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[Drama 2015] I Remember You 너를 기억해


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Guest aoikarin

Wow Ji An.. you not only Kissed Hyeon.. But also Grab Him right.. You are my truly heroin! I'm your die Fan!!


credit @rcalma I'm using your screencap. Thanks a lot!

After replaying kissing scene video for tens times.. Hyeon's batting his eyes trying to input in his "idiot" romantic brain for more analysing.. hm.. my betting raised to 50% chance for him kissing her back. Hyeon, you better kiss her back! do you hear me??

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min got jealous over Jian

AWWWW MIIIINNNN He's like our dog--whenever people from our household get together, she just HAS to get in the middle lol. 

Awww Min! yes! like really jealous of Ji-An. .. Actually anybody who gets close and has hyun's attention  and protection he's jealous!


no preview for ep 11?

Yeaahh.. Ji an.. You got a bunch of Boy and Ahjussi Over Flowers..  I love how they shoot the scene... Refreshing! and those angles.. awesome...


What a great camera shot esp the first one! all the boys are present! Ji-An rocks!

Hyun seems so angry ...has so many questions...Min scene ...in his car thinking about Hyun...the lady gives Hyun some books...maybe killer books...he reads its

He found a paper,a message ...the lady also read it she cried and said i'm sorry...need sub to understand

Annyeong @andy78 Hyun was very angry because he realised that the ahjumma cop (mi_an i forget her character's name here), didnt tell him everything or the truth, and also didnt really searched for Min. Hyun was young then and depended on her and the cops but he realised that he shouldnt. He did said that the search should be done by him. When the scene switched to Min in the car, he was saying "not even once, hyung looked for me"....:tears:

I feel so sad for Min how horrible must it be for him during those times....I can`t believe this woman did that to them....how cold hearted can she be...the boy is kidnapped by a psycho and you don`t even try to find him now I hate her

Now perhaps she has something to do..remember she had filed over the case right?

I only read the episode's recap, but could it be that the woman who took care of Hyun knew that Min had been kidnapped by LJY and she had thought, LJY would kill Min anyway as he was already known as a psychopath... and maybe, she might have thought that it was better so because she had suspected that Min had killed his own mother. OR maybe it is too much?

I'm thinking she probably intercepted a message from LJY for Hyon. The clues in that magazine were too elaborate to have been arranged by a child, so it can't be from Min. It was as if Hyun had to decode it himself. I'm thinking the police ahjumma understood that LJY took Min and wants Hyon to find him. Maybe she thought she was saving Hyon at least if she hid it?

Oh you might be correct there. Nobody was even looking for Min an he left with LJY no wonder Min is really hurt and angry.. Hyun is getting this idea in his head about Min he just can't quite figure and put the puzzles together.Yeah, when we feel sorry for Min, actually! Aww.

Creepiness aside, I just love that bromance of the three guys! HYUN MIN LJY. For a moment there, they were all concerned finding Ji-An. But then........ MIN got jealous!  lil bro, Min got jealous over Ji-An. you can tell thru his action and angry and hurt. Heh! Oh brother! 

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Guest aoikarin




1st picture : Seduction to initiate Kiss by Hyeon (smiling so damn sweet)

2nd picture : An acceptance to the seduction by Ji An (very sincere indeed.. I think it’s Ji An’s first Kiss as well)

3rd picture: Hyeon is thinking to bargain the kiss or not (Deadfish lips treatment)

4th picture: Ya! Ji An.!!just grab him tighter and let him pay your kiss back!!

Please no discount for the kiss.. just kiss her back, hyeon and prolong the kiss PASSIONATELY! *chanting for backkissbyHyeon*


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Guest mizzdls

Cha Ji An, you go girl!!!! @aoikarin yes Hyun is still analyzing and processing it in his brain. The kiss is one unpredicted move that has never crossed my mind before. 

Not sure if he will kiss back right away. He always keeps everything to himself and rarely shows his emotion. But as our OTP supporter, i'm fanning the flame for Hyun to kiss back. 

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I have a bad habit of coming to forums and reading about the episode before actually watching the episode. So, when I scrolled down and saw the video of JA kissing LH I flipped the freak the out!!! I'm going to come back to give my opinion of the episode once it is subbed, but I have a feeling that LH will not kiss her back. LH is a very analytical person and I think we may see him throughout episode 11 trying to think logically why she did what she did and how it will benefit her and how it will benefit him. But at the end of the episode he will come up with the conclusion that she likes him and he has feelings towards her. He is just now starting to feel again so I think it is going to take him so time. Plus I am pretty sure that is his first kiss and he doesn't know how to kiss passionately let alone be passionate towards someone. But at the same time I could be completely wrong and he smacks one big ol passionate kiss back at her at the start of episode 11. This is just my theory. But I hope he will kiss her one day like this: :wub::wub::wub: 


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I sooooo love the last Episode!!!!


The Paper The PoliceWoman gave to Hyun was the Message LJY left her back than - it is a german Poem - I will try to translate - but it is not easy to put it in english words.

Kindertotenlieder - Song for dead Children

Sie sind uns vorausgegangen - they gone before us
und werden nicht wieder nach Haus verlangen - and will not ask again for there home

man hat sie hinausgetragen - someone carry them out
Ich durfte (nichts) dazu sagen - (I´m not 100% sure about that sentence - was hard to read -
I was not allowed to say anything!

Of course I need the translation to understand anything - but that is a Message... It felt more like LJY was going to kill both Children. And in fact he did not left a Body - so the Missing Boy must be dead too - thats would be the reason noone searched for him.


This Show makes me crazy - I killed the refresh Button to see it again in RAW - without lags. Was not able to see it probably on Air.



And for the Kiss!

I don´t really think Hyun will like the Kiss - but he will not hate it too (maybe in secret) But I think - he will yell at her - or push her back.

So or so - I loved this Ending - I can live with that waiting one Week - and keep smiling!

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Guest ilchul

So sharing what I understood and loved from this episode :)
I enjoyed the creepy meal with Hyun, Min and JY :) I didn't understand a word but it was obvious that it was creepy and they were talking about psychos/murders? why does they or how can they keep eating with this kind of subject in impressive :lol: and you can see that all of them are playing with words and watching each others reactions, seriously what a blissful dinner :lol:
we go after that to Son sunbae interrupting Hyun's dinner and how yelling at him to find JA and at that Hyun's smile vanished into panic while our other psycho watching him, I loved how Min told Hyun to let him drive so he can think properly or something and that moment wa ruined by JY creepy look at Min.

It was hilarious to see Hyun, Min and JY facing the rich guy and make him uneasy with their analysis :lol: the only think I managed to understand is that the rich guy is lying that he doesn't know anything sins his not worried about his little brother (the one with orange t-shirt) but only looking at them talking smart things was great to see :D
we had JA talking to the kidnapped woman and it was twisted when JA told her that she's a cop: the woman was starting to feel relieved but then stopped and became sad instead asking her why is she there like that when she's a cop, that was sad but I couldn't stop laughing :lol: JA then meets the kidnapper woman and asked her to help them telling her that they're like family telling her her name and the other woman's name and I must say that woman wasn't stable she was like brain washed or something but she wasn't evil, JA assured the kidnapped woman that they'll find them and that there is someone (hyun obviously) who will find him no matter what :D

we have team leader shown to be fine and the 1st thing he asks about is JA and his father's reactions was hilarious :lol: he was mad how his son ignored that he is by his side and is asking about JA instead and ended up telling him that they're looking for her after team leader keeping on ignoring his father and asking only about JA :lol: you're crush is showing team leader :D

the real killer came and started looking in JA's not afraid eyes and then went to the other girl who was obviously shaking and couldn't meet his gase, he was going to start with her but JA told him to start with her and started provoking him by telling him that she's a cop who her daily job is to catch criminals like him (that's brave but suicidal), she succeeded and he started beating her like punch of potato but JA wasn't that week and tried to fight back and THANK GOD Hyun, Min and JY made it in time, they met the kidnapper woman and find out where JA is Hyun and Min went outside while JY stayed with the woman kidnapper watching her as if he was studying her (he's really creepy!!!) and then the woman aimed at him with her gun but he still kept smiling like a psycho that he is till Son Sunbae and the young other member of the team stopped her and arrested her and then he pretended that he was relieved that he was saved.

and here come my best part: JA was shocked by the murderer and saved at the last second by Hyun who shoved him away from her and then went checking on her and Min came running fighting the murderer and stopping him from striking his hyung and then Hyun joined him and sent the win strike Good work team and I'm crying because I know Min's ending will be devastating for me :tears: why does it have to be like that? :tears:
we go back to JA who is all "I'm fine" but end ep fainting in Hyun's embrace :D she wakes up to find herself surrounded by all her team members, Min, JY and their chief while Hyun is far standing coolly by the window :lol: she gets embarrassed and touched that they all came to check on her and then the other woman police officer joins them and JA started looking for Hyung like a girl looking for her crush and his smile was so cute :wub: and Min was seeing that :)

when Min started to leave JY went after him (why? what do you want from him? just leave him) and Hyun saw that and went after them and thank them for their help and I think they 'd love to do that again and sure thing I'd love to see that again :D
we have Ja being discharged from the hospital and was talking to her self at how careless of Hyun to not visit her and then team leader showed up asking her about who she was talking about and she replied that it's nonsense and he apologised to her for not being able to protect her then (he's a good guy) and to JA's surprise while talking to her friend who is stack on the traffic on the phone she sees Hyun coming her way and with her happy surprised eyes he asked her if she was waiting for someone else :lol:

they are home and she was emotional remembering how she almost got killed and Hyun comforted her that she's alive to which she is relieved but then she started feeling sad and told him that she was about her father and what if he was in her same position and may have dyed knowing that no one will find him (or I can be wrong) and since Hun was so nice I suspected that he will have a kiss as gift and that's what happened :D

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I sooooo love the last Episode!!!!


The Paper The PoliceWoman gave to Hyun was the Message LJY left her back than - it is a german Poem - I will try to translate - but it is not easy to put it in english words.

Kindertotenlieder - Song for dead Children

Sie sind uns vorausgegangen - they gone before us
und werden nicht wieder nach Haus verlangen - and will not ask again for there home

man hat sie hinausgetragen - someone carry them out
Ich durfte (nichts) dazu sagen - (I´m not 100% sure about that sentence - was hard to read -
I was not allowed to say anything!

Song for dead children? that the title of the poem left by LJY? Oh man!how psycho  creepy can he be?!?!

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I sooooo love the last Episode!!!!


The Paper The PoliceWoman gave to Hyun was the Message LJY left her back than - it is a german Poem - I will try to translate - but it is not easy to put it in english words.

Kindertotenlieder - Song for dead Children

Sie sind uns vorausgegangen - they gone before us
und werden nicht wieder nach Haus verlangen - and will not ask again for there home

man hat sie hinausgetragen - someone carry them out
Ich durfte (nichts) dazu sagen - (I´m not 100% sure about that sentence - was hard to read -
I was not allowed to say anything!

Song for dead children? that the title do the poem left by LJY? Oh man!how psycho  creepy can he be?!?!

Right - thats the Title - but it gets more creepy - that is not the original text - only the first Part - the other seems to be made by LJY.

That means that the Part - I was not allowed to speak about it  - or to tell anything about it - was new. Is it a Warning to the Police Woman? Feels like it.

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@ilchul  wow thanks for sharing!!!!!

I enjoyed the creepy meal with Hyun, Min and JY :) I didn't understand a word but it was obvious that it was creepy and they were talking about psychos/murders? why does they or how can they keep eating with this kind of subject in impressive :lol: and you can see that all of them are playing with words and watching each others reactions, seriously what a blissful dinner

Yeah,  the genius profiler, the fragile psycho, and the master manipulator all discussing corpse and murder.  Gee what lovely dinner! Ha ha ha. Bromance of creepy kind. Hah ha. 

and here come my best part: JA was shocked by the murderer and saved at the last second by Hyun who shoved him away from her and then went checking on her and Min came running fighting the murderer and stopping him from striking his hyung and then Hyun joined him and sent the win strike Good work team and I'm crying because I know Min's ending will be devastating for me :tears: why does it have to be like that? :tears:

 I love how Min's thought  an reaction was to save his hyung!  Whne he will do anything for his brother, huh?

 I don't want anythin to happen to Min (or Hyun or Ji-An). He's my fav! I know the feeling! I'll be devastated too! :(  I want the end game to be the three of them!

they are home and she was emotional remembering how she almost got killed and Hyun comforted her that she's alive to which she is relieved but then she started feeling sad and told him that she was about her father and what if he was in her same position and may have dyed knowing that no one will find him (or I can be wrong) and since Hun was so nice I suspected that he will have a kiss as gift and that's what happened :D

I guess it was a feeling of relieve of happiness of seeing that she's safe that Hyun fought for her.. so that KISS!  you go, girl!!! :)

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Guest aoikarin

I sooooo love the last Episode!!!!


The Paper The PoliceWoman gave to Hyun was the Message LJY left her back than - it is a german Poem - I will try to translate - but it is not easy to put it in english words.

Kindertotenlieder - Song for dead Children

Sie sind uns vorausgegangen - they gone before us
und werden nicht wieder nach Haus verlangen - and will not ask again for there home

man hat sie hinausgetragen - someone carry them out
Ich durfte (nichts) dazu sagen - (I´m not 100% sure about that sentence - was hard to read -
I was not allowed to say anything!

Of course I need the translation to understand anything - but that is a Message... It felt more like LJY was going to kill both Children. And in fact he did not left a Body - so the Missing Boy must be dead too - thats would be the reason noone searched for him.


This Show makes me crazy - I killed the refresh Button to see it again in RAW - without lags. Was not able to see it probably on Air.



And for the Kiss!

I don´t really think Hyun will like the Kiss - but he will not hate it too (maybe in secret) But I think - he will yell at her - or push her back.

So or so - I loved this Ending - I can live with that waiting one Week - and keep smiling!

Thank You so much for the translation.. It's a very creepy message! That's why Ahjuma cop didn't put any effort to look for MIN. But still it is so wrong for her to decide it Min is dead. The cops (ahjuma and Chief's dad) are just slack with their duty. Their never think of Hyeon the family who left behind by Min. If it's their family member being kidnapped, I don't think they will just stop looking for their missing family. That's why I feel pity to Hyeon and Ji An.


and for next kissing scene speculation...Yes, 50% chance that Hyeon will push Ji An's Locking lips away from his virgin lips *darn* But Look at the bright side.. IT MEANS WE WILL HAVE FUTURE KISS SCENE!!! Once Hyeon's ready to love Ji An's completely.. fat chance that he's going after Ji An's lips.I wish Hyeon will act like Healer once he knows how good to be in love and how comfy the skinships is.. See what happen to healer:



And I cursed you got that Addiction too, Hyeon.. *i saw it you do have potential for it* NYAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

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Okay - I have to correct myself - Kindertotenlieder (1901 - 1904)
 is a Song Circle by Gustav Mahler.

words by Friedrich Rückert.

There are 5 Songs - the first Part ot the used Poem is from Song 4 - the second from Song 5. So it is original but a bit different.




I often think: they have only just gone out"
They have just gone out ahead of us,
and will not be thinking of coming home.
In this weather"
They have been carried off,
I wasn't able to warn them!

I sooooo love the last Episode!!!!


The Paper The PoliceWoman gave to Hyun was the Message LJY left her back than - it is a german Poem - I will try to translate - but it is not easy to put it in english words.

Kindertotenlieder - Song for dead Children

Sie sind uns vorausgegangen - they gone before us
und werden nicht wieder nach Haus verlangen - and will not ask again for there home

man hat sie hinausgetragen - someone carry them out
Ich durfte (nichts) dazu sagen - (I´m not 100% sure about that sentence - was hard to read -
I was not allowed to say anything!

Of course I need the translation to understand anything - but that is a Message... It felt more like LJY was going to kill both Children. And in fact he did not left a Body - so the Missing Boy must be dead too - thats would be the reason noone searched for him.


This Show makes me crazy - I killed the refresh Button to see it again in RAW - without lags. Was not able to see it probably on Air.



And for the Kiss!

I don´t really think Hyun will like the Kiss - but he will not hate it too (maybe in secret) But I think - he will yell at her - or push her back.

So or so - I loved this Ending - I can live with that waiting one Week - and keep smiling!

Thank You so much for the translation.. It's a very creepy message! That's why Ahjuma cop didn't put any effort to look for MIN. But still it is so wrong for her to decide it Min is dead. The cops (ahjuma and Chief's dad) are just slack with their duty. Their never think of Hyeon the family who left behind by Min. If it's their family member being kidnapped, I don't think they will just stop looking for their missing family. That's why I feel pity to Hyeon and Ji An.


and for next kissing scene speculation...Yes, 50% chance that Hyeon will push Ji An's Locking lips away from his virgin lips *darn* But Look at the bright side.. IT MEANS WE WILL HAVE FUTURE KISS SCENE!!! Once Hyeon's ready to love Ji An's completely.. fat chance that he's going after Ji An's lips.I wish Hyeon will act like Healer once he knows how good to be in love and how comfy the skinships is.. See what happen to healer:

Hidden Content

And I cursed you got that Addiction too, Hyeon.. *i saw it you do have potential for it* NYAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

It is a creepy message - and it will maybe only explain what the Police did - but it is no excuse - if you ask me. Hyun is an Adult. He had to know - and I´m sure it is not the first time he asked. They did a lot of Mistakes (the Adults from the Past) and the Childs from back than have to deal with the aftermatch.


For the Kiss - virgin Lips - muhaahahaha - öhm yes. :D

It´s okay for me too - I believe in secret he will start to smile. He can´t through her out again right - whenever he is not around her - she gets in Danger. He don´t want her to be in Danger. He already started to care for her - and we know from the Past that he is in real a Person who really cares for the ones he like. So.... Ahh - I love to see them changing bit by bit. And I love her Statement - she made herself clear at least he don´t have to fear that she lied and still sees him as a Monster. ;)


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Back with translation of comments. Internet isn't really working well recently so I've been MIA. But I thought I just had to do something since the drama struck us with such a monumental scene which came out of nowhere. 

'너를기억해' 장나라, 서인국에 기습 키스..로맨스 급물살

'I Remember You' Jang Nara, Seo In-guk's surprise kiss... swift progress of (their) romance



1. [+2100, -25] Really, I couldn't even breathe when I was watching (the drama) today.

2. [+1845, -28] It's more exciting because the kiss scene was unexpected ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+1499, -25] Kya~~~ (it's) so interesting.

4. [+1452, -38] Seo In-guk is so handsome!!!!

5. [+963, -42] Stay, TGWSS's romance~~~

6. [+479, -7] Truthfully, this is the best out of all the Mon-Tue dramas.

Cr. Naver, OSEN

Source: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0003118654

DISCLAIMER: The above comments do not represent my own opinions.

I think kkuljaem's translations will be more accurate. But still.

Anyway, I think it's so cute that Hyun tries to look nonchalant when Ji-an looked at him in the hospital but smiled afterward. Oh, and the smile when she collapsed into his arms. And also how he presented himself to her during the kiss scene. I think she was saying that what was scarier was the thought that she will not see him again (if she dies) and he just walked right into the *uh hm*. I'm pretty sure he likes her already. It's just whether he knows himself that he likes her.

EDIT: It's also cool how the writers already thought of how to circumvent the problem of the height difference btw SIG and JNR before the kiss scene (him bending down and all).

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Guest dramacf

Gosh! I'm still speechless over that unexpected kiss! Writer-nim, please give us a little heads up if there are to be more future kissing happening. I almost fainted...squealing that is! Haha! 

He kinda blinked so, his genius mind is still processing that kiss! OR he's trying really really hard not to respond to her kiss! Haha!

Girl after my own heart! Show him what he's been missing all his life and that's you, girl! coz if we leave it to Hyun to initiate the "first" kiss, they'll be cohabiting, washing dishes, cooking meals, holding hands, touching shoulders ...for eternity!!!


Oh, is it just me who finds it kinda hilarious that those 2 psychos are working with Hyun to save/find Jian?!!

What's scary is that now those two know that Jian is Hyun's "weakness" and I'm pretty damn sure they'll use her to hurt him one way or another...

I'm quite paranoid now of seeing any shade of violet in flowers! It's creepy that Min visited her in the hospital and brought her that shade/color of flowers...reminds me of the first case with the hyacinth-killing psycho...


Really, Min purple flowers?! Good thing your Hyung didn't see that or you'll be in big trouble! 


Coz purple flowers will always remind us of that psycho and it's like you're more or less advertising yourself, I'm a psycho, too! I wonder if he did that intentionally? Perhaps, hoping his Hyung will come visit Jian and see those flowers and ask who they were from?


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Guest seriouslytho

Hello, people of soompi!

Made an account to ask why on earth would you think that it's their first kiss? Both are attractive adults (early 30s?), not lacking social skills, not some shut-ins. Well, it seems that it's their first time getting so emotionally attached to someone else, given their personalities, but it's a bit ridiculous to think that they've never been physically close with anyone before, imo ^^;;;. Just curious))

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