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8 minutes ago, drynase said:

Cheese in The Trap Park Hae Jin Kim Go Eun Hospital Scene


[+3075, -48] a lot better than Reply 1988

[+1847, -17] Yoojung sunbae has a sincere heart for Seol

[+1397,-26] Seol is so cute

[+1320,-16] Obviously thriller romantic.....


Seems like many people are still bitter over R88 (my chingus!)

I am so so shallow but the sight of In Ha standing in the rain and getting drenched...that's a sight for sore eyes!

The plot is moving along nicely. 

It's almost midnight where I am. See you all tomorrow! 

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Guys! There's this scene, HS at home after the keychain 'date' that YJ bought her.. and HS said she did look the same as lion's keychain (hahaha).. then she said "I really want to buy that watch"..

I can't watch that 'watch' scene because of bad connection.. What is it? is it something that YJ wants to buy?



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@MrsSoJiSub I had the same thought. HS is kind of overreacting for the missing report. About the job, I can understand her anger because she finally gets aware why assistant Tae Ho was so mean to her. So she was having a hard time due to this blackmail. It was thanks to YJ's intervention that the assistant gave her some slack, but YJ couldn't definitely protect her the whole time.

Nevertheless, assistant Tae Ho shouldn't blame HS as he is well aware that she has no idea about it. Here is my analysis of his actions: He complains to her because he wants to hurt HS in the end. He knows that he brought him upon himself. He shouldn't have stolen but in order to get revenged, the assistant vents his anger on HS. To conclude, this was intentional as through HS, he can hurt YJ. IF they break up, this is his way of getting revenged!  

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1 minute ago, Adwina Oltariani said:

so cute, and he seems touched by the gesture.. this cute psycho :wub:


Oh thanks for this.. just answered my question... hahaha

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@Adwina Oltariani i like that Seol tries to understand him but at the same time does not put up with his bs/readily accept his excuses or reasoning. Like today, she let him know that for her he was in the wrong and why he was in the wrong and walked away. I like that about her. She tries to understand him but at the same time there are some lines she knows you shouldn't cross and should he ever cross those lines (he hasn't yet even though she did walk away today) she will walk away and hopefully never come back depending on the situation and circumstances. I just like how she is not someone who tries to make excuses for him or really "justify" his behavior. In the webtoon it seems she comes to understand him and his reasons but she doesn't like say "oh yeah you were right Jung and that is exactly what you should have done". I too enjoy that they both learn and grow from one another. 

the tvN preview is different from the one shown at the end of the episode. I always loved that umbrella scene in the webtoon. Seol is such a good friend and I think there abouts is when something of more than "use her to get at Jung" and more than "friend" started for Inho. 

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Thanks for all the recaps!

oh ep 6 pailli come! Did they kiss or not!! Aaaahh

@MrsSoJiSub in many countries, including mine, scholarships are given to students who have exemplary academic results and performance in school activities. They have to go through interviews and even get referees on their application. So many of the scholarship  recipients already come from well to do families who groomed them for this scholarship path. I am not familiar with this Korean system, they probably judge on academic performance too, so HS results must be quite good for her to qualify.

for the less well to do, they can apply for bursaries or student loans to get them through.

ok back to will they kiss or not....heehee

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The PD was not lying when she said PHJ and KGE had really good chemistry. They are so natural with one another. It feels like they really are dating and growing in a relationship. I don't know, it doesn't feel manufactured if that makes sense. I really enjoy their chemistry and the growing relationship of Seol and Jung. They both play it well. 

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40 minutes ago, drynase said:

Cheese in The Trap Park Hae Jin Kim Go Eun Hospital Scene


[+3075, -48] a lot better than Reply 1988

[+1847, -17] Yoojung sunbae has a sincere heart for Seol

[+1397,-26] Seol is so cute

[+1320,-16] Obviously thriller romantic.....

HAHAHAHA "a lot better than Reply 1988"

Omg I actually burst out laughing kekekeke!!!

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YJ dark side...i'm so scared with that dark side but i couldnt hate him coz he is so hot!! Wehehehe

We will discover more about YJ character as there are 11 more episodes to come...i'm still gonna like YJ sunbae eventhough some of the fans hate him and prefer IH..

One thing that i like about this drama is there's a lot of VO (voice over) used in this drama especially VO from HS..some dramas lack of VO and lead to a confusion for viewers..but this drama is totally different..

Hmmm..i hope YJ will kiss HS in ep.6!! :wub:

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2 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@Adwina Oltariani i like that Seol tries to understand him but at the same time does not put up with his bs/readily accept his excuses or reasoning. Like today, she lt him know that for her he was in the wrong and why he was in the wrong and walked away. I like that about her. She tries to understand him but at the same time there are some lines she knows you shouldn't cross and should he ever cross those lines (he hasn't yet even though she didn't walk away today) she will walk away and hopefully never come back depending on the situation and circumstances. I just like how she is not some one who tries to make excuses for him or really "justify" his behavior. In the webtoon it seems she comes to understand him and his reasons but she doesn't like say "oh yeah you were right Jung and that is exactly what you should have done". I too enjoy that they both learn and grow from one another. 

the tvN preview is different from the one shown at the end of the episode. I always loved that umbrella scene in the webtoon. Seol is such a good friend and I think there abouts is when something of more than "use her to get at Jung" and more than "friend" started for Inho. 

exactly. she confronts him about it, and speak up and not putting up with any of his bs, and I think this could be an advantages to her in her college class.. since most of her sunbaes/classmates seem to make her do all stuff, hopefully she could gradually change to not be a pushover anymore. Hong Seol also has her darkness: her insecurities, low self-esteem, has a hard time opening up to people.. and I love how the drama emphasizes on that as well.. she's not your typical poor, candy heroine who's always cheerful despite her circumstances.. she has her demons as well, we can see her monologue in her head makes her gloomy of sorts. They both had their own share of darkness, and it's dynamic that was a bit new especially in romcom genre (and did anyone notice most of JungSeol moments was shot with dark lighting? I think it's really suitable with them) and I think it's a given that she connects more with Jung on emotional level rather than Inho. as with Jung, he definitely had some therapy by doing that coloring book and the art stuff he did in his room. And in shallow note, Park hae Jin looks soo good being broody.. yum. 

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@Adwina Oltariani Thanks for the pictures! crazy monkey

Her gift is important to YJ for many reasons:

- First, it's the first time we see him receiving something! YJ has always been the one who gives money away (drinks, theater tickets, the meals, aso). 

- Secondly, he knows that HS is struggling financially, but she decided to please him and was ready to give up some money for him. Her gift looks like a sacrifice in his eyes.

- Third, she knows, he was interested in the watch and she put his interests first. HS is the first one who pays attention to his "desire". 

- Finally he could have bought it, since he has the money! So maybe the match was a way for him to see how deep HS is into him. Is she willing to sacrifice herself for him or not? That's a way to interprete it too!


Well, I wanted to add something as moderator: it would be great, if people stop mentioning Reply 1988 here, because we had so many reports from that thread so that I don't want to be reminded of the rude words/comments from there and I want to avoid another "war" here!

If you are disappointed by the other drama, write it on Reply 1988 not here!

I must say, I am kind of traumatised! Sorry if I am killing a little the mood here, but it had to be said. I hope, you can understand it! 

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Omg omg omg!! So much cuteness today as well as intense scenes...and holy mother of christ...tomorrow is the scene where they are in her room 


And he kisses her cheek!!!!!


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