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2 hours ago, lclarakl said:


@MrsSoJiSub  and @NRGchick, this is the problem I have with Seol and her interactions with In Ho, she had just met him when Jung had asked her not to hang out with In Ho. I always felt that Seol rebelled against Jung in this regard because she really didn't trust Jung and thought the problem was him. Also, Seol is not stupid. She knows that she doesn't like the idea that Jung may have dated In Ha and likes it even less that he may be still associating with her.  If she saw her mother or father hanging around another man or woman and interacting with them the same way she has been with In Ho, she would be suspicious of their relationship because she knows the behavior is not appropriate for people in a relationship.  

In Ho isn't like Seol's other male friend who she has known for years, he is some new man in her life that she just met.  In Ho in his own way has been combative with her boyfriend (Jung) where she's concerned--trying to protect her from Jung when he was taking her home; to make sure Jung didn't try anything with his OWN girlfriend.  He forced himself into her life. She questioned why Jung wanted to eat with her and tried to avoid him,  and yet when In Ho would tell her to buy her something to eat after causing her to fall and break her laptop, she just does it--never questioning why is he constantly hounding her.

I also think the reason YJ is hesitant to show his jealousy is because of the fact that Seol is always, always believing the worst  of him. He's probably afraid that if he shows his jealousy, Seol will again see him in a negative light. I'm happy that in the upcoming episode he's going to just let her see how her actions are being viewed by him.  I truly think in this relationship, she's failed him many times, he's done some things to but I begin to see hers over and over in several episodes.  I like Seol, but she's allowed herself to be influence by the people around her and their view of Jung.


 I agree with you about Seol continuing to meet In Ho. I think in a relationship, the wise thing is to stay away from the person your partner has a bitter relationship with... in this case both are super shaky grounds. As you said, it's not someone she is best friends or even good friends with (atleast in the initial stages). Of course it's her perogative, but as I said it's the wise thing to do for many reasons. It shows ur trust, maturity and a sort of the value u have attached to the relationship. This this case he had even told her the reason. Especially, when this one is a very sensitive case, involving herself with in ho could have jeopardise her relationship too.

in fact I was surprised how eventually jung let it go. And after a while it didn't matter to him. Not many people can do that. But he kept on saying he doesn't like her getting involved in their issues - the very reason he requested her to keep her distance with in ho.

this is the only thing that has bothered me about Seol....and bothered me a lot....

I m not surprised if he'd be insecure over in ho. Cause in ho has always had a care-free life, care of his father.... things he didn't have. Already there has been instances where in ho knew stuff abt Seol which he didn't  (YG stalking near the institute) ... he's watched her sharing an umbrella with him, while he got to an empty house. He has enough reasons u know

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30 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

So here is the thing I am confused on, and if I'm confused I'm sure Jung is confused (I think). What exactly does Seol have a problem with. Jung's actions? Or the fact that he doesn't communicate with her? It seems a lot of time she's not upset by the actions purse because sometimes she understand it or sees the reasoning for it. However it seems she gets upset because he doesn't communicate to tell her things. So she wants him to be honest with her about these things and not necessarily stop doing these things (so long as it be for good and not evil)?


I guess it's both. It's more like she's wondering is there more to him? Is there anything about him she doesn't know, any face of his she hasn't seen yet. As in if she gives him another chance, what are the odds that there won't be any other part of him which is a mystery to her? The girl can't take any more surprises rofl. For this very reason communication is very important. No secrets in a relationship. And this applies to her as well.

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Okay, I have just finished watching the episode 10 and to me, the person in the center of that episode isn't In Ho, but Seol and her feelings for Jung and the balance in their relationship. Let me explain:

I had noticed that in the episode 9 (at the end) Seol was kind of upset that YJ would pass and not talk to her. She was disturbed and frustrated by his behaviour. Striking is that it was Seol who had acted as such first. When she entered the room for the test, she ignored Jung and sat far away from him. However, we saw that Jung couldn't act like her since he hugged her in the end. She is the one who asked for a time apart and she is the one who kind of decided how the relationship was going to work:

- Don't do things like that before asking me

- Why do I have to avoid In Ho? I don't want to aso.

If we look back at their relationship, Yoo Jung tried to control her first (episode 5) but she got mad at him for that. Yoo Jung accepted her request and stepped back. Afraid of losing her, he allowed her to be the one controlling the relationship. But when she is ignored first in the episode 9, she is upset, but Yoo Jung was actually only following her "order".

Now, in the episode 10, she discovered why Yoo Jung acted like that with his scheme. She understood him a little better. She wasn't really mad at him for his scheme. She was much more upset that he would ask her to change:So you just stand still and I go closer? Does that fix everything?”.

So in my point of view, Seol is still struggling. She doesn't want to allow Yoo Jung to change her. The episodes show us that YJ-Seol are trying to find the right balance in their couple. To me, Seol has still control over Yoo Jung and he is aware of it. But he can't force her either afraid of losing her. That's why he told her, he would change and he was thinking a lot! HE wanted to appease Seol and to show her that he was trying to please her!

So when she saw the picture of Yoo Jung and In Ha, she is quite taken aback because she has realised that Yoo Jung might move on. She isn't doubting his feelings for her, but she gets aware that waiting for her doesn't mean, it is forever. In my opinion, that's how she realises how much she loves him. Before I had the impression, she was avoiding it. Sure, we saw her shining, each time she saw Yoo Jung, but the questions were:

- Why do you like me ? (addressed to YJ)

- You like me for real, right? You're sincere, right? (addressed to Seol)

But Seol never answered to the second question, she only nodded which is different, while Seol heard indirectly the answer that he would like her. Now, I get the feeling, she really gets aware of her feelings for him and she is afraid of losing him as well. Since Yoo Jung was the one who pursed her, he was the one who would lose more first... but they're even now! She realises her feelings for him and him waiting for her doesn't mean forever! That's why she is so troubled!

What do you think?  

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50 minutes ago, qwenli said:

hand drawn wall paper from Baidu

  Reveal hidden contents


credit to dabianchaoren.


a) he doesnt ask her first and just proceed to help

b ) she is very kind and doesnt want him to hurt others just to help her.

c) she expect him to tell her everything without her asking.

Thank you because I've been so confused. Sometimes she seems fine with his actions and just angry that he didn't communicate with her first and sometimes she seems like she's mad at about both. So she wants him to both communicate with her and think of positive way to handle others. Gotcha.

@mgicc Thank you thank you thank you :D :heart: I guess if you ask you really can receiver :D 

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1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

Seol is like the air YJ needs to breathe and now that she is gone , he is miserable. YJ really doesn't like being around people but with Seol she makes it so easy because she doesn't talk just to hear herself , everything she says makes sense, she is kind and very honest. She is like an open book so refreshing for YJ. Now the same boy who took daddy's attention is also trying to take Seol's attention. 

Ooh I like what you wrote here. This is why it hurts him so much.

1. Because Inho was his bro-bff. Now we're on bad terms so stay away from people around me. *sigh* these boys

2. You already took my father's love and concern. Why must you take more from me?

Inho isn't deliberately trying to snatch Seol's attention now (he was in initial episodes but not anymore, he just hangs out with Seol cause he enjoys being with her) but 1. Jung doesn't know that and 2. even if he did I think he still wouldn't like Inho sticking to Seol so much. I mean really? I get you Jung. I do. Jung is extremely insecure when it comes to people sincerely caring for him so its no wonder he's frustrated/upset when he sees Inho and Seol together. He already lost a father, his two friends, and now he fears losing Seol. How many more blows can he handle?

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That running and hug scene in the teaser tho!!!!!!! Just rip my heart and crush it, that would be less painful!! :bawling:

Latest episode's highlight was Inho for sure. He was so cute with red cheeks and when he got up because his legs touched hers ahahah. (And off-topic, I was annoyed that they showed a fat person with a food. I always see that Koreans tend to do that, I don't know if they find it funny but I don't and I don't understand why they should involve food. Maybe I shouldn't make a fuss over something so normal ,  maybe they didn't have any purpose but it isn't the my first time seeing this) I am so glad he started to study to attend university for real. And how he realised he needs to put some feeling to his fingers and how Seol said that his playing was mournful. Everything is coming slowly to him and I love it.

I am so happy all this Min Soo stuff is done. One can think that I am so brutal but I didn't feel sorry for her at all. I felt sorry for the little lion, but not her.

The texting between Inha and Young Gon was hilarious and I felt as disgusted as Inha when YG sent the freaking photo omg. I found Lee Sung Kyung's acting better the last two episodes, hope it continues to be better.

I loved how Seol couldn't say ''my boyfriend'' in the fight scene with Min Soo, but she said ''yes I am'' to Inha. I think she just couldn't utterance the word "boyfriend" in front of Jung but she said it to Inha because she sees her as kind of a rival. And I seriously didn't expect her to be that baffled about the photo since I thought she would realise that it was years ago but I guess that is not very likely if you are in love. :phew::wub: And that scene between Jung and Seol was just so emotional. The way Jung touched her hair little by little and then fully tousled it. :bawling:

Can somebody tell me why is there a two weeks(?) hiatus? My patience will be tested real strong now it seems. :D:D:D How wonderful.


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Ahh, the perils of being with someone while you both are growing as people.Episodes 9 and 10, set up the transition for this couple very nicely.

I will deal with the Seol/In Ha/Jung issue first, since that is what is so prevalent on the board right now. Both Seol and Jung are to blame for the confusion and jealousy felt in this situation. First, Jung still has not really told her the FULL story about his relationship with both In Ho and In Ha. In fact, all of them are passively quiet and ambiguous about it. So, in Seol's eyes, they look like long time friends who lost their way. I imagine she looks at them the same way that she looks at her friendship with Bo Ra and Eun Tak. But it isn't the same. They grew up together pretty much as siblings. Because of In Ha and her evil ways, she ostracized them from the only family they had (the aunt) because her aunt wasn't rich. She saw an opportunity with Jung's dad and she took it. Jung probably knew this from the start. These two kids are poaching off of his family so that they can live a better life, and unfortunately In Ha is shameless about it. That is infuriating! Seol is completely ignorant of this. It doesn't help that because of Seol's unbalanced relationship with her parents, she feels less than, which is why she is an overachiever. You couple that insecurity with In Ha's intimidation and beauty and yes, she isn't going to feel to good about the mysterious "past" between them.But, as I mentioned before, this is where communication comes in to play. You ask questions and gain an understanding. You cannot get close to someone by invitation all of the time. Sometimes, you have to put in some effort yourself.

Sang Chul Sunbae...I could've jumped up and down when Seol and the rest of the group agreed to take his name off of the project. I literally cannot stand him. He is such a LOSER. He's lazy, he's a slacker, he's always blaming everyone else for everything! So much so that he has a reputation for it. When he found out they removed his name, I thought it was really awful of him to get loud and then go into his "I'm having personal issues at home" BS excuse to try and get pity at the last minute.They were the first group to go up. There was no way he could've memorized anything to be of help to them. Seol called, texted and looked for him. She babysat him long enough. He needs to grow up. It was very telling when the only person who would hang out with him was Young Gon. And even he told him to get himself together.

Min Soo (Creepy Carrie) So, last week everybody was all in their feelings about her and felt Seol should've been her friend and maybe this wouldn't have happened. It would have. Min Soo's obsession went way beyond loneliness and jealousy. She felt as if Seol stole something from her, so then she decided to steal her identity. But like I always say, when you are in the wrong, there will always come an opportunity for you to do the right thing. She had plenty of them. Yes, Jung suggested the site where Seol's research was, but he NEVER told her to copy it verbatim. She did that herself. Besides, the hair, the clothes, the doll that she stole, when she decided to bold-faced LIE about Seol's brother being her BF, she went to the bottom of the barrel. Now, I get that she didn't know he was Seol's brother when they first met. But, she saw them together, interacting comfortably. That should've tipped her off. But, instead she kept the lie going. She should've erased his pic from her phone, but she kept that too. Then, she allowed Young Gun to convince her to pick a fight with Seol to try and make herself look less guilty. In the end, she looked like an unstable psycho, a pathetic one! I just couldn't feel sorry for her, because she had too many opportunities to redeem herself and she chose the dark side.

Young Gun/In Ha/Seol - Gun is actually a lot like Min Soo. He has become obsessed with Seol because she has come into her own. The popularity, the grades, the boyfriend, all of it. He thinks that he's better than her because he's not poor, but that money doesn't make him any less of a creep and a weirdo. Now, he has allowed In Ha to infiltrate him, which is kind of dumb. I couldn't tell if she was working with Gun to try and ruin Jung simply because he took her livelihood away or for some other reason. Doesn't she want to get that livelihood back? So why would you try to ruin him to get it? Does she really believe that that is how it works? Of course, the casualty in this whole scenario isn't Jung, nor is it Seol. Truthfully, they aren't paying that much attention to In Ha and Gun. The casualty is Gun's dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks girlfriend.If she really believes that Seol is obsessed with Gun, then she believes in the tooth fairy.

Seol/Jung/In Ho - They have some growing up to do, and I like that they both now realize it. Seol keeps pondering over the whole In Ha thing, because that picture isn't enough. Then In Ha came out and admitted she made it all up. I think that made Seol aware of her jealousy and insecurity. Even though she is around In Ho a lot, outside of helping him get his GED, she never seeks him out. He is just her stick of gum. He always seeks her out. He got a job at her parent's restaurant.He has gotten close with her brother. I think Jung knows this, but it still bothers him a little, just like In Ha always trying to hold onto Jung  bothers Seol. What got revealed in Episode 10 that will play a bigger part is her parent's relationship. Clearly, Seol's mom believes she married a loser. He's lazy, is awful with money, and has delusions of grandeur. When Seol and In Ho came to the restaurant one night, her mother was doing all of the work by herself, why, because her father didn't feel like working. Her mother is bitter, and thus dotes on her brother as if he was the man of the house. Remember, Seol had to leave her apartment and come all the way back home so they could pay her brother's tuition, then that went to pot b/c her brother decided he didn't feel like studying abroad anymore - I am seeing a pattern. Seol's mother doesn't show her love and appreciation because she doesn't feel loved and appreciated. Her brother gets all of the attention and adoration, even though he isn't doing much with his life.Jung can relate to this, which is why they really are great for each other, they just have to grow and communicate better. :) 

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5 hours ago, NRGchick said:



Thanks to sushi subs! Very cute and again the PD's laughter. 

CiiT bts never fails to make me smile.
Their PD laughter is infectious.

PHJ and KGE's chemistry is no joke. She seems very comfortable with him. Even showing some aegyo.. Cute~~! *ship sailing*

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@bebebisous33 All I know is that I don't want Jung to go into another relationship similar to the one he has with his father. Always trying to please, always trying to do what the other says, meet the others expectations, but always having it fall short and not being "good enough". I agree with you that Seol had/has more "power" in the relationship simply because I feel Jung is more emotionally invested because honestly Seol is all he had. Seol has her family, Bora and Euntaek, and now Inho. While Jung mostly only has her. I don't know. All I know is I really don't want to watch a relationship where Jung is always having to apologize and be sorry for who he is. He can change an and all that jazz, but he'll still be him. If Seol can't accept who he is, I really need to let her go. Again I can't watch the boy be in another relationship similar to what he shares with his father

"Am I that strange?" "What exactly are you nervous about?"

That broke me. He sounded so devastated in that scene. Like what do I have to do for you my own father to accept me and not always see me as this dark stain. I have I not tried and pleased you enough?? He wanted to call Seol after and couldn't I need Seol to really think on how accepting of him she can be, because again, I am not here to watch him live a similar relationship.

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I am actually quite mad at Jun, Seol's brother. In my opinion, he isn't much better than SC to a certain extent. He is living off from Seol's and his mother's hard work. Just because he is acting cute, the results are the same: 

- Jun doesn't work, although his family is financially struggling.

- He even left during the day his mother, just to join AY or YJ in order to get a free meal. Only In Ho was capable to force him to work, but as soon as In Ho started playing piano and didn't work so much at the noddle restaurant, Jun took profit from it. He is in no way different from SC. Sure, Jun doesn't harass people in order to gain what he wants. He just has to smile! Yet, HS has to work in order to pay for her tuition. She has never had fun in her life... it was always about work and work and work, while her brother studied in the USA just for fun!!

- He doesn't study either or try to work in order to pay for his tuition. He doesn't care about his future very much. He is one of those who likes enjoying the moment.

- He wants to study in SK because of AY... revealing that his studies weren't really important to him. It was just more out of curiosity!!

I wished, Yoo Jung would be straight to him that he will never support him no matter what, just because he is dating his sister. Jun likes Yoo Jung because he knows now, he is rich! He contacted Yoo Jung first and not the other way around. So Jun's approach was to get close to YJ and take profit from him (get a nice free meal!) but YJ used Jun in the end to reveal MS' craziness!


Eun Taek is really so great. He is much more observant and sensitive than all the others. He is the one who noticed that YJ might like Seol. When Seol sat far from YJ, he stopped Bora for any comment, well aware that the couple must have had a fight. However, he understood that Seol should be left alone with this topic. Nevertheless, he met Yoo Jung lying to Bora and Seol. So Eun taek is the one who is well aware how deep their relationship (YJ-Seol) is and he is helping Yoo Jung with all his support. I would like YJ to return the favour: YJ helping Eun Taek to start dating Bora. I believe, Eun taek noticed YJ's kindness at the hospital and many things and he has become their supporter! 

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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@bebebisous33 All I know is that I don't want Jung to go into another relationship similar to the one he has with his father. Always trying to please, always trying to do what the other says, meet the others expectations, but always having it fall short and not being "good enough". I agree with you that Seol had/has more "power" in the relationship simply because I feel Jung is more emotionally invested because honestly Seol is all he had. Seol has her family, Bora and Euntaek, and now Inho. While Jung mostly only has her. I don't know. All I know is I really don't want to watch a relationship where Jung is always having to apologize and be sorry for who he is. He can change an and all that jazz, but he'll still be him. If Seol can't accept who he is, I really need to let her go. Again I can't watch the boy be in another relationship similar to what he shares with his father

"Am I that strange?" "What exactly are you nervous about?"

That broke me. He sounded so devastated in that scene. Like what do I have to do for you my own father to accept me and not always see me as this dark stain. I have I not tried and pleased you enough?? He wanted to call Seol after and couldn't I need Seol to really think on how accepting of him she can be, because again, I am not here to watch him live a similar relationship.

Thanks for replying to my analysis! You're right. Since Seol had more people around her, she could rely on others like In Ho, Bora aso. Yoo Jung doesn't need to change a lot. He only needs to speak more about his feelings. I don't get why people keep seeing him as bad, creepy aso because he is just a lonely person who is really unsecure!

Yet, I believe, since it was Seol's first relationship, I can only say that she didn't realise how much she loves him. Deep down, she had realised how much Yoo Jung was dependent of her. But the picture of YJ and In Ha triggered something in her! To me, she won't run to him right away. The scene where she confronts her parents will be the trigger as all of her friends don't know about her inner struggles and her familial situation! 

Even In Ho doesn't know how Seol is treated by her own family. The only thing he witnessed is how the family looked at her boyfriend. Sure, he noticed that Jun wasn't a great worker, but that's it. He has no idea about the dynamic in her family, since it was more Seol who took care of him than the other way around.

In my opinion, Seol is acting like a surrogate mother to In Ho, just like Yoo Jung has always acted as the father of the Baek siblings. She gives comfort and advice to In Ho, scolds him if needed. Therefore it is quite sure that Seol has no deep feelings except friendship for him!  

I was quite irritated by the comment from dramabeans written by girlfriday: 


I still really worry that Jung doesn’t understand what’s wrong and will only continue to be this way though—trying to be good for Seol’s sake, but not really changing in the end. Was he showing restraint with Min-soo, or was this no different from him setting anyone else up for their demise?

She describes him as he can't differentiate between right and wrong. But first, what did he do what was wrong in the episode 10? To me, nothing! He only created a situation where MS' lies were revealed!

Yes, he set her a trap with the presentation, but it wasn't like MS was forced to copy it. She could have said to Yoo Jung that the link and topic he had sent had already been treated before. Moreover, he knows what is right and wrong. But the problem is it is really difficult to get rid of a stalker or copycat as such. Seol tried to do it in a legal way (film his stalking) but she ended up losing her job. She can't bring evidence to the police, just like she can't sue MS for her wrongdoings. They are immoral, but not illegal which is the problem. However, Seol was suffering more and more from the copycat. MS dragged her more and more with her lies making HS looking bad!

Yoo Jung doesn't need to change in that aspect to me. He is only playing the game of all the crazy people: YG set a trap by showing the exchange of the SMS to Seol, MS made Seol looking bad by screaming that she was so coldhearted for not accepting her apology aso. YG had used MS as his toy and set a trap again. NJY set a trap for Seol as well I could add more such examples. So he is only playing their game and beating them. 

In Ho is different in that matter. He will fight but in the end, he will lose. We saw what happened after he hurt YG. He lost his job, just like he was the one who caused Seol to lose her job! Sure, DY played a part in it as well. I am hoping that YJ will intervene and pay her back for her misdeed! DY is such a stupid girl...

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16 minutes ago, nubianlegalmind said:

Seol/Jung/In Ho - They have some growing up to do, and I like that they both now realize it. Seol keeps pondering over the whole In Ha thing, because that picture isn't enough. Then In Ha came out and admitted she made it all up. I think that made Seol aware of her jealousy and insecurity. Even though she is around In Ho a lot, outside of helping him get his GED, she never seeks him out. He is just her stick of gum. He always seeks her out. He got a job at her parent's restaurant.He has gotten close with her brother. I think Jung knows this, but it still bothers him a little, just like In Ha always trying to hold onto Jung  bothers Seol. What got revealed in Episode 10 that will play a bigger part is her parent's relationship. Clearly, Seol's mom believes she married a loser. He's lazy, is awful with money, and has delusions of grandeur. When Seol and In Ho came to the restaurant one night, her mother was doing all of the work by herself, why, because her father didn't feel like working. Her mother is bitter, and thus dotes on her brother as if he was the man of the house. Remember, Seol had to leave her apartment and come all the way back home so they could pay her brother's tuition, then that went to pot b/c her brother decided he didn't feel like studying abroad anymore - I am seeing a pattern. Seol's mother doesn't show her love and appreciation because she doesn't feel loved and appreciated. Her brother gets all of the attention and adoration, even though he isn't doing much with his life.Jung can relate to this, which is why they really are great for each other, they just have to grow and communicate better. :) 

I don't agree with you at all here. InHo never sought her out until he asked if he could commute with her (for which I don't blame him, it's 4 freaking hours to and from school). The reason he wanted to work at her parent's restaurant is because, at that time, he wanted to get away from being in that city (because of his previous boss), and he needed a place to go. If you remember, he even lost his job at the academy trying to protect Seol. He bade farewell because he said he was leaving. It was only when the brother asked him if he wanted to work at their restaurant -it's not as if he begged them to work there. He has gotten closer to her brother because he genuinely likes him. And while at her parent's restaurant, he genuinely works and doesn't slack off. Even the second time he went back to the university (after the piano prof dismissed him the first time), he didn't seek her out, they just accidentally met.

Yes, he recently found that he has a crush on her, but you can see that he obviously DOESN'T want to like her in that way. He didn't interfere when he saw Seol and Jung having a fight - he turned around and walked the other way. He was all flustered when Seol touched him. But he was trying to make excuses for himself in his head, saying that his heart wasn't beating when he's with her (at the library when she first was going to tutor him).

And Seol DOES seek him out. If you remember, almost every time InHo is at the piano room, Seol shows up: the time she brought him piano books and the piano chord, the time she couldn't meet with Jung so she went to her uncle's bar and then she crept behind him while he was playing Hanon, the time she crept behind him after hearing him play Furelise. She even RAVED about how good of an idea that if he wanted to get a GED she would be willing to help all that she could. She set up times to tutor him and brought her brother's old books.


They have an amazing friendship here, and although it may have been that InHo was at first intrigued by why Seol hung out with Jung, he came to really enjoy her company. You can't say that he intentionally sought her out, when in fact, a lot of the times it was by mere coincidence that they happened to be in the same place at the same time, and Seol doesn't reject his presence.

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7 hours ago, NRGchick said:



Thanks to sushi subs! Very cute and again the PD's laughter. 

 Uhhhhhh I knew that PHJ was doing some off-script stuff. I read in the comments that KGE said ''why are you doing this, it's not in the script'' I guess she is referring to his face being really close to her face omg I love them :wub::wub:

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Do you think in dramaland..more than who is right, or who is wrong.. what works most (probably in real life too) .. is who called dips first..?


As in, if you have the first chance, there is higher chance of you being the one for each other..


1. If two people genuinely like each other, and as such are balanced personalities in general life.. there is little chance of them not making it through.. 


I notice this in many dramas and real life too..

If you start going out with someone, it is easier for them to fall in love with each other...than flipping randomly to any new hot guy/grl who comes into the picture..no matter how great..


If you have stepped into a frnship..and there can be a grt guy next to you...but you would not notice that other guy..because you are fascinated with someone else..


Here too, if In Ho would have met Seol first, would she have fallen for YJ?

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