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It seems like a lot of us are traumatised from the reply franchise that we feel super insecure in who the lead will end up with :( I have to keep reminding myself that reply was one out of many dramas that made it so heartbreaking for viewers. Yes it's a TVN drama but unless the writers were from Reply... you ain't going to push my buttons lol. 

There were two reasons why I initially started watching Korean dramas aside from the interesting story lines: One being that it was fairly predictable in who the lead actor would end up with and secondly dramas mostly finish off in a season or two. There were so many U.S and European shows I loved, but I swear some went for way too long to keep me interested or they literally got rid of main ships so easily. 



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@geezayu I ain't even worried but I see other people (and I honestly don't know why) and are projecting those worries and concerns onto Seol and I think being hella harsh in judging her interactions with a friend. Legit it feels like unless Seol decides to cute Inho out of her life compeletly, which is not going to happen and should happen. Some people aren't going to be satisfied and will read deep into everything. I've accepted it.

I want the last 6 episodes of the drama to focus on:

  • Jung
  • Jung and Seol
  • sex and lots of it LOL
  • Jung his dad
  • Jung the Baek kids
  • Jung trying
  • The hand incident
  • Inha
  • coming to some understand and potential bromance.
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11 minutes ago, namyo said:

Does anybody else wants besides the bed, a nice long conversation before the kiss? I loved episode 6 specially towards the end when Jung stayed at Seol's place :wub: I want that. It felt just too natural and intimate while looking at Seol's pictures and questioning how come they ended up liking each other. 


Yes I would like to see a long conversation between Jung and Seol.  The number one reason relationships fail is because of a lack of communication.  Jung and Seol could be the poster child for lack of communication in a relationship.  They have people plotting to break them apart. They need to work together in order to save their relationship.  When the bed scene occur, I am hoping that Seol won't pull away or reject Jung again.  However, after that hug and both saying they missed each other, I'm hopeful Jung and Seol will be ready to take their relationship seriously and not read to "take a break" when the going get rough.

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Got home from work today and wowww such awesome posts. I spent like 40 minutes backtracking 8 or so pages. Some arguments I agree with, some arguments I disagree with, but it was a great read seeing differing opinions.

Amongst a lot of thoughts one question in particular occured to me. Was there anything wrong with Jung's involvement in the Minsoo showdown? If you look at it objectively he just made a lunch appointment. I know he was well aware of the domino effect Joon's presence would bring.... Jung knew what he was doing, yet, was it really 'wrong?'

I'm asking because I myself don't know. No, actually I had an opinion but I don't know if I'm losing focus and excusing (?) Jung on this one. I understand why Seol feels confused and frustrated with how Jung goes at it again, but just objectively speaking I wanna know what was so wrong about his actions in this particular scenario.

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@Ahpheng wow your latest strip really nail it! seol doesn't feel anything with inho no matter how close he gets. But with Jung, even if he just hold her fingers, slot in a coin for her at the vending machine, she feels loads. Her heart flutters for Jung. And I feel the same way. Heehee

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i don't know why people are questioning who seol is going to end up with...this isn't the reply series or whatever... .-. it's pretty clear that jung and seol are endgame, no matter what. they're the leads, the show is showing the progression of THEIR relationship...

inho's a great friend and seol is comfortable with him because he's just a friend...seol is not with jung because 1. she does have some uncertainties with jung but also 2. she's attracted to him and is falling for him 

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@ahpheng c-strips said it all for me for who should be the endgame for Seol. at first, like everyone else here i was confused as to why there is cute scenes with Inho and Seol (them playing in the rain) which makes me really anxious - and start doubting.

but after watching ep10 kajillion times, the conclusion that i drew is that Seol is wayyy too comfortable with Inho. her interactions with Inho mirroring what she will do when she's with Joon, or with Euntaek, even. she's okay whenever Euntaek touched her hand just like when she's near Inho.

in ep10, when she's with Inho it's clear who occupied her mind - it is Jung.

afterall IF they dont end up together (knock wood) this person (me) will be so heartbroken and will listen to all sad songs in the world for a few months lol

12 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

i want the last 6 episodes of the drama to focus on:

  • Jung
  • Jung and Seol
  • sex and lots of it LOL
  • Jung his dad
  • Jung the Baek kids
  • Jung trying
  • The hand incident
  • coming to some understand and potential bromance.

 lol i choked my coffee reading no 3 hahaha

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3 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@geezayu I ain't even worried but I see other people (and I honestly don't know why) and are projecting those worries and concerns onto Seol and I think being hella harsh in judging her interactions with a friend. Legit it feels like unless Seol decides to cute Inho out of her life compeletly, which is not going to happen and should happen. Some people aren't going to be satisfied and will read deep into everything. I've accepted it.

I want the last 6 episodes of the drama to focus on:

  • Jung
  • Jung and Seol
  • sex and lots of it LOL
  • Jung his dad
  • Jung the Baek kids
  • Jung trying
  • The hand incident
  • coming to some understand and potential bromance.


Umm...point number 3 would be interesting. Which made me think. This IS a 11pm show (late night and no kiddies about- LOL) Will there be scenes of a more adult nature or are Korean audiences still not ready for it? I feel that if Cheese was aired earlier, the ratings would be much much higher. 

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Is there a website link for all the songs that were played in this drama? Not the osts, because it's easy to find, but songs that were used in the heartwarming scenes between Hong Seoul & Yoo Jung?

Seriously...the soundtracks (songs) used in this drama is amazing!!! The person who puts these songs in these scenes have really good taste in music. Lol.

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@qwenli @40somethingahjumma I agree with you both about pitying MS. I don't pity her or SC, just because they are bad or lonely students... they are grown-ups and as such they have the possibility to change their situation! 

The scene mentioned where SC is talking to his mother upsets me more than makes me feel pity! I see SC lying to his mother, trying to make her think that he is a very good student! He is feeding her with his lies and maybe just like MS, at some point, he will believe in his own lies!

As for MS, I see a parallel with YG. When YG was an outcast, Seol was the only one who pitied YG and she approached him. She did it because she pitied him as she thought, he had been right about his accusations about Yoo Jung. He didn't deserve such a treatment. We know the result!

So to me, I imagine Seol getting to know MS, if the latter had complained to get ignored. So MS starts being her friend, she tries to get more and more attention from Seol in order to feel better and in order to get what she wants: friends, good grades! In the end, Seol is just a tool to feel her needs.

Since she lied (to me three times: the library,  twice for the presentation) and abandoned Seol, although the latter needed help (episode 6), before her transformation, I already see a negative disposition in her! And it was before YG's influence. 

Besides, I won't mention her laziness again!

Actually, I have the impression that all the characters from CITT suffer more and less from victim's mentality! Even Seol who blamed YJ for her misery in the year where they were distant (report incident, NJY's nagging aso). YJ was only showing her the cold shoulder but it was SC, JW and NJY who were responsible!  

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@luvcrabbieshinhwa OMO...thank you for that photo of PHJ in the pink sweater!! I swear that before K dramas, I would never have thought a man wearing pink could give out a sexy charm *swoon*

@40somethingahjumma I think if YJ attempted any violent wrist grab and tugging - he would lose me. That's also another staple for K-dramas. I wish the male leads would just grab the hands, wrap their fingers around the girl's hand and gently pull away. SIGH.


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I just want to know why Seol has never used the pic of the two of them as her phone background or taken a new more coupley pic. Jung changed his background somewhere between their first date and when he met up with Joo Young again. Sure he was quick to almost delete it after the fight they had about TA Heo when they weren't talking, but still he's so proud to show her off and have people know they're together. I guess Seol's uncertainty and doubts regarding him and their relationship in general would make her really      reluctant to make that kind of claim. What does everyone else think?

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I have enjoyed the Drama way more than the web toon.

Somehow the Web toon  failed to make me care for any other character than Jung.

Whreas the show made me firmly root for so many characters whether its Seol  or In Ho or Bora or Eun Taek.

Surprisingly Young Gon is less creepier in the show than in comic , in the show atleast there is a sort of comic elemnt to him , in the web toon he comes of downright scary.... 

Though I feel the show missed out on Ah Young character , the closeness of Seol and Young was shown better in Web Toon , though i cant complain afterall how much can be shown in 16 episodes.

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I thought this was another pivotal moment. When he deletes his messages to Seol and the final look he has at their picture. 

His startled look when the message from Seol pops up and his frantic brushing of this teeth (lol). 


AM I mistaken or he went to find her that very day. Seol didn't know he was going to look for her. 


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8 minutes ago, limericks said:

I just want to know why Seol has never used the pic of the two of them as her phone background or taken a new more coupley pic. Jung changed his background somewhere between their first date and when he met up with Joo Young again. Sure he was quick to almost delete it after the fight they had about TA Heo when they weren't talking, but still he's so proud to show her off and have people know they're together. I guess Seol's uncertainty and doubts regarding him and their relationship in general would make her really      reluctant to make that kind of claim. What does everyone else think?

my sense is that she doesn't know what to do. this is her first boyfriend.  and she didn't like that pic to begin with. i thought it was incredibly adult of YJ that after the TA Heo fight, he just started deleted her texts, giving her up instead of stalking her but (ha!) Seol wasn't done with him yet!

@NRGchick YJ does do a wrist grab during the TA Heo fight when Seol turns to leave but he knows she's not having any of that and he respects her too much to drag her this way and that (this is my take).  he seems to be more into mutually acceptable intimate touch (all of those thumb moves!) lol.

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17 minutes ago, xtineee said:

Is there a website link for all the songs that were played in this drama? Not the osts, because it's easy to find, but songs that were used in the heartwarming scenes between Hong Seoul & Yoo Jung?


Everything: http://music.163.com/#/share/17786340/119537650 

Select songs with links + episodes: https://my30uplife.wordpress.com/2016/01/16/cheese-in-the-trap-list-of-ost-ongoing/



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