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[Drama 2015] The Return of Hwang Geum Bok 돌아온 황금복

Ldy Gmerm

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I for one am glad to see a tiny backbone in GB today! She's let YR bully her for far too long. I am still baffled about IW though...isn't he the fiance of GB? Why is he so hell bent on finding GB mother after 9 years? I understand he is a prosecutor and feels the need to do justice for GB but seriously he is coming across a guy with a "Super Hero Complex"...thus I shall dub him Superman going forward.

Then we have MH....yes it's obvious to us and to him that he "enjoys" GB company. Yes right now GB is simply trying ot get through life and hopefully find clues about her mother. What I find hilarious is that YR and her mother the more they do to deny it the more obvious it's becoming that something is up...even Superman seen through YR lies. MH though is silently defending and protecting GB even though she won't notice it.

I love in the preview when YR is laying on top of MH as she goes in for the kiss...the look of dread on MH face! I had a good chuckle on that!



@triton823,  I'm also glad that GB has figured out these two no more then what they are telling it's about time she wakes up her and mom both can't tell the same story together and the lies are rolling off they tongues one after another GB should be able to tell something is up why should she be afraid to go into the house she used to live in she waits for GB to come out the house wanting to know where GB work I'm glad she didn't tell her buit from the preview looks like she finds out and try and get G B fired and MH is putting a stop to it.. She mad because GB saw her trying to seduce MH.. SMH


Also IW uncle can he get any lower he already stole the sister money and looks like he was rambling to steal more.. Love the little girl she so cute and especially when she tries to protect him and tell him he's wrong it's so funny.. He played Miso uncle in my love by my side.. But I think when GB mom show back up she will have him doing dirty work for her..  Also please tell me is him and MH aunt is going to become and item this should be interesting.. 

I hope they do become an item! It would be hilarious!? I am leaning ot agree with you on ES using him for her dirty deeds. As Forbe's once said, "He who has the gold makes the rules"...ES will have it and she will get even with YR, Her mother, and MH mother.

I for one am glad to see a tiny backbone in GB today! She's let YR bully her for far too long. I am still baffled about IW though...isn't he the fiance of GB? Why is he so hell bent on finding GB mother after 9 years? I understand he is a prosecutor and feels the need to do justice for GB but seriously he is coming across a guy with a "Super Hero Complex"...thus I shall dub him Superman going forward.

Then we have MH....yes it's obvious to us and to him that he "enjoys" GB company. Yes right now GB is simply trying ot get through life and hopefully find clues about her mother. What I find hilarious is that YR and her mother the more they do to deny it the more obvious it's becoming that something is up...even Superman seen through YR lies. MH though is silently defending and protecting GB even though she won't notice it.

I love in the preview when YR is laying on top of MH as she goes in for the kiss...the look of dread on MH face! I had a good chuckle on that!



@triton823,  I'm also glad that GB has figured out these two no more then what they are telling it's about time she wakes up her and mom both can't tell the same story together and the lies are rolling off they tongues one after another GB should be able to tell something is up why should she be afraid to go into the house she used to live in she waits for GB to come out the house wanting to know where GB work I'm glad she didn't tell her buit from the preview looks like she finds out and try and get G B fired and MH is putting a stop to it.. She mad because GB saw her trying to seduce MH.. SMH


Also IW uncle can he get any lower he already stole the sister money and looks like he was rambling to steal more.. Love the little girl she so cute and especially when she tries to protect him and tell him he's wrong it's so funny.. He played Miso uncle in my love by my side.. But I think when GB mom show back up she will have him doing dirty work for her..  Also please tell me is him and MH aunt is going to become and item this should be interesting.. 

I hope they do become an item! It would be hilarious!? I am leaning ot agree with you on ES using him for her dirty deeds. As Forbe's once said, "He who has the gold makes the rules"...ES will have it and she will get even with YR, Her mother, and MH mother.

@triton823,  I think for a minute he's going to be the only one that knows she alive and where she's at because showing up around GB will put GB in danger so I think ED will come back with money and some power to deal with the two mother bag witches so he may become her driver and the eyes and ears on things going on at home..  

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Can YR be any more disgusting than she is now? I'm so happy GB is slowly but surely realizing that the twit is a liar and just can't even keep up with her lies anymore. What could be her plan regarding Kim Tae Su? If it involves him lying, then I don't see how that helps YR. I guess he will be her hired thug to carry out her dirty work for her. I see her using him in an attempt to get rid of GB and IW if they keep digging into hers and her mother's business. Maybe this is where we get our next time jump.


I need to remind myself not to eat breakfast before watching that scene involving YR and MH tomorrow smh.

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Come home late due to some reason... Time to watch ep 28

MY was talking with TJ on the phone, saying that even though he was busy, he should come to the event and she would come too. After that, she said something I dont understand and got out of her car.

Back to the event, MJ, IW and GB saw RH, so they came close to asked her as they knew the truth that Kim Tae Soo had never gone to Japan 9 years ago and both YR and RH were lying. YR saw them and went away but she met MY right away. MY felt strange when she saw them but YR just stopped her and told MY to spend time for her. RH called the guard to kick them out, but MJ said out loud that made RH pull her outside the event. They continued to question RH, she said to leave it later. MJ still didn't want to do that and told her to do something (I don't know but RH seemed surprised about it). YR lead MY to a quite place so MY asked why she did that. MY seemed pleased about YR's answer but she still questioned herself about RH. YR left... MH came and saw MY sitting alone. YR told MH that they should have gone (maybe she didn't want to meet RH) but MH denied it and told her to leave first as he still had things to do. MJ, IW, and GB decided to leave... YR was watching them from far away and when she turned back, she met MH... MH asked her why she was standing here, she answered and asked him back about MY (she was worried that MY was gonna find out about her mother-daughter relationship with RH). GB called YR, so she told MH to enter first.

RH was also worried when she knew about Kim Tae Soo. MH met her to say hello... RH remembered him (the one took her drunken daughter home). MY was watching them from far with an anxious face. MY at home calling someone but that person didn't respond, she assumed that RH had done something (I guess). MY intended to go out and MH home, My got angry as MH didn't pick up the phone (ah, that person must be MH). MH asked why she acted like that as she knew that he attended RH's event. She shouted that why he had to go to that place, he should gone home early. The old lady got angry at MY. MY called MH to go into her room and asked what they had talk. MH said that they just said hello to each other, nothing much. MY asked strange thing (MH definitely didn't understand her meaning). MH also asked about YR (I don't understand), MY still had no doubt about YR.

RH home and saw MJ, IW and GB were in her house already (OMG, in Korea, you can go into another's house without a key and owner's acceptance??? Drama is always drama). RH seemed quite awkward and nervous when she heard IW said about Kim Tae Soo (prosecutor should be like that... hehe). They all knew about the lie but RH still tried to deny it. YR home and got angry at them (b/c they got into their house without any permission). But then IW said that Kim Tae Soo had told them everything... Why she lied about that. YR was speechless. GB pulled YR into her room (I don't know why she did that... In front of a prosecutor like IW, YR is nothing and she cannot say anything (silence means you accept it), especially when she was in shock about the news. It's the right time to attack her and make her tell the truth. Late for a couple of minutes, that evil girl can find another lie to escape). YR and GB were arguing in the room. IW got into and asked her some questions. I'm right... she had calmed herself to talk back everything. GB asked her one last question that "at that time, 9 years ago, they left her mom because of Kim Tae Soo. Is it true?". YR said it was true. GB said she knew it and then left (now I hope GB will never believe her again). They went out and told MJ to come back home. IW seemed not give up easily... MJ said one last thing to RH "ya, bad girl... It's not anyone else, it is ES. Are you human?". RH even said back something bad (which I don't understand) and told them to get out.

MJ's brother was finding something in MJ's room (maybe money as he needs money to pay back for what he had done in the cloth shop). MJ home and angrily found him... She hit him (maybe that's the thing RH said to MJ). He denied it but his daughter accepted it. Definitely he got hit. After that, they sat together and talked about RH and YR. GB thought about what Kim Tae Soo had said, she felt bad... RH and YR sat together and maybe they had a plan to get rid of Kim Tae Soo or made him lie about the truth.

In the morning, RH searched the business card MH had given her and then asked YR about MH. YR was awkward and left... RH thought YR like him... (If she knows he is MY's son, it'll be different). GB got out to work and saw YR outside. GB asked why she was here. YR said she had nothing to say with her. She said that she needed her help. "Even I know that you dont meet MH again, but if you do, I hope to keep a secret about the relationship between I and RH.". YR also explained (but I don't know what she said). GB agreed. GB asked if YR had things to say to her about Kim Tae Soo. YR said that she had told them already. GB said that "At last, you're still lying about Kim Tae Soo, aren't you?". YR said yes. YR asked GB something (like if she needs money, she can find her) but GB said that she got a job.

In the resort, GB and MJ was working... IW called to check where she was as MJ's brother said her and MJ had gone out. GB didn't tell him.

The old lady went to the cloth shop to visit her daughter, her daughter complained about the customer (definitely MJ's brother) and then called him... They argued (really match each other). The old lady listen to the phone call and shout at him

The secretary came into TJ's house to report him (maybe about the stranger calling him before), TJ asked him to search something about ES. Oh, MY called him at the same time (I dare him to pick up the phone in front of TJ). He went out and met MY. MY slapped him as he didn't do something well for her (about RH, I think). MY was angry, threw money to the floor and said if he didn't do well the next time, it would be the end for him. Oh, he seemed angry about MY but he hid it inside (Understandable, MY just treated him like a dog... Maybe he has unsayable reasons. Hope he will betray her soon). MY told him not to make TJ doubt anything about him.

Resort scene... MH, YR and their staff came here. GB was washing the bath tub. MH went to his room and took off his cloth. GB heard something outside and intended to go out. She received message from MJ (I guess MJ had left first for some reasons). MH went into the bathroom... haha, they saw each other and shout out loud... Interesting scene is coming... YR rang the bell of his room. Both MH and GB were totally shocked after hearing she said her name. YR told MH to open the door for her for a while. MH told GB to hide behind the curtain (it's not a good place to hide, man). MH opened the door. YR gave him the phone back. MH intended to close the door but YR stopped it and asked him something (no idea) and she said if she can enter. Don't wait for MH to respond, she let herself in... OMG... MH and GB must be scared to death. After taking the thing she wanted, MH asked her to leave. OMG, YR fell into MH b/c of the soap GB had dropped (his bath cloth even...). GB was curious so she took a look and was shocked about the scene in front of her eyes. She accidentally dropped her cleaning equipment... YR intended to take a look after hearing that sound but MH stopped her by hugging her (MH was still worried about GB in this scene... I think that he spends feeling for GB for than YR... Arg, don't know... Sometimes I think MH feeling for YR, sometimes he concerns about GB)

Preview: RH is worried as YR doesn't respond to her phone call and assume if she is staying with MH. YR definitely misunderstands about what happened and intend to give MH a kiss (MH seems to be really awkward... not b/c he likes her, but like he's surprised about her action). And what happens to MH? His family seems to be worried about him a lot. GB maybe makes mistake and the manager shouts at her and want to kick her out but MH appears and told the manager and the staff that GB is the woman he knows.

P/S: Oh no... will kiss scene happen in tomorrow episode? Cant wait to see MH's reaction to YR's action. I'm pleased that MH sacrificed himself to that evil girl in order to protect GB from her. But MH still treats these two girls equally, help them as much as he can without hurting the other, he doesn't stand by any side (maybe b/c he still doesn't know about the true side in YR)... I hate RH so much in this ep... I thought that RH really felt guilty about what she had done but I was so so wrong. She only uses ES as a reason to threaten MY and she doesn't want to punish MY because of ES, she just wants gain benefits from MY. She can deny it but that's the way I see her in this ep


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MH feelings to GB are extremely clear at least for me. IW though Mr. Superman has a bug up his bum about finding the truth out from 9 years ago....I think IW may miss his boat if they are to be together with how he is going about doing things.

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Morning All,

First off Yr is so bent out of shape really over nothing but she thinks GB is in her way once again because now GB got TJ and MH protecting her in the company and when he learns who's daughter she is it's going to get even worst not considering when MH tells his whack job of a mother that GB was the same girl that saved her and took her to the hospital.. YR should accept the facts that GB knew him first it doesn't mean that they are trying to have something with one another..  Well from the looks of things Yr trying to play on GB intelligence and she bough it until YR mom called saying something about GB and not tell and GB answered Yr phone and heard it all only thing she could do is put her hand over her mouth I bet she still keep her mouth closed trying to trust these untrustworthy people when will the child learn..       

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Episode 29 Video :

Saved by the bell thank goodness!!! LOL YR sees a female pair of feet.. and she is stunned. None of your business woman.. you should not have been trying to throw yourself at someone so you want to walk over to see who it is. IW always calls at the wrong moment.. Geeze dude!! YR has the nerve to be mad about anything or anyone in his room. LOL.. I am very sure she came into his room with the intention of trying to seduce him and put in in the wrong predicament Just because he hugged you did not mean he would try to get in your pants. What type of woman is she that she wants to kiss him so badly and lay all over his body.  Poor guy was stunned but that is how you get caught by women you don't really want and give them the wrong idea that you like their advances.

I have to wonder if YR is the one who got GB in trouble for being in MH's room. She may have reported seeing a maid in there with no shoes on or something and the supervisor asked who cleaned that room and GB spoke up.

MH and GB are too funny.. LOL she just realized her shirt is wet. Oh my goodness  he wanted to give her his shirt. Why on earth would she try to leave like that embarrassed.. (Now that is a good girl for you.. NOT like YR..) He tries to pull her back only to rip her shirt.. LOL why is she calling for her mother in this situation.. sigh.. I knew YR was lurking somewhere to hear what is going on and get a glimpse of who was in that room with him she hears GB making all that noise. MH is just too cute all flustered lol.. I really like these two even if they turn out to be really related or just friends at the end they are too much fun right now. They have a fate that can't seem to be broken and are part of a series of misadventures. I am glad another maid came by and saw her and made her move on though but you can see her face that she thinks MH has another woman or is playing around with one.. LOL

Oh MY, what is wrong with GB and MJ why is she hitting someone else child? She flies off the handle too much.. RH having a nightmare about KTS huh.. So MJ's brother is there to beg for some money. He is way too shameless OMG..


I love that TJ and MH are helping GB..Not sure what MJ's brother is told but he is shocked.  IW finds out something and pissed off does he realize who MH is now since he seems to make a fist or is he just mad that KTS has got away and his evidence of those two lying is gone. MY is up in arms over something and YR is back to conning GB but she gets a call from RH on YR's phone with her telling her something about GB and it makes GB's mouth open.. Yeah girl you were played again by these people.

note: I will come back with the written preview later when it is posted.

(I honestly have to ask why are the good guys so gullible and naive until the last min when they have to loose a limb or see someone in the act of doing them wrong and have video before they realize that the person has never been their friend and has lied for years to them hurting their life over and over again? anyone?) GB has had many opportunities to see that YR and RH have lied and things do not add up. You can see a mile off that they are hiding something and they are too quick to want to deny or keep with the flimsy lies of theirs and yet again in the preview we see her hugging YR and crying with her. YR would rather spit on her if she was laying in the street than help her stepping over her body. By the time she really sees that RH and YR will have ruined her little life again.

Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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Back to the hot scene in the previous episode... Three of them didn't know how to react to this awkward situation. But YR intended to kiss MH... Unfortunately, (but fortunate for us), the phone rang... OMG, YR saw GB's feet (still didn't find out it was GB) and she definitely shocked (she may think MH is a playboy). MH told her to go out and she left with a don't-know-what-to-say face. Oh, she turned back and asked nervous MH with a deathly question (I think about the water near the curtain). She came close... OMG, IW calling GB (fortunately, her phone is in vibrate mode, no sound). MH stopped her and said that he would do it himself (or just called the cleaner to do it). YR told him just to do it and left with a cold face. GB must be worried to death... MH too. YR was angry and came back but just stood outside his room to hear. GB asked MH if YR found out about her, MH told her not to be worried as she didn't see (but actually she saw it but he didn't know). GB intended to left, MH held her back, looked at her wet cloth and asked if she just left like that (she is wearing pink bra). She realized it... MH gave GB his shirt but she said she didn't need it and left. MH stopped her and accidentally teared her cloth (OMG... shocking). GB and MH shocked and she shouted (MH saw a pink strap... his face were red and he just couldn't see it... Lucky man, IW even haven't seen it yet). YR stayed outside and heard GB's voice. A cleaner saw YR hearing outside the room, YR saw her and then left.

YR went to the reception desk and asked if MH had an appointment with any guest. The answer was no. She thought who was that woman...

MH went out first to see if anybody (or YR) was outside. No one. GB wearing MH's shirt and left but one staff (a talkative lady in YR's work area) saw them and took picture (but she just saw their backs). YR in her room was still thinking about that woman. That lady ran to YR's room and told her. MJ saw her wearing man's shirt and asked her who did it to her (maybe she thought a bad guy had done something to her). That staff told YR many things (her description about this scene looks so funny). YR told her to find out who was that woman but then she said she would find it herself. That staff gave her the picture (OMG, GB's face is in the picture... ottokke???). YR zoomed in and knew that was GB. MJ was still shock and and told GB to lead her to find that bad guy. GB explained but MJ didn't believe it... MJ shocking crying (it's just misunderstanding, ajumma). The manager come and asked what did she done. YR was in shock seeing it. Another employee went to YR and said that girl named Hwang Geum Bok. YR asked if it was sure. 100% sure and gave YR the profile. (shocking, bad girl?). YR sitting alone and said something (no idea). YR thought about that scene with MH, she knew that MH hugged her just b/c he wanted to hide GB. She was just angry.

GB told the manager that was misunderstanding... (what happened??? I don't understand what she said?). The manager didn't believe a word and force her out.

MY was thinking about what RH said (like "if you dont want the truth about ES accident to be revealed, don't threaten her", I guess. The old lady asked MY about YR, and what MY thought about her (maybe that lady thought MH and YR like each other). MY said that MH employed her, she was beauty, educated, ok.". TJ's mother said if the girl MH liked was good, and... (sorry, but I don't know what she said, maybe invite her to their house, I guess).

Many staff talking behind MH, definitely about his scandal with GB. MH felt strange... YR coldly sitting... MH came and asked why they looked at him like that (I saw their strange face). He asked YR if she prepared everything well. She answered with a no-feeling face. MH felt strange too. His phone rang... GB called him. He went out to listen (the talkative employee asked YR if it was GB calling MH). GB told MH about her situation that a guest had seen GB and MH fighting (not so sure, or maybe sleeping). MH asked if she was sick and what nonsense she was talking about. GB said the manager intended to fire her. MH told her not to worry as he would go to talk to them. MJ ran to him and punch him even he said it was just misunderstanding.

RH called someone and asked if they found Kim Tae Soo. She said she had given them a lot of money, so found him immediately and brought him to her. MJ's brother came and met RH and said that he didn't have money to paid. Police called him...(why?). TJ's sister looked at the phone and said that MS would end (MJ's brother, I just know his name and TJ's sister is TR). MS came to meet TR (maybe she was the one report him to the police). That's right... They were fighting again (typical love in korean drama... fighting a lot). What? Some ladies realized MS (what did he do???) and asked him. They seemed like him a lot and said they were his fan... Oh, now the fashion show (so funny). He wore a lot of cloth in the shop and made the shop a catwalk. Old ladies like him a lot... they even bought what he just wore... (another side of this lazy jobless man).

TR home and told about the number of cloth she sold this day, she said it was because of her. The old lady was happy. MY asked TJ something (maybe she asked him if he intended to go to that place, I guess). MY seemed not want him to go... and she started talk about how bad RH is... (this woman, she knows RH had the best weapon in hand but she still wants to play with fire?). Someone called TJ and told about MH (the scandal in resort, maybe?). TJ went out... MY called someone and asked, she then knew about it. The old lady asked but they didn't answer, she was so worried. TJ called MH but couldn't contact him. MY called someone to find out about this. The old lady called someone too and knew about it. TR asked about it... TJ's mom told her, TR asked if that was YR. No, with a cleaner... (is the scandal about MH sleeping with GB?).

MJ was worried at home (about GB). She was worried if IW found out about it. IW called and said he couldn't come home. MJ said what should she do, her son is pitiful. The little girl asked why and did GB unni did something. MJ said it was nothing. IW still at the office with Kim Tae Soo. That man said the same thing we knew in the previous ep. RH called someone and knew that Kim Tae was with IW, she's gonna do something. RH was worried about YR and thought MH and YR were being together.

YR was talking with someone one the phone... (no idea who and what she was talking). The manager caught her and asked where she go. TJ's family was still in shock... TJ's mom hate that girl who they don't even know (oh, maybe she's gonna hate her (true?) grandchild). My called YR. YR was looking at the picture and questioned herself about MH and GB. YR and MY talking, MY asked something.

The manager angrily questioned with GB. Even GB said, she still didn't believe and intended to force GB to go to somewhere. MH appeared and questioned the manager why she wanted to punish innocence person (I just guess). Now, GB knew MH was a director... The manager intended to say something (like sorry to director but this girl...). MH stopped her by saying GB was a girl he knew. "Not the cleaner (?) but this girl is the one I knew". YR heard it... MH said one last thing to them (what did he say???), and then held GB's hand and left. TJ appeared... OMG, he shouted what was MH doing. Ottokke??? END... OMG, CLIFFHANGER, I hate you

Preview: YR sits in her room, (maybe she thinks MH has feeling for GB or something like that). GB and TJ meet privately, they realize each other. MY asked TJ... (she feels strange about something, maybe TJ will understand the situation b/w GB and MH, but MY doesn't). MH asked GB about their relationship, I guess, GB seems quite awkward. MS said something about GB's situation from MJ, IW overhears them... (OMG, misunderstanding comes from MJ). IW angrily thinks about the relationship b/w GB and MH (I hope he won't misunderstand... What is their scandal? Someone translate for me). YR crying saying something to GB, she pretends to be pitiful again. GB believes that and hugs her and says that she was sorry (no, you should punch her in the face). RH calls YR to say about Kim Tae Soo but GB is the one who listen to the phone and was shocked about this (I hope GB will find out what RH intend to do with Kim Tae Soo)

P/S: ottokke uri IW, don't misunderstand GB, please... I have to agree that IW and GB don't have many romantic scenes together, and in this ep, it's noted that GB and MH had romantic scenes together and she had some kind of mixed feeling in front of MH, which she had never showed to IW before. I think IW spent too much time finding the truth and not staying with GB and the fact that GB had a job at MH's place so she spent much time with MH. In my opinion (I can be wrong), IW lets GB stuck with the memories about her mom, but when she stays with MH, she forgets about the bad things (She still has to find her mom). Poor IW, as he knew ES, knew GB's pain, he cannot let thing be like that and he has to find justice for GB and ES. Therefore, now their conversation is all related to RH, YR, ES and Kim Tae Soo... But MH is different, he knows nothing about it, so he's just like person make her have time to relax and forget about her pain. I like both IW and MH, so ottokke? I can't choose between them...

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I know we are early in this drama, but I ain't feeling no lovey-dovey with IW/GB....he is hell bent on finding out what happened 9 years ago and not even putting any attention on GB current state of mind whereas MH is there and as it has been pointed out...GB doesn't think of the past as bad when she is with MH....I do though see her thinking of her mother more she is with IW because Superman keeps asking and prodding it.

I did love MH reaction to GB in this episode...dude can do funny!

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I know we are early in this drama, but I ain't feeling no lovey-dovey with IW/GB....he is hell bent on finding out what happened 9 years ago and not even putting any attention on GB current state of mind whereas MH is there and as it has been pointed out...GB doesn't think of the past as bad when she is with MH....I do though see her thinking of her mother more she is with IW because Superman keeps asking and prodding it.

I did love MH reaction to GB in this episode...dude can do funny!

I never thought there was any chemistry between IW and GB and he always acted more like a brother to her anyway. I think MH is a better fit for her but it will be rather unfortunate if YR finds a way to get rid of GB and then marry MH while she's away(which I think will happen). That would mean no chance of MH ending up with GB smh. YR is getting pretty desperate and will do anything to ensure that she gets MH for herself even though she knows he isn't into her. This is why I wish he would be more firm in letting her know there isn't anything between them. What is it with these kdrama males leads who keep giving hope to the villains?! Stop letting her into your room when she's obviously being inappropriate and stop meeting her for drinks all the time smh.

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I know we are early in this drama, but I ain't feeling no lovey-dovey with IW/GB....he is hell bent on finding out what happened 9 years ago and not even putting any attention on GB current state of mind whereas MH is there and as it has been pointed out...GB doesn't think of the past as bad when she is with MH....I do though see her thinking of her mother more she is with IW because Superman keeps asking and prodding it.

I did love MH reaction to GB in this episode...dude can do funny!

I never thought there was any chemistry between IW and GB and he always acted more like a brother to her anyway. I think MH is a better fit for her but it will be rather unfortunate if YR finds a way to get rid of GB and then marry MH while she's away(which I think will happen). That would mean no chance of MH ending up with GB smh. YR is getting pretty desperate and will do anything to ensure that she gets MH for herself even though she knows he isn't into her. This is why I wish he would be more firm in letting her know there isn't anything between them. What is it with these kdrama males leads who keep giving hope to the villains?! Stop letting her into your room when she's obviously being inappropriate and stop meeting her for drinks all the time smh.

I can't say if MH/YR will be married, but I do see a time jump coming and it's going to be about a 5-6 year jump. That's only when GB mother shows up with a different identity to take GB away...thats my theory. After GB leaves I don't think YR/MH will marry because GB will be out of the picture. But yes YR is going to think of a way to get GB out of the way.

BTW have you heard or seen suchadiva42? Haven't seen her in here in a while!

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One of the more interesting things for me is RH and YR are involved with a set of people that they have no clue the history of. RH let MY blackmail her and pull her into her craziness to save her nutty violent daughter YR. She bought MY's mess in her anger at ES about ES fooling with her husband. She never once thought that perhaps MY was in the wrong or thought there was a history between TJ and ES.  Her actions at that point sealed her fate.

When the truth comes out that ES and TJ were a couple and MY and his mother broke them up so long ago they will be shocked. When it is found out that MY was basically stalking ES and TJ and pushing her crazy obsession out there they will be fit to be tied. I have no doubt that RH and YR will find out first that GB is possibly TJ's daughter. YR will loose her mind because even if she has married in she is only a DIL no matter how well they treat her for a moment but when they find out their part in things pertaining to GB and ES she can kiss that marriage away and the support of that family. The jealousy and anger she has at GB when they were younger doing better than her having more than her will overflow again because she felt she made good in her life (but you never can keep things when you have done underhanded things to get them.) and had finally risen above GB in possibly marrying MH who she will feel she took from GB. But finding out that GB is a daughter of that house will drive her crazy because no way will she want GB for her Sister in law and no way will she want her to be able to take her place with that family that will put her above her again and those that think YR could possibly steal a sample of GB's blood to give for a DNA test and pretend to be that man's daughter if she can't get MH to the alter is plausible because why go the marriage route when you can pretend to be family?. It will scare the heck out of her when ES shows back up though especially if she is living as the long lost child of TJ's LMAO.. .  The real clincher comes if MH is found not to be a child of that house so she married a no body who is not rich! Can you see her tantrum at that. She did all of that and got mixed up with these people and in the end she will end up married to a man that does not come from a rich family anymore.

RH for sure will loose it. She did all of it to get back at MY for what she feels she pulled her into when she freely made the choice to help MY to save YR. Her anger will over flow at what MY dragged her into. But I see her as the type of character (just like her daughter) who would have eventually turned on ES anyway. Anyone who still continues to hold their head up when their daughter hurt someone and was going to let her friend take the blame instead of speaking up but gets mad at the fact that the girls mother is pissed that her daughter would do that to GB and does not want to give her any help. I expect it would have been different if YR came forward but was not believed but YR intentionally kept quiet but you want people to help her?  Now they know what happen 9 years ago and ran off leaving GB. They have come back and are starting to do anything to keep her from finding out the truth. That is not family or friendship.It just shows that they would have betrayed GB and ES anyway in my book.

The nest that is the twisted relationship between MY's family and ES and GB is going to burn RH and YR and they deserve it. RH for all her greed will end up getting herself and YR caught along with MY. MY I have no doubt will be completely crazy and living in her own mind by the time this drama ends. Her fear of being caught is eating her and with RH plunging the knife in at every chance to make her squirm along with her sitings of ES will break her already fragile mind. I would love to have someone asks her was it worth it all that you did to ES? She will loose everything especially TJ and her place in that family. She will hurt her son when he finds out that ES is the woman TJ loved and was forced to let go of due to him and even more so when it is found that GB is his daughter that ES was pregnant with at the time they broke up with. Then get the last K.O. of him not being that man son he will not be able to look at his mother in the face on top of her being the one that caused that girls mother to be hurt and gone for so long while she had to struggle. I am sure he will blame her too for his marrying crazy and her coming into his life with her mother who was blackmailing her.

I am honestly surprised that she likes YR so much but hates her mother RH normally they do not allow that but then again RH has worked on her hubby and in laws so that they all think she is so nice and a friend they will look at MY crazy when she protest but then she will have no choice when RH blacks mail's her.. the fool will like the evil twit but dislike the nice girl.. of course she does not know that GB is ES's daughter she is just hating her on principle now since MH is so involved with her even though it is innocently. When YR starts showing her true colors to her she will realize exactly what she got on her hands. 

i really hope I am wrong and YR is not able to get MH to the alter or close to it.. because he will never be able to get rid of her unless it is death or jail!

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@Ldy Gmerm

I would love to say that RH is rather stupid but truthfully she isn't.  She should have questioned why MY hated ES so much and tried so hard to get rid of her. She may not have known exactly what MY was doing but she knew that whatever it was would turn out to be sinister. Also, RH knew that ES was meeting up with GB's father and should have guessed that they either had a very close relationship or were past lovers. She decided to turn a blind eye to all the clues around her because of greed and that twit of a daughter of hers.

 I refuse to accept to she wasn't aware that something was amiss because she knew what she agreed to was wrong and would hurt ES and GB very badly. For that, she deserves all the misery that will be coming her way and YR's. I just hope we aren't fed a ridiculous scene with GB forgiving them in the end because they don't deserve it.

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Of course MY and RH knew exactly what they are doing! RH is only treating GB out of guilt that she is completely responsible for. Her mentality is simple, "IF I treat GB right then nothing will happen to me." She is only nice to GB because she is afraid of what would happen when her secret comes out and boy oh boy it's going to come out...

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@tinatrix236 and @Triton823

There is no doubt in my mind even if RH and YR had known the entire history they would not have found some way to get something out of it. They are just that greedy or selfish and delusional. For the very reasons you point out they think they are entitled due to their life being so poor and hard (when their life really was not that hard.. they had a roof over their head, food and clothing and people that cared about them.) RH thinks that Karma is going to pass her by because she is not treating GB like her crazy delusional daughter is. But Karma will get her as well in the end. Her being fake nice to GB and treating her like she cares about her will come back to bite her when the truth comes out of her part in things and the fact they ran away. Frankly I expect YR to out her mother in anger at some point later especially if GB is asking her how can she do those things and what about her mom... RH and YR did all the things in the past and now because they wanted to. No one forced them to do them and they came back to the country RH could have told the truth and just said she was scared for her daughter and her life (of course they would have asked why she did not at least call and tell the truth but that is a different story). There is no sympathy for two people who still feel they are entitled and are angry at the people they wronged and feel they deserve to have every happiness ever given or to prosper. Not too mention why does RH feel she is the one that should profit from MY just because she went along willingly to what MY was doing. Her I did not know will not fly later because fleeing took that excuse away.

If RH was really worried she would have told MY that others are looking into what happen and about her own lies to keep things from being found out but she has not and her actions on her side of the fence will eventually jepordize MY and her lies and life too.

My saying that they had no idea of the connection meant that they did not have to betray friends and be jealous but fate has a way of bringing people together to show their true colors. They moaned about their life before being hard but it will be 100 times worse when all the nasty dirty deeds and their true personalities are exposed and they loose everything they took now and the people they had as friends before.. (Please do not give us forgiveness for these three!).

I would like to see another time jump after ES has come to take her daughter away and they come back ready to catch the lying, murdering trio (ES is not dead but she has been presented as such for years now.).

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GB may have discovered that RH and YR  lied about Kim TS but we know all YR has to do is give an excuse and GB will believe her. For now, I still think GB is as stupid as ever and refuses to acknowledge all the clues that are right in front of her. What is she doing helping YR anyway?! She is foolishly showing concern for a person who abandoned her for not days but years for goodness sake. 


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GB may have discovered that RH and YR  lied about Kim TS but we know all YR has to do is give an excuse and GB will believe her. For now, I still think GB is as stupid as ever and refuses to acknowledge all the clues that are right in front of her. What is she doing helping YR anyway?! She is foolishly showing concern for a person who abandoned her for not days but years for goodness sake. 


Remember we are still early so yeah she's gotta be batshit stupid until ep 50! LMAO

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Video Episode 30:



These two end up in so many situations together.. MH was cute thinking of GB as he laid in bed.. I like that TJ remembered GB from before with the flyers. Does he realize she is ES's daughter yet?

So YR is out with MH after they leave and she plays the friend who has been wronged by GB but still helps her huh.. lol. wow.. just wow!

GB catches YR and RH in lies after the call and she still stays with her after the drinking and gets caught later in the bathroom? I guess because she was busted she goes to MY.. smh


SO YR has been lying on GB to MY.. yes history is repeating it's self the same way TJ's mother ended up  working with the nasty girl to hurt her son and break up his relationship with ES the same way MY is not working with YR to keep GB away from MH and it seems she sees her and slaps her being nasty to her. I hope whatever GB came to the house and said to RH and YR is what pushed RH to be in the car mad heading somewhere. Looks LIKE TJ found out something as MY comes to his office scared to death calling out Yoebo..



Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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GB may have discovered that RH and YR  lied about Kim TS but we know all YR has to do is give an excuse and GB will believe her. For now, I still think GB is as stupid as ever and refuses to acknowledge all the clues that are right in front of her. What is she doing helping YR anyway?! She is foolishly showing concern for a person who abandoned her for not days but years for goodness sake. 


Remember we are still early so yeah she's gotta be batshit stupid until ep 50! LMAO

When this girl goes "YR ah" omo I always feel like throwing my remote at the tv. She is unbelievably dense..lmao!!

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TJ came and saw MH and GB... He was so angry and asked MH to meet him privately. MH still tried to protect his friend and told TJ if he had something to say, just say it here. The manager still blamed GB for something, GB denied it. YR came out and told TJ that what the manager said was not the truth. TJ told her to meet him but she said if he had something to say, just say here. Then she told TJ everything (I don't understand so I don't know it is true or not) but TJ asked why she knew it. YR said that she was with them in MH's room and GB didn't do anything wrong. GB was quite shocked. Then GB came to YR's house, YR asked why she was here. GB said she worked here. YR asked why. Even GB explained to her, she's just like blame GB again. YR started pretended to pitiful (I don't understand their conversation... who translate for me???)

MH told TJ about GB saving MY before... TJ asked what MY said about GB was true (that GB follow MH b/c of that reason). MH said not, it was not her but him is the one who find for her. MH said that GB and him had known each other before.

MY calling TJ but he didn't respond... The family knew that the one causing this problem was the one bringing MY to the hospital. MY and TJ's mom got angry

YR was packaging cloth with tears (I will be very happy if she's gone), GB tried to stop her. The employee came into and said that TJ wanted to meet her. YR thought it was she but not, TJ wanted to meet GB (YR shocked). TJ said he heard from MH that GB needed money to find someone. They realized each other... GB knew he is the president of TS Group. TJ asked that GB didn't know he is the president and MH is his son before. GB now knew MH is his son b/c MH didn't say. She said it was just like drama. TJ seemed pleased about GB.

GB chased MH to hit him as he didn't tell her about his position. He said it was not at the right time. (What they talked? No idea again). GB told MH that he was president's son, so behave like a president's son, don't do anything strange. Yeah, hot scene in the preview came. MH asked GB something, GB seemed very awkward and didn't at his eyes... (They liked to play around with each other). YR saw them from far and was jealous.

TJ home and said it was nothing, it was misunderstanding. MY asked who said it. It was YR... MY was still confused and asked if he believed that. MY said she called YR before and it was not like nothing happened. MY had bad feelings about GB... TJ had the opposite idea and they had argument (Understandable, GB must be TJ and ES's child, so he must treat her well and MY definitely will hate her).

GB thanked YR for helping her. YR asked GB if she continued to worked here... GB left but MH came into. MH said there would be a party for the company and also asked GB to join. But she denied.

MJ at home worrying about GB and she accidentally said something (about GB and that man (MH)). The manager still asked about what happened but GB still denied it.

The party... the talkative employee was drunk and talked too much without caring about MH and YR... The staff left, only MH and YR remained. YR saw GB and asked MH something seriously... (maybe she said that she and GB had a bad relationship l like that but he still helped GB... bla bla bla). She even cried... MH said he will help her back to her room. GB came out and help her instead. They were in YR's room... YR held her hand and said please don't go. OMG, she pretended to be like this again. GB was in her trap...

GB called MJ to say that she couldn't go home today b/c of YR. MJ was worried if IW knew about it. MS heard and asked if GB and that man slept (?) together. IW home and heard it. He went to her room but didn't see her. IW asked and MJ said she slept at friend's house. IW asked who and what MS said about GB and that man. MJ said MS was sleepy and told IW that he didn't know that friend.

GB couldn't sleep... GB and YR talked... YR turned on her "pitiful mode" again... and said about 9 years ago.... GB seemed believe it again (OMG, why this girl is so naive?). GB even said sorry to YR and hugged her (YR's eyes are so scary). MH remembered about the scenes with GB in resort and smiled. IW sat thinking about the scene b/w MH and GB and felt angry. Haiz, GB treated YR like a friend now... YR felt uncomfortale (like sick!) and went to the bedroom. RH called YR and GB was the one picked up the up the phone. RH said that many things related to Kim Tae Soo, GB (and even ES, I guess). (I don't understand what she said but GB was definitely shocked after hearing). YR came out, GB pretended not to know anything. GB even dropped YR's phone (she's now like "don't know how to react to this situation). They were in bed and YR hugged her. RH called back, YR asked GB if it was her phone. GB said it was IW, so don't worry. After a while, GB saw YR sleeping and took her phone to the bathroom. GB didn't know the password but she use the light to see the sign YR used to unlock her phone before (so smart... I can't even know that). GB then read YR's message with RH. "YR asked RH if she found Kim Tae Soo. RH said not. YR asked her to find him faster. RH told her not to be worried and asked her to treat GB well so that GB couldn't doubt about anything.". YR awake and didn't see GB. "RH said she found Kim Tae Soo and asked YR to prepare. YR told RH to be careful about IW as he captured (?) Kim Tae Soo and didn't let IW do something in any cost.".YR came in... OMG, and she asked what GB was doing with her phone... YR stared at GB... END

Preview: YR and MY meet, MY seems pleased about YR... MY meets GB and slaps her. GB came to RH's house and said thanks to her b/c she let her know about the truth (?). RH is worried and then drives her car to somewhere. MY come into TJ's office with a worried face, TJ tells her to get out. (Look at the expression on MY and TJ's faces, will he know about the truth?)


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