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Nam Joo Hyuk 남주혁


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I just read this interview (I think it’s another variant of his past week’s interview, but seems like it has slight new info):




especially love this snippet:

"I'm not different from others. I like to play games at home, and I like to look up works. I sing alone at home. I live a normal life spending precious time with my family. I know the importance of mediocrity, so I'm enjoying it in a small and happy way."


I don’t know if it’s a matter of translation, but if he meant it, then it’s quite endearing. Love how he says that he knows the importance of mediocrity. I think the word normalcy is probably a better word haha. But it goes to show he is grounded and still appreciates the normal day to day, routine, non-glamorous, non-shiny life. He seems to be very close with his family!


Btw, does anyone know if Here is definitely going to be postponed indefinitely? I heard he needs to enlist soon (sometimes I just wish I knew my fav actors only after they enlist, the wait is too long) :cries:


also, do we know what type of character he is playing in there? I see some ppl say that he won’t be playing HJM’s love interest in that drama - wonder where is that news from? Since I don’t recall reading that piece of plot info anywhere! 

Hopefully he gets one more good drama before enlisting, if Here is going to be shelved! 

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Indeed a very good article.  Below extract is also my favorite bit :)66-F31008-68-A7-4-B14-8451-8449-D5167-EB


Perhaps due to all the COVID complication, it is hard to decide just for how much longer will the filming of Here be delayed. And if it pushes through, JH’s love line will be with Shin Min Ah instead. I don’t think he will enlist in 2021 or at least that info hasn’t been “leaked” somehow. However I think the army service will do him good. It will foster a new perspective and an even tougher, deeper, more manly version which is beneficial for his next career chapter!

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So I’ve finally finished watching The Light In Your Eyes! Lol I watched it because I was so curious that people said it was NJH’s best acting performance, and I definitely agree. However, I have a slightly different perspective too, which I will share later. 

back to TLIYE, I have to say that it is such a poignant show with many lessons, but sad sad sad as well.


Can’t run away from sadness in the end episodes! There was humor interlaced but it didn’t take away from the sadness when you think about how the whole “saving Joon Ha” from being tortured by his cunning uncle was Hye Ja literally yearning that she could have saved him from the police  


I regret though that I saw the spoiler before watching the show, thus I was prepared for it. However, i didn’t know when the twist would happen and how it was going to happen, so it was still nicely done. 

my fav scenes of NJH were all his crying scenes especially the prison scene, that was just oooof. :sweatingbullets: I realized he really cried heart-wrenchingly. His chemistry with both Hye Ja was great too!

I have to admit that I have not watch Bride of the Water God, and currently don’t intend to since reviews aren’t great haha. I did watch short clips though, and yea it seems that his acting definitely improved from that show!! I have also only watch clips of weightlifting fairy, and it’s coming out on Netflix tomorrow in my country, so I’m really excited to watch the full series on Netflix this holidays!! 

speaking about his acting, I was comparing between Start Up and TLIYE, and I feel that while he got rave reviews for his acting in the latter (and super well deserved indeed), I sense that he had stronger confidence and independence in his role in Start Up. Not sure if I’m explaining this clearly, but if I could put it simply, my sense is that in TLIYE, he was guided by the Director slightly more, while in Start Up, it felt like he really had a heavier hand in creating Dosan. Including all of Dosan’s nerdy quirks! 

I think this just goes to show how much he has even grown from his TLIYE days. So proud of this boy! (Lol even though I’m a new fan, still can feel his growth and am proud :heartxoxo:


I’m undecided whether I want him to take on a romcom role next, or a serious, melo role, but I personally feel he excels more in the latter it feels? Maybe long term fans like you @inBinJinitrust can comment more. Or he could do something that is slice of life like My Ahjussi. He has such an understated quality in him that isn’t loud, it’s just warm and gentle, but well sometimes unfortunately easily overlooked by other more buzzy actors... but anyway I feel it’s probably best he takes his career in a direction that is more towards quality, serious roles, than the popular standard fanfare shows that are meant to bring in ratings or that yield younger fans. It seems like he’s on the right track, hope Soop picks good roles for him! 

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@The Reel Life I love your review! Same as you here, talk about his acting, in my opinion Start Up is his best performance yet. I know I keep saying this but he DOES get better at each and every subsequent project. People praise his performance in TLIYE more perhaps without realizing that it is because they like the character Joon Ha much more than Do San. Your observation is spot on- in TLIYE he was inspired, guided and followed the amazing sunbaes’ leads. By Start Up he had a great deal of control of his character. Hence we can see from the bts his co stars were inspired by his constant ad libs lol. His performance of Do San is what I like the most about Start Up.


Let me know what you think of Kim Bok Joo :) It was a bit young for me, though I would say Joon Hyung his character in that show was very much like himself irl in his early 20s. And Water God, haha, how should I put this- the drama is pointless, there is nothing to the story. It would make you question your existence :mrgreen: But in all honesty JH wasn’t that bad in his role (and those criticized ignored that he was only 23 then). It is unfair to blame the failure of such a terrible drama on him alone.


A bit off topic but yes, poignant is the word to describe TLIYE...I thought the show was brilliantly executed. Hye Ja’s life quest revolved only around 2 “tasks”- save her son from the car accident and save her husband from being tortured to death. In the depth of her grief she came up with this imaginary watch that would allow her to turn back time and achieve these 2 tasks :( Actually I think knowing the twist beforehand is better as it would give the correct perspective about all the events in the lead up to the twist. The first time watching I thought ep 2-9 were too slow. However upon understanding the twist, I rewatched these episodes and only then was able to appreciate all the little details I just missed or didn’t get the message before


Right now the only genre Im not confident about him attempting is action haha. But he doesn’t have to do everything out there. His rather mellow look and beautiful voice and his characters make him very well suited to humane roles, be it slice of life, melo, psychological or even romcom (which KBJ is). New articles with titles like “the next Lee Min Ho” irritated me as that is not the path that JH takes:wub:

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18 hours ago, inBinJinitrust said:

Let me know what you think of Kim Bok Joo :) It was a bit young for me, though I would say Joon Hyung his character in that show was very much like himself irl in his early 20s.

I’ve just watched episode one, and like you said the genre is abit too “young” for me and it definitely isn’t my usual go-to type of show. Just like how I wouldn’t watch any of the “School” series haha. But I’ll stick it out for NJH and also the chemistry/story, since I’ve heard sooooo many rave reviews for it even by non-fans of the actors or just objective drama review sites. Excited for the ride! I trust it will be good haha. 

will share more of my views as I go along.


18 hours ago, inBinJinitrust said:

I know I keep saying this but he DOES get better at each and every subsequent project

I agree! The way he breathed life into Dosan is really pretty amazing. Given that he wasn’t even a nerdy person to begin with, but someone who was an athlete in school. Joon Hyung in WFKBJ definitely seems more like him. So it’s amazing how he transformed into Dosan. Although I do think that like he said, he probably shares Dosan’s shyness a lot haha. 

im really looking forward to watching Josee but unfortunately it’s not available in my country sigh. 

I’ve been digging up some of his past interviews, I do get a sense that he seemed to be a lot more open in the past when he was young in 2016/2017, but these days his interviews seem more mature, thoughtful and guarded? Do you get that sense too? I was referring to interviews I read here on these website. They only have his older interviews translated. 


18 hours ago, inBinJinitrust said:

Right now the only genre Im not confident about him attempting is action haha.

Me too haha. I think maybe he should stick to melo and slice of life for now. Or perhaps any show that has good quality writing. I don’t really want him to take a popular role just because it will bring in the female fans. He is riding on the wave of the “trustworthy actor” title so his drama/movie choices need to be well thought through to keep up the goodwill he has built. It’s unfortunate that his performance in SU got overshadowed by all the silly fan wars. I can’t wait for him to get a new role and establish a new acting side of him that people will remember again, just like how he did with Joon Ha. 

18 hours ago, inBinJinitrust said:

New articles with titles like “the next Lee Min Ho” irritated me as that is not the path that JH takes:wub:

Wow have people been saying that? Is it an old article? The latest one was the one I saw comparing him with JIS, haven’t seen one abt LMH, though I’d take that as a compliment (from a popularity perspective) given LMH is a huge artist in his own right! I would love if he goes the JIS melo route, but please don’t be so picky with projects that he only does 1 show every 4-5 years or only acts in movies. That’s my worry haha. I see that SOOP actors, half of the, are super famous but they don’t do that many shows to be honest... probably 1 show every 2 years? Or worse still, 1 drama every 4 years! Thinking GY, GHJ, JYM. But of course they are already big stars so the comparison isn’t right. Not sure if the younger actors do that many projects. I just want him to capitalize on his youth as much as possible before going to army!

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@The Reel Life Josee is not available where I am either. I believe (or rather hope :sweatingbullets:) some time next year we maybe able to stream it digitally somehow though so let’s wait and see. And those archives from thesunnytown are really good. I have some more but they are kind of all over the place and are mostly screenshots. As mentioned I will try to share after some reorganization!

I agree there is definitely a subtle shift in his interview answers, more guarded as you said. I think it is very natural and expected as he aged and became more experienced in showbiz year after year. The sincere and honest essence of a Busan man is never lost though, I feel, in that he either doesn’t answer or if he does he will only says what he means. 

About the LMH comparison, I remembered coming across those articles on koreaboo and the likes. Of course the writers meant it as a compliment, but I’m not sure if the comparison is relevant. LMH is the King of Hallyu and there is only one LMH. To reach where he is today he “framed” himself in pretty much THE ONE image (2nd generation chaebol/ King who fall deeply in love with a girl lower than his social class). Isn’t that the route to fan girls, the same reason why the typical Han Ji Pyeong got all the love? JH prefers ordinary, flawed characters as they are more relatable. I don’t wish and don’t think he will change himself for popularity. He is incredibly hard working so don’t you worry. It will be a long time before he starts only accepting 1 project every 2 year :)


p/s some love from JH to all his supporters 



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17 hours ago, inBinJinitrust said:

Who wears check shirts better :mrgreen:

I think I like Yeong Seok best haha (although I haven’t watched Josee, I love the calmness he radiates in that role). 

just wanted to share this very nice article/write-up about NJH. It really shines light on his hard work and unending efforts, and makes me such a proud (new) fan!! I really agree with a few things said about how he has been quite careful choosing his work after TLIYE, taking on roles that suits him and where he can learn from seniors, rather than “popular” roles that is all about buzz and ratings. He also has this quiet understated quality, which I hope to see more of him honing it. I’m trying to think of a senior actor whom he resembles... whether in acting style or career path.. haven’t really thought of one yet haha. Anyway, can’t say enough how happy it is to hear people acknowledging his growth. Sometimes, the ones perfect from the beginning of born talented are not the ones that attract you, but rather the ones that rise from the ashes despite criticism that inspire you with their grit and insane amount of willingness to learn and grow, because those qualities are what sticks with a person through life’s thick and thin, and when fame and fortune are fleeting. 



For actor Nam Joo-hyuk, 2020 is likely to be an unforgettable year. 

Is this the reason why I become a fan? While it is also fun to find actors who overwhelm the public with their acting skills from the beginning, watching one actor's acting growth also gives another kind of pleasure. Many actors showed off their skills this year, but it is worth reflecting on actor Nam Joo-hyuk's performance in terms of "growth." Toward his late 20s, he is gradually convincing the public of his potential and qualities as an actor.  

Nam Joo-hyuk's three films this year alone. The platform from Netflix's original series "Health Teacher Ahn Eun-young" to tvN's drama "Start-up" and screen's first starring film "Joseo," and the character also approached the public in a changeable form. In "Health Teacher Ahn Eun-young," Nam Joo-hyuk boldly sheds the image that had been molded on him with Hong In-pyo, a Chinese teacher wearing a funny hat with uncomfortable legs. Wearing rustic and loose clothes, he relaxed and talked to Ahn Eun-young with a look of no energy. 

In "Startup," he plays Nam Do-san, a generous engineering student wearing a checkered shirt. He brought up feelings such as inferiority and anxiety behind a clear and warm face, making young people sympathize, and also gave hope by a rookie in society standing up against adversity. The latest release, "Jojo," is continuing its box office success in the unprecedented fandemics. Young-seok, a job seeker, is in his 20s who compromises with reality in moderation, but on one side of his heart, he quietly melted into the movie with the lonesome scenery of "Jo.  

Hong In-pyo, Nam Do-san, and Yeong-seok all have the faces of young people in their 20s today. The message of the three works is also contemporary. Nam Joo-hyuk played a calm performance of the worries and anxious feelings of his age. Thanks to him, the public was able to immerse themselves in the stories of each individual work. Rather than exploding his emotions infinitely, his plain acting, which makes him look at others calmly, evokes sympathy. Even if the character does not shine at a glance, Nam Joo-hyuk's unique calm vocalization and facial expressions melt silently into the overall atmosphere and flow of the work. This is Nam Joo-hyuk's clear acting talent and merit.  

The fact that they don't show off their characters or dwell on the weight of their roles also contributes to their naturalness. In "Health Teacher Ahn Eun-young," she supported the character of Ahn Eun-young, who is strong in personality, made better use of her chemistry with her senior Chung Yoo-mi, and continued her own race behind Han Ji-min, who also plays the role of Jose, who has a depression and dark side. The same was true of her performances with actors of her age, including Bae Soo-ji and Kim Sun-ho, in "Start-up." He seems to have learned how to "balance" as an actor. He seems willing to enjoy acting without putting himself in the front. 

In fact, Nam Joo-hyuk wasn't a highly anticipated actor at the beginning of his debut. Perhaps because he was a model, he did not receive favorable reviews for his acting skills from the beginning. He won the lead role with KBS2's "Huayu-School 2015" without any experience, and mass-produced fandom, but failed to show anything more than "Rookie." He was outstanding in terms of visuals, but he couldn't lead the play impressively as a leading actor. He also recognized this point, and played supporting roles in MBC's "Fancy Temptation" and tvN's "Cheese in the Trap," and also played 13 Hwang-ja Wang-wook in SBS' "Lovers of the Moon" which he first challenged. Having finally taken the lead role in MBC's "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju," he showed his experience accumulated as an attractive swimming genius, Jung Joon-hyung. However, on tvN's "The Bride of Habaek," he plays a difficult and difficult fantasy character called Habaek, he gets bitter criticism. There were even a lot of derisive comments and memes about his performance in "The Bride of Habaek." 

However, Nam Joo-hyuk stands up against the criticisms, starting with JTBC's "Dazzling." In the midst of the big-name seniors such as Kim Hye-ja, Han Ji-min, and the guide, he does his part well and gets positive reviews. Who knew that Nam Joo-hyuk would pull off Lee Jun-ha, a deep-seated character who goes back and forth between hope and despair with a face on his face? In the meantime, Nam Joo-hyuk has definitely changed. The traces of his struggle against the harsh criticism were fully reflected in his performance. The public also began to nod to the name of actor Nam Joo-hyuk with this work. 

There is also caution in choosing a work after "The Light in Your Eyes." Rather than being overly motivated, he combines characters that he can express with his emotions with great seniors or partners such as Han Ji-min and Jung Yu-mi. Of course, it's too early to say that he is a 'star actor' or a 'star actor,' but the signs of his increasingly hard-working growth give the public confidence. That is the charm of actor Nam Joo-hyuk. It is the power that makes you want to see more and look forward to the future. 

Nam Joo-hyuk recently revealed his personal wish for an actor in his 30s, saying, "I wish I could say that I lived a fierce and wonderful life in my 20s." His growth story gives a boost to his words. Rather than perfect from the beginning, he shines in his efforts. If we move forward as we do now, Nam Joo-hyuk's wish will come true. With the effort piled up, I believe that I will grow into a better actor in my 30s.

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Gotta share this too! It’s been quoted among his fan accounts on Twitter (and yes you’re right @inBinJinitrust his fans are mostly young and on Twitter LOL, I got there sometimes just to get the latest translated stuff and news haha. Not a Twitter user myself). 

I don't want to be the only one who shines with greed. I only think about how to create synergy and complete a good work. I don't want to be the only flower. If you bloom by yourself, you'll lose soon. I hope each of them will become strong trees and all of them will gather to become beautiful forests. 


original quote: 저 혼자 꽃이 되고 싶진 않아요. 혼자서 피어버리면 금방 져버릴 거예요. 각자 튼튼한 나무가 돼서 그 모두가 모여 아름다운 숲이 되길 바라요.

Ah such wise words from a young man. Glad he is keeping himself grounded. He doesn’t seem to be chasing high ratings and popularity/fame. Just wants to hone his craft and enjoy acting to the max. And it’s heartening to see how he is such a team player (probably due to his sports background). Where despite his innate competitiveness (to better himself), he ultimately believes in everyone progressing together, and not striving to be the star of the show or the pinnacle of the industry. He works in tandem, rather than outshine/steal the show. 

loving this guy more and more! 

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9 hours ago, The Reel Life said:

the ones that rise from the ashes despite criticism that inspire you with their grit and insane amount of willingness to learn and grow, because those qualities are what sticks with a person through life’s thick and thin, and when fame and fortune are fleeting. 

This:heart: @The Reel Life you have summed him up perfectly here with every single choice of word. And I suspect we may have telepathy as I was about to share the exact same thing when I saw your post haha. Being rough translation from a fansite it is a little different but the essence of the message remains unchanged FE48-B985-62-CB-4240-92-E0-C47-D2-BE8-F3

This attitude was formed since JH’s basketball days and it is precious that this commendable team spirit never leaves him. It is also super intelligent as it helps him to stay humble and grounded and constantly learn from those around him. I do think it is the reason why the sunbaes are all fond of him and have nothing but praises whenever they mention about him. Below is an extract from his upcoming Star1 interview (ps the bit about the nonchalant attitude with ratings is clever, especially since he knows so well that he likes portraying flawed, authentic characters)E825-B477-97-A4-4-A28-934-A-7009-CA387-F


I used to think hard of a senior that JH somehow resembles. To date I still decide that he is like...no one. He has the look, the height, the voice, the talent, the nice personality like many others. But the combination of sincere humility and fierce competitiveness makes him really second to none. Not to name anyone here but I honestly don’t think any artist in his generation (1990 onwards) has come as far as him. Really really proud!

@The Reel Life btw I meant to ask you many times but keep forgetting, you can write Korean? That’s so cool! I can manage with speaking and listening but not reading and writing :)

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17 hours ago, inBinJinitrust said:

This attitude was formed since JH’s basketball days and it is precious that this commendable team spirit never leaves him. It is also super intelligent as it helps him to stay humble and grounded and constantly learn from those around him. I do think it is the reason why the sunbaes are all fond of him and have nothing but praises whenever they mention about him. Below is an extract from his upcoming Star1 interview (ps the bit about the nonchalant attitude with ratings is clever, especially since he knows so well that he likes portraying flawed, authentic characters)

Agreed! I truly hope he gets to work with many more great seniors before he forges his own path as a leading man of his own right taking charge of a show. Not that he can’t now, but he would greatly benefit from still learning from seniors than to be in a popularity bubble. I think he’s making smart career moves lately, and I trust that Soop hopefully will be able to guide him better in his upcoming choice before he goes to military. 

17 hours ago, inBinJinitrust said:

He has the look, the height, the voice, the talent, the nice personality like many others. But the combination of sincere humility and fierce competitiveness makes him really second to none

That’s very true! It’s hard to find someone like him, although maybe I just don’t know enough about other celebrities too haha. He is quiet and manly, yet boyishly pure at the same time. I think the sportsmanship really elevates his attractiveness. Combining that spirit and mentality into acting does make him really stand out from the others in the industry, I feel. 

But if I could, I’d like to draw parallels between him and my other 2 favorites (he probably is a combination of them both, instead of being similar to them) - Jang Hyuk and Lee Jong Suk. Both of them are also very shy and humble, and unassuming. Difference is LJS is probably more comfortable with people albeit shy, while NJH is alotttt more shy haha. Whereas for Jang Hyuk - he has the Busan men qualities people always say, which is quite blunt, sincere, but very pure at the same time. They both take their acting craft seriously, but Jang Hyuk especially doesn’t bother appealing to the masses (maybe cos he is married also haha). Id super love to see NJH one day master eye acting like Jang Hyuk does! I think that’s probably an area that he can grow in :)


Back to drama review, I’m halfway through Kim Bok Joo, enjoying it so far for Joon Hyung and Bok Joo’s cuteness and friendship, and the family ties between Joon Hyung’s cousin and his uncle and aunt. However I wished NJH had more screen time haha. I sometimes get bored with the weightlifting coaches scenes as well as the scenes between Bok Joo’s dad and Uncle, and also Si Ho’s. And they take up like half of the show :sweatingbullets: Joon Hyung’s such a perfect friend, too perfect I feel that we won’t ever find someone like that in real life! Reality kicking in lol. But I can see how NJH’s cheeky personality shines through this character. He probably was like that when he was young. And then it dawned upon me how much NJH has grown, not just his acting, his character, but heck, even his stature. He looks so well built these days and so diff from 4 years ago!! 

@inBinJinitrust do you know how to paste pictures on this site? I was thinking of doing a photo before after of him 2016 and 2020 haha. 

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@The Reel Life no worries. See this link, you can play around to see which method suits you better 

He has bulked up a lot compared to the KBJ days and prior. Much better now I think. Actually in an interview after School 2015 about the public perception of his appearance, he shared that he was ok with the cute image (at the time), but definitely preferred a manly image in a couple years. What else can I say, every word he speaks, he means it :)


I too really like that he takes the smarter way building his career rather than being shortsightedly comfortable in the popularity bubble. Look at the first generation of Hallyu actors (born in the 60s and 70s), they don’t use any form of social media. They also don’t pick pop culture works. But whatever project they pick, the audience would just give full support based on the faith and trust factor alone. My aspiration for JH is to be like that!



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22 hours ago, inBinJinitrust said:

btw I meant to ask you many times but keep forgetting, you can write Korean? That’s so cool! I can manage with speaking and listening but not reading and writing :)

@inBinJinitrustsorry I forgot to answer your question! 

the one I put above was a copy and paste from the article. I didn’t write it hahah. But I do know how to write, because I’ve taken elementary Korean classes. I’m still not good at speaking and understanding difficult Korean language though. My reading writing and listening is all elementary at this stage. Still a work in progress! 

I’m so curious though! How did you learn to understand and speak? Is it purely through Kdrama watching? Or any specific lessons whether classes or self taught? 

I really enjoy it when I understand abit when watching dramas, or reading interview articles. Although most if the time it’s guessing some of the meaning. Articles are tough because there are mostly quite deep vocab. Slowly getting the hang of grammar, although I still can’t conjure up long sentences. 

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From fan meeting tour “Current” in 2018- silly with bestie :mrgreen:


@The Reel Life that’s cool that you took classes and can write! As in my case, yes most of my Korean speaking and listening came from K dramas and K movies. I watched the first K drama in 1996 (Medical Brothers by Jang Dong Gun and Lee Young Ae) and used to watch pretty frequently up until 2013. Then between 2013 and 2015 I travelled to Seoul a lot for work so got to practice for survival lol (back then there was zero English in eateries, cafes etc. also no workable English google map). After 2015 though I think my Korean got worse progressively as I haven’t got many chances to practice and also watched significantly fewer productions (2,3 dramas a year max). I’m hoping to visit again once the whole COVID is over :)

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On 12/30/2020 at 7:23 PM, inBinJinitrust said:

From fan meeting tour “Current” in 2018- silly with bestie :mrgreen:

You just know what I want to watch! Haha. I really love him singing. I haven’t come across good quality enough clips on YouTube, but this one has a pretty good quality - thanks so much. I think he is blessed with a very strong yet pleasant singing tone indeed. 

btw, I wanted to share this with you @inBinJinitrust. Being a big fan of his, I have no doubt that you’ve read all these articles before, but I just thought that the effort this Twitter user did to compile it was very commendable indeed. Look at the Google Drive below! 


Btw, whoa it’s commendable how you slowly picked up speaking and listening just by watching dramas. I find it hard to do so without properly understanding the grammar behind the sentences. And I think going to Korea for work trips definitely helped you loads! There ain’t nothing like immersing yourself in the place and culture and being forced to speak the language. Learning theoretically without putting it into practice is tough. I’m hoping soon too that borders reopen next year, praying that the vaccine is effective, so that I can visit Korea too, finally! I haven’t been, so I’m really looking forward. It’s too bad that it’s quite very unlikely for any fan meetings to happen in the near future, even with the vaccine. Times have truly changed. Oh well! 

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16 minutes ago, inBinJinitrust said:

Omg I cannot with this!!!! It’s soooooo funny hahahahahaha. I haven’t scrolled through his old IG posts yet so this is a total surprise to me. Cutie pie hehe. He’s clearly matured (at least how he portrays himself publicly, although I bet he’s still the cheeky and mischievous person from BTS videos haha). 

Happy new year to you and all other NJH fans too! May this new year bring him new, genuine and loyal fans as he grows his craft and hopefully he will have great projects coming his way :elated:


im glad to have found this page and have someone to talk to about him, and here’s hoping this thread becomes more active as we go along heheh. (Abit of a tall wish given his fan demographics but no harm LOL). 

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@The Reel Life so cute right :mrgreen: Hence why I said Joon Hyung and how goofy he is really resembles JH in his younger days


Let us keep this thread going as a tribute to our boy. Even if the youth don’t visit much we noonas can entertain ourselves here :wub:


Sharing another old post that I really like. Sometimes I wish he would post more regularly like in the old days. But in the last couple years he only posted rather infrequently 



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