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2 hours ago, ka77 said:

Are both Jung and In-Ho (both characters, not the actors) left handed ? I thought they were right handed, but when Jung was visiting Seol's parents, In-Ho was cutting a cucumber /zucchini while holding the knife with the left hand. Jung was also holding the chopsticks with the left hand when eating the noodle. I thought they were rigtht handed... ?

I read somewhere that phj writes with his right hand but holds his chopsticks with his left. So i guess he could be a natural left hander nurtured to be a right hander. He has a complicated charm. Haha

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@PororoQueen he was marking his territory... he is going crazy seeing to what extent in in Ho involved in Hs's life.. and ofcourse he is indeed serious about her..


Q: So, we see that YJ will do anything to please his daddy dearest...correct? he really yearns for this appreciation..


Now if Daddy refuses to accept HS,  how do you think YJ will react? ( Going by story till date..ofc can be wrong here... we know he really cared for in Ho.. but fighting , doing what is not expected of him still sorta came before in Ho)

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2 hours ago, b4 said:

I'm team Jung all the way!!!!! I don't think there is anything wrong with his actions or reactions, I get the way he is. People make judgments about him, why cant he do the same. Its very hypocritical thinking. I think deep down Inho knows it wasn't Jung that got him beat up and Jung knows it was Inha but won't say anything bc that is not his style. That is why Inho keeps saying to Jung "you have nothing to say sorry for..." Inho can't blame his own sister so Jung is the scapegoat for when he wants to feel sorry for himself. I can't wait for monday/tuesday,I want another kiss scene!!!

  Chingu, well said @b4 I don't see anything wrong in his actions either. Is just society says it is wrong. Jung, HS, Bora, Eun-Taek, Ah Young and a few other students are not looking to use people. The rest love to take advantage of other people especialy when they can do the job but choose to be lazy. 

There was one time In Ho accused Jung of sending all these guys to beat him up , all Jung said was YOU CROSSED THE LINE".  That line stayed on my mind and made me wonder what did he do wrong, In Ho can't be that stupid and not know how he crossed the line. smh smh smh In Ho did crossed the line many time by being so blunt, conceited and selfish. One thing disgusted me was when he tried to rub in YJ's face about how he was affraid of losing HS like YJ lost his father. In my opinion In Ho knew that he was taking all the attention of the chairman from YJ. smh smh smh  I think YJ has given up on getting attention from the chairman a long time ago. If YJ was to abandon his father, his father would abandon Baek In Ho and In Ha because he is his sole heir. But because YJ takes his responsability seriously he won't do it. After all he worked hard to get where he is at and he won't let that affect his decision to take over the company. 

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Speaking of crazies...

It's true that we are invited to make comparisons between Crazy and Crazier. ;) But what strikes me about MS is that it seems to have come out of no where. Maybe I've missed something but MS looked like your average (very average) uni student that exists in the fringes. She's the sort of person that doesn't make much of an impression, keeps to herself and is more or less invisible. Holidays are over and she's back doing the Single, White Female thing. Was there an indication that she had a Seol or red hair fetish before that? Doesn't seem like that to me. I'm curious to know what made her snap and start "cosplaying Seol" as Bora puts it delicately. There was nothing previously to suggest that she was giving special attention to Seol. Imitation is the highest form of flattery it is said but here it's downright creepy. It's one thing to imitate another's fashion sense but it's another thing to try and look like them. But then there's a lot of people who dress up -- Elvis, Marilyn impersonators, really hardcore Trekkies, opening night at Star Wars for instance, so why aren't we creeped out by them?

The lack of self-awareness is what worries me or that refusal to acknowledge that her very actions could potentially be off-putting to the one she's modelling herself after. She behaves as if it's the most normal thing in the world. Undoubtedly she's receiving a lot of attention which is clearly what's motivating her to a large extent. But why? 

So what social norm is she breaking that we would deem her crazy?

OYG demonstrated his own flair for scheming. Although he's not the Master, he was reasonably effective in that he got the desired result. ;) Scheming and manipulating doesn't necessarily mean a person is nuts but it could make them dangerous. He obviously craves attention but he can't get it on his own merits :P. So he's made to believe that a girl likes him when he mistakes kindness for attraction. She says "No" in no uncertain terms and on more than one occasion. Most guys would back off but he doesn't because he is fixated with the thought that a girl could like him just because she showed a little kindness. He may have been fed but he swallowed it willingly. Why believe the text messages? They didn't come from herSo he wants revenge on the guy who lied to him and the girl who rejected him. "They done me wrong!" Okay I get that. But then he wants sympathy and does not take responsibility for his part in the fiasco. He's not a stupid guy so why did he swallow it hook, line and sinker? . An ego that's bigger than Ben Hur perhaps.

It was the perfect storm. Everyone played a part. It's a cautionary tale that actions have consequences, no matter what the initial intentions were. Things can often take on a life of its own just from one or two little things. It's been called the butterfly effect.

Another thing I've noticed about OYG is how cowardly he can be. He hides behind others or makes himself look so pathetic that people feel sorry for him. That's the sum total of his manipulative power.

The thing about manipulation though... and why it works... It usually comes in the form of emotional blackmail or some appeal to the emotions. Manipulation works largely because the manipulated gives in to their fears.




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15 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

@PororoQueen he was marking his territory... he is going crazy seeing to what extent in in Ho involved in Hs's life.. and ofcourse he is indeed serious about her..


Q: So, we see that YJ will do anything to please his daddy dearest...correct? he really yearns for this appreciation..


Now if Daddy refuses to accept HS,  how do you think YJ will react? ( Going by story till date..ofc can be wrong here... we know he really cared for in Ho.. but fighting , doing what is not expected of him still sorta came before in Ho)

  @enigmatic_zephy.... Daddy will not accept HS. I don't think his reaction will be good if daddy gives him a hard time. YJ will be so mad at him because of what he had to endure when the Baek kids started living with them. Even though they did care for each other but Daddy gave them more attention than his own kid. smh smh smh 


At least HS's dad knows HS dating YJ will be a problem because YJ's world is different from their. He is the only one who is a realist. Even HS knows that their world is sooo far apart. She is willing to enjoy ther present with YJ.  HS's mom and brother are the only who are dreaming a a nice life if HS and YJ keep dating or get married. 

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that University is full with abnormal students..  :crazy: but if I can go back to my uni years in the nineties.. I prefer to have those crazy friends instead of the boring ones.. 

But still I dislike the drunk addict fat student the most.. he's so lazy and annoying..

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@miss-guided What a great idea and analysis.. smileyscheetah comparing how YJ and MS tried to get closer to HS! We have two people who wanted her as friend, but MS failed, while YJ succeeded, although YJ was so disliked by HS from the start. Actually, MS' chances were higher, but if you look how MS behaved (drama and webtoon), you'll discover her true personality: she has no problem to hurt others so that HS would notice her and see her as friend!

@40somethingahjumma I hope, this answers your question (about MS: this seems to come out of nowhere!?)

- In the drama, MS actually lied to HS, when she said that at the library she saw YJ using the computer after HS. First, MS had noticed that HS disliked YJ and secondly, she knew, YJ only took a look at it. So she lied to HS about YJ. She has no remorse to do it (harming YJ's reputation).

- In the webtoon, MS witnessed how NJY poured something in the drink HS had in order to make her sick. MS decided to exchange the drinks (NJY got sick from her own "mischief") and went to HS later to reveal her the truth. She wants to be considered by HS as her savior. But HS is kind of shocked because she is someone who wouldn't hurt anyone. If HS had seen what NJY had done, she would have thrown the drink away!! Here we can glimpse MS' true personality. Her determination to have HS as friend makes her ruthless!! Fact is when HS confronted NJY for her misdeed, NJY gets even more furious because she thinks that HS was the one who exchanged the drinks. Here we see again HS' goodness: she doesn't reveal that MS was the perpetrator. However, in NJY's eyes, HS appears as ruthless and manipulative as herself. Therefore NJY becomes even more determined to hurt HS! Because of MS' actions, HS is in the end suffering more from it and MS doesn't understand why HS doesn't consider her as her savior! Moreover, MS could have gone to NJY and revealed what she did to NJY, but she didn't have the courage to do so! 

To conclude, while MS hurt others to look good in front of HS, YJ did the opposite. He never wanted to make himself good by hurting others. He didn't change himself: he only acted as a nice person waiting patiently that HS would finally notice it and fall for his smile/nice behaviour!   

MS is interesting as she is a quiet girl who seems to work hard, that's why you don't expect her to be that mean or cruel! We are kind of prejudiced in the end. Quiet/calm doesn't mean nice in reality!

Moreover, MS let HS down with the group presentation. She appeared to be lacking of knowledge and intelligence, but her true personality shines when she lies to HS (she couldn't do her work because of her sister and computer!). Another example, when we can see that MS' feelings for HS aren't really genuine is at the bar, when they were preparing the party. HS, SC, MS, YJ and DY were the last ones. DY asked MS to leave HS behind and MS didn't refuse it! She only followed DY's request! As a true friend, she shouldn't have left HS behind therefore it is understandable why HS doesn't agree to eat with MS. HS had other priorities and why should HS sacrifice herself for MS, when the other isn't even ready to do the same! Actually, MS has been selfish all the time, but since she was so quiet, noone paid attention to her faults! She was not worth getting attention.

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I'm team Jung all the way!!!!! I don't think there is anything wrong with his actions or reactions, I get the way he is. People make judgments about him, why cant he do the same. Its very hypocritical thinking. I think deep down Inho knows it wasn't Jung that got him beat up and Jung knows it was Inha but won't say anything bc that is not his style. That is why Inho keeps saying to Jung "you have nothing to say sorry for..." Inho can't blame his own sister so Jung is the scapegoat for when he wants to feel sorry for himself. I can't wait for monday/tuesday,I want another kiss scene!!!


THIS!!!! I agree with this so much, I really get how Jung is and I have faith everything will be revealed in the END

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1 hour ago, rhaps said:

Perhaps because I've read the webtoon regarding Jung's childhood and the psychological analysis of his characters, I believe that it's not that easy for him to beat up someone. I believe that he is someone who will get even to people who mistreat him. The bigger the 'crime', then the bigger his 'punishment' . He manipulates and threatens people who are manipulative or thieves. He beat the pervert in Seol's place because the pervert had hurt Seol physically. Towards NJY, he only pushed away, despite what she did to Seol. 

I think, Jung does have the tendency to be violent. Then again, he is 'trained' and educated enough to control and surpress his emotion. Perhaps it's due to the fact that his father demanded him to be good and nice and everything, as the only son of the chaebol. That results is he is being able to control his feelings, especially anger, whenever he is disturbed. We could see that clearly in episode 7, when YG insulted him in public, telling him as a hypocrite and such. He channeled his anger and dissatisfation through manipulation or any other subtle ways. In other words, he is the opposite of Inho, who directly expresses his emotion and anger by yelling or screaming . 

In my opinion, everyone can have a dark side. The problem is whether one can control it or not. In Jung's case, unless the 'catalyst' is very strong, then Jung should be able to control himself and won't result in physical reaction.  Even when confronting TA Heo and and the pervert, he is still talking calmly. Meaning, he is someone who always tries to control himself.  That's why, I believe that he won't result to violence, unless the condition is really really bad.


Are you saying that Jung is er... erm... a Vulcan! :w00t: No way! 

;) I reckon PHJ would look very good with those ears. Quick someone grab him for the next, next Trek film.

Well, I quite agree with you. I've always thought that he had incredible self-control over his emotions which is good and yet, yeah, I can see why people think it's dangerous. 

23 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:

that University is full with abnormal students..  :crazy: but if I can go back to my uni years in the nineties.. I prefer to have those crazy friends instead of the boring ones.. 

But still I dislike the drunk addict fat student the most.. he's so lazy and annoying..

Oh I agree thoroughly. Universities are full of weirdos and it's not just the students... :phew:

In my faculty there was a fellow who used to roam around with a flowing cape and a very pale face. He was called The Vampire because he looked like one. 

Conservative little me used to hang out with a Goth in my third/Honours year. I doubled as her paid typist. 

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4 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Are you saying that Jung is er... erm... a Vulcan! :w00t: No way! 

;) I reckon PHJ would look very good with those ears. Quick someone grab him for the next, next Trek film.

Well, I quite agree with you. I've always thought that he had incredible self-control over his emotions which is good and yet, yeah, I can see why people think it's dangerous. 

Oh I agree thoroughly. Universities are full of weirdos and it's not just the students... :phew:

In my faculty there was a fellow who used to roam around with a flowing cape and a very pale face. He was called The Vampire because he looked like one. 

Conservative little me used to hang out with a Goth in my third/Honours year. I doubled as her paid typist. 

Interesting is that people consider controlling emotions as dangerous, nevertheless we see so many examples in this drama that it's the exact opposite.

- YG is unable to control his emotions (hurt pride, aso) therefore he feels the need to hurt YJ by calling him fake and hypocrite! YG did the exact thing than MS: make one bad so that he will look good in front of the others! And unluckily HS fell for that trick in YG's case because she was so prejudiced against YJ!

- In Ho hurting himself because he is so mad at YG for calling HS as "easy woman!" Or he destroyed things because he is upset!


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I thought jung's father look quite nice, that's of course without all the background info. The fact that he is willing to raise inho n inha n is highly tolerant of their nonsense indicates that he cant be too bad a person.

I dont think he will reject HS outright but he may have expectations of how she behaves etc. Since she is a fellow college mate, as long as she gets a decent job after graduation, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. And i am sure either Jung or abuji will get her a proper job in a big conglomerate anyway.

But its a bit far fetch that we are talking about marrying into the yoo family right? Heehee

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Whoa.....marriage? They only started dating. Not sure if there will be a wedding at the end but with university romances, not all end in marriages. 

I would assume that YJ and Seol will still be together and loving each other through to their work life. That's a slice of life.

Regarding Sang Chul. There tends to be someone like Sang Chul in Uni. 

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2 minutes ago, qwenli said:

I thought jung's father look quite nice, that's of course without all the background info. The fact that he is willing to raise inho n inha n is highly tolerant of their nonsense indicates that he cant be too bad a person.

I dont think he will reject HS outright but he may have expectations of how she behaves etc. Since she is a fellow college mate, as long as she gets a decent job after graduation, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. And i am sure either Jung or abuji will get her a proper job in a big conglomerate anyway.

But its a bit far fetch that we are talking about marrying into the yoo family right? Heehee

The father can be seen as warm-hearted, open-minded and generous for raising and supporting the Baek Siblings. But he has some prejudice against YJ. Actually, I can imagine, once he meets HS, he might see YJ in a different light.

To me, the ending would be that both confess their love to each other with words as so far, neither YJ nor HS have expressed it. IT was always the other way around:

- Why do you like me? (episode 6)

- Do you like me genuinely? (episode 8)

Both are too afraid of getting hurt by making the first step! But this shows their insecurities: they have never felt loved! They can't believe that someone is there that actually loves the other!

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 TV:Is "Cheese in the Trap" Yoo Jung Really a Bad Guy?

Article: Who actually wants a romance with a 'bad guy'?

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+1,611, -25] There's a difference between being a bad guy and straight up trash

2. [+1,081, -28] I don't know if I'd call Yoo Jung a bad guy, though...
- Not a bad guy but a psycho?

3. [+738, -21] I like bad guys in dramas but not in real life

4. [+544, -10] I wouldn't call Yoo Jung a bad guy... I think of him more as a young kid who has trouble emotionally relating to others and grew up lacking a lot of love and attention in his life.
- Sounds like the description for a psychopath
- He's just a scary person
- People only defend Yoo Jung because as readers and viewers, they know his back story and his way of thinking... but if you were to randomly meet someone like him in real life, you'd think he was a bad person.
- Yup, he's a scary person.
- Yoo Jung is someone I'd be careful with in real life, but there's very little chance of meeting someone like him with his looks, his wealth, his talents, and his scariness. On top of that, he's a violent person. Women should always be cautious of men like him. Imagine if you wanted to break up with him, how do you know how he'd react? ㅋ

5. [+423, -18] I actually find the people around Yoo Jung more problematic than Yoo Jung himself. At least Yoo Jung doesn't bring harm to others for no reason. He just quietly pays back when he feels he's been wronged.

6. [+148, -6] I think the focus for Yoo Jung is that he only cares for a woman if she 'belongs to him'. Judging from the drama, Yoo Jung gave Young Gon an opening to approach Hong Seol and let Inha get away with sending those texts. He basically doesn't care about you and sees you as something to use if you don't belong to him. I'm curious as to what Seol will do about her relationship with him the more she finds out about these things. Regardless, he's definitely a different character from all the Cinderella stories we've been watching. Can't wait for next week.

7. [+88, -0] Yoo Jung is definitely cool but a scary person when he's not on your side. His personality is more or less understandable if you read more about how he grew up so I think people find him scary because the drama hasn't touched on that yet.

8. [+71, -3] There's a reason Yoo Jung is so cold and cruel to the people that he is and it's usually because they're freeloaders, criminals, people blinded by jealousy and who take it out on others, etc... Yoo Jung grew up with everything he could want so he fails to relate to them on any level and doesn't see them as equal people to himself. The reason he falls for Hong Seol is because her personality is similar to his and different from the rest.
- Doesn't change the fact that Yoo Jung tortured Hong Seol just because she saw through to his cold nature. He still did bad things to her before he developed feelings for her.

9. [+57, -1] Yoo Jung's only nice to people who are genuinely good people and live upstanding lives. Also to his girlfriend.

10. [+47, -2] I don't think Yoo Jung's bad or strange. It's the students on his campus who are all bad and strange.

11. [+39, -1] Anyone who's read the webtoon won't think that Yoo Jung is a bad guy

12. [+27, -0] Yoo Jung definitely has personality issues in the original webtoon but I think the drama fails to capture that. I find it so random and weird how other people are always calling Yoo Jung strange when he hasn't done anything, especially in that scene when he was fighting the pervert and the pervert kept saying Yoo Jung was the same dirty person he was... what? And I don't know why Seol would be put off by that either. Any man would beat another man who hit his girlfriend like that.

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I don't know much about Jung's father as such, but if i were to think hypothetically i guess he would have problems with Seol? The thing is he's always good to others as it is said, compassionate and kind to others. Plus with In Ha and In Ho's case he was also indebted to their grandfather right? It's a problem when it comes to own son. Cause he has gotta be prim and proper, he's chaebol's Heir after all. 

About Uni characters, i can relate to all of these to my uni life as well...i mean you won't find out and out crazy ones like YG, but certainly a mellowed version. There is a Sang Chul mooching off food and notes, there is Bo Ra and Eun Tak --- you are always bitching about the girl playing with the guy and not saying Yes (although i Bo Ra is a sweet heart and you should leave it to the girl while saying yes too ideally), there is a Yoo Jung too rich, prim and proper and smart, there is Seol too, although in reality very few people who get their YJ. and the place is filled with the kinds of NJY. You'll even find your batchmates asking for numbers of juniors from other depts as we see for Ah Young

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