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[Drama 2015] The Return of Hwang Geum Bok 돌아온 황금복

Ldy Gmerm

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I had a good laugh at MH today! I seriously hope he gets to be with GB...but there will definitely be headwinds in that relationship...primarily from YR, her mother, and the lies they told MH mother.

I see boy wonder is still out on his goose chase...I'm glad he is GB first love...rule of kdrama says first loves are never meant to be!

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Looks like the love rectangle of IW/GB/MH/YR is about to explode! When will TJ discover GB's true identity, and does MY know who she is?  Too many secrets this drama has!  How do these people live like that?

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I do not think MY has a clue who GB's mother is at this point (She could have blocked it out..) and I know she has no clue that GB is possibly ES and TJ's daughter. I say this because after all TJ's mother and she did to break them up so long ago and get MY married to him they would never have thought that TJ and ES had been that close to one another.

Given ES's personality I am sure by the time she found out she was pregnant with GB MY and his mother either already had him down the alter or MY was saying she was pregnant by TJ too which hurt ES possibly and she kept quiet about her pregnancy. She is they type that would want him to be happy or to try to be and not take a father from the child.

Besides that if his mother or MY knew about a baby they would have either tried to have her abort or tried to take that child from her to raise and treat badly.. (MY would have.)

We are starting into the part of the story that YR's lies about GB will turn TJ's mother and MY against GB and make them want to do things to get rid of her away from MH. It will be only later that his mother finds out that GB is her grand child and she will be sick with all the nasty things she said and did. It will further stroke her out when she finds out that MY has prolly lied and MH may not be of their blood. So while her true grand child lived a hard life her fake one was raised and pampered. I have no doubt that when MY finds out this truth first she will freak out and want to do away with GB. She can't have the woman she felt had his love daughter by him near him.. Also she would be so scared eventually all over again that her secret that MH may not be TJ's to come out (this is what I think ES found out and was going to tell which is why MY ran her off the road trying to stop her.)

There will be a few others that finds out that GB's TJ's daughter first and try to keep it from TJ and the rest before the other part comes out about MH either being his son or not.. I can't see it happening until perhaps ES shows back up later in the drama though.


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Looks like the love rectangle of IW/GB/MH/YR is about to explode! When will TJ discover GB's true identity, and does MY know who she is?  Too many secrets this drama has!  How do these people live like that?

I'ts more of a triangle than a rectangle...boy wonder (IW) is still off trying ot fight crimes from 9 years ago!

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Video from Episode 31:

GB gets caught with YR's phone in the bathroom it seems.. geez girl.. you did not lock the bathroom door?

YR has gone to meet MY and has told lies to MY to get her mad again and going after GB as she gets out her car to talk nasty to the girl and even hits her.. (why do they do this, why do they treat other peoples children so wrongly? She is just like TJ's mom was so long ago and ended up with her for a DIL.. she is trying to get her son with the wrong woman too eventually..)

The one she should have been looking out for is not GB but YR.. but oh well she will get it back later along with the rest of her sins.


IW catches a glimpse of MH and GB as he brings her home  and she is trying to return the shirt he loaned her and  he runs over just like his mother being rude and grabs MH asking what has he done to GB? He drags MH away.. with GB standing there shocked as the little girl runs up to hug her calling out. (he left that kid alone to go and argue on the street.)  He always wants to use his fist.. That was innocent but he is letting his jealousy go and acts like a fool.. So glad that MH punched him back. He should be ashamed of himself.  MH tells him something about it having been 10 years perhaps and he is still close to GB but not married perhaps. ..and something about perhaps he likes GB or IW says he never explained or made clear about GB..  LOL.. whatever it was IW did not like it. (perhaps it hit too close to home for IW.) He may have pointed out how IW is misunderstanding GB.. interesting..

Is IW not secure in his relationship that he has to keep proclaiming things to MH like he and GB are in love and are together.. it's been 10 years and she lives in your house although not that way.. Stop being jealous and work on your relationship instead of putting so much energy in past secrets and jealousy.


Posted when it shows up..


Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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Video from Episode 31:


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Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

You know...its been 9 years and they still are not married? Wouldn't that send red flags to someone. I got to hand it to MH he was a cool and collective whereas IW is petty. I mean 9 years, you live with the girl you like and still not married...folks there is most definitely issues! Which is why I don't see IW as the one for GB.

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I'm not sure that GB lived with IW and MJ for the last 9 years...if that was the case why did he act like he had been looking for her and hadn't seen her for a long time after the 9 year time lapse. 

It's not that I don't agree that MH is written more charming for the moment, it's just so passe that the rich guy that is a barrel of fun but has had it easy wins out over the poor guy who has worked so hard to help and support the girl.  The message seems to be if your loyal and poor you'll lose out.

I think if GB no longer likes him (which isn't clear one way or the other without subs) she needs to let the poor guy know so that he can move on.  I also don't understand why she just didn't tell him what happen (she was cleaning a room, she didn't know he came in, etc...) and why they tried to hide that she was in the room in the first place she is a cleaner at the hotel and I'm sure there is a list of some sort to show she was assigned to clean the room. 

I know this is a drama and we are suppose to suspend logic but I really wish they would not treat the audience is completely dumb, let make a little sense.

I also think it would be weird if GB is MJ's father biological child...even if we find out MJ isn't wouldn't it be weird that the the person he raised as his son and heir for the last 27 or so years ends up with his real heir and biological daughter...it seems a little messy.

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IW and GB has apparently been engaged for sometime, they've been together at least 9 years and nothing has happened to them. IW has been on his wild goose chase in finding her mother. Honestly, after 5 I would have given up looking and just focused on rebuilding my life and moving on.

MH is the so-called rich man's son who will turn out that he is not TJ son. The only happiness or contentment she has had has been thus far with MH.

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I have to agree here about MH and from what I was able to understand from the translation pointed some things out to IW.. I mean come on dude you said 9 years ago you were going to marry GB and you loved her but yet you still have not walked down the aisle with her.. I do not blame MH for pointed that out if he did in that last confrontation it is just beyond crazy.. IW may care about GB deeply but does he really love her and if he does he needs to stop trying to be her hero in bringing her mother back to her. His preoccupation with this is causing him to act irrationally since he is driven to do this. Does he think once he brings ES back he and GB can skip down the alter with no worries? After being apart from her mother for so long GB is not going to want to marry a man even if they do live in the same house. She will want to spend that time with her mother and could even suggest moving out.. IW is not being realistic here in this situation anything could happen on the road to finding the missing ES.

It grates on his pride I bet that MH points things out to him or he can see an interest in MH like he did so long ago.. The things that happen will be partially IW's fault. He is a good guy and would make a girl a great husband but he has a tendency to go off on these crusades as a prosecutor. He is going to get himself hurt messing around with YR and RH who are desperate to keep things from coming out. I am not saying do not find the truth but be low key about it and do not let the baddies know.. and pay more attention to what is going on with your so call fiancee. Stop with the jealous rages at other people and stop trying to stop her from doing what she can to look for her mother. It is her mother there is no way you can deter her from the path of finding her after the way she lost her.

The preview is so good.. the end of the episode was a major cliff hanger as RH bust in to talk to TJ did he take that factory away or plans to?(did she let out that MY gave here that factory? I am going to look and see if  I can find an article on it.)

TJ gets a picture of ES in an envelope just before RH bust in and as he is opening it she pushes her way in wanting to know something.. Her her haste to get him to listen to her she brushes the envelope on the floor and the picture it contains slides out a bit to show the top of ES's head and face. RH is carrying on and TJ is not paying attention as he stares at the photo. He removes her hand off his arm or wrist and bends down to pick up the photo and pulls it out more to see a picture of ES in it with his eyes wide perhaps. RH has picked up on something not being right and just stops talking looking at him.. (Oh NO please do not let her see the photo.)

Well the preview shows that YR is going to try to burn the flyers that GB gave her.At some point a flyer ends up near a bus stop and ES who is sitting on the bench notices it.. Does she have memory loss?

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I think IW's reaction was over the top and uncalled for. GB was taken home safe and unharmed and yet he thought if fit to assault MH. It just shows how insecure he is in the relationship and like @Triton823 I think should have been called off a while ago. It seems like IW realizes they have drifted apart and is fighting (literally!) to ensure that GB doesn't fall out of love with him. He refuses to acknowledge the fact that GB barely thinks about him or has any time to make the relationship work. When he sees her with MH, he goes ballistic because he is jealous that the latter gets to spend more time with her. If he really loves and trust GB, he wouldn't have proceeded to punch MH in the face no questions asked smh. He is certainly letting his jealously get the best of him and it's quite sad to see. No....I take that back, it's quite good to see because I want GB with MH lmao!! 

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Hello chingus,

                   I just wanted to say my opinion on IW. I like his unwavered loyalty and love for GB until now. If he has to start a relationship with GB, they need to find a closure about the past. That is the reason he is working hard in finding the whereabouts of ES. Even the privileged TJ couldn't find her, that means it will more hard for GB & IW. (we know how easy was for MH to find out about the 119Agashi, because he is rich). And about IW & MH, I think IW is just being protective of GB. I would say it is GB's fault for keeping him in the dark.

As a viewer I like MH though, because his interaction with GB is funny and I like those scenes.

The only character I don't like now is GB. She is so stupid that she lets YR & RH get her conned that I've started to think that she deserves the state she is in now. If after today's episode (I've only watched the short clips provided) she lets to be deceived by YR, I may join TEAM YR & RH. I also hate that she keeps IW in the dark. For god's sake he is the guy who is helping you unconditionally.

I am not much of a poster because I have a very slow internet connection, but a lurker here from the start who likes all your posts even if I may not agree with some. Thanks.

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The thing about IW/GB...you are putting somewhat too much on GB alone. IW has known GB for a long time now she even has a ring on her finger and yet they don't act like they are in any kind of relationship.

They should have married long ago, but instead GB was hell bent on finding her mother and until she does IW/GB will never be able to. IW on a personal level is looking for ES for GB sake, but he's coming across as I've posted a "Boy Wonder". All this time I have yet to see him try to make GB smile or simply try to relieve some of the pressure GB has going on. On the contrary it's been MH who has done anything from buying her shoes to helping her at her work.

As to the nativity of GB that much is given. Most of the posters in this forum have been through war of the type of dramas to a point we want to through in the kitchen sink, but we already know what's coming.

I think the writer wrote IW to be GB love interest and they started out as that, but I think after 9 years of missing and frankly searching for her mother has deemed that relationship. As we all have learned our environment makes us what we are...the environment for GB to be rather frank is dismal if not grim. Today's episode IW was and is still fighting for his love, but I think GB has been through it to a point where she no longer sees IW as a romantic partner and that is why you see him get PO at MH. IW senses are right that he and GB have drifted away, but this is of course no fault of IW/GB/MH, but those who are responsible are reaping the benefits that should have went to GB.

In saying that GB will be TJ daughter as it is a rule of kdrama that the poor heroine will be the rich man's daughter and YR is going to have a brick because of it to a point if she doesn't wind up with MH she might try to play that she's the daughter instead.

MH will be revealed to be another man's son and not TJ and you are starting to see where this might come in afterall shadows are not meant to remain shadows for long.

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@SujathaS thank you for joining us today. It's always good to see different opinions on the thread.

Yes IW has been very helpful in the search for ES but come on it's coming across that he's trying a bit too hard I might say. In fact, I'm starting to think he's working overtime on this case not only because he really wants to find GB's mother but also because he knows that relationship may be doomed if ES isn't found. GB will have a hard time and may want to move on and forgot the past or anyone linked to it. 

IW also has to accept the reality of the situation, and that is GB doesn't have time for a relationship with him or any other man for that matter. He probably occupies a very small part of her brain at this point and is only concerned with finding her mother. If he keeps up with bullying MH whenever he sees him, GB may begin to think of that ring on her finger as a chain and will break up with him. Before that happens, and we know it's coming...he should consider having a serious discussion with her and come to the realization that they may not work out at lovers but close friends instead.


Sorry if I didn't make much sense. My little boy is keeping me a bit busy here lol...

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The sad part is in IW trying to hold on to GB this way he will end up pushing her away. It does not mean she will go to MH in the end or that she and IW won't be together.. (I am hoping that MH and GB will after all the dust settles and maybe a bit of time apart.) I agree with you guys.. it is really no ones fault that people who have used GB's misfortune for their own gain has put both IW and GB on a path that they drifted apart. Of course no one really cares about this but IW and MJ right now..

GB is too preoccupied with trying to live one day at a time, find her mother, dodge MY and her crazy accusations, and unfortunately believe that YR and RH are still good people under all the lies that are staring her in the face. It is how her character is (makes me want to pull my hair out.. :w00t:) We have all seen enough of these types of characters to wish they would not be such a door mat for the very people that they thought of as friends and family only to find out that they hate her and were always jealous and never family or friends. She makes us all want to smack her for being so insensitive of IW and his dedication to her (but then again no one told him to go to these lengths and I do not see his actions as being all altruistic either I some how see him hoping that this will bring GB back to him and they can marry and live their life together..not saying he is not concern for ES welfare or GB's mental state but he is also thinking of himself too perhaps it has been 9 years after all on some level. He may not even realize he is doing it.. ) and her complete naivety at YR and her games. But after all this suffering she will end up back with her mother and with her bio father who will be surprised and happy to know he had a child with the only woman he really loved. (let's hope he does not die or has a stroke or something..)

I feel bad for MH what is coming because I see him as a younger version of TJ as well (even without the blood tie perhaps) and history is repeating itself from his mothers past deeds. Too bad he will be hurt and thrown for a loop at the possible truth that he is not TJ's son but another man's.


Your thoughts and mine are the same... IW will end up causing GB to push away from him and give back that ring if he continues this type of violent behavior to someone that has helped her. She does not see that MH may like her of course ( her type of character never does..) and may take it as his just being too controlling in this situation. Like I said above finding ES is not going to make GB be ready to move on. She has been standing still in limbo for 9 years and it is going to take more time for her to get back to living and moving forward when she finds her mother.

My guess now is the race will be on to see who can find ES who seems to have lost her memory perhaps as she does not seem to recognize anyone on the flyer from the preview.. including who she may really be.If YR and RH find out they will be trying to get rid of her and keep her from coming forward. If MY finds out they will all try to kill her again so GB does not have her and ES can't tell what happen.

More crazy is to come that is for sure .. and IW will continue to not see that he may be the one to push GB to end the relationship if he does not get it together. Nothing has her thinking about men IW or MH.. she sees them as friends perhaps and is grateful to them for their help but her mind can't function on a level yet to see anything past finding her mother and living with her again.. until he gets that through his head he will be the one to blow up what little tie he still has to her.

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Video from Episode 32:


RH is running her mouth at TJ about whatever upset and grabs his arm knocking over the envelope causing the picture of ES inside to slide out a bit and TJ's gaze is on that and not paying attention to her. He picks up the envelope and pulls the picture all the way out and his eyes go wide as he sees ES. RH is not paying attention to the clues and is still going on and on and calls his name but TJ is not paying attention he yells out for his assistant and MH comes in and he continues to yell out for his assistant with MH shocked and RH too. MH takes RH out the room and TJ yells again and his secretary comes in and says something and TJ goes running out past her.

TJ runs down the hall on the phone calling someone telling them to stop someone perhaps knocking documents out of an employees hands, then past MH and RH who are puzzled with her asking him something. TJ knocks boxes out of another employees hands as he runs past and then past his assistant who is puzzled as well.

TJ makes it to the lobby and sees the delivery driver and is calling out to stop but the guy does not and TJ goes running after him with his assistant and security behind him. They make it outside but not fast enough and the guy gets on his motor bike and pulls off with TJ and others behind him but they are not able to catch him as TJ stops but the security guys run on.

Meanwhile MY and GB are still on the street and GB is telling her something about her mother being all teary eyed and hurt (did MY dare to say something about who raised her being nasty again accusing her of gold digging?) and MY is being nasty to her and finally IW comes up and is letting MY have it and MY replies but IW fires back at her her and takes GB off with him by the wrist as MY is left standing there.

GB goes back and goes to the bathroom to cry as MJ is outside upset as well..

Later they try to go to the company to but are stopped.

Later MY comes to the company and her spy tells her something that makes her very scared as she goes to see TJ who has his head down staring at the photo of ES and she calls out to him and he says something to her. Did she find out that ES is alive as well.

MH is walking down the hall and sees his mother out of it and walks over to her to help her as she is so out of it.

YR is talking to her mother about things when the bell rings and they see it is MY and YR is in a panic about being found there.

RH is having a panic attack about MY being at her house and YR goes to hide when she sees that it is MY (so MY does not know that YR is RH's daughter?) and she lets her in and MY grabs her shoulder and says something to her and RH replies and MY says something and RH fires back at her and MY is shocked and upset and RH continues on running her mouth and MY says something with YR listening in shocked with her hand over her mouth and RH continues on telling her something and MY is truly shocked now and YR falls to the floor at what she heard and and asks MY if she understands and MY steps back out of it.

MH is worried about his mother from earlier when IW pushes is way in angry at how MH's mother treated GB.

IW is letting MH have it about his mother and what she said to GB. Of course MH had no idea but IW is on his tangent now and is not listening basically telling MH about his mother and how she treated GB and what she said and to prolly stay away from GB now and goes to leave and MH grabs his wrist saying something but IW jerks away and fires back at him about his mother and MH can only look at him.TJ is in his office and looks at the photo of ES and turns it over to look at what is written there and sees the date on the photo and says something to himself looking up.MH comes home and is angry at his mother for what she did and said to GB and tells her something as his Halmoni gets in as well about the woman who is after him and MY says something and MH fires back and walks out of the room and his Halmoni is shocked almost falling down as MY thinks.GB is talking to MJ and gets a call. She meets that guy they were looking for maybe and he says something before leaving.MH shows up and talks to GB and she replies and goes to leave and MH says something else and grabs her wrist to stop her saying something and GB tells him something and MH looks at her.TJ is home sitting outside thinking and staring at nothing and MY brings him a cup of coffee asking him something and TJ does not answer her and she says something else and TJ says something and MY replies and walks away looking back.TJ opens his portfolio and looks at the picture of ES and we hear a conversation he had with someone as he looks at the date of the photo again and thinks.TJ says something to his man who replies and and TJ looks at the photo of ES again and the man tells him something.GB meets with YR again to give her some more flyers and YR goes to walk away and leave them but GB calls her back to remind her to not forget them and gives her a look as she goes to leave.. I hope she finally gets that YR is not her friend. YR goes back to the company and is trying to throw them away when MH comes up and startles her and she hides them as he asks what is that. YR goes outside and calls her mother and fusses then rushes off as we see GB following her and she was about to throw them away again but stops and GB follows her as she goes out to the back and lays them on the ground about to burn them and she flashes back 9 years as she was with her mother in japan and she says something as GB is looking on and she goes to try again to light them and flashes to what her mother happen and and she picks up one and says something about her mother and not waiting the truth out perhaps and GB can see her and puts her hand over her mouth in shock at what she sees and she watches YR burn those flyers (so now it is not about her being caught since she and her mother has been removed from the flyers it is about her mother getting getting caught if the truth is found out.)


YR is really playing up to MY taking her out to the car and she sees one of the flyers from GB on the car and grabs it before MY could see it as MY looks at her puzzled (so MY does not remember her from Japan it seems and does not know she is RH's daughter.. OMO this is awesome.) . YR has gone to see GB again running her mouth prolly about the flyers (who knows with this crazy twit) and GB fires back at her. MH and YR are out having a drink. MY is with TJ's mother and sister and the MIL seems to be asking what to do over something as her daughter holds her up and MY looks stunned. YR is saying something to her self like she is going to do something ( seems she may be plotting yet again.) GB is in the bathroom crying and IW hugs her . We see a woman walking in a open market with an umbrella and a bad burn on her hand as she pauses and moves the umbrella it is ES!!!Video credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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So now YR/MY/Eh karma has finally poked its head around. I would normally say I feel bad for MY but now since TJ has a sniff that ES is around...it's only a matter of time. Yes, we are at the moment of amnesia for ES and I'm sad, but I'm looking forward to her remembering her daughter.

Moreover, I'm looking forward to TJ reconnecting with ES and his daughter!? Then YR/EH/MY are totally screwed then.

Again IW...though I'm happy he finally decided to step a little, but I think it's a little too late. He came across today when defending GB from MY as a Big Brother.

I wonder though what's going to happen we are only at ep 32 and still a long way to go!

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So now it is not about YR trying to hide her connection to GB.. It is now about her making sure ES is not found so her mothers part in what happen 9 years ago does not ruin her life.  GB saw her today burning those flyers and hopefully realizes now that YR is not her friend and is not helping her. As she confronts her later outside the house perhaps. I guess that is why she still puts one on YR's car as she is going out with MY..

I find it so funny that MY does not know that YR is connected to RH. By the time she does and wants to protest. YR and RH may blackmail her and it will be too late for her. But oh well no ones fault but her own for treating the nice girl poorly and the viper so nicely.. LOL.

I can't wait for things to start heating up for that bad trio (MY, RH and YR) MY has enjoyed a bit of peace because she thought with ES gone TJ would finally turn to her but all he was doing was being nice now with the hint that ES is back alive there is no way he will not want to find that woman and his feelings for her are back in the forefront.

MY has always been scared to loose what she stole in the first place. The moment that RH and YR find out that ES is alive they will all be afraid to be exposed and will really start to panic then. MY is already starting her panic attack.

I can't wait for TJ to get back with ES and find out GB is his daughter he will be stunned and upset that he has been that close to her all those times and did not know.

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In the preview,at the end the voice-over seems like that of ES. I think she is calling information center to ask if anybody is looking for her.(this is just my understanding, though I may be wrong)

Wow, finally GB just told YR to shut her mouth and not to mention her mom with her mouth.

MH is again drinking with YR. I think he was saying something around the line of "we need to be clear, me and Baek-teamjang relationship"

an exciting preview. see you all later.

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I just don't understand why ES is still alive but she doesn't find her daughter. It's 9 years... GB are crazily finding her but she just seems living very well with expensive cloth. Or even if she can't find GB, IW and MJ, she can ask TJ for help as TS Group is still located at the same place. (Is her memory lost after the accident? If it is, the return of ES in the recent and next eps will be more logical).

Korean dramas always cause a lot of unbelievable problems. If there is misunderstanding between people, they are just like "1. You go and ask him/her about what happened; 2. I'm tired now. We'll talk about it later; 3. I don't want to talk about it"...OMG, they can just explain straightly that it was misunderstanding. Why they just make their life more troublesome by talking without coming to the main point. So crazy... GB ah, Why you have to meet Kim Tae Soo privately and give him money to ask for his help? He's not a good guy, he's thirsty for money. You can ask IW for help, why you don't do that? GB now wants to end her friendship with MH but we all know that their connection isn't cut off. MH definitely will make his move toward GB. I'm happy that the two men (IW and MH) standing up to protect GB from MY.

Although the relationship between MH and GB are developing and that between IW and GB is making no headway, I still want to be on IW's side. I feel hurt when he's hurt... Ottoke? If I were GB, I will tell IW "It's just misunderstanding. There's nothing between me and him. Thank you for defending me, thank you for believing me" and hug him... But I'm not Korean, not the writer and also not GB, I can't make the storyline become easier like that... haha.

We are just on ep 32, we still have many eps to go... Many things can change

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Video Episode 33:



YR is at his house playing nice with his family when he comes in.. She tries to leave after being there that long and he tells her to come here to talk to him. He can see she is trying to be nice to his mother. Did she take his talking to her as him liking her.She must like what he says to her look at her face. She has an idea that he is not into her and who he is. Well later she will realize she was mistaken.

So YR is waiting and tries to drag her away to talk and GB jerks away no longer a fool over her and GB asks about the flyers and YR says something about having them and GB wants to see tries to take her bag and YR jerks back and says something about her mother and GB says something to her and walks away and GB says something back and gives her a look as YR realizes she may have been found out lol..

Yes, the stalker got to see another man she wanted fall for HGB and kiss her as she flashed to when she saw IW do the same thing almost 10 years ago saying almost the same things.. Here we go her real crazy is about to be let loose. (she should wonder why neither of these men want her.. but of course it is all GB's fault..) She will try to get this man no matter what even without his consent now. So IW walks up sees YR lurking and MH and GB real close here we go with his temper lol.. this time he is justified in his jealousy.. but then again this is what happens when you let other things preoccupy you. He and GB should have put off this relationship until after everything was settled..


YR has gone to IW's office to run her mouth about MH and GB perhaps to get him thinking she is cheating maybe? YR is sending pictures of GB working to IW to make it seem like she is doing wrong.. she is playing his own insecurities and jealousy back at him and he will fall for it and do and say something that will hurt that last thread of relationship he has with GB. (Why is he mad she is working at the hotel or is it she is coming out of MH's room.) (get a grip IW) looks like YR is trying to tell her mother to stop doing something perhaps.. MJ is after RH again in her office and TJ's mother comes in with her daughter why are they there? (they really like RH huh.. and will love YR for a grand daughter in law until they find out about them!) YR is again trying to dictate to GB and it looks like GB is no longer listening to her. ES is at the company to find out who his looking for her perhaps? GB and YR are having it out with GB not giving and inch it seems.. awww YR jealous again over a man that does not want you?


Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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