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11 hours ago, opinionatedajumma said:


I meant Jung has AUTISTIC TRAITS, not treats, lol! 

I disagree. Yoo Jung is perfectly normal. He is just feeling unsecure and not loved. Finally he has trust issues and I wouldn't blame him for that. Where is his father the whole time? He lives in his house far away from YJ. He keeps criticising his son. Then where is Yoo Jung's mother? She is never mentioned. I have heard, she would be working abroad... Nevertheless the drama and the webtoon (until season 2, chapter 40) doesn't show her acting with her son. It was as if she was dead! So he is living on his own and he can't be close his parents. Then we saw that YJ would be bullied and accepted it in the past, until In Ho made him change his behavior. This means that In Ho with In Ha became his only friends. We know that Yoo Jung must have learnt something about In Ha and In Ho


They used to report to YJ's father about Yoo Jung's actions

which made him feel betrayed by In Ho and In Ha. I understand his point of view.

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8 hours ago, madlena said:

No wonder the ratings dropped a bit..its because there was no sign of phj in the episode...like one of the Netizens commented, its like they changed the male lead yesterday...but then again it's the same in the webtoon, there.were several chapters where there was very little of jung and a bunch o inho..but still, can't get over it!! 


Exactly my thoughts, @madlena.  They want sweet YJ-HS moments just as much as we do.

8 hours ago, justinew said:

BTW, what the hell does this DaYoung (or whatever her name, the one with the bun) sees in YG that she dates him? I'd run away as far and as fast as I could if he said he liked me... He's a total psycho


I too was wondering what a seemingly normal girl does with this psycho, @justinew. Furthermore, I got pissed at her, because it seems that she may have been the author of the complaint to the library that caused HS to lose her job.


8 hours ago, Ayu Rashid said:

Abt Inha in spoiler. too excited to type on hp n forgot abt spoiler tag,


Interesting info. @Ayu Rashid. I'll put my response in spoiler as well....


I hope she does listen to In-Ho.  She really does not even love YJ; I think she got used to the idea of them being together since they grew up together. And she probably loves his money and probable future position.

That's why I said, I want to see growth in her character too.


6 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

To feed our eyes..


Thank you @stargazer187... our eyes and our hearts....


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Actually I have given up trying to decipher Korean viewers tastes...LOL...I have enjoyed some dramas which did not have very high ratings.  Bad Guys was averaging 3.08% and I thoroughly enjoyed the drama. No lovelines here. 

Ratings are what they are and it does help in the commercial value of the drama. I posted before that the cost of commercial spots for Cheese are even higher than those on other channels. So they are doing well! 

PS. It is TVN and their kiss scenes are usually daebak so I hope they don't disappoint! 

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after watching each episode of this drama, i open the webtoon and try to read it...but the ending is i always lose my patient and failed to get the spoiler. close the webtoon and try to watch the last episode again. 

but i think i have to read the webtoon patiently because we can't see uri sunbae next week :bawling:

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See drama this is what happens when you don't give your OTP OTPness everyone starts attacking individual characters and reading too much into interactions between the non-OTP (guilty of this myself) 

Seeing as I am the founding member (only member? LOL) of the Yoo Jung ride or die chick protection squad and the Hong Seol my precious cinnamon roll protection squad, I got to say:



i am curious to know you guys answer. Between our two boys, who makes Seol happy? Who does she, not the audience, but she want to be with? 

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I think if Seol was to take the easy way - it would be In Ho - she's comfortable with him, no pressure, no expectations. 

But hey, life needs spice and mystery and YJ is as mysterious as one can get. Still, we see YJ opening up and being vulnerable. But he is very happy when he is with Seol. And have you seen the way Seol glows as she smiles at her sunbae? 

I agree that no one can claim to be perfect in a relationship. YJ has his issues, Seol has her issues the Baek siblings have lots of issues!

I want to see both YJ and Seol learn and love each other. Rewatch all the episodes from Ep 1 and you can see the growth of emotions between the two of them. 

IF YJ had not been persistent with his requests to have a meal together , IF Seol had not taken the first step to apologise to YJ for setting him up with Ah Young, they would most likely be not at the point they are at today. If anyone has any doubts about the strength of their relationship, watch the scene where he stays over at Seol's and they have the conversation about themselves. YJ finally talks about the expectations and pressure he feels from his father and Seol is there to listen and not judge. There was a sense of mutual understanding and camaraderie between them. 

I also echo your last line 'Who does she, not the audience, want to be with?' I was frustrated with the female character who I felt was prodded into developing her feelings for the male characters in her life. (YES - I am slapping myself for not getting over this :rolleyes:)

At this moment and without reading the webtoon, I can only see her happy with YJ because they have grown side by side. 

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6 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

: I know Seol is doing nothing wrong. I know. But for me in a relationship, whatever you are demanding from me. You should be willing to give to me. Seol wants assurance where it comes to Inha. She wants to trust,  believe, and know that nothing is going on there. She's it for him. Well then she's going to have to do the same for Jung where it concerns Inho


I find it interesting, because Seol innocently meets with In-Ho. She never has it in her mind to have a spark with him, but he is responding to her (in his heart) nonetheless. Still overall, they are just good buddies.

YT and In-Ha on the other hand, haven't been on good terms for a long time. In fact YJ had just told her to vacate her apartment. We certainly did not see YJ taking her out to dinner, or even a drink.  But she is conspiring behind his back and helping YG creating the illusion that she is a couple with YJ.

Even Seol, when she first saw the photo, she muttered to herself, that "sunbae would not do such a thing, right?" She knows his heart.

I don't know if In-Ha realizes the ramifications of what she is doing, or thought it was some kind of a funny joke.

But I do know for sure, that YJ will not be amused when he finds out. The  question is, how will YJ react? He cannot crush In-Ha because of he special relationship with his father and also his and In-Ho (even if they are pissed at each other at the moment).  He has already withdrawn financial support to her, so he cannot threaten her with that...

Maybe it will be sufficient if he breaks the bond she now has with the creep, YG.

Still, I agree with you,  @MrsSoJiSub, because YJ has many female admirers, and if he did go out with any of them, the way HS goes with In-Ho, that would be a good reason for HS to be jealous and uneasy.   But YJ has been totally above board in his relationship with HS.

Park Hae-Jin for CITT on top of China's charts and searches.



Maybe someone who understands Korean can tell us more.


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@NRGchick I agree. If Seol were to go for the easier (lbr nothing is easy with Inha in the pucture) then it would totally be Inho. However, would her heart be in it? Like you I see that Seol beams when with Jung and she just glows. She's slso become more confident in herself and self assured. I notice that the more at ease the two get in their relationship, the more it rubs off on his Seol interacts with others. I notice she became more free and funny in her interactions with Bora and Euntaek. I think she's happy and is allowed to grow into her own in the relationship and out of it.I can clearly see that (even with his flaws) Seol is happy with and wants to be with Jung. 

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I love Seol but the girl has double standards.At the beginning of episode 8 Jung told her how he feels about her spending time with Inho(he didn't ask her to stop seeing him,he just told her he didn't like it).So what she is doing now?Spending all her free time with Inho.Few times she was upset with Jung about YJ IH fighting.There were times when IH insulted YJ,called him names or simply badmouthed him(I know,he is bit more understanding in the last episode)in front of Seol,did she ever asked him to stop?I don't think so.And now she is freaking out because of one innocent photo of YJ and Inha(well,they've known each other for years so there will be photos).The thing about their relationship at this point of drama is they aren't equal.For YJ Seol is the most important person in the world, without her he is really lonely.Seol really likes YJ but she has many friendly people around her.Later in the webtoon the balance changes(in a good way),I hope we'll see that in the drama......Few things about episode 10.For the first time I liked Inha(the actress),she made me laugh few times,the way she is using her whole body is crayyyzzy(she will never be at the level of webtoon Inha but she's getting better)...YJ's father is really one of the worst,no wonder he has problem breathing. He just thinks YJ is weird,can't do anything right and should wear masks with people all the time....I wasn't sure about Bora and ET after the first episodes but I love them now,they are perfect and doing the best they can with few lines they get.........Preview...I hated the Oppa,Oppa..Dog Fur,Dog Fur on the train ,wth is that?IH is everywhere again(just give him the white horse already so he can commute faster).He already saw YJ and HS fighting,now he will see them crying and hugging,I hope we won't see him at YJ's bedroom while they are kissing in bed.I'm glad that HS will see cold YJ again,he has his limits and can only take so much.I hope it will open her eyes for YJ but also for relationships she has with IH,some things have to change..I hope we'll see the second visit of HS to YJ's place soon.It's very important and the conversation they have one of the best.I'd like to see that without any changes from webtoon(no IH hiding in the closet,I like him but come-on, give us what's important TVN and we'll talk about the drama for years)...... OK,I wrote a novel(I will call it WAR AND CHEESE).part 2 coming in 2 weeks


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i have written a long post but its gone lol

in short i dont like how they wrote In Ho to be just typical 2nd lead and turning Seol to be one of lead female who oblivious of 2nd lead feelings plus that scene where she kept missing put sth on her wound and In Ho had to do it for her. 

This, we have seen many times already so it got me side eyed hard.

i have no doubt if Seol feelings towards Jung, not a single minute. Its obvious her heart is with him (that scene when she got hurt when Min Soo crushed that poor lion doll. Its not the doll she cared but it was from Jung and its their things!. My heart hurt so much for this).

Seol just needs more time to understand Jung and he needs to come to her to meet in the middle. This is relationship about isnt it? Meet in the middle while not losing our true self. Jung is trying and Seol is trying because they love each other.

idk if you guys like that lion doll scene. I do love it very much. And that scene when she implied having what she was having (Jung) is not easy. So she wint give him up easily. Man, i got emotional again....:tears:

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You can see how angry YJ is in this scene and you also see In Ha have a flicker of fear in her eyes. I don't know. I feel that In Ha treats YJ like her possession, a toy and no one can play with her toy unless she allows it. She is still quite a petulant child but children have to grow up sometime and I hope she does very soon. 


PHJ does repressed rage really well. 

And the other scene which sent shivers up my spine.hairtouch_zps7udmcslc.gif

The hand stroking her hair at the end and the look he gave her. *shivers* 

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Did Jung really make Jun come to uni on purpose? Because Seol seems to think so, but I kinda thought that Jun just ended up texting to see if he could get free food and Jung never really thought that that was gonna go down.  HOWEVER.  He did say that he had something in mind for that day.  I'm so confused with all the planning behind the back and the doubting.

ALSO: I know it's part of Seol's character to always see the goodness of everyone, but feeling sorry for Min Soo kinda makes what she did seem okay for her.  And it's not.  Because what she did isn't just between her and Seol.  What she did has started people thinking that it's okay to think badly of Seol.  And I think that's worse than copying her.  Their problem may now have been "resolved" but people's impressions are harder to change, and they've already got it in their heads that Seol's a nasty piece of work.  Which is just so far from the truth.  She's flawed, but she's nowhere near the crazy richard simmons that they think of.

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I agree with @MrsSoJiSub 

We can't label Jung creepy, scary or psycho just because we want to. I think he's reaction can be even seen as normal if we look how people treat him. I can be psychotic too if I were him. He's manipulative because that's his way to deal with things. Won't you be if your father making you a poster boy for a saint? No crying, no getting mad, behave, behave, behave. 

I feel sorry for Jung. Behind those gems of the world (good look, good grades, good brain, good fortune) he is a broken child and he has no one but Seol. That's why he desperately wants her to understand him, to come to him. Even in his mind he knows that he must be the one who do that or at least bridge the gap.

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Don't get me wrong guys! I am a full JungSeol shipper! But ALL the scenes with InHo in ep 10 killed my soul!

HIS GAZE!!!! Hits me ALL the time! Especially the last few scenes in the library and when he was walking her back and gave her things to protect herself with...oh and ALL the heartbeat scenes HAHAHA he nailed it! Dude didn't even know his own feelings!

I know that she's gonna end up with Jung but I wanna thank the director for developing InHo's character and feelings in this episode particularly :) I felt that this episode cemented the fact that she sees him just as a friend and confidante.

I know baby gonna get hurt next episode :( but well...damn K-dramas and SLS! I hope actor SKJ gets many more roles in the future...main ones! I can ttly see him being successful! Fighting!

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