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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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@hushhh I personally wish It's JH too no matter what I preached. That's why I almost throw my laptop when he just sat there watching FG and thinking. I mean what the F are you thinking about JH-ah?

And when TK came in the pic with his smexy short of breath all I can do is curled my top part lips at him walking away and scream gaaaahhh!!! :angry::(:tears: al mixed into one. Good job JH-ah.

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actually i need to catch my early morning flight in the next 4 hrs!

but instead of sleeping i prefer watching sub eps 17&18! kkkkk~

i stop by just to share my super hot adeul pic


Goodnite, Goodmorning, Goodevening to all of you :heart:




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@valNK posted this on our SunBora thread 
It can be a major spoiler regarding Sunwoo's last name. So click at your own risk!


Oh guys. They have same surname



Cre: DC


So turn out Sunwoo has the same last name with Bora like Blue has predicted.
Which means.. in order to get married, they can only do it after 1997. So we will have a time skip? (notice how the date for the wedding was left blank here)


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9 minutes ago, kaqueski said:

@valNK posted this on our SunBora thread 
It can be a major spoiler regarding Sunwoo's last name. So click at your own risk!

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So turn out Sunwoo has the same last name with Bora has Blue has predicted.
Which means.. in order to get married, they can only do it after 1997. So we will have a time skip? (notice how the date for the wedding was left blank here)


Does this mean another timeskip to 1997???!!!

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It occurs to me that we have been so busy comparing Taek and JH worthiness and effort in their love of DS that we miss an opportunity for seeing a more interesting contrast.

I mention quote earlier about love being an action not a feeling and I think in retrospect that SW and JH embodied the difference.

SW acted on his love for BR. SW told BR in word and deed.

JH kept his love for DS a feeling.  Some might say he acted on his love, if he did he didn't act on it so that she knew without question that he loved her.

SW acted on his love.  He told the older FEARSOME BR that he loved her knowing she would not take him seriously. But he did it anyway. When she told him she wouldn't love him back, SW said fine, but I'll still love you and give you umbrellas when it rain and rescue you when you are stranded because Iove you and I'm not demanding anything in return. All I want to do is love you and have you know I love you. 

That's one way you fight for your love.

That's the contrast we we might learn from.  If JH knew more about SW and BR he might have had inspiration. 

Taek knew, maybe that's why he was able to do more. Or not.

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1 hour ago, kaqueski said:

@valNK posted this on our SunBora thread 
It can be a major spoiler regarding Sunwoo's last name. So click at your own risk!

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So turn out Sunwoo has the same last name with Bora like Blue has predicted.
Which means.. in order to get married, they can only do it after 1997. So we will have a time skip? (notice how the date for the wedding was left blank here)



Holy crap! That's what the production is really going for?!

So I did some research on the surname Sung. There are officially 15 different clans for the surname Sung. However, the great majority of Koreans with that surname belong to one clan, Sung of the Changnyeong clan. 

I think the wedding really will take place in 1997. Maybe as someone in the legal field, BR will be an activist to get the law change take place. (Go BoRa!)

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42 minutes ago, blue_angel_1004 said:


Holy crap! That's what the production is really going for?!

So I did some research on the surname Sung. There are officially 15 different clans for the surname Sung. However, the great majority of Koreans with that surname belong to one clan, Sung of the Changnyeong clan. 

I think the wedding really will take place in 1997. Maybe as someone in the legal field, BR will be an activist to get the law change take place. (Go BoRa!)

If Bora involves in changing the constitution and major law for South Korea, it can be speculated that the interviewin 2015 is actually for Bora (the influential one) and not for DS? 

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57 minutes ago, hushhh said:

It occurs to me that we have been so busy comparing Taek and JH worthiness and effort in their love of DS that we miss an opportunity for seeing a more interesting contrast.

I mention quote earlier about love being an action not a feeling and I think in retrospect that SW and JH embodied the difference.

SW acted on his love for BR. SW told BR in word and deed.

JH kept his love for DS a feeling.  Some might say he acted on his love, if he did he didn't act on it so that she knew without question that he loved her.

SW acted on his love.  He told the older FEARSOME BR that he loved her knowing she would not take him seriously. But he did it anyway. When she told him she wouldn't love him back, SW said fine, but I'll still love you and give you umbrellas when it rain and rescue you when you are stranded because Iove you and I'm not demanding anything in return. All I want to do is love you and have you know I love you. 

That's one way you fight for your love.

That's the contrast we we might learn from.  If JH knew more about SW and BR he might have had inspiration. 

Taek knew, maybe that's why he was able to do more. Or not.


Yep, I for 1000% agree with you. 

I know a lot of people say we don't have to say we love someone, we just have to show it. Well for me that bs. How do I know you love me if you're not saying it? Yeah you act nice and kind, but a lot of people act nice and kind. We, spc ladies, need affirmation in words. Don't need long paragraph, 3 words will do JH... Wae muthae?? Eughh noona dap dap hae! Learn some basic instinct from SW and TK!

If you don't wanna say something, you can always put a ring on it like Beyonce says. Diamond is best, but ruby will do. Imagine if you give DS that ring last year you silly boy! Maybe by then TK won't cross your way again..

But if they do that, they don't need to drag it to ep 20. So... I guess we lost to the production team on that. *sigh*

Fighting lovers, fighting production team, fighting me who wait for friday like nothing else better to do!!

@hushhh I love being friend with you. Is it ok if I call you my friend? I promise I'll be your DR, giving you advice for free and such (naughty stuff? :D). 

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@hushhh I think it is hard to compare love to begin with and to differentiate according to feeling or action. All loves are different, all actions are different, all feelings are different. They can be different at one point in time too. Different people express their love differently too: does that mean that the person who expresses is love is better than the one that shows it?... I guess that goes with personal differences but it also depends on the person who loves and the one receiving that love. No?

Plus, SW had much less to lose than JH and TK have. They are really close friends with DS whereas SW is friend with BR but not close. They evolve in different circles, are at different stages in their lives.

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Hello,  Everybody! My first post on soompi ever )) Decided to suppose and see after broadcast on friday, if right.

I was considering why people talk’bout Hyeri’s bad mimics and ligt-minded DS. I disagree. I got angry reading such words.

From the 1st ep she openly wishes to be loved: by parents, friends. Wearing hangbok, other cute clothes she is all asking everyone: “Am I pretty?”, she wants to be praised with all of her heart, wants people to recognize her. But what she gets? DS can talk to her father from time to time (he is busy), but not anyone of her beloved ones shows  - I mean – openly shows  - true interest in her. There is no single person for her to consider with, DS for sure knows and constantly learns from everyone’s bickerness  how to keep feelings to herself, and it is very hard for her all nature. There’s too much secret love around her – she gradually gets nervous without openly granted love for her, and starts to think she is worthless for that love.

And she is just a girl, just girl.

First with SW: all this was about – was about to say “I got a boyfriend”, only girly fantasies, all crush artificial from MO’s words, like a toy. That is how  DS moved on queekly from that.

Second with JH: he always bickered her, and then, by some chance, started to act in another way. After talk to her friends, DS keeps her expectations to herself, not telling anyone, and for the first time tries to do all right and goes towards JH signs of love, yet DS dosn’t understand own feelings, and like that ugly friend of her said she could “date and see, what it could be”. I don’t think she was in love, but charmed and interested. She acts stereotypically (like in girly movies), triyng to get close, pretending  to hurt ancle and ever, and it is a game with hopes and pride,  but JH keeps  behaving contradictory. He is a coward! A true coward! He doesn’t  think of her heart at all! Before knowing TK’s heart he trashed a full load of chances, he didn’t do anything in a romantic way  DS wanted. DS stopped insisting and chasing him after shirt incident. It made a coincidence with failure with college, so DS might think JH dumped her considering himself out of her league. That made a scar on her pride, her heart, and what would she think when even one of the closest friends is dumping without explanation? That scar must be an ache and a very big stone crushing her self-esteem. And with every new pickng  about her, with every next bickering  her pain grew, and she couldn’t just laugh about it and let go anymore.

But that all comes  from her mind. And still she is among beloved people – but lonely and no one to tell.

And then comes a fatal punch.

In every moment of her bitterness TK was around, unaware, but with something pleasant and warm feeling. TK waits by her house from the start too – in the mornings with milk ))) he was the only one mentioning her moods, if he did mistakes – he talked about it with her: like with gloves. DS liked JH’s gloves from dorama, but feelings for mittens were stronger. In china DS first saw – she was impressed -  how mature TK is in comparison with others. TK showed his feelings, but in somehow awkward way – it comes of who he is, but jentle, always jentle. Look at DS expressions when TK  falls asleep by her shoulder: very young, first time in love. She started to fall in love. DR’s question made her just aware and all.

Then it came out from the blue when TK cancelled date and stayed in japan. On the football field DS cheers for JH, SW – but only looking tender for TK. The very next day from cancellation of date TK takes her on hands, runs smilingly. Hyeri’s impression that moments says everything!

Later DS worried and doubted for couple days. But. She could’nt stay away and met TK, sitting on that bench by the house. AND HYERI’S SMILE AND EYES EXPRESSION AGAIN. She missed him, just missed and wanted to see and talk despite he was cold with her.

I haven’t heard a sound of closing door like if it happened that DS didn’t leave from TK’s, but layed near to look at his face a little longer. And I think kiss was real. DS let go of her true feeling that moment. But thought she must not, ‘cause TK had already rejected her, or doubted about her, or loved another girl.

Next morning she gave him chance to act any way he could. TK was cruel. He said that he’s relieved she didn’t stay after he felt asleep. So DS steps back to friendship. That eve she wrote in diary that day was the most awkward of her life.

DS now is sure, anyone sees her as dumb and out their league. So she started to make efforts about career. But her heart and self-esteem are scarred, It effects her life during time-lapse.

OMG dear people tell her you love her with hands wide open for hugs, she is suffering a lot.

And for now TK still yearning for DS. JH too. DS yearning for TK. DS sits with jerky boyfriend looking nervous in movie theatre: hands tightly closed, shutting her heart, protecting her.

JH looks good and romantic, but only TK gives DS coat at a concert  date like she always wanted.

Smth happened on and after the concert between TK and DS, maybe confession and a kiss.

 JH still waiting by the house night after concert, still bickering, but DS isn’t funny with that? She gets angry, and isn’t attentive.

During JH confession DS shows feelings: shocked, impressed, trying to hide emotions, hide awareness, awkwardness – but the most bright was how she felt BITTER that moments, and she now is on the verge of tears, but not for JH BETRAYED them both in youth, and BETRAYED TK’s love, taking time from them all.

I wonder where is TK, and what if he repeats leaving DS after a kiss?


Potato for the lonf post, and warm greetings from Russia to soompiers )))

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1 hour ago, solelylurking said:


Yep, I for 1000% agree with you. 

I know a lot of people say we don't have to say we love someone, we just have to show it. Well for me that bs. How do I know you love me if you're not saying it? Yeah you act nice and kind, but a lot of people act nice and kind. We, spc ladies, need affirmation in words. Don't need long paragraph, 3 words will do JH... Wae muthae?? Eughh noona dap dap hae! Learn some basic instinct from SW and TK!

If you don't wanna say something, you can always put a ring on it like Beyonce says. Diamond is best, but ruby will do. Imagine if you give DS that ring last year you silly boy! Maybe by then TK won't cross your way again..

But if they do that, they don't need to drag it to ep 20. So... I guess we lost to the production team on that. *sigh*

Fighting lovers, fighting production team, fighting me who wait for friday like nothing else better to do!!

@hushhh I love being friend with you. Is it ok if I call you my friend? I promise I'll be your DR, giving you advice for free and such (naughty stuff? :D). 


@solelylurking I would be honored to call you a friend.  I look forward to the advice.  I do hope your GI system is in better shape than DR's.

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@hushhh I think it is easy from an outsiders perspective to judge others actions/inactions. But if we take a moment to think about it we may realise that NOT EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD IS THE SAME. Not everyone is open and expressive. Not everyone is able to say "you look pretty or I love you" out loud  easily even though they may think that but keep it to themselves due to shyness and embarrassment. In JH case it's DS, the girl he always bickered with...it would be weird so I totally understand why words don't come easily to him. But he is SO SO BRAVE, he confessed to her in front of his friends!!! He could have easily told her in private couldn't he?


The point being JH is not SW or vice versa. Both are different in their own way and we have seen that in the way they interact with people around them. SW is able to be all cutesy and loving to JJ without any qualms. On the other hand, JH LOVES his brother too but he shows his affection differently. JH may give out the "I don't give a crap" attitude but if you notice he is very attentive  and loving (I love how he wrote on Cheetah ommas passport!!- he didnt tell her what he did, just did it or how to played along with his dad with that ridiculous gag just to make his dad happy).

People just need to have an open mind. "If it's easy for me to say I love you to the people that matter then everyone should be able to say it, whats so difficult about that?" NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! THATS WRONG! EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TRAITS and we need to ACCOMMODATE that fact.

We need to be able to try and understand people, have a broader mind set. Its called EMPATHY.


I myself find it difficult to express myself sometimes. I try to show love subtly but sometimes my loved ones don't get it- fair enough. I personally find it embarrassing to be all lovey Dovey (the irony ..I enjoy it on telly*goat sound?) I cringe when someone overtly compliments me (I like it but not really- I get all uncomfortable and fidgety) so I'd rather they not.

BUT is that my flaw? I think not. What would you say if I said to you that you are flawed for not recognising my actions? The things that are normal for you may not be normal for me and vice versa. Therefore, I cant call you flawed either because thats you. NO ONE CAN JUDGE WHAT IS WRONG AND RIGHT BECAUSE IT IS SUBJECTIVE.




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52 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

@hushhh I think it is hard to compare love to begin with and to differentiate according to feeling or action. All loves are different, all actions are different, all feelings are different. They can be different at one point in time too. Different people express their love differently too: does that mean that the person who expresses is love is better than the one that shows it?... I guess that goes with personal differences but it also depends on the person who loves and the one receiving that love. No?

Plus, SW had much less to lose than JH and TK have. They are really close friends with DS whereas SW is friend with BR but not close. They evolve in different circles, are at different stages in their lives.

Very well said! Can't agree more! :)

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4 minutes ago, junghwana said:

@hushhh I think it is easy from an outsiders perspective to judge others actions/inactions. But if we take a moment to think about it we may realise that NOT EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD IS THE SAME. Not everyone is open and expressive. Not everyone is able to say "you look pretty or I love you" out loud  easily even though they may think that but keep it to themselves due to shyness and embarrassment. In JH case it's DS, the girl he always bickered with...it would be weird so I totally understand why words don't come easily to him. But he is SO SO BRAVE, he confessed to her in front of his friends!!! He could have easily told her in private couldn't he?


JH couldn't tell her in private, cause for years before he told in front friends how ugly and not suitable for dating she was

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