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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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If Bora marries JH's brother JB, then there's big chance DS marries SW. If Bora marries SW than JH is the hubby...btw how much older was Bora than the rest? 

Bora's born in 1968.

Deok-Sun in 1971

No-eul in 1972

Seon-Woo in 1971

Jin-Joo in 1983

Jeong-Hwan in 1971

Jeong-Bong in 1965

Dong-Ryong in 1971

Taek in 1971

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Guest nchoerunnisa

Woaaah... I hope there will be no triangle love line because I'm so tired of it... 2 out of 3 triangle love line in dramaland made me had some serious 2nd lead syndrome. Even if there will be triangle love line, I just hope Taek won't be involved in it. He barely has any friend. So, him fighting with JH doesn't seem like such a good idea for me. I believe the writer still can make Taek's story become more interesting without shoving him in some triangle love line.

And I don't think Taek is the husband though. Adult DS said that her husband was so smart back then, but at the intro young DS said that Taek was a genius at playing baduk which was not impressed her since he was such an idiot when it comes to anything else. So, basically in DS eyes Taek was good for nothing but playing Baduk.

One of the reasons why I ship JH-DS hard is because of JH's parents. His kind hearted mother will be such a good mother in law for DS, and his ignored father will not so lonely anymore because DS will reciprocate his gag (it's so sweet how he always lit up everytime he saw DS).

But, basically I don't mind even if DS end up with DR, Taek, or SW. I just want her to be with someone who will love, adore, and cherish her. It's so painful to see how she'd never been prioritized by her parents and how her parents had never realized her sacrifices (never until she blew up out of sadness because Madagascar being boycotted from Olympic). Well, I've never been parent yet myself so I'm in no position to judge them, but still I feel bad for DS. Plus, all of those physical and mental abuse from BR. I know, maybe deep down inside, underneath her brutal manner toward her sister, BR loves DS. But can you tell DS to just enjoy and have fun with her Sister's special treatment? I don't think you can. Thank's to DS easy going personality she never let it get to her. 

Everything that she had always been lacking of for her entire life as a teenager, I hope she will get those from her future husband (and future Mother-Father in laws if that's possible ;))

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Honestly, the chocolate isn't a big deal for me. When older Deok Sun (aka Lee Mi Yeon) says that back then she "inhaled too much carbon monoxide" she's implying that this could have affected her in such a way that she ended up marrying the person her husband is today (C'mon guys, it's like saying "I must have gone crazy" or "something was wrong with my head", it's just a funny saying, nothing else). And regarding the hubby indentity... I don't think the writer is trolling us again, I think it's most probably following the first series' path (AM1997). Why don't we watch it as if we hadn't seen its predecessors and follow the story accordingly as in any other kdrama? The mystery relies in who the husband is because the plot is about the past, the nostalgia during present time.. so they have to show both sides, but if they also reveal the OTP in present time... then it would make no sense for us to watch the development of the story in the past (imo because we ALREADY know who she ended up with, so there would be nothing to find out). Take as an example ANY drama you have already watched... Would you still watch it if you knew from the beginning who the lead girl would end up with (even if it's in the poster and you already know for a fact who's the guy)? Probably you would, but it would be hella boring. You have to keep watching until the end. So, in these series there's a reverse in the chronology and so THERE MUST BE a hidden fact, no way it could work otherwise. I'm only saying that this time I don't think they'll play the CB card again, not after the disaster that AM1994 turned into. 

As for Taek and SW I like both, but as someone mentioned before, I don't think that people here (with lots of exceptions of course) are shipping DS with them because of their characters or the story development... I think it has more to do with the actors... I mean, some people were shipping them way before the drama started and that's exactly why they're so surprised/upset by the roles they were given. 

So I'd like to ask the same question: What if Lee Dong Hwi (Dong Ryeong) would have taken the role of our cute, always sweet SW? Would you still ship him with DS? Perhaps you would, but I bet there would be some discrepancies. 

Anyway, so far I'm loving JH (the character) and I'm glad the writers took a risk by giving a new raising star (Ryu Joon Yeol) the chance of taking this role, despite fame and early critics (same happen with people giving thumbs down to Hyeri when she was first casted) whether he's the endgame or not. :)

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There's a new behind the scenes video that came out today but it seems like it'snot available where I live ㅠㅠ  maybe some of you guys can watch it tho



it's the same as this one! (I died a little inside when ryoo joon yeol held hyeri shoe in front of her as if she's cinderella)



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There's a new behind the scenes video that came out today but it seems like it'snot available where I live ㅠㅠ  maybe some of you guys can watch it tho



it's the same as this one! (I died a little inside when ryoo joon yeol held hyeri shoe in front of her as if she's cinderella)



Oh, so it was out already? Damn, I refreshed the page the whole time lol

Thanks for the link~

Edit: Lol after watching, Hye-Ri told him that they were filming everything so he quickly decided to act like a gentleman xD

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In my opinion actors' performance A LOT to do shipping. As much as some just looks at appearance, there is lots of talented people  dismissed being called just eye candy which sounds wrong to me in PBG's case. Maybe some don't see or know about him but for me I will believe in his love line(if there is really one) more than others because he is better at 'emotional acting' compared to others. For example I've never seen or felt for second leads's jealousy because they are unbelievably good guys or obsessed I guess but I if Taek will get jealous I know it would be more expressive so even if he is not husband I still want him to be competitor  ^^ If I were to ship based on character to be honest SW is one kindest and capable guy out there and DR is pretty funny to be together just like JH's father look how they are compatible with DS. As for JH well he is charming so far we will see


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Ahhhh my first Reply series. Watched all four episodes in one sitting yesterday.

Woah, 20 episodes of approximately 90 minutes? They must be working really hard! I'm not complaining though, the episodes don't seem long at all.

Ok soooo I promised myself I wouldn't start shipping a couple immediately. I'd seen Reply97/94 being mentioned sooo many times in the case of "failed otps" and how they were handled. But here I am, fully shipping DS and JH. How is it possible to not ship them? That scene in the alley was soooo cute and kind of really hot? I will try to keep watching objectively, but it's hard with JH being so cute.


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There's a new behind the scenes video that came out today but it seems like it'snot available where I live ㅠㅠ  maybe some of you guys can watch it tho



it's the same as this one! (I died a little inside when ryoo joon yeol held hyeri shoe in front of her as if she's cinderella)



Yeah I saw that shoe scene too, and it´s so sweet! We all need a Junghwan/Ryu Joon Yeol who´re like the boy next door in our life lol (Actually I think we all need friends like Dongryong, Sunwoo and Taek in our life too xD). But Junghwan is such a tsundere on the outside, but he always take care of people around him. I´m happy to see Ryu Joon Yeol takes care of Hyeri and joke with her even off-screen. They have chemistry even though Deoksun is as dense as a rock right now :P Though maybe her smile on the last buss scene, meant she realized he´s good to her or something. 

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Having watched with subs, I love JH's mom and dad as well as Dong Ryong's dad. Whenever any of the three are on the screen I am pretty much in fits of laughter. JH's mom and her obsession to get some from her young husband is my new queen. I just adore her kind of strict take no bs attitude, kind of tired of her husband but still loves him, and wanting to be close yo her sons but many times exasperated by then self. I am also starting to crush on hyung. He's so weirdly enduring and smart (he's totally his father's son). He's little weekly obsessions and collections. The fact that's it's taking him years to pass the college entrance exam (he honestly could have earned a BA or BS degree by now/then). Just what he says and does in each episode, I love him. I died at the imagined cursed out/read him scene. I can't believe he quoted Roosevelt :lol: (see he's smart) and died when mom responded with "as your mother said" :lol::lol::lol:. I wish she really had done that but I guess you can't call out the son you owe all your riches to (how awesome is it that his collecting lottery tickets -who does that? Ha- won the the grand prize of a richard simmons ton of money). 

The study scene was everything I never knew I needed to see on this show. Bora's temperament during the independent study session with DS reminded me so much of one of my older sisters trying to teach me Math. I was hit and told just how dumb I was too. I swear by the end I was a crying arguing mess and I wanted to quit school all together. I too could relat to DS fearful flashback and stand of never again. Bora surprised me during the group session. She was obviously at the end of her rope but held it in/back pretty well. DS and Dong Ryeong are so stupid but have the right kind of smarts. I died when they proudly declared they knew Spanish and then began to sing :lol:. I found it really cute and funny Junghwan knowing and casually snarking on why the twos books (DS and DR) are in such states. I was a really touched that he did the greeting with his dad. He looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him whole but he still did it. Everything about that scene, the awkwardness that was portrayed so well in the acting by both, was near perfect. Finally the cat scene was A+. I too was wondering "what the hell are you doing" when DS began to meow but by the ending I was laughing as much as JH was. You truly can't help but fall in love with DS. She's just so simple, earnest, and cute. This episode really warmed me up to Hyeri's ability to carry the character and I'm finally starting to get DS/ she's no longer just there and falling into the backdrop of many if that makes sense. 

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Taek really is left handed! He even use the spoon and eat with his left hand. Deoksun future husband might be left handed too by how he hold his coffee and drink from the left hand, as we see in 2015. 

This doesn't prove Taek is the husband, but it pretty much confirm PD wants to have him involved in our husband competition since they left the left handed clue hint there, to make Taek a contender too.

It's a possible that he's right handed. He's probably taking care his player's hand (right hand), preventing it not to get injury from doing other things

Actually if Taek has used his left hand all his life to eat/drink, and everything else outside of baduk. It's highly possible he's taking this habit of his into adulthood aka 2015 husband. And Taek really is a husband contender as it's showed this ep that he's freaking smart and genius too, might be even more than Junghwan who are 1st and Sunwoo who are 2nd at school. And we don't know if Taek will return to school or not,m. But even Junghwan said Taek will catch up better than anyone and maybe even surpassing their grades with his genius brain lol.

But I find it too big coincident that they choose Kim Joo Hyuk as actor who letter initial match Kim Jung Hwan. Like similar to Deoksun's friend name wordplay. Ohh I think I also saw someone mention that Kim Joo Hyuk and Lee Mi Yeon was also Deoksun and Junghwan's age in 88.

Then Kim Joo Hyuk is also left handed, and the PD also makes Taek use his left hand. I don't think it's natural that baduk players all use left hand to try protect their right hand, as in it's not like baduk are piano lol. 

But Reply production team are always sharp on details, and planning. So yeah I'm curious to see how Taek will progress and maybe he will get back to school/college and we see more of him with the kids.

And maybe the husbands personality in 2015 isn't that big personality change from Taek at all. We have to remember that even though he appears quiet/emotionless and calm, that doesn't mean he's all like that beneath. We're shown he has sadness and also anger beneath his quiet and calm interior, he's also competitive as in he argued back when the gangs said Taek's competitor totally stepped on him, and Taek fought back in his defense lol. He can also curse as we see him learn to let himself more lose etc:p Maybe Taek will have his own arc about growing more in personality too.

But so far I think Junghwan and Taek will be the main contender in husband game. Bora and Sunwoo will probably have their own struggle, cause looks to me like she rejected him in the previews.

I didn't say that he's a not a potential husband. I also believe that he also potential to be Deoksun's hubby ... All of these boys are.

It's possible that Taek might take habit of using his left onwards.

It's also still possible that he takes care of his player's hand (right)  from doing other things preventing from injury.  He's dedicated and serious in playing baduk, even practicing overnights, planning strategies on how to win his matches.

As I said before Reply production team is known for trolling and doings plot twists. Anything could be possible in this drama.


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Ha, I saw this on twitter. Have to say there are a lot of similarities. However, I'm really trying not to get too caught up in trying to figure it out by looking at the married couple. The writers might as well be trying to steer us in one direction with the present time, only to completely throw us off in the end.


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#Funfact Did anyone know that Junghwan and his dad in reality is only 6 years apart?? The dad is born 1980 and Ryu Joon Yeol 1986 lmao....

I died when I saw it on my fb timeline and Koreans are as shocked too. Our poor Kim Sajang:lol:


Even Ra MiRan who plays JeongHwan's mom is only 11 years older than Ryu JoonYeol.
Lee DongHwi (DongRyong) and Choi SeongWon (NoEul, Deoksun's brother) are both 30 years old, SeongWon is 5 months older than DongHwi.

Though 3 years older than SeonWoo in the drama, Ryu HyeYoung (BoRa) is actually 24 years old, Go GyungPyo is 9 months older than her.

Kim SeonYoung (SeonWoo's mom)  is 14 years older than Go GyungPyo.

Ahn JaeHong who plays JeongBeong (JeongHwan's older brother) , is actually 2 years and 8 months younger than Ryu JoonYeol.


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Here's the original version of OST 3:

"Girl" by Lee MoonSae (1985) 

CN Blue YongHwa covering the song

Yonghwa singing with Lee MoonSae


English Translations :

Trans (azlisa)

Stay only at my side, you can’t leave
I’m longing for a far away place
I can’t find the rainbow
I sit on the window in the sunset
And watch the clouds go far away
I paint in the sky the thoughts of old that I want to find
Mm~ In the blowing cold wind
You may be lonely and cry
But I will always stay by your side and not leave
Trans (popgasa) :

Only stay by my side
You can’t leave me
I can’t leave on a long journey with this longing
Going to look for your rainbow

As I sit by the window at sunset
I see the clouds floating far away
I draw out the old memories thatI want to find
In the cold blowing wind, if you get lonely
I will always stay by your side
I won’t leave you

As I sit by the window at sunset
I see the clouds floating far away
I draw out the old memories that I want to find
In the cold blowing wind, if you get lonely
I will always stay by your side
I won’t leave you

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I mean, it's a pretty shoot. But is anyone else wondering why the sister is doing photoshoots with all the main guys, instead of Hyeri lmao?

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someone please photoshop in Deoksun for me lol. But seriously Ryu Joon Yeol is killing me! He's not really handsome type, but he's so damn charming that he's kind of handsome?? Thumbs up to Reply production team how they know to bring out the best with their actors and actresses!

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Ha, I saw this on twitter. Have to say there are a lot of similarities. However, I'm really trying not to get too caught up in trying to figure it out by looking at the married couple. The writers might as well be trying to steer us in one direction with the present time, only to completely throw us off in the end.


hahahaha..kya,i thought i m the only one noticed the bitching similarities..


@Love1403 i agree with you,Ryu Joon Yeol not a typical korean handsome guy but his charm really melt our heart..


@alleverything , wah chingu yah~ i love your profile picture..


tumblr_nxusu0ekhJ1r1ivpuo1_r2_500.gif Ryu Joon Yeol body..admire-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286248

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