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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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@mellinadear And to all my chingus like salz, tiendoank..many others who relived R88 days yesterday, I know this is a little delayed (was busy with my current drama, all thanks to Grace for her recommendation) but I'd like to echo that yes, watching MDBC has been such a breeze compared to R88 for those of us who went through the warfare haha...Yesterday on weibo some C fans dug up comments made during the R88 war between the two camps. And some fresh comments also came out due to the R88 first anniversary. Though I went through that warfare, I was still shocked to see how brutally cruel and vicious fans can be..there were even curses and wishes for death for the actors (both Bogummy and Hyeri ! Sigh..this is probably due to how powerful R88 was in captivating the audience and getting everyone so vested. Kudos to the writer and PD Shin! And yes, because I had boarded the Suntaek ship under those circumstances, for me, this pair of drama couple is different from any other drama couple that Bogummy has been and will be paired with in the future.

And for me, that is most likely the only ship as I have already sworn off all shipping because I personally find it unhealthy. I have come to realize that if I respect an actor, I must respect his private life. If he has a girlfriend in real life or even if it is his future girlfriend, imagine how she will feel about fans trying hard to put him together with another female actor or imagining all sorts of connection between him and another female actor? I have never followed any other celebrity and so I don't know if "shipping" also applies to those who are known to have a current girlfriend or who are married. So, as for me, I can no longer be bought into this fad.

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@rhienzHi back. It has been a long while since you are here. We are so excited with many Bogum's activities and the Asia fan meeting

@dahae2006Bogummy is one of a kind and that's just how he is. Bringing positive energy to everyone around him with his thankfulness and kindness. His co stars particularly senior supporting  actors  will so much appreciate him accredited them with his success. He would be an actor they would love to work with again as his wish. Watching Happy Together Lee Jung Hyuk (Eunuch Jang) one of the reason he take up the offer to be in MDBC is because of Bogum.

Now I am sympathizing with KDY after knowing he has lost his mother too one year ago. Maybe that's one affinity he shares with Bogum besides clicking with same interest. He is still young. Will be many room for improvement. Just continue being a good friend.

@4evgbogummyThanks for the translation. Thought you are in hiatus:)







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19 hours ago, Grace1003 said:

Actually I'm not fashion savvy. I just posted that tweet here because I noted the jeans he wore was quite unique. :)

Hehee, it's ok. Same here, i'm not a fashion savvy too, it just caught my eyes when Bogummy wore the jeans with a motif :D

Actually, i kind of feeling "torn" with the jeans that he's wearing :lol: (just like what @tiendoank post yesterday, lol) but maybe, yeah maybe, our Bogummy wanted to try something new in related to fashion thingy, hehe..


Update on AAA as at 12.44pm


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@rhienz Hi girl, how are you? Been a while. Hope you drop by more often. We still here you know lol.:)

@4evgbogummy that is one beautiful letter. I'm in awe of the reporter who posted that (and to think it's from dispatch). Made me smile all through. I hope we get to read the long trans soon.

P.S: here's the original article for anyone who's kind enough to trans :)



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After 12-hour long flight from LA, Park Bo gum is shooting CF.

Thank you very much for your translation from Dispatch 'Park Bo Gum to Lee Yeong.'
Every golden coin has two sides. Kwak's interviews could be considered in a couple diversed perspectives. 
- Positive effects to let people know how lonely a celebrity is. In addition, fans could know much more about Park Bo Gum from other perspective which he, as a humble guy, does not share to medias by himself. 
{I started to think about this good point because I am one of fanclub too}
- Private Discussion between a celebrity and a friend
how much should it be shared to medias, and
could to-be-shared info be sensitive to harm such celebrity in the future. 
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@Grace1003Wow beautiful fanart.  King Yeon's red robe. Not as familiar when always seeing him in the blue robe.

@4evgbogummy I knew from fans who shared  snippets of the so much brutal R88 fan war in weibo and tieba. How they can be so cruel to the extend wishing harm on the actors. I could never imagine that. But it is not as if Int fans are any better. The fanwar in DB, MT in soompi and even on SNS. That's one of the reason I wish so much success for Bogummy . Some viewers really can't distinguish reality from fiction.

Take your time probably still in Bogum's withdrawal mode. Dont force yourself to watch as the urge will come back when something worthy to watch appears. 

I am just watching variety at the moment and Reply 1988 with MDBC. No current drama interest me right now.

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@sara2908: Yes, all @thumbnail_space's fanart of Bogummy are really impressive! If there is anyone who can tweet these to him, that would be awesome!


Aigoo, shipping wars to this day? That's no longer normal. That's obsession, typical of the behavior of sasaeng fans! Hmmm,,,I read that PD Shin Won Ho's next project will not be part of the Reply Series. I wonder if it was triggered by these.

I know @mellinadear already posted but I couldn't but post a cropped version to show how gooooood Bogum looks here!


Thanks to @aria_bogum!

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1 hour ago, 4evgbogummy said:

@sara2908 As I can't do it, have resolved to abandon my earlier resolution haha...sigh...and I blame my weakness on Bogummy!! My enjoyment of dramas without him in it is no longer the same as before..I thought going into hiatus may help but I can't even do that, sigh..I'm beyond help.

come join us for discussion why you want to go into hiatus?? it is not approved. from lee yeong. :)

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@sara2908     @4evgbogummy    cannot imagine the fan war you 2 and the rest of the chingus in the thread had gone through. Personally i cannot understand why would fans curse the celebrity to die?  Where were their humanity ? Crazy and pity them.  Bo Gum and the true fans like you all have gone through a lot.  Please give yourself a big applause. Thanks for ensuring the brutal war and survive so we are able to meet now and witness Bo Gum's growth together. 


Kam-sa-da-da!! :)

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