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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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On 4/3/2016 at 8:55 AM, gilaswan said:

Here @rainbowbrite. A continuation of the second last night in Urk and a possible reason for his bold request to her to draw a warm shower for the two of them when they return to Seoul. ;) NC-18

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MoYeon’s eyes fluttered open. 2:38. The time flashed off a nearby clock. 2:38?! She would have bolted upright immediately if not for a firm arm around her shoulders holding her down. “Shh...” came a deep, low voice. “Go back to sleep.” MoYeon angled her face upwards ever so slightly to look at the source of the soothing tone which broke the still silence of the Urk night. So beautiful, so handsome, and all mine, she thought and blushed a deep red that was hidden by the darkness of the night though she was certain the moonlight streaming in through the windows would betray her all the same. Memories of what transpired just a few hours earlier flooded her mind as she tried to wriggle free of SiJin’s grasp.

“Where are you going?” his raspy, strained voice called out as he slowly broke out of deep slumber. It might have only been a few hours but he’d never fallen into such deep sleep before in all his nights at Urk. This was the first time in his life, and also in all his 15 years since leaving home to join the military service, that he’d ever shared his bed with anyone. Certainly he’s slept in the same quarters with many others before, but to share his bed with another? Never. And he never knew it could feel this comfortable.

“I should get back to my quarters,” MoYeon whispered. “To keep you honourable," she teased. SiJin held onto her even more tightly.

“Don’t go,” came his simple request. “You’ve been away from your bunk for so many hours as it is and Nurse Ha hasn’t alerted anyone yet, so it must be no one misses you.” SiJin rationalized. “Besides, the walls of this room aren’t exactly sound proof. I’m sure everyone knows by now you spent the night here.” At that revelation, MoYeon buried her head into SiJin’s warm, bare chest and murmured, “Oh gawd... How am I going to face everyone in the morning?” SiJin chuckled. So adorable. So, so very adorable.

Still, MoYeon attempted to get up all the same. “Let me at least get a glass of water.” SiJin slowly released his grasp of her as she attempted to fish for her clothes in the pile of mess that was their garments on the floor next to the bed. Not able to find her pink sweater and skirt, MoYeon conveniently pulled out SiJin’s cotton khaki shirt – the one he wore under his uniform – and slipped it over her head. SiJin watched as she walked round the room divider to the water jug and glasses near his study table. Damn, he thought. She looks good in my clothes. MoYeon returned with a glass of water and having drunk some, gave the remaining to SiJin.

“Drink up,” she instructed. “The night air is dry here.”

“Yes ma’am.” Who was he to not follow the doctor’s orders?

Setting the glass aside, MoYeon crawled back into bed with SiJin, snuggling as closely and as tightly as she could to him with her back to his front, his arms wrapped tightly and protectively around her. Since leaving home for medical school and eventually settling down in her own apartment in Seoul, she had pretty much lived an independent life. There was no need to live with another, let alone for another. This was the first time in her life that she had let someone in, and so deeply too. “I am someone you’d like to marry, am I not?” SiJin’s words from dinner the night before made her smile. Oh yes, he was someone she would want to marry. And oh my, what a disastrous dinner it was! She could not help but start to giggle. “What are you thinking about?” SiJin asked. “Oh, it’s nothing,” came her reply as she turned around to face him, propping herself up over his torso. Her smile shot a million arrows through his heart. Oh, he wanted her. No. He needed her. So badly too.

“Nothing?” he challenged her teasingly. “You would keep secrets from me?” Before MoYeon could answer, SiJin flipped her over and kissed her, softly at first, then harder as MoYeon responded with urgency and demand. His hands soon travelled up under her shirt, no, his shirt, as he quickly divested her of it, and they reacquainted themselves with each other repeatedly through the night.


waaaah, chingu-yah!!! IS IT HOT HERE??? :mrgreen: You're jjang! make more chingu!!! :kiss_wink: It reminds me of @heartoppaya chingu! :) I hope she's watching this drama...heheh!


& ohhh, SHK updated her IG!!! OMO OMO!!! I'M SO DEAD :bawling::heart::bawling::heart:

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8 minutes ago, Azwa Ismail said:

The black leather jacket SHK wear is not SJK's right?


8 minutes ago, Azwa Ismail said:

The black leather jacket SHK wear is not SJK's right?

That's what i thougt too when i first see the picture... But when i think again it seem that SHK's clothes is fit to her, not larger..isn't man's clothes usually bigger if the woman wear it?


@jinkx_0820wkwk if its like that.. I can wait to see how angry KMY when YSJ didn't tell her...

Aa i can wait for YAI appearance..how jelaous YSJ will be...

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HK's press and SHK's IG did help the waiting a bit, but then the BTS and spoiler of ep 13 made it's unbearable to wait, Captain Yoo will be in so much trouble forgetting inform his Beauty on his comeback :lol: 

maybe that's why YAI will appear just to make him jealous, haha, Wed-Thrus pls come faster, I know you're at the corner, but come faster :D 


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Will next episode centered on SDY and YMJ? SDY haven't been exposed as much as the other. YMJ had her story on episode 11 with M3 virus... It seems like KMY do not know that YSJ comeback to Korea... Maybe it is true that YMJ tell her about the boys. Maybe YSJ want to surprise her but he got drunk and forget the important things.... Dang captain you really looking for trouble if you really do that. 

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45 minutes ago, Azwa Ismail said:

The black leather jacket SHK wear is not SJK's right?

100 percent no....joongki jacket has snap silver button on the collar why hye gyo doesn't have...but the style almost same.  And I'm so happy that it means they're really comfortable and close with each other offcam unlike if there's papparazzi around..proof are their photo in hye gyo I.G..

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27 minutes ago, SkyKid said:

HK's press and SHK's IG did help the waiting a bit, but then the BTS and spoiler of ep 13 made it's unbearable to wait, Captain Yoo will be in so much trouble forgetting inform his Beauty on his comeback :lol: 

maybe that's why YAI will appear just to make him jealous, haha, Wed-Thrus pls come faster, I know you're at the corner, but come faster :D 


I hope YAI makes him really jealous since he deserves it for not going to MY first!  Even if she's working, you need to text her and tell her you are home.  Well, I have faith Captain Yoo ... must be a misunderstanding right. :P 

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Well, considering how misleading this whole drama has been, constantly making us believe something only to turn out to be something completely different, I would not be surprised if the surprised expression on Mo-yeon's face is due to another reason. Who knows? I'm also curious as to why Myeong-joo is there wearing her uniform....perhaps Alpha Team decided to have a homecoming BBQ and she found out about it and decided to tell Mo-yeon so that they could both crash the party. 

At any rate, the most important question here is: 


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1 hour ago, jinkx0820 said:

For the Episode 13 Spoilers....

My guess is,  it was MJ who called MY as YSJ looks very drunk already when she arrived, and then she will eventually join them making herself drunk too...


I like your guess better!!! I don't think YSJ forgot to inform MY. Not his character.  He should be dying to see her. Most likely she was invited to their hang out. And she will be late due to work and came in at them drunk. Most likely. 

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17 minutes ago, CatWhiskers said:


I like your guess better!!! I don't think YSJ forgot to inform MY. Not his character.  He should be dying to see her. Most likely she was invited to their hang out. And she will be late due to work and came in at them drunk. Most likely. 


Actually, it could very well be that that picture of him checking his phone is Mo-yeon texting him that she'd be late...and by the time she does get there, he's had a little too many soju shots....oh isn't it fun making up theories...at least it helps us pass the time while we wait for the real thing....

@missling1: on that last picture, is it poor Harry Potter who's completely passed out on the table? I also see Snoopy partaking of the soju and Piccolo seems to be holding up remarkably well. I can't wait to see this party because those five together are epic in normal circumstances, if you add soju into the mix, I bet they'll be lethally funny.

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Do you guys think the rescue mission was executed too easily? I meant it would be more convincing if Argus had more followers around him rather than just two ones when he faced Yoo Si Jin at that scene . Besides, where was Snoopy when Argus shot Yoo Si Jin after he threw the bomb jacket out of the window? Logically, Snoopy would shoot Argus right after Si Jin got shot by Argus, where was Snoopy? 

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Now that I'm thinking about it, we've never seen Shi-jin really drunk before, have we? Not even when he was doing shots with Dae-young and claimed to have been sobered up after having outrun the angry platoon of soldiers. He did seem like he was okay. I'm thinking that if indeed Mo-yeon texts him telling him she's going to be late or, worse, not going to be able to join them, he might just go and drink his sorrows at not seeing his Beauty and end up getting seriously drunk. As to how she ends up getting even more drunk than him, I have no theories yet...but I do feel that if Shi-jin were sober, he would probably not allow Mo-yeon to get too drunk, being the honourable guy that we know he is...

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7 minutes ago, sanaeozora said:

Now that I'm thinking about it, we've never seen Shi-jin really drunk before, have we? Not even when he was doing shots with Dae-young and claimed to have been sobered up after having outrun the angry platoon of soldiers. He did seem like he was okay. I'm thinking that if indeed Mo-yeon texts him telling him she's going to be late or, worse, not going to be able to join them, he might just go and drink his sorrows at not seeing his Beauty and end up getting seriously drunk. As to how she ends up getting even more drunk than him, I have no theories yet...but I do feel that if Shi-jin were sober, he would probably not allow Mo-yeon to get too drunk, being the honourable guy that we know he is...

from the preview looks like all the guys are having a party.  maybe he wanted to surprise her or something, but first he had to pay everyone back for helping him. she's a busy woman sooo. anyway,   I can't imagine that he forgot to call her to tell her, but probably had other plans and then the drinking got outta control and maybe she found out from MJ (who showed up later?) that he was back.   Anyway, I doubt it's a serious situation.  Should be fun. :D 

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8 minutes ago, melissala said:

from the preview looks like all the guys are having a party.  maybe he wanted to surprise her or something, but first he had to pay everyone back for helping him. she's a busy woman sooo. anyway,   I can't imagine that he forgot to call her to tell her, but probably had other plans and then the drinking got outta control and maybe she found out from MJ (who showed up later?) that he was back.   Anyway, I doubt it's a serious situation.  Should be fun. :D 

The drama team usually trolls us with previews.. So not be relied on ...even then if we go ahead and listen to the preview in our own peril, there was KMY voiceover saying ' when did the boys get back?' or something similiar

Between boys and MJ are still in Uruk right.. The second couple still might have scenes in Urk.. And if drama team blessed us with some flashbacks which are shot from Earth for our lead couple!

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