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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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I do not know about anything else except that I had a high expectation for today kiss scene !! waited patiently to see it :dissapointed:

director-nim why did you let me down Wae !! wae !!

For first time ever while watching this drama I hated the director so bad :angry:


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1 hour ago, hclover96 said:

Don't know if this has been posted or not.  A group picture of the cast and crew.  I think I see SHK in the front on the right side.


we still have two weeks to go, 4 more episodes of DotS but the feelings of withdrawal has begin to set in with me after seeing this pic... white-cloud-emoticon9.gif?1292330538

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Forgive me if i'm still in denial about the kiss.... Because since i can't see it ..... The clothes wear by KMY is different .... In the teaser KMY do not carry any bag.... The hand are not place arount YSJ neck... And she is not tip toe ing .... End of report ... Salute!!!


dear director nim,

we are not a bunch of elementary school kids.... If you want to give us a kiss scene then do it properly.... Because i don't get  what message you are trying to send me in that scene.... Is it about the kiss or about the Urk giant bell? 

Since for me clearly you want to show us the bell not the kiss..... 


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Descendants of the Sun” Episode 6 Official Stills | Couch Kimchith?id=OIP.M662609982244ed412d8b3987eea42Image result for Descendants of the sun episode 12

I feel as if I am in groundhog day and I am once again saying the same things over & over as every episode leaves me thinking how can the writing & acting & production continue to be so great?  It's that perfect puzzle every piece of word placed in just the right order and every action & emotion felt through the actors themselves.  It's that melody that comes at just the right time to push you one step further.  It's the beauty that surrounds every scene and is captured like the boarder of a puzzle holds everything in place and creates the perfect moment & scene...

There were more than a few beautiful lines in this episode... So much love going on can't write about it all:blink:

What if I miss you?   I'll be back before then.  -  We always knew there was love there but it was so moving to see their hug.   Dr. Song surprised me I have always liked him but I was moved by his dedication in looking for a cure while he himself was sick and didn't yet know just how much.  I guess it proves love blooms in the oddest places at the oddest times.  Who couldn't help but smile seeing him shirtless with the whole here for you babe love sign to the chest.  Just to funny & sweet as honey!!!

I loved how two walkie talkies turned into a love line connection that allowed Wolf & MJ to express just the right words for they have always had a language of their own and this time was no different.  As MJ worried about being a ghost he reminded her she had always been an angel.  Right away I thought about her in the back seat flapping her wings.  No matter how many times I miss you were spoken between them or how many times they had felt it in the past.  I love you, I love you is what they have always been saying even if no words were spoken just breathing on the other end or that look that couldn't hide that passion held within... I believe that made watching them even more interesting & added so much to this drama....

That old saying a few words can go a long way became real yes 5 words proved to change LCW You looked like a doctor meant everything to him and allowed him to forgive himself & remember who he is....

Favorite scene had to be the jealousy one Boss & Wolf in aprons and MJ & MY talking about another guy so natural, so real and perfect payback for a couple of stewardesses the girls won't soon forget if ever LOL  Not to mention the guys won't either as we women have a special place we store those memories [嘻嘻]  

Heartfelt ending I agree with others felt like the ending of a drama instead of episode 12 but it did bring their time together and their struggles into focus and with heads bowed reminded us all that we as humans cannot control everything.  That life has a mind of it's own and we can only do what is possible & what we are able.  Trusting & hoping that it's enough......

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1 hour ago, happifruit said:

This scientist can't help be notice one scientific inaccuracy....immunoglobulins aren't really going to be too helpful in fighting a viral infection. Argus, your excuse was weak.

It's been bugging me all night.


this is for sure, if IVIG can help then this is the magic therapy that all what we need to fight the new emerging viruses !

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The scene where SDY and YSJ are cooking with KB. Omg! they are so full of themselves!! When SDY is placing the chicken into the pot and adding salt do check YSJ going 'that's right'... Doesn't he remind you of KMY going 'that's right' while watching the hospital cctv footage of these guys bashing up the goons! 

Dr. Song jogging with the army boys was hilarious! and how he prances in front of the nurse Ha Ja Ae!! Too cute and funny!! I can see so much of YSJ in Dr. Song. I guess Dr Song was the lead character in the story before the writers and the studio decided to turn him into a soldier. Ohh.. our private kim bum was also going shirtless in the jog scene!! :)

The phone flipping scene was unexpected... So was the coffee hug by KMY. She is surprising YSJ... who knows... maybe in the next episode a drunk KMY will be the one to make a pass at a docile YSJ :w00t: 

YSJ covering KMY's eyes when he finally shoots Argus was brilliant touch! You wouldn't want to further traumatise an already harassed civilian. The action scenes were spectacular!

Right now dying for the subs to be released!! 

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15 minutes ago, ktiminie said:

Personally I admit I LOVE the cinematography of today kissing scene...


PS: please don't hate me DotS troopers :P

@ktiminie not at all chingu...but they could have warned us that this scene is meant for us to appreciate the scenery of Uruk...I demand a disclaimer if this happens again :lol:

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Although I haven't seen ep 12 yet but i've seen a distant capture of the kiss and i'm so bewildered because i've seen this kiss before - maybe on the second week of the drama -,, some youtube fan-made videos/mv used this pic as a thumbnail for the vid .... it's so weird because it's a pre-filmed drama So OMGGGGGG was it leaked or something ?????????

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Just now, sanaeozora said:

So wait, the scene with Mo-yeon comforting Shi-jin was all her imagination?  I thought it was real! Can anyone clarify? 


It is very much real... @joongkyo just translated it... It has to be real! The editing puts us off that's all.

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5 minutes ago, sanaeozora said:

So wait, the scene with Mo-yeon comforting Shi-jin was all her imagination?  I thought it was real! Can anyone clarify? 


She's remembering it as a flashback when he was hiding out at the place and burning the photograph, she had sneaked her way there and she heard his sobbing but she knew it was something he had to go through on his own.

So, in her flashback she's covering his eyes the way in the same way he covered hers when he told her to wipe out that memory of him killing Argus. So since only the two of them witnessed Argus's death and she followed his directive , forcing that memory out of her mind and memory , she wants him to do the same.


@staygold nope, it's a flashback of the memory where she saw him crying. Therefore with her and him both wiping out the memory of Argus's death it's as if it never happened. All the bad and all the pain to be forgotten.

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1 hour ago, stelala said:

The commander told him to make a decision once he returns to Korea. He has to make a decision since they are back... I hope they don't break up!!! 

But she also made her dad promised not to let him leave army when she was down with the M3 virus...I'm guessing maybe that's flashback? Or maybe SDY is going to be injured and these are his flashbacks? I'm going crazy anticipating ep 13

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