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8 minutes ago, justinew said:

I completely agree with you, PHJ is a great actor and he showed it especially in Bad Guys, I'd like him to have more interesting roles in the future where he can show his talent!:)

Bad Guys is a really great drama, I'm thinking now about watching it again, we have 2 weeks to wait for the new episode of CITT...

I love PHJ's smile and voice^^ show us more of it, tvn!!^^


I didn't like PHJ in My love from the stars but here... He blows me away with his role as YJ and his fantastic acting. I guess I'm into guys with a dark edge... So where can I find my own YJ?

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@MrsSoJiSub You are spot on!! I love what you wrote about the two of them needing the time apart. Seol has to seriously think about her relationship with YJ. YJ is not going to become a saint. He has the dark side to him (as do everyone even herself when she fought with MS). In Ho is definitely just a friend and he has to handle his emotions. I don't think he will go YG crazy and try to push his feelings to her. Instead he will become more protective of her and perhaps help look out for her as her friend and YJ's friend (eventually)

I trust in the PD's vision of what she is doing with regards to the webtoon and her live version. I don't think that the live version can be a mirror image of the webtoon and at the moment I like what the PD is doing with the story and showing the progression of the main characters. I do hope In Ha grows up a bit and maybe Jae Woo will be a good match for her. 


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21 minutes ago, qwenli said:

who are the folks who were crystal balling saying the kiss scene wont be today? u guys are spot on!

:tears: I wait for the big reconciliation. yes it better be a 15 mins sizzling scene.

come to think of it, I think they know all along that there will be a preemption for lunar new year, everything is edited accordingly. I think Inho is a filler.

Ahhh chingu you read my mind. I think the staff and crew did it purpose so the viewers would have something to look forward

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I missed some parts of this scene... so that's why HS holds his hand!! because In Ho said that he'll return as a student at the uni... a real student.. 

That's why I felt strange as why he's in the library with HS teaching him?? hahaha...

In Ho is cute blushing all over his face!! :blush:


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@MrsSoJiSub I agree! I also really like that scene where they run towards each other. You can see a certain sense of desperation there too.

I also think the focus on InHo is needed. He is a great guy but the fact that Seol cannot move pass YJ proves she really likes him. I think this is what will make her realize she also needs to accept him as he is...


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the running... and that HUG!!! urgh how i'm gonna face two weeks to wait for that?



eta: im clicking submit too soon. i love when Inho gives Seol a whole bag of self defense weapon. and everytime he runs to chase young gon away, but end up spoiling the video recording.

i have good laugh today because of Inho. blessed his heart :) 

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How do I survive this 2 week wait though. What do with myself? What was life before 'Cheese in the Trap'?? It's so freaking unfair to show us all that is coming and be like LOL ya'll going to have to wait 2 weeks!! I'm freaking melting. I don't care about the bed scene (that a lie LOL) I want to see all the talks. This is the first where I enjoy the OTPs talks and growth that comes out of it more so than the cute. The natural chemistry and flow of their talks...GIVE ME THE TALKS!! 2 WEEKS :tears::tears::tears::tears::bawling::bawling:

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4 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

Hmm.. am i the only one ok with today's episode?

There was a lot of In Ho on screen but I don't think it detracts from YJ's and Seol's storyline. Today's episode has just made In Ho aware that he may not see Seol as merely a friend but there is no reaction whatsoever from Seol. In Ho is totally friend-zoned. 

I see this episode as a big built up to the next two episodes which would include YG's downfall (courtesy of Baek In Ha) and the reconciliation. And what a reconciliation it will be with our daebak PHJ and KGE! 

Although there were scenes of In Ho and Seol looking like they had a good time in the preview , I still get the just friends vibe. 

I didn't like seeing sad YJ today (at work, with his dad and his pain at being apart from Seol) It made me want to grab YJ and give him a massive hug! Park Hae Jin - I am your fan forever! Fell in love with you during Bad Guys and now this drama has cemented the love! :wub:

Haven't seen the episode myself (must suffer through work and wait for subs first *humph*) but I suspect I'll feel very much like you.  What makes the HS/YJ relationship so special is that, true to life, they're a constant work in progress.  It's these trials and hardships that they go through that make them a stronger couple.

Having said that, I can understand everybody's negative reaction too because it was all about the preview.  People went into this episode with certain expectations.  When those expectations aren't met of course people are going to be upset.  Had it not been for that one scene in the preview, I think a lot of people would be more accepting of today's episode. 

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One last note b4 signing off.... Seol is not stupid to not feel in her gut that Inho likes her, she just brush it off n cut off that thought frm her mind. She noticed how Inho starts to avoids her n looks at her differently after he started to feel smthg more than friends towards Seol. Girls has 6th sense in these kind of things, right? Ok ciao now! Must sleep....:blush:

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tumblr_nuskkxmgQ81uow63xo1_400.gifManga anime couple hug Isabelle Hall | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Episode 9 opens with Seol dreaming about Minsoo taking her place.  It's bad enough being around it at school she now can't help but dream about it.  It would be creepy to have someone you know change their looks completely to be like you.  Not to mention Gon the stalker who finds pleasure in instigating trouble for not only Seol & Jung at every turn but enjoys messing with everyone.  Seol has her plate full in this episode and I felt sorry for her but to no surprise she faces everything head on and endures no matter what comes her way.  She grows stronger in spite of it and stands up for herself as we saw in the class room.  Not allowing others to get by anymore by using her, not allowing others to use her work or cheat even though it was Jung's team.  Standing up for what is right even knowing the hardships it would bring.  It makes you love her character even more.  I have to say I pretty much enjoyed seeing Minsoo get beat on a little call it a payback for wanting to be Seol LOL![哈哈]

I think elevator music would have been better for Jung than hearing his Dad on his first day chip away at his self esteem.  No wonder he hides behind that mask it must seem safer there.  Just thinking about growing up with that everyday, or even worse think about growing up with out  any encouragement or that pat on the back that says I believe in you son.  I'm here for you and I love you because your, you.  A reminder to parents that words really matter, even more loving actions speak louder.....

A beautiful fall scene leads us into a Seol & Jung's heart to heart, seeking out the truth is often painful as it was for both of them in this moment.  Seeing Seol holding back the tears within in her eyes and the hurt that was overflowing inside.  Question after question although in her mind and heart already knowing most of the answers.  She must have been thinking the truth is all I need.  It would be better to be hurt with the truth than for you to lie in order to comfort me.  With tears in his eyes now too, he understands what she is asking but it's to painful to say out loud.  She takes that as his answer and wonders who is this person I thought I knew that stands before me.  I want to trust him but in order to get there he has to be able to trust me too. 

In Ho surprised me by not only turning & leaving after seeing Jung & Seol in their deep conversation.  But that he was honest about his sister & Jung when he could have lied and made Seol wonder and take that advantage.  Not only that, but as I thought when he has his flash back to the past he remembers when he & Jung were like brothers so much that he was willing to fight over a pen because he knew what it meant to Jung.  But at the same time we get to see how Jung was treated and allowed others to treat him.  Why?  Because it was easier and it's what he was use to not only at school but at home too.  Not only did the scene with In Ho & In Ha & Jung bring fireworks it also enlightened us to the fact that they had shared moments worth remembering and I think in In Ho's mind moments he missed.  It doesn't matter if it's family or friends we don't always understand each other or get along but it doesn't mean we don't care.  The beauty of memories is that they remind us of the good things we tend to forget.... 

Saving the best for last my favorite Jung's back hug.  To be honest when he passed her without a word I worried a little thinking lets not go there. But to my relief  seconds later he goes for it and my heart went with him.  Holding & grasping her close no words were even needed for you could see his whole body saying I miss you, I need you, please don't give up on me.  When you look back you see how far Jung has come that he isn't the same at all.  Because now he has replaced all that hidden hurt,anger,disappointment, with new feelings of love.  And in this moment he shows Seol he is desperate to hang onto it.............

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19 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Why are we all tripping over this. It happened like this in the webtoon (though they are uping the triangle aspect of it for dramatic reasons) it's needed imho. Time apart to think and she sees her options you know. I could have this with this or that person and it could be this or that but look it, the feelings aren't there. Yeah Inho is one side crushing but Seol so thinks of him as a friend and while she's there her mind is on Jung. She almost walks into a pole thinking of him LOL.

I see Seol and Inho as friends and just friends. Her life does not revolve around Jung (and neither does his) and she is allowed to go on living and doing her while she and Jung think on things. The preview is symbolic or whatever the right word is because they are literally at a cross roads and meet each other half way. It's not Jung who runs to Seol or Seol who runs to Jung. They both run to each other and meet each other half way. This is where they are in their relationship and kind of what they are with their differences (though we all know and agree they have similarities). They have to find a way to meet each other half way as in she's going to have to accept that some of it (the resolving problems using some crafting and scheming) is simply who Jung is. Maybe he'll be able to tamper and tame some of responses such as he'll be better able to think far ahead and accept that he can't control things. There will be some things he lets go of and some things he just can'/won't. And if Seol wants to be with him she has to accept that about him. He also needs to see and accept that his girlfriend is really nice and one who tries to understand everyone, their POV, and where they are coming from. She has a bleeding heart and is not as dark as him or as dark as he would like to believe that she is.

Now here comes the half way thing. Jung and Seol can balance each other out perfectly. Because yeah sometimes you really do have to get crafty in some situation. You can't always be nice and at times you need to do some cunning to get things done for the greater good of everyone involved (Seol I think did this with taking San Chul's name off the project. She only informed him of that final decision the day of the project. Also Jung's Minsoo presentation slide rope to hang and here with the Minsoo fight confrontation that needed to happen). At 


We are tripping over this because we don't want to wait for 2 weeks for the bed scene. Hahaha! 

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Although after reading your recaps of today's episode I'd like to strangle a few people of tvn, but it's nice of them that they give us the preview so quickly. I remember when watching Twenty Again (Second Time Twenty Years Old) the prevuew after several episodes came out a day or two before the episode, but with CITT it comes out right away, that's good^^ Otherwise I'd literally go mad...;P

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33 minutes ago, Cat Bishonen said:

even though i love IH the most, i'm not really satisfied with how the drama is pushing the "love triangle" and even changed the scene when YJ treated Seol's wound. that scene is important to show that YJ has changed. he can't control everything and now he's willing to wait for Seol to gradually accept him. 

please writer-nim just stick to the webtoon, love triangle is not the main point here and i'm not gonna be happy with a heartbroken Baek Inho. 

ps: i can't imagine IH and Seol as a couple tbh i'm all for the precious friendship between them haha


16 minutes ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:

Pretty much guessed the kiss scene won't be today (tvn the troll).. It's even understandable if Jung doesn't appear much..since he's interning and they're on a break etc etc

I'm most annoyed they give the scene where Jung takes care of bruised Seol to Inho though.. their conversation there means so much :angry: Don't get me wrong..Inho is adorable in the drama and I like him more than the webtoon one.. but that scene is one of pivotal moments for Jung-Seol T_T

Yeah, this is why I liked that particular interaction. Because although Jung approached her and band-aided her up, he was still aware of the fact that Seol wanted space. He didn't pressure her. He simply took care of her wounds, told her he'd wait, and left. But I suppose I'll get over it now. Nothing I can do about it now.

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Dedicating this to In Ho...

Love is in the air~~ :heart:


In Ho-ah~~~ snap out it!!! hehehe

Well... I'm glad he's there to protect HS whenever YJ is not around.. they'll be good friends~~ ^^

OK.. time to sleep... nite chingu-deul! 

Need to dream of YJ (replacing HS in bed with me beside YJ) since we didn't get to watch it, we can imagine ourself~ hahaha :wub:

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15 mins before the ep ended:

They'll show it right? Yeah they will, tvn wouldn't be so cruel...

10 mins before the ep ended:

*nervously looking at the time* The timing is a bit tight but it's still possible... Any time now c'mon...

5 mins before the ep ended:



After the ep ended:



tumblr_o1w3g2b5xn1u131pwo3_400.gif (cr x,x) 





Above gif reaction post was made for fun~ I actually understand the whole having some space thing (and do agree with the need for it) but man, tvn! Teasing us with the bed scene only to have us wait 2 weeks for it(if they're nice) is just evillll~ Also, In Ho was adorbs this ep :D


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As it ticks close to midnight on my end,  I still can't believe that I am still here! LOL. 

Well Cheesy Lovers - I think we will still be talking about the drama over the next two weeks. Don't be shy! If you love In Ho - share it! If you love YG- errrr share it! 



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2 hours ago, Kasmic said:

Your welcome dear... are they lyrics I didnt know. I cant read Korean but I had a hunch that it might be...Daebak!! Which song is it? Mian im only up to ep 5.

Its a song from Cheese OST

I will list the word in it ^^

2 hours ago, Kasmic said:


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The way that he looks at her omo omo Im so trapped

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And these kisses can my heart take it?? Im only up to ep 5 and so much to look forward too. Yah! CITT I cant??

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cr. Dc gallery




1st pic: You’re like the sun inside of me, That I hope will rise in the night sky (Our Time by Vanilla Acoustic)

2nd: Actually, I’m someone, Who spent so much time wanting you (Our Time by Vanilla Acoustic)

3rd: Like flowers with fragrance, when I look at you, maybe I like you (Such by Kang Hyun Min)

4th: Just one belief, Everything that happened, Don't look back again (Such by Kang Hyun Min)

5th: Seol, would you go out with me?

6th: Never again, this love, this love (Such by Kang Hyun Min)

7th: I've not forgotten, I remember everything


Sorry for editing your post :sweatingbullets:

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About the previews guys, don't believe the ones they show after the episode airs LOL. They always have some "coming soon" extras in that so I knew the reconsulation and bed kissing wasn't going to happen this ep. I suspect we won't even get to the meat of all they showed in the preview until episode 12. The episodic preview they post on the official youtube is more "honest" of what will happen in the very next episode and not episodes to come. I enjoy the after episode previews as I know what to look forward to. And then the official youtube ones as "ah so this is what I will get" LOL. Let's wait for official youtube preview to see what we'll really get in episode 11 LOL.

Even with the preview of yesterday I enjoyed today's episode a lot *shrugs* yes it NEEDS MORE YOO JUNG LOL but that's because I'm greedy and could just watch hours of Jung and Seol together. I think Inho coming to realize his developing more than friends feelings for Seol is needed because now it's "what is he going to do about it" I honestly don't see Inho pursuing Seol. He's going to keep it one sided because as much as he doesn't want to see it, it's clear as day how much both Jung and Seol care about each other and are into each other. Seeing that Seol is his friend and Jung once was (and he wants that friendship back even if he won't admit out loud), Inho will not make a play/move/whatever for Seol. I said in a previous post and I stand by it. If anything ever happens between Inho/Seol, Seol will have to be the one who makes the move. I just can't see hit happening any other way and I wouldn't buy it any other way.

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