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Wookie sneezing :w00t::wub: and laughing

65d282d7gw1es63ioods7g208c05hkjm.gif  65d282d7gw1es67mk7lh6g206y03xhdw.gif


A little rant: There would have been more time to put the deleted scenes if Happy Camp doesn't replay/recap so much of the scenes from before after CFs. Moreover, perhaps show less of the scenes from the travelling episodes the other 3 boys were on (is this show part of Hunan TV production too? If so that would explain the need to 'advertise more'); and lastly, must they insert those real wolves and lambs when it was Wookie's turn to be the wolf?! :angry: Also, the hosts did not introduce to the TV viewers who Wookie is, or even play a clip of what dramas he's done to introduce him! WTH.

Edited by sia3
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HEADS UP!  KWave Magazine will be featuring Ji Chang Wook in another of their upcoming magazines, and is asking for questions to be sent to them through their Facebook page!  I've reposted the information verbatim from their FB site below, so please don't laugh.  :)

You have until Tuesday, 19 May 2015 at 11:59 PM Korea time to post your questions to the KWave Facebook here:  http://tinyurl.com/leeqndd  Pali pali!!!


Last December, ‘Girl’s heartbreaker‘ JI CHANG-WOOK will BACK!  And KWAVE prepare for small event!

If you wanna question for him. You will comment this post.

KWAVE be your messenger.

We want participating in this event all about global fans!

Deadline: ~2015. 5. 19 tuesday PM 11:59 (korea time)

지난 12월, 여심을 흔들었던, 그가 6월에 다시 돌아옵니다.

Kwave 재촬영 기념이벤트!

여러분들이 ‪#‎지창욱‬ 씨께 개인적으로

궁금했던 점이나 묻고 싶은 점을 댓글로 남겨주세요.

기간은 한국시간 기준으로 5월 19일 PM11:59분까지!!!

많은 참여 부탁드립니다!!

去年12月让我们心动的 ‪#‎男神‬ ‪#‎池昌旭‬ 回来啦!!哇塞!你们有木有想知道的~给我comment!到5月19日 PM11:59(韩国时间)!来多多参与吧


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Thank you everyone for the pictures and the links for Happy camp videos!! I just died again!!! He is so dayummm cuteeeee in every move he does!! 

@Sia3 I love all your gif and screencaps...they're super cuteeeee!! Don't know why but i love watching him sneeze haha. 


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Finally finished Happy Camp, and even with my broken Chinese, I like it a lot. But the problem is after watching it, I’m severely suffering from Wookie fever. He’s just too adorable for words, how he was always smiling and very active during the games :wub:. For someone who barely appears on variety shows, his effort is really appreciated <3

My favorite part got to be the “Be Quiet” game, maybe because that’s the only part I truly understand but it’s a fun game and looks like Wookie enjoyed it a lot.  He was also awesome during the wolf-goat game, such an adorakable wolfie. I’ve lost track of how many times i replayed the scene where he caught 2 goat tails simultaneously lol :lol:, but the edition of real wolves and lambs are unnecessary indeed. Just wish they included the luggage part, which was more interesting or the pillow fighting instead.

Little rant: I agree with sia3, why did they waste so much screen time on the playback? And 2 of the other actors are on a traveling show also produced by Hunan TV, that’s why they have many promotional vids in between.

 Maybe I’m biased but I feel bad for Wookie, because he seemed lost in some parts and he didn’t even have a proper introduction. They only said he was an actor from Korea, and that’s all, no mention of his works or how this is his first Chinese variety show. I probably expected too much from watching other k-celebs’ appearances on Happy Camp :(


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chinggus, finally made it to jinju ... i just wanted to share my experience ... well part of it ... the play is a different story ...

good morning chingus from SK ... it's around 530am Sunday and i just got recharged from a very hectic Saturday ... i am still in disbelief that i have seen wookie both on stage and off stage ... i had shared my experience on IG but i thought of sharing with you as well ... so initially my plan was to watch the 3pm show in Jinju and that's it ... plan is to take the 9am KTX train but it was fully booked hence i had no choice but to take the 550am schedule which was the game changer ... before traveling to jinju i had been vascillating whether or not i should stay the night and whether or not i should lug the photobook and goodies for wookie (reason being i am not certain if i can hand these to him) ... in the end, i packed clothes for an overnight stay and the photobook, and booked a reservation at the hotel (which btw is analog ... i called, they took my reservation without any credit card to secure it)  ... just in case ... but nothing set in stone ... upon arriving in jinju i headed to the hotel to leave my luggage then plan to head out to the theater, camp out and wait for wookie (which honestly i dread because i don't like crowds, heat, sweat, pushing and fangirls screeming) ... when i arrived at the hotel i saw a black explorer van parked in front of the hotel ... at the back of my mind i though ... hmm ... could that be wookie's van?  no way!   it could be a possibility but i was not banking on my delulu thoughts ... i dropped off my luggage for safekeeping and as i headed out, i noticed 4 ladies hanging out in the hotel lobby with gift bags ... and i asked if they too are watching "The Days"  ... indeed they are ... they were waiting for wookie and one lady said that she saw manager bang in the hotel so that was an indication that wookie was staying in the same hotel too ... woooh ... i thought of this as a possibility too but again put it aside however given that the hotel is the most decent in the area it is also likely ... i decided to join the group, got the photobook and some goodies i brought for him and waited in the lobby ... then i saw little bodyguard and that reaffirmed that wookie was indeed in the house ... i was spazzing ... gee ... not from little bodyguard but with the fact that i am in the same building as wookie and as one soompier chingu said i may be breathing recycled air from wookie!!!  how shallow is that?  well enough to make me spazz again ... hehe ... so as i was waiting, i got acquainted with the other ladies in the lobby and realized that i was such a neophyte ... i thought that i was out of my mind getting my butt off washington, dc to see wookie perform in Jinju ... no ... that was too pale in comparison to them ... they have watched The Days several times over, attended fan meets ... they would fly to SK or anywhere in Asia over the weekend just to partake in these events ... i was floored and amazed ... so finally, as we got closer to noon, there were around 10 fans in the lobby and we orderly (upon guidance from little bodyguard) positioned ourselves ... then finally wookie got off the elevator ... gaaah ... i was rattled ... i didn't know whether i would hand him my presents or take his photo ... i was able to snap one as he got off the elevator and then followed him to the hotel driveway ... i was standing next to him ... at arm's length and handed him my gift bags ... little bodyguard got the bags from me and wookie looked at me and said kamsahameda with sincerity... omg ... the world just stopped for those 3 seconds ... is this for real???  very surrealistic but i was one lucky girl ... my very first encounter with wookie up close!  after seeing wookie in the flesh, i thought of the "sliding doors" movie with gwyneth paltrow on how her destiny changed when she missed her train ... i thought that had i took the 9am train instead of the 550am train, i would have missed this opportunity ... never planned this ... everything just fell into place ... totally worth my trip ... mission accomplished ... 

Edited by cmoirae2
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First time watching this show, it's fun :D I laughed a lot during the Quiet Game, it's my favorite part with the Wolfie Wookie moments too !!

Haha he's indeed very strong and quick !! and of course handsome and cute :wub: I always smiled just by seeing him smile or laugh LOL

Yep, they should do a better job in editing and introducing him properly... but hopefully people who didn't know him before the show will be curious about him and search for his works :)

Btw, here is the HD video from HunanTV Youtube Channel !




Edited by raito1310
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@cmoirae2 honey I'm so happy for u.You finally met him.

Right now,with your story, I felt inspired. The distance wasn't a hindrance for you.I kept having these​ thoughts that im nuts just for thinking bout travelling to SK.One day,I will fly all the way from Nigeria to Korea just to see wookie.*keeps fingers crossed*

Omo,I'm so happy for u girl​.Thanks for sharing your story with us.

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[MUST WATCH!!!] Wookie as Wolf - More scenes were cut


Aish. I went to bed a little mad last night, and woke up still annoyed especially after seeing this version. There's more to it than we saw, and all we got was that. It would be cute to see his tail getting taken off and put back (coz he stucked out his bum for the tail to be pasted back, hahaha). So Wookie lost his first round, but we didn't know about this since it isn't shown. Tsk.

Wookie gave out lollipops to fans: http://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:62caef087f94f8b5496e0fdde19e4de8


Ahhh so happy for you that you get to see him in person and be able to ensure he got the gifts. If it was me, I'd be thrilled as well, especially since if I have to fly across the world to see him and this happens! ^ ^ Plus you had some bonus (funny) incident to witness on stage, too. TOTALLY make good memories. Next up, are you going to target Wookie's favourite (current) dish, sundaeguk? :D Have fun for the rest of the days in SK!


Thanks for the YT link. Off to d/l. I've got a scene I want to gif, hehehe i.e. if others hadn't done it. :P

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Photos by Sherry Xue

More Happy Camp pictures are posted last night because of the deleted scenes... I may not share all, but these are really clear and smiling/laughing Wookie must not be missed!



CUT SCENE: http://www.meipai.com/media/329452183

This part is about what things these four boys must being with them when travelling. I think we're supposed to guess which one it belongs to the boys. So it was revealed that the bling bling mike speaker is Wookie's. Host asked isn't it heavy and exaggerating (the design and all), Wookie tells them for the music it's not exaggerating at all.


Now... I'm looking at his legs and seeing all those tiny bumps. Are those mosquito bites or something?! xD


credit: theL-


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Fan-Cam for Happy Camp - Luggage Part

by JCW_Fanclub


This video is really clear and a good one to watch the deleted segment.

I think I'll forgive Happy Camp for cutting this part out on the account that it might be slightly personal and inappropriate, because the first thing that was 'exposed' when he opened up his luggage was his undies, LOL! Although I am sure most of us ladies here will be curious what colour, brand and type he wears. BAHAHA. But then, I'm pretty sure they can 'edit' that part out without cutting the whole segment out, right?!

Ahem... so anyway, the host did hide his undies before the camera man came on-stage to film it. Although I think one of his folded blue undies still got into the frame when the other host push his jeans around to show ask ask about the two packaged thing in his jeans' pocket. Uri Wookie is definitely the representative of blue. :D

Wookie also had sweets and Ricola with him, and the hosts asked if he could give some to the fans, so he did. Other things he brought with him are Manhwa (comic books). The luggage is heavy mostly because of the Manhwa, LOL. The hosts asked him those are a lot of manhwa, and Wookie explained he reads one really quick; thus, he will need to bring at least 10/day judging by how many days of travelling he does. HAHAHA!

Other things include cosmetic stuff, and Wookie uses face mask too (tonight will be my face mask night, can't be lazy and lose to a boy with using face mask!!! :P ) He gave one face mask to Xie Na, telling her it's a really good one (although that's face mask for men). You'll see a little black booklet, and they thought it's Wookie's diary. The hosts at first thought it was too personal to flip through it, but then they did anyway because it's not like they can understand Korean. Wookie then said it's a journal recording his schedules, and he showed them that on 28th he wrote down Happy Camp filming. Teacher He joked that Wookie did not write down that day was his birthday, so on the spot, Wookie wrrote it down. :) Let's see next year if Wookie will remember to wish Teacher He, that is if I remember it myself! :P Oh right, the other thing they took it out was the Rubik's cube of himself. From the tone of the hosts they thought it was a bit vain of him to have a Rubik's cube of himself. Wookie explained it was a gift from a fan, and he's been trying to arrange it back but couldn't so he brings it with him...

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