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16 minutes ago, colormejoyous said:


Let's not judge prematurely. YG seems mentally unbalanced judging by his actions so far. So, Jung could have nonchalantly said something in the affirmative when YG asked him about seol and YG could have spun that whole thing into Jung telling him to stalk seol in his mind. This seems like the most likely scenario for now. Let's see what they reveal about this situation next week. 

And I have to say, the actor playing YG is seriously really good! Bravo to him. He makes YG completely realistic and believable with a dark/ slightly psychotic edge without going too overboard. Will be looking forward to more of his work.

But the flashback showed that Jung did manipulate YG and In Ha 

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hi one of the reasons why I like CITT is because the script and direction is so well done. I hardly can fast forward anything unlike many other dramas. I find the drama story almost quite a work of literature, where we can analyse the individual characters and their relationships. All the characters have depth and issues to be discussed. It should really have been a book.

So here, sharing some of the scenes, that I find notable.

Seol is always shy with Jung but with her brother, she barks at him and even threaten to beat him up.


I must add, Bora is really pretty.

Here Lovers' jealousy are all but too evident:



When Euntaek said he went to Seol's house, Jung cant help but inquire further.


And vice versa, Bora questioned EunTaek for going without her. haha


Here is a very clear display of Jung's perspective in life when he was beating up the thief:


The process of catching the thief is also a great contrast between the personality of Jung and Inho. I think somebody has already brought this up. Where Inho make a lot of ding going about looking and run around, working himself up a sweat, Jung on the otherhand, just quietly appear infront of the thief to ambush him. 



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I will wait and see. YJ was quite Machiavellian in his approach to bringing the truth to light. But it appears that what has happened before impacts on Seol in one way or another. Like the incident with SC where he was exposed for skimming the money. YJ gave JW the receipt and JW realised what was going on and exposes SC. However, Seol got the blame (which I think was unfair since SC DID do something wrong) and misunderstandings grew.

I am more inclined to believe that YJ may have made an off hand comment to YG about Seol and YG (in his delusion) ran with it. The text messages - are they really from him. [OK.. I will wait until I watch the scene of YJ and InHa in Ep 8 where YG had texted YJ]

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He only wrote that "she seems to like you". The other messages about gifts and that they must be expensive gifts were written by In Ha. He just couldn't care less that she was writing them on his phone which she took. She said she liked the phone and took it but he had two phones obviously.He probably used it to give people he does not like a number to call. He did not write all the messages just the initial one. It was also true that he did not like Seol then and considered her as someone who had unfairly judged him and accused him of putting that post on the forum. I do not think he cared about the fact that In Ha was going to handle the two people who are  annoying him. He seems to have a screwy moral compass.

He has a dark side but encouraging the stalking was done by In Ha.


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49 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Jung is so setting up Min Soo.  He sees the lion phone charm on MS's bag and says nothing.  He's like a predator just watching and setting up the perfect trap for his prey.  


Yes, that's why I feel Jung is way too mature then most college students leading to much misunderstanding about him. Perhaps that's why he appeals so much to older women as indicated in the ratings survey. 

If he confronts minsoo, she would say she is being malign and bullied, denying everything. Then Jung and Seol will become bad guys.

However, since that lion is so prominent, I am sure many other classmates would have seen it on Seol's phone before. But of course minsoo can always say she bought the same thing.


Another scene that freaks me in ep 7 are these



Are his words a kind of preview or omen?

It freaks me because we know that PHJ finished filming ahead. KGE and SKJ are the ones to wrap up the last. Granted Inho is working in Seol's family noodle shop but hmmm, I just hope its just PHJ having to go to China that he wrapped up earlier.:)


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1 hour ago, miles99 said:

But the flashback showed that Jung did manipulate YG and In Ha 


No no no no no. This isn't a spoiler since it's in ep 8. Younggo was an annoying classmate that everyone had stopped talking to. He pestered Jung for his number and wouldn't leave him alone about. Jung and all his idiocy did what some of us girls do in clubs but since he's rich he took it one step up. He brought a phone, got a new number, and specifically gave that to Younggo to pester him. Now Younggon keeps pestering with texts Jung is annoyed and based on the niceness he had seen Seol display upon him after the basketball incident where everyone hated him, he assumed that hey Seol having seen and know this guy (Seol is Bora's friend she must have known how the dude was pestering Bora she also saw the whole basketball incident she saw his cray. But being the nice but sometimes too sweet and dunce cinnamon roll she is (and also because of the remarks Yonggone made about Jung) she is still sweet to him and offers him a drink. Jung sees this and he and the class (Jung and San Chul admit that they all said it) tells Younggon that Seol must like him.

Now here's where richard simmons gets grey and I'm side eyeing the richard simmons out of Jung. He's not lying when he says he didn't send the text. That was all Inha's doing. Jung did not manipulate Inha in that cafe scene. He's guilty of knowingly giving his phone to Inha and having her "take care of" the two people that were bothering him. Inha was never manipulated. She did the playing and manipulating by spurring Younggone on to buy Seol expensive gifts, go to the academy, etc, etc. She did that on her own. Now Jung, that richard simmons. How much did Jung know? How far did he think Inha would take her "taking care of them for you". did he know and or was he aware that after leaving the cafe Inha continues to text Younggon and entice him to harass Seol? Was Jung aware this whole time and sat back and did nothing......? Let's go back to yesterday's episode and the flashback. Seol approaches Jung and tells him of Younggone harassing her and his doing that because Jung told him (Younggone) that he likes her. Shortly after this is reported to him Younggone leaves school. It doesn't take a genius to know that once Jung was made aware of Younggone tormenting Seol, Jung in his Jung ways made the boy put a stop to it all and leave school.

Now we as an audience having yet to see Jung's side of things have to ask ourselves this. To what extent was Jung aware or not aware of how crazy Younggone is/was and his stalkerish ways? When Jung looked out the window and saw the Seol and Younggon moment, how did he read it? Is he honest when he says he saw that and thought Seol liked YG or did he see that and see an opportune manipulation opportunity? Before Seol reports it to him, was Jung aware (though Inha or someone else) of YG stalking Seol and just sat idly by or did he not know what his actions (or inactions) had caused until she approached him and then he tried to solve/resolve the errors of his way? 

Honestly, how you read the whole situation and the benefit of doubt you do or do not give Jung depends on your already conceived notions and judgements of him and his character. Taking into account the things Jung did do in year one (stepping on papers, pretending Seol doesn't exist, giving her a hard time about end of the year celebration ideas, buying her coffee to make another girl jealous) do we think Jung capable of knowingly sending and allowing a dangerous threat towards Seol or anyone for that matter? Honestly look at all of Jung's actions not only to Seol but other people too this whole drama though. Jung is grey as richard simmons but he does have some lines even he won't cross. Some sort of moral code. From what I seen, Jung does not like violence being done unto woman (thank lawds he was taught right on that aspect). I think he doesn't like violence period (well expect with the pervert where he lost his cool). Jung calls security to stop Seol from being attacked, Jung stops rapist dude (why is he still there/are they still friends with him) from violating Seol. Jung stepped in when Younggone was getting violent with Euntake and Bora. No matter how provoked, Jung has never hit Inho (well he kicked him) and even this episode he doesn't give into Younggon and hit him. 

Jung isn't innocent in this (his actions and initial inactions lead to all of this) but do we think him capable of knowingly sending a very dangerous, violent, and unhinged stalker after Seol, even if he dislikes her? 



Jung would save himself a world of troubles of misunderstanding and distrust if he could learn to COMMUNICATE!! and express himself, his side of things, and just be open and honest with Seol about everything in the past so that she is not blindsided when people approach her with things. Alas the idiot is all "I allow myself to be misunderstood and keep my mouth shut because I got issues!"

@qwenli that always bothered me in the webtoon and made me wonder if it was foreshadowing of Jung and Seol's ultimately doomed relationship...I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop and him to dump her or her him because of that. I too worried that PHJ finished his filming before the other two. Would the writer really dare? Are the kdrama gods that cruel to me? Will I still even be for them as we draw closer to the E N D? we'll see...

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@stargazer Thanks for all the basketball pix! I love that scene, a refreshing departure from classroom and back alley scenes.

I was about to mention the other otp/true love in CITT, which has come up several times in the drama already with the latest during the basketball game. Who is in team Jung? Who always defends him and speak highly of him?B)



For all his bullying manners, SC thinks the world of Jung and always speaks highly of Jung-ie.

Here he was explaining to Seol what happened with YG. They were merely entertaining YG about his fixation with Seol but YG being the psycho he is, just got carried away. Who would know that YG will go stalk Seol?


Jung, having such a dedicated spokesperson, allowed SC to do all the replying, while he pondered on what could have actually happened.


Jung-ie: When you joined your dad's company, remember to recruit SC to be your minion, he will go to the moon and under the sea for you. I am sure you have no problem keeping him in line, since you can use someone else to unravel the receipt and money pocketing by SC without him knowing.

And by the way, I like that shark sweater, but you need to wear teddy bears more so that others dun misunderstand you as a meat loving predator.


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Calling it now. I think Jung will be the one to dump Seol. He keeps asking for reassurance "You're comfortable right?" "You like me right" "You're genuine with me right?" and I have yet to see her ever answer him/give him the assurance or reassurance that he desires and then she doesn't even trust him....:tears::tears: someone give me a life jacket and raft so I'll be ready when it comes *laughs through her tears*

ETA: If his kisses leave her dazed like that, Seol girl....

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@bjvipb2uty have you read the webtoon? I've read all and I will admit some things confused me while reading but seeing it all play out. Like I said he's not lying. This magnificent bastard ;) Responsibility and accountability for ones actions, for others actions...this drama makes me question and ponder on too many things....


Yes I've read the webtoon with exception of some of the recent season 4 chapters. I feel ya. At one point I sat back in my chair and questioned why the heck I was so adamant on trusting and siding with Jung when there were clearly a lot of iffy things going on once I looked at the whole picture. But here I am. *sigh* Actually idek why I think so much about fictional characters. LOL

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LMFAO. Did Seol think that it was going to be like a drama and Jung was going to stay up all night texting her about how perfect her lips felt on his and how much he can't wait to do it again. She wanted sonnets in her name LOL. This cutie :D 

MinSeol is in love with Seol and if she can't be with her she want to be her. The same is true of Younggone. If he can't beat Jung he'll obsess over and destroy the things Jung likes/loves? How did this one college attract so many insane students!!! How did they all end up in one class??

Yo! Wasn't Seol wearing that jacket yesterday!?!?? :blink::o:blink: Minsoo is just a really really really really hardcore stan of Seol's. I hope it doesn't end for Seol the same as the song,

Professor: You had 5 years. What did you do in those five years? Me: Wallow in self pity and blame. They was going take him to rehab, but he said no no no, he won't go go go...I'll stop now. Yass professor, teach him to check his ego. Come on Inho you can do this, but understand you are starting from the bottom again and this time behave and show some humbleness from time to time. 

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18 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Calling it now. I think Jung will be the one to dump Seol. He keeps asking for reassurance "You're comfortable right?" "You like me right" "You're genuine with me right?" and I have yet to see her ever answer him/give him the assurance or reassurance that he desires and then she doesn't even trust him....:tears::tears: someone give me a life jacket and raft so I'll be ready when it comes *laughs through her tears*

ETA: If his kisses leave her dazed like that, Seol girl....

Yes yes, count me in on the life jacket too. We can do a bulk purchase here.

My heart ache when he ask Seol, are you sincere too.:tears:

But then I dont blame Seol for being wary of guys, what with the nut case YG scary her, no wonder Jung's advancement towards her was greatly shunned. But why is she less wary of Inho who really is a stranger. Girl got double standards...

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That piano scene really slayed me. Seol and In Ho, with all their bickering, really do enjoy each other's company so much and it's lovely to watch. I LOVE that this drama sometimes chooses to end in the middle of moments like these, as if it's real life and the end of a day, instead of some dramatic scene to be extended to the next episode to keep everyone guessing. It's just tonally perfect.


I completely fell for In Ho in this episode, especially when the professor dismissed him, and he didn't blow up about it. And then he overcame his pride and stubbornness to both come back to the professor and start from the basics. I find his character hugely refreshing in the way he reacts, and how sincere he is in everything, whether it's taking out trash, or playing the piano. He has his moments of childishness- like banging the glass in front of Jung- but he never goes overboard with them. He doesn't make it an active personal goal to interfere with Jung or Seol and mostly just does his own thing, and tries to live his own life, and I absolutely adore that.

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I just hope that by the end of this drama Jung will speak up more and explain his actions more.  Not everyone is a mind reader.  I feel like he expects too much out of Sol.  H believes that Sol is exactly just like him and so she will understand everything that he does so there's no reason to explain himself.

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