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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Hello everyone! I've been lurking for weeks, but I can no longer resist! THIS.DRAMA.WILL.BE.THE.DEATH.OF.ME!

I'm a sucker for classic love stories and romances and MLE is just paying awesome tribute to the classic romances that's captured our hearts over the years.

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Btw, this may be a silly and ignorant question....with JH asking HA he ought to have a kid with ED now...does it mean that when a para recovers the use of hands, that the other bodily function is resumed too? 

I ABSOLUTELY ABHOR JH. He is beyond any vulgar description. I now think JH is THE ONE who manipulated stepdad Seo and others into his ill-concieved evil plan. Although stepdad Seo is just as evil, somehow his hatred for ED is evident. If it wasn't solely for financial reasons, I believe what @valsava posted a while back about 'an eye for an eye' from stepdad to ED could have been the reason why he was so mean and cruel to ED. 

@jadecloud,  To me all evidence is pointing that JH and adopted father did this to her out of spite..  For JH she loves another man and for adopted dad his dream.. Adopted dad was finally going to be able to live his dream through JH.. Otherwise if he cared anything for her he wouldn't have tied her to this man knowing he couldn't take care of her like a man is supposed to support his family..    

I don't mean to defend JH or ED's step dad but we learn new things  in ED's flashback of her twenties while she is reading the letter on the bench.  Back then JH was the best catch a girl her age could have.  He's been scouted by a major league baseball team.  He had a very bright future.   PHS on the other hand was an unemployed struggling actor.  He didn't go to the best university and his family wasn't rich (all the things Korean parents look for).  Besides the fact that ED's dad considered him a 'son' he didn't have.

Flashback while ED's reading the letter:


JH: I’m sorry for loving you

JH: I got scouted 

EH: Is he the man?  Are you with him?


ED is with her girlfriend

GF:You asked him if he had a girlfriend?

ED EH got really angry

ED should I...

GF: what do you want from him?

ED: I want to marry him

GR:What about CJH

ED: he’s going to US

GF: you will choose an unemployed PHS over a major league scout CJH

ED: I will support him, he will be struggling as an actor


Back to the letter:


EH I wouldn’t exchange you for the wide world


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I am assuming Hyun Ah is a really smart doctor even though she used her heart to marry her late husband. Hyun Ah could just do a DNA test of herself and RI because she "might be" his aunt and RI "might be" her nephew. I read about it, it is a legal DNA test: 

How the Aunt/Uncle Test Works

When a Aunt/Uncle Test is conducted, the DNA laboratory will determine the genetic profiles of the alleged aunt or uncle and nephew or niece. Based on the type of genetic material inherited by each individual, a kinship index is determined.

If the kinship index result is less than 1.00, this indicates non-relatedness. If the kinship index is greater than 1.00, this indicates that the two tested individuals are more likely to be true relatives. The higher the value of the kinship index, the greater the likelihood that the two individuals are true biological relatives.

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I haven't watched the episode yet but, I can say definitely she has absolutely no business running a DNA test without her patient's knowledge or request. That is completely without ethics. But, I know, I know drama rules.

Anyone here in the US can buy a Paternity test kit over-the-counter at any major chain pharmacy, even Walmart! It's about $130 USD including the lab fees. It won't hold up in court because the court will require "supervised" collection of saliva ...but at least an OTC test can get some preliminary info, and I believe they are reasonably accurate. I am sure DNA paternity testing without consent happens all the time. For me, knowing the truth in a situation like this would trump just about any other issue of ethics or legality. Truth and honesty is the bottom line.


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Translation of speeches of CJH & JEH at the Hotel Event

CJH gets on the stage first

JH Hello I’m CJH, unable to play since the accident, found out his rival gave up falling into slump after I retired and he’s here (yaddi yaddi yadda) introduces Yoichi (sp?).

JH: The reason I haven’t given up hope is my wife. 

JH: If you will let me I would like to call her up


ED gets on the stage

JH: We loved like fate and with love we’ve gone through the hardship

JH: for that I will do anything to protect wife, no matter what they are

JH: The actor JEH is here.  if it’s ok with you could we hear congrats note from him


Eun Ji Ho’s speech

EH hello I’m JEH

EH thanks for inviting me to this meaningful place

EH I wish for CJH’s recovery.  His place is not here but in the ground.

EH: I will also find my place.  I will not reverse.  I will not throw an empty ball.

EH: It’s a fair play.  Nothing is certain in life.  I didn’t know I’d have to wait for 10 years.

I will not wait.  10 years yes I will find it.  It was nothing special  I learned a lot looking at CJH.  You should NOT covet things that belong to SOMEONE ELSE  And to get what you want you may have to be ruthless

  • EH back in his seat
  • stare-fest begins

What will adopted dad JH and SE will do now because he's more determine and they have never seen or know the bad side of him only the manger knows he will go off behind ED been that way since they were young.. These people have no clue and telling them he will not wait another 10 yrs and he will be as ruthless as they come..  But loved the comment he made to JH he's not throwing dead balls I took that to mean two ways.. LOL   I wonder will adopted dad will suggest for them to leave the country again or will it be SR to suggest it and sponsor it..

Oh dear, awful to see all the spelling mistakes in my 'rough' translation!  I've corrected some.

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Actually not.  SR could not keep her eyes off of him.  She thought he was eyeing him too.  She couldn't concentrate on her conversation.

At the end he hands her a note which excites her a lot:

BUT the note said:

Your (hotel) coffee sucks.  You should get a new barista !!!  LOOOOOOL

He was never into her.

Yes LOL I just realized what the note said after reading your trans I AM DEAD HAHAHA nice twist



@alleverything,  I found this awesome once he gave her the note he never had a second thought and never turned to look back so not into her and I think this was a turn on for SR..  


@ninaanin,  I like to think the DR patient confidence rule don't apply here because she's not treating him for his solders not marching she treating him for his legs not moving spinal cord injury we talking two different circumstances her and one that affects her family also.. I'm hoping she talks to ED and find out the whole truth about this and decide what to do and I think to help RA II to transition from one family to another she will be a big help since he seems to like he and her daughter..  



Did jh just gave away that he is not ra il father!!

I think he did. So he knew all along that RI isn't his kid! KARMA is coming at ya, JH!!!!

Of course he knew, he never slept with her.

@shae,,  This is what I want to know was JH confiding in HA in confidence and she decided to do a DNA test or did she just out right done a DNA test out of curiosity because of EH asking if he could perform sexually..  Also was this SR plan to have her there at the interview because it still looks like JH don't know that they are siblings and she shouldn't have been there in the first place because to much of his medical history could have revealed a lot to EH then..   

She's his doctor, everything discussed is supposed to be privileged. She should've bowed out as soon as she realized the conflict of interest of being the relative of the man who may potential steal her patient's wife. She stands to lose her license and possibly a huge lawsuit, if JH ever goes that route; he would win.

Yeah. putting ED out there as the face of JH wife in the media plus the addition of Sister Doc is her plan. I think she (SR) realizes somewhere that EH's personal fame does not mean much to him beyond the vehicle to get ED back. SO her chess movie is to tie up his queen  and bishop (hah, my dad would be proud). What she doesn't know is how far he may be willing to go or seen his true temper.



@shae,   I think this is also SR plan to make EH make a decision your sister could loose practicing her profession if you don't give her up but this was a set up by her and JH both even though JH didn't know of they relationship nor did SR reveal all the facts of this interview to her knowing that she was his doctor boy I see things getting real sticky.. If this the case I like to see sister leave and go practice in a different country or better yet let ED RA II and EH leave to work on they family they been rob of.. SR and JH I think it's time EH and ED checkmate these fools and EH can also sue JH for fraud I know it's some grounds she counter sue him on even if it means suing adopted dad who was in on this dirty sham...  


EH talks about death in one scene I hope he or she don't die in the end they have been separated to long for this and I hope JH don't pull another cowardly trick and commit suicide to make her feel guilty so she won't go to JH..      


JH is more likely going to use RI to hold on to ED.  RI only knows JH as his father and I don't think RI will accept EH right away.


@honeywell,  I also think JH will use RA II this is what adopted dad meant when he said to hold onto RA II tight he can't break that bone so he will tell RA II that EH is a bad man that's trying to take him and mommy away from him not that EH is his real father and that he's the cause of her memory loss..


@Jadecloud I also think it would be for the best interest of her and RA II to leave the home even if JH says he will leave I think she should leave also with the kid not informing her parents or JH of where they at and if RA II has a cell phone take it from him she need to cut contact with these asap this way JH can't brainwash RA I into making her stay..   

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they show us many times the way EH and RI sleeping or lying on the bed; it's sure they are dad & son /

I think there's a way to discover it is RI is sick and he needs an blood transfusion and Jae Ho & ED have the same type.

and that .. it prooves JH and RI are not father & son

so ED & EH can be together

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Hello everyone! I've been lurking for weeks, but I can no longer resist! THIS.DRAMA.WILL.BE.THE.DEATH.OF.ME!

I'm a sucker for classic love stories and romances and MLE is just paying awesome tribute to the classic romances that's captured our hearts over the years.

Welcome aboard @aggisbaby.  Thank you for joining us.  You will find great chingus here.  Faithful Endongers!

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Did jh just gave away that he is not ra il father!!

I think he did. So he knew all along that RI isn't his kid! KARMA is coming at ya, JH!!!!

Of course he knew, he never slept with her.

That's right. He couldn't have slept with her. Exactly why I thought all along ED isn't a promiscuous gal.

But the poss is there because JH and ED may have used invitro after the accident. Or that JH and/or stepdad could have cooked this up. 

@jadecloud and anyone else who has any more doubt RI is not JH's son (ie. EH's son).

JH basically said he never had a child with ED

I mean it's not like they are going to show us EH's sperm traveling to ED's uterus and becoming baby Ra Il.

I'd say we have enough evidence to put this to bed (pardon the pun)

Now the challenge is how EH and ED face the world together and how far they will be shaken.  


@seungshinl Thanks for all your awesome translations chingu :)

Oh no... . I didn't really doubt RI is EH's son. Not much to begin with, and I think since ep 3 I was more sure. From then, I was putting my neck on the chopping board saying RI's gotta be EH's son. Saying ED isn't a promiscuous gal. I laid out the invitro reason just to show why some of us here in this thread have their doubts. Which actually is the magic again from writernim. 

Thank you @jadcloud, I think I was talking to the rest of the doubters too.  Not sure if there are anymore though :)

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Are JJM and KS married?  They really do look good together.   But wow HS/EH looked like a teenager as he was holding ED's face in the preview.  I'm amazed of how much he can change his facial expression in an instant.

Both are single :)

And some of us are shipping them hard for their real life union !

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I need subtitles but all i can say now is "THIS OTP MADE ME CRAZY" *___* THAT KISS is not FAKE OR DREAMED, i'm 100% sure!!! And in the next episodes she'll call him "Oppa" which makes my heart flutters!!!

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EH talks about death in one scene I hope he or she don't die in the end they have been separated to long for this and I hope JH don't pull another cowardly trick and commit suicide to make her feel guilty so she won't go to JH..      

@valsava, I was thinking about that 'death' conversation but when I heard it it was another iconic romantic line by Ji Eun Ho;

ED answers her phone

ED hello

EH it’s me

EH what are you doing?

EH Don't you miss (want to see) me?

ED Ji Eun Ho-ssi

EH Jun Eun Dong

EH ok let’s do a fair play, you have a husband, yes, but I can’t give you up

ED Ji Eun Ho-ssi

EH You were mine from the beginning.  So let’s take this to the end,, until one of us dies

ED Eun Ho-ssi

EH It's Park Hyun Soo!  And you are Jung Eun Dong not SEO Jung Eun!


JEH/PHS's statement to SJE/JED is same as the common 'marital vow' in my opinion 'in sickness and health until death do us apart'  He wants them to be together until death.  As in 'forever'.  Given that this is the first conversation he has with ED after ED tells him the relationship is over (at the villa) and his big drunk night at the pig skin restaurant.  That's pretty bold.  None of that weakened his feelings for her.  This is his new new confirmation of the plan and new resolve!


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@honeywell and @ninaanin - me too!! I thought the same thing when I saw it a few hours hour and was going to post but didn't have time. So happy that we all are thinking the same thing. He looks just like 17 yr old HS in the rain. 

beyond that , I just knew it... JEH, I can read your mind. I just knew that he was thinking solely about ED and the status of her with her husband in a physical sense. Keke... Too funny. I had a feeling he's not really even thinking that RI could be his child... He's not the type to keep it bottled up... He would definitely have to talk to someone if he suspected.

i hope HA really helps her oppa. He has always been there for her.

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Well off to re-watch this awesome episode I don't think I could get enough of .. So I like to thank everyone for the recaps and stills shots and wonderful and insightful comments.. I must say I love this thread as well the drama I'm a sucker for a good romance story and MLED is doing it for me.. 


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We all love @sungshinl's translations; the one in the preview of Episode 11 had us all giddy. As for the video preview, everyone was overwhelmed by the incredible kiss in the rain. But briefly the preview showed a very pensive Hyun Ah; I assume the DNA has come back indicating HA's relationship to RI. Here is my proposal on how to handle RI's adjustment to a new father, his real father. Let HA adopt RI for a while as RI really loves his cousin, HA's daughter. RI said, "she is not pretty but she is smart." Look, kid, you need to have your eyes checked. HA's daughter is way too beautiful. If you are genetically related to your father Hyun Soo, you are supposed to figure out a girl is really pretty before puberty. Then uncle and mom could hang around and let them adjust to their happiness together. Oh wait, I need to take this back, I don't think RI is allowed to marry his cousin. My brain is all messed up.

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@honeywell and @ninaanin - me too!! I thought the same thing when I saw it a few hours hour and was going to post but didn't have time. So happy that we all are thinking the same thing.

beyond that , I just knew it... JEH, I can read your mind. I just knew that he was thinking solely about ED and the status of her with her husband in a physical sense. Keke... Too funny. I had a feeling he's not really even thinking that RI could be his child... He's not the type to keep it bottled up... He would definitely have to talk to someone if he suspected.

i hope HA really helps her oppa. He has always been there for her.



Well as some of us thought ED adopted father was abusive, but even though JH had got scouted he was still living off his parents he hadn't played yet and I don't think the contract had been singed he only told ED he was scouted not singed a MLB contract.. So to me JH was in no better shape then PHS both was still living with and off they parents and I didn't see PHS lacking anything different for JH even if JH parents were richer.. Somehow I think the validity of this marriage will become involved especially for ED because she has pictures of her and PHS where is the wedding pictures where are the pictures of them before the wedding where is the marriage certificate what day did they marry did they ever celebrate they anniversary.. There's a lot of question to this or did JH made of some random date and called it that..


I hope she tell EH to makes sure to do a DNA test on ED,EH,JH,And RA II.. I would find her life sad if they used and adopted child to tie her to him ..    



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