에 참여하고 있다. 윤소이 신현준 이기용 등이 참여한 영화에서 그는 발해의 마지막 왕자 대정현 역을 맡았다.[TV리포트 김대홍 기자] paranthink@yahoo.co.kr

'가이드 & 리뷰' 방송전문 인터넷 미디어 'TV리포트'

제보 및 보도자료 tvreport.co.kr <저작권자 ⓒ 파이미디어 TV리포트>


Here goes very short summary of article...

"Radiating wild unpolished charm, is this really Lee Seo Jin?"

Good-looking and intelligent-image Lee Seo Jin who rised into the stardom after MBC drama, Damo and Bool sae once showed his wild charm in his early days. It was in MV, 영원(forever) by Sky released in 2002.

Jang Dong gun, Cha In Pyo, Jung Jun Ho, and Kim Kyu Ri appeared in this famous MV. In this MV, LSJ appeared as bad guy who kidnaps Jang Dong Gun's girl friend. Shining leather jacket and beard make him radiate wild charm. Ring earing and silver neckless is very unique, too.


Actually, I have this MV, too. Very sad MV. :(

I never knew that bad guy was LSJ until somebody told me that... hahaha... :lol:

Obviously, this reporter seems to be shocked to find out that, too. :P

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Guest rainy75

haaaa.. i see hyun!!

*runs to hug hyun*

thanks for translating the articles.. !

i think aussie mentioned 15th Nov where she'll be in korea. i Hope she can catch the premier for shadowless sword ..

Whose body do you see the most? --- 1st. place, LSJ.

Entertainment portal site, www.groonet.com conducted poll about WHOSE BODY DO YOU SEE THE MOST from Sep. 23 to Oct. 7 and LSJ took the first place with 47% (871 votes) support of netizens. LSJ who became so popular with both mello drama and action such as Damo and Bool Sae once showed his well trimmed body when LSJ and Eric competed swimming race in the Bool Sae. LSJ keeps his body figure through cliff climbing and workout in the health club.

2nd place went to Lee Dong Gun (22%)and 3rd place went to Hyun bin (10%).

do we really see lsj's body tht much in the past 2 dramas?? *tries to crack my brain to see if there is others stars recently that has been exposed more * .......

the most recent one i seen is UTW in Resurrection ..

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Oh, LSJ had a signing session in Pusan for Sung Won Construction Company he's endorsing.

A lot of Korean fans and even Japanese fans attended the session.

I really had a good time reading those fans' posts about the signing session.

Japanese fans prepared very special present for our man. The members of Japanese fan site for LSJ, Lee Seo Jin and Dimple all participated folding one thousand paper cranes for LSJ and they even put note wishing success of the movie, Shadowless Sword in all papers. That is really something, isn't it? I was really impressed by Japanese fans' love for our man.

Here are some pics and clip from the signing session from Hwangboyoon.com


Another pics by 프로젝트윌 님 from hwangboyoon.com.


I like this one most. :wub:


And I think this was the paper the Japanese fans prepared for LSJ's sign.

You can see the IDs of members. ;) I think that's very nice. ^^


<credit: 유타 님 from hwangboyoon.com>

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Guest rainy75


i've been to the japan dimple site.. hehee..

they call it the dimple site.. i was surprised.. heheee..

ahhh.. i like tht dimple meeting autograph... pix

btw, what's the medal for in the 1st pix of the signing?

starts to think when will be the day i can have mine .. :-(

or how abt for our bool sae angels.. or damo-es .. gp..

hopefully aussie manage to catch the premier and see mr lee on the movie premier day!

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Oh, LSJ had a signing session in Pusan for Sung Won Construction Company he's endorsing.

A lot of Korean fans and even Japanese fans attended the session.

I really had a good time reading those fans' posts about the signing session.

Japanese fans prepared very special present for our man. The members of Japanese fan site for LSJ, Lee Seo Jin and Dimple all participated folding one thousand paper cranes for LSJ and they even put note wishing success of the movie, Shadowless Sword in all papers. That is really something, isn't it? I was really impressed by Japanese fans' love for our man.

Thanks for the many news Angels!! I wonder how can these Japanese fans got so much info on our man :unsure:

I love this picture sooooooooo much. :wub: Thank you for sharing.

Oh, and I really really hope aussie and you will have a chance to meet each other in Dec. It will be wonderful. I wish I could be there, too.

Yes... but if aussie is to be in Korea on the 15th Nov... then if she has to stay till early dec... won't that be too long for her.


i've been to the japan dimple site.. hehee..

they call it the dimple site.. i was surprised.. heheee..

ahhh.. i like tht dimple meeting autograph... pix

Hi Rain... Can I know the address of this Dimple site? :)

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Guest rainy75

was browsing thru search engine.. when i saw this

Lee Seo Jin Japan sites..


has got some nice pix!!



Hi Rain... Can I know the address of this Dimple site?

zurae: the above listed are his japan sites ..

The dimple site is http://seojin.lovesick.jp/

I read something abt LSJ on yashiman man variety .. not sure what is to be broadcasted.. is he attending or they are showing the shadowless sword promtions.. :unsure:

need to go check it out..

i saw another cute pix from the japan site.. heheee..


(credit:lee seo jin dimple site jpn and reupload by me)

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haaaa.. i see hyun!!

*runs to hug hyun*

thanks for translating the articles.. !

i think aussie mentioned 15th Nov where she'll be in korea. i Hope she can catch the premier for shadowless sword ..

do we really see lsj's body tht much in the past 2 dramas?? *tries to crack my brain to see if there is others stars recently that has been exposed more * .......

the most recent one i seen is UTW in Resurrection ..

Oh, rainy!

RUNNING TO HUG RAINY~~~~~~~~ *hug*

I'm sorry that I didn't see you. My old and slow computer was giving me hard time at that time.

*HUG AGAIN* I hope your study is going well.

Oh, aussie'll be in Korea in November?

Maybe she's very busy right now for preparing for long leave in Korea.

hahahaha... :lol:

You don't remember Jang Se hoon ssi in red swimming suit in Bool Sae? and those sauna scenes with Eric?

I still can't look at him straight in that scene... hmm hmm... :P

(whispering) If somebody has that pic, please post it in this thread, hehehe.

Oh, that sword practice scene in the first episode in Damo!

I'm telling you... the amount of my drooling for that scene can't be measured... hahaha.

Oh, UTW in resurrection! I really enjoyed that drama recently and his body was not that bad.


i've been to the japan dimple site.. hehee..

they call it the dimple site.. i was surprised.. heheee..

ahhh.. i like tht dimple meeting autograph... pix

btw, what's the medal for in the 1st pix of the signing?

starts to think when will be the day i can have mine ..

or how abt for our bool sae angels.. or damo-es .. gp..

hopefully aussie manage to catch the premier and see mr lee on the movie premier day!

The medal is actually commemorative coin made by hwangboyoon.com ladies to celebrate 2nd anniversary of Damo. I heard our naeuri's face is engraved on that coin. I think most of ladies in hwangboyoon.com have that coin. I guess one fan is showing it to LSJ. Can you see his eyes sparkling in that pic? Sooooo cute! :wub:

Those Japanese fans are so passionate in loving and supporting Seo Jin ssi. I heard they even sent the letters to Japanese movie distributing companies asking to buy Shadowless Sword many times.

Yah... I hope one of our angels will have a chance to see him and get his autograph someday.

That will be wonderful!

I'm guessing that first lady will be our aussie, hahaha. ;)

By the way, rainy, I can see three men from Shinhwa in your sig, haha.

So who's your favoirte?

Mine is Kim Dong Wan. He's acting so well in GOOBYE, SADNESS. I really enjoying that drama.

Thanks for the many news Angels!! I wonder how can these Japanese fans got so much info on our man :unsure:

Yes... but if aussie is to be in Korea on the 15th Nov... then if she has to stay till early dec... won't that be too long for her.

Hi Rain... Can I know the address of this Dimple site? :)

Hi, zurae! *hug*

I really want to see you and aussie will get to meet each other then.

That will be like dream come true. :wub:

Awe~ I absolutly LOVED him in FIREBIRD!!!<--my favorite drama!!!

Oh, shinhwa_n_choua!

Welcome! So you were supporter of Jang Se hooh in Bool Sae! I think you have such a good eye for man.

hahaha.. :lol:

Oh, Lee Min woo and yunho juno (is this how spell his name?) in your sig look so cute. ;)

zurae: the above listed are his japan sites ..

The dimple site is http://seojin.lovesick.jp/

I read something abt LSJ on yashiman man variety .. not sure what is to be broadcasted.. is he attending or they are showing the shadowless sword promtions.. :unsure:

need to go check it out..

i saw another cute pix from the japan site.. heheee..


(credit:lee seo jin dimple site jpn and reupload by me)

Oh, you're right. He's cute in that pic.

Yashinmanman variety show. Yes, I heard that he will be appearing that show soon. The shooting will be this wednesday, I read. I don't know exact day of airing. I think many Korean fans will be there on the set, too.

That'll be something to look forward to, too.

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Guest rainy75

hahahaha... :

You don't remember Jang Se hoon ssi in red swimming suit in Bool Sae? and those sauna scenes with Eric?

I still can't look at him straight in that scene... hmm hmm... :P

(whispering) If somebody has that pic, please post it in this thread, hehehe.

Oh, that sword practice scene in the first episode in Damo!

I'm telling you... the amount of my drooling for that scene can't be measured... hahaha.

Oh, UTW in resurrection! I really enjoyed that drama recently and his body was not that bad.

:P not tht i forget these scenes.. I have the sauna scenes in my photobucket...u wanna these up? :P

it's just tht i am trying to think if there's another other actors tht has exposed as much or more than lsj in their last 2 dramas ..

i cant seem to come up with any .. :unsure:

The medal is actually commemorative coin made by hwangboyoon.com ladies to celebrate 2nd anniversary of Damo. I heard our naeuri's face is engraved on that coin. I think most of ladies in hwangboyoon.com have that coin. I guess one fan is showing it to LSJ. Can you see his eyes sparkling in that pic? Sooooo cute! :wub:

yeh! he seem abit surprised by the coin .. wonder how the coin looks up front and behind?

Yah... I hope one of our angels will have a chance to see him and get his autograph someday.

That will be wonderful!

I'm guessing that first lady will be our aussie, hahaha. ;)

yeh! aussie shall be our first lady to meet lsj ! aussie fighting!!

By the way, rainy, I can see three men from Shinhwa in your sig, haha.

So who's your favoirte?

Mine is Kim Dong Wan. He's acting so well in GOOBYE, SADNESS. I really enjoying that drama.

hyun: my siggy fav? 3 of them are cute in their own ways. :lol: hard to give favs. I wld say i likw all their laughters.. even kim dong wan's laughter are infectious.

But just that hyesung's vocal chords are good.. junjin and eric behaviour are cute in their own way.

yeh i heard goodbye sadness is good. I'll wait for the dvd to be out before i start. It's a long drama. :blink:

Hi, zurae! *hug*

I really want to see you and aussie will get to meet each other then.

That will be like dream come true. :wub:

errr.. zurae .. actually was wondering if u r interested to meet up with the rest of us in the country also? like pathos/shirley and me sometimes do meet up ..

Maybe can meet up when i am back for my summer hols

Yashinmanman variety show. Yes, I heard that he will be appearing that show soon. The shooting will be this wednesday, I read. I don't know exact day of airing. I think many Korean fans will be there on the set, too.

That'll be something to look forward to, too.

Yashinmanman variety is shown in korea on Monday right? if it is, i'll keep a look out of it. I think the korean fans must have been missing him on the tv .. like we miss seeing him on tv.

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Hugs to rainy~~~~ :wub:

:P not tht i forget these scenes.. I have the sauna scenes in my photobucket...u wanna these up? :P

it's just tht i am trying to think if there's another other actors tht has exposed as much or more than lsj in their last 2 dramas ..

i cant seem to come up with any ..

Okay... I know one. ;)

Mr. LBH in All In. I wonder if you saw All In but there was one scene showing all of his naked body from behind in prison shower room. :P He surely exposed more than LSJ in Bool Sae, hehe.

(whispering) please upload that sauna scene... :rolleyes: I searched my photofile for that but no success.

GOODBYE SADNESS is very heartwarming family drama. It just makes your heart filled with hope and love. And Kim Don Wan is acting so naturally. I'm following that drama faithfully. It's like SINCE I MET YOU and HER HOUSE type.

Oh, you guys are so lucky meeting each other like that. I'm so lonely here. CRY~~~~~~


One funny episode regarding Japanese fans who attended the signing session this time.

She practiced the sentence PLEASE HUG ME in Korean which is Ahn Ah Joo Se Yo many times to tell LSJ to hug her. But when she met LSJ, she was too nervous to say that and there's too big table between LSJ and the Japananes fan, so she couldn't succeed. Anyway, I think she's very cute practicing like that, haha.

Aussie, I think you should practice that sentence in Korean, too.. you know, in case. ;)

ONLYJIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :kiss:

I missed you soooooooooooooo much.


How are you and how is your study going?

I'm so happy to see you right now.

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errr.. zurae .. actually was wondering if u r interested to meet up with the rest of us in the country also? like pathos/shirley and me sometimes do meet up ..

Wow... when is your summer holiday dear... sure I'll meet you all up. :D Must bring LSJ banner or not :P

some LSJ coins by me... whatever... I'm just jealous of their coin. ;)




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Guest Cha Park

Hello, Angels!

Oh, LSJ had a signing session in Pusan for Sung Won Construction Company he's endorsing.

A lot of Korean fans and even Japanese fans attended the session.

I really had a good time reading those fans' posts about the signing session.

Japanese fans prepared very special present for our man. The members of Japanese fan site for LSJ, Lee Seo Jin and Dimple all participated folding one thousand paper cranes for LSJ and they even put note wishing success of the movie, Shadowless Sword in all papers. That is really something, isn't it? I was really impressed by Japanese fans' love for our man.

I have seen LSJ thrice in arirang's Showbiz Extra. The other times were a Press Con of sorts while last night's eppy was a signing session in Pusan! I thought he and his partner in Shadowless Sword where part of the PIFF because the feature was shown simultaneously with the stars at PIFF. hahaha. Anyways, it was my third time to see him bespectacled! The eyeglasses looked good on him!

Okay... I know one. ;)

Mr. LBH in All In. I wonder if you saw All In but there was one scene showing all of his naked body from behind in prison shower room. :P He surely exposed more than LSJ in Bool Sae, hehe.

(whispering) please upload that sauna scene... :rolleyes: I searched my photofile for that but no success.

GOODBYE SADNESS is very heartwarming family drama. It just makes your heart filled with hope and love. And Kim Don Wan is acting so naturally. I'm following that drama faithfully. It's like SINCE I MET YOU and HER HOUSE type.

haha.. who would forget that scene in LBH's All In! hahaha...

But if you remember, i love LBH because he looks like my late father so how could i ehem, desire him!?

Thus, it is LSJ for me!! yoohoo! yes, yes! i remember the swimming pool scene in Bool Sae! wooot! hahaha..

*whispers* hyun, am watching Goodbye Sadness, too! It is shown in KBS World. Right, Kim Don Wan is a natural. I keep forgetting he's a singer! hahahaha..

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GOODBYE SADNESS is very heartwarming family drama. It just makes your heart filled with hope and love. And Kim Don Wan is acting so naturally. I'm following that drama faithfully. It's like SINCE I MET YOU and HER HOUSE type.

Oh, you guys are so lucky meeting each other like that. I'm so lonely here. CRY~~~~~~


I'm so happy to see you right now.

OK hyun dear.. let me give you a hug [bIG HUG] :D A time will come when we'll meet.

Is Goodbye Sadness really good... I might give this a try in future :D Kim Dong Wan had done a good job in the last drama I saw him, Beating Heart.

Rainy... my 14 year old niece also like Hye Sung a lot, she said he got the best voice among Shinhwa members. But she's totally and madly crazy with BI... children nowadays.. B)

I have seen LSJ thrice in arirang's Showbiz Extra. The other times were a Press Con of sorts while last night's eppy was a signing session in Pusan! I thought he and his partner in Shadowless Sword where part of the PIFF because the feature was shown simultaneously with the stars at PIFF. hahaha. Anyways, it was my third time to see him bespectacled! The eyeglasses looked good on him!

Hi Cha... so lucky of you to be able to watch our man in Arirang... how or where did you watched it?

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Guest Cha Park

Is Goodbye Sadness really good... I might give this a try in future :D Kim Dong Wan had done a good job in the last drama I saw him, Beating Heart.

Hi Cha... so lucky of you to be able to watch our man in Arirang... how or where did you watched it?

Hello, zurae sis! Goodbye Sadness has the usual themes: poor boy meets rich girl, parents against it, who's-my-son-where's my son case kind of K-drama but it is always refreshing to watch Park Sun Young. Somehow, she blends well with Kim Dong Wan. But then, am still for the 18-29 couple. hehe. oops! off topic! What do you know, wouldn't Park Sun Young look good with our Lee Seo Jin-ssi? hmm.... can? Can! hahaha!

I always look forward to Arirang's Showbiz Extra because for a 45 minute segment, it is often Korean-Stuff packed! I couldn't remember the dates where i saw LSJ. But he has appeared several times because of his promo of Shadowless Sword. We can ask the Thread Mistress, virgo_star whose Arirang Thread is very organized ----> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3472

It is unfortunate that along with the Great Crash are the complete episodes of Arirang TV's most watched shows. The good thing though is you can log on to www.arirang.co.kr to check out the archive!


here is last night's Showbiz Arirang! hope i got the right link! hehehe.. will try to scour the archives of LSJ's appearances: ---->>> MMS://

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Guest rainy75

Mr. LBH in All In. I wonder if you saw All In but there was one scene showing all of his naked body from behind in prison shower room. :P He surely exposed more than LSJ in Bool Sae, hehe.

(whispering) please upload that sauna scene... :rolleyes: I searched my photofile for that but no success.




Oh, you guys are so lucky meeting each other like that. I'm so lonely here. CRY~~~~~~


give hyun a big *hug* .... ...

Wow... when is your summer holiday dear... sure I'll meet you all up. :D Must bring LSJ banner or not :P

dear.. i'll be back in december and will be ard for 2mths .. :P

so u got lots of time to choose to meet. Dont need a banner .. :lol:

I'm sure the face already has a "trademark"... just like when i meet blink/pathos for the first time...

we dont even carry banners ... :lol:

Rainy... my 14 year old niece also like Hye Sung a lot, she said he got the best voice among Shinhwa members. But she's totally and madly crazy with BI... children nowadays.. B)

Hi Cha... so lucky of you to be able to watch our man in Arirang... how or where did you watched it?

errhmm.. hyesung is the lead singer in shinhwa. He has to have the best voice among the gp. He can do sentimental or fast or loud .. he can also go up to quite high .. varieties i wld say.

Kim Dong wan also has a strong voice. I think in the group, the main singers are Hyesung , followed by Minwoo and dong wan. Dong wan has quite a good voice.

Bi, i tried to listen to his album. Only like some of it. ;)

I always look forward to Arirang's Showbiz Extra because for a 45 minute segment, it is often Korean-Stuff packed! I couldn't remember the dates where i saw LSJ. But he has appeared several times because of his promo of Shadowless Sword. We can ask the Thread Mistress, virgo_star whose Arirang Thread is very organized ----> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3472

this is the arirang url where shadowless sword is being reported. It's at the start of the vidx so need not wait too long to watch.


(credit: star_virgo@ arirang thread)

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Guest Cha Park


here is last night's Showbiz Arirang! hope i got the right link! hehehe.. will try to scour the archives of LSJ's appearances: ---->>> MMS://


this is the arirang url where shadowless sword is being reported. It's at the start of the vidx so need not wait too long to watch.


(credit: star_virgo@ arirang thread)

wooot! haha.. thanks, rainy for that SC! eric and LSJ! teehee...

and thanks for the oct 10 arirang link, too! i don't need to scour hard! ^^^

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Hi, hi, angels! :wub:

some LSJ coins by me... whatever... I'm just jealous of their coin. ;)




Oh, zurae! *HUG*

What an awesome work! How did you do that?

It will be great if I could have those coins really.

Thank you so much.

I like the third one most. ;)

Here's address for you to see the real coin of hwangboyoon.com.


I think they used this picture, which is also my favorite one.


Hello, Angels!

I have seen LSJ thrice in arirang's Showbiz Extra. The other times were a Press Con of sorts while last night's eppy was a signing session in Pusan! I thought he and his partner in Shadowless Sword where part of the PIFF because the feature was shown simultaneously with the stars at PIFF. hahaha. Anyways, it was my third time to see him bespectacled! The eyeglasses looked good on him!

haha.. who would forget that scene in LBH's All In! hahaha...

But if you remember, i love LBH because he looks like my late father so how could i ehem, desire him!?

Thus, it is LSJ for me!! yoohoo! yes, yes! i remember the swimming pool scene in Bool Sae! wooot! hahaha..

*whispers* hyun, am watching Goodbye Sadness, too! It is shown in KBS World. Right, Kim Don Wan is a natural. I keep forgetting he's a singer! hahahaha..

Hello, hello, Cha Park! *HUG*

Sooooooooo great to see you. *HUG AGAIN* :wub: How are you doing?

Thank you for letting us know about Seo Jin ssi's appearance in arirang's Showbiz Extra.

I'll go check it out.

Oh, you can see KBS world? Good for you.

Yah, Kim Dong Wan's acting is exceeding my expectation. I love his character in that drama. ;)

zurae and rainy!

Thank you for giving me hugs. *hugs back* :rolleyes:



give hyun a big *hug* .... ...


Thank you so much, rainy! ohhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~ :P

I think I'm being too happy, hahahaha... :lol:

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