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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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euraka said: all i want is JI to come to her senses  i don't mind her being paired with JT at this point. HW has to work hard to prove his innocence which is not that easy  as JI is concered she is like a sink with an open drain what ever HW says runs straight out unless other wise he did the grand gesture  to prove it. i don't want  HB to die i want her in jail i don't know why people think death is punishment  in my opinion it is not it is a rest  she have to pay for what she did, that means suffering for a long time losing everything she holds dearly she have to be in tremendous pain to the point where she want to kill herself and can't do it  that is what i call it punishment  
as her HB daughter her life will be screwed up the way she did  it JI daughter and i can see her in mental institution 

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valsava said: NewKDramaAddict said:

Ldy Gmerm said: But again she needed to wake the hell up and stop trusting the very people that stabbed her in the back in the first place. Why continue talking to or dealing with the woman that stole your husband and forced your divorce!? WHY talk to the husband that cheated and showed you time and time again he sides with his mistress over you even coming to the Police station for her not YOU?! Why talk to the former MIL and SIL who knew he was cheating but did not tell you and blamed you for his having to cheat?! Why deal with so many greedy selfish people in the first place!!!!

No truer words were spoken! I sure hope she has learned! That will only make the drama enjoyable if she did!!!
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HW's character was too use to being able to do what he wanted. He never had to fight to hard for what was needed it was there and he was able to go on his merry way enjoying his life. I think it was the first time he had to confront a situation where he found out someone was cheating and keep it from the person he had come to know. Just like he did not know what to do with all the things that happen to JI before the fake charges.

He honestly thought that he could have the brother he felt he could trust take care of the woman he could do nothing for but look on at sadly at the woman he did not feel he was worthy for. But his foolishness in trusting his brother and thinking that JI would be taken care of has cost him. He will have a hard road ahead to ever have JI trust him or talk to him. She will have a personality shift.

It was not his time yet to do anything. Especially with him not having the courage to investigate further on his own. HS has now given him the drive to do that by having him finish his law degree. So what happens next he will not be the same person to whine to his brother he will research and check things out himself and what he will find will surely get him moving. HS did a good thing in that he changed his brother from what he was to what he will be now. He thinks he can use this to help get that company but HW will show him something a whole lot different when he finds out what he did.

Now... who was pregnant and by whom?


I am better thanks.. all I have is a bit of a cough and some congestion that I am working on getting rid of.. Let's hope it stays that way!

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Yellow boots was by far the best revenge drama Ive seen in the last few years. It had everything including the remorseful ex-boyfriend. Didn't like the open ending but it was understood that they got back together because of their son. Hw in this drama will have to move heaven and earth to prove he didn't abandon ji. The moment when hw learns that his own brother betrayed him will be the end of hs. Hw will make sure hs understands that he is no better than his wife in that they destroy innocent lives and say its for the best!

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Ldy Gmerm said: HW's character was too use to being able to do what he wanted. He never had to fight to hard for what was needed it was there and he was able to go on his merry way enjoying his life. I think it was the first time he had to confront a situation where he found out someone was cheating and keep it from the person he had come to know. Just like he did not know what to do with all the things that happen to JI before the fake charges.

He honestly thought that he could have the brother he felt he could trust take care of the woman he could do nothing for but look on at sadly at the woman he did not feel he was worthy for. But his foolishness in trusting his brother and thinking that JI would be taken care of has cost him. He will have a hard road ahead to ever have JI trust him or talk to him. She will have a personality shift.

It was not his time yet to do anything. Especially with him not having the courage to investigate further on his own. HS has now given him the drive to do that by having him finish his law degree. So what happens next he will not be the same person to whine to his brother he will research and check things out himself and what he will find will surely get him moving. HS did a good thing in that he changed his brother from what he was to what he will be now. He thinks he can use this to help get that company but HW will show him something a whole lot different when he finds out what he did.

Now... who was pregnant and by whom?


I am better thanks.. all I have is a bit of a cough and some congestion that I am working on getting rid of.. Let's hope it stays that way!

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Well, I'm afraid for SY! Now that the B**** and her daughter know that she is aware...very scary! So HW comes back but will learn in ep 42 JI's fate. It should be interesting. At least JI's friend isn't crushing anymore. That was getting really annoying. But JI? Keep that look you were giving in prison! Give us hope!!

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guys you forget the peter guy, he seems rich and he wanted to buy ji's paintings, jt mom is ill but he isn't, perhaps he is rich enough to do exhibition for ji's work, so ji will get rich and then very rich that she has to buy a machine to count her money for days and nights. lol have to confess i love money, lol look forward to a scene that ji is sleeping on her money as her bed. lol then peter guy is getting interested in ji and that will make hw very jealousy, two men will fight for ji like apes, the funnies drama in kdrama history is born.  :-D 

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guys you forget the peter guy, he seems rich and he wanted to buy ji's paintings, jt mom is ill but he isn't, perhaps he is rich enough to do exhibition for ji's work, so ji will get rich and then very rich that she has to buy a machine to count her money for days and nights. lol have to confess i love money, lol look forward to a scene that ji is sleeping on her money as her bed. lol then peter guy is getting interested in ji and that will make hw very jealousy, two men will fight for ji like apes, the funnies drama in kdrama history is born.  :-D 

@prettystone" No I wouldn't want HW to be fighting over any woman when he already has a beautiful wife at home (like me) ;;)

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In accordance to kdrama rule....the next phase will be ji getting her power it will not be an outside person, but someone theorized jt mom. It's going to be someone from jt side who will give ji the power to go after hs/hb.
One thing is certain hs has destroyed his family he put his obssession of hb over hw and that is where he will fail. Though hs/hw will reunite in the end hs will be destroyed by his own arrogance because once hw learns of what he did...hw will be a thorn in both hs/hb side..
You seen in ep 39 hb had doubts about hs controlling hw...and hs being arrogant will fail to realize it.

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I feel sorry for HW,I can relate to his pain,if he had not trust his brother who else could he have trust,he made a stupid sacrifice,even though it benefits him in becoming a lawyer,but that is not what he wanted,he wanted to please his brother and to save the woman he claimed to love,but unfortunately,his brother betrayed his trust,what is he going to do now for Ji to listen to him,I see the clips of him going to visit Ji in jail, HS. Look scared most of all JT look more scared of him, he is going to take over the company to root out the bad eggs in there.well,both him and JI learn never to trust anyone again, sometime You learn pretty fast when people you love hurt you.

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You mentioned before about the poster of all the main cast. So I finally took another look at that poster. HS seems to be looking not so nicely at JI.. JT is behind HB but not directly behind her and looking off to the side. Perhaps slightly over his should at the two behind him.  JMY is looking towards JT. HW, JI and HB are looking straight ahead, but JI has a serene look on her face. HW has a no nonsense look on his face. HB is standing with her arms crossed over her middle as if protecting herself and her express looks just a tad bit pissed.  It seems to be an interesting set up of this group. 

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HS made a very bad judgment,he looked down on JI,and punished the woman for no reason,the power of love is a very strong thing,if he wanted the company back?he could have not betrayed his brother,he. could have keep his own side of the bargain,not turn back on his promise,that is how a good businessman deal things,but he feel the need to destroy someone who have received many hurt already,now why is he so worried?I can see how HB was screaming at him.

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To me HS is really being a azz, because he has Money and Power at the moment. but I didn't start watching this drama thinking that my yeobo HW was going to come in and rule at the beginning. which it's now the time jump that I'm happy as to where, JI was framed and not trusting anyone around her to a fact that I can't blame her, and it'll takes some time to have trust again. I'm so waiting to see how it plays out with JMY, HB, who also thinking everything is going their way but needs to rethink again, because JI will be on a mission and won't stop until it's complete by putting those two to rest or behind bars.. Lastly" My yeobo HW may not had Power before he left, but Dammit his wife (me) told him EXACTLY WHAT TO DO in his return in order to gain control of everything including JI, so now everyone please watch HW take care of business by bringing HS down :-q

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Well, poor HW is still clueless of what is happening. It looks like ep 43 is when he confronts his brother. HB playing games with JMY using HW. What a B****!! And I'm afraid of what might have happened to SY! I missed the first 5 min so I don't know who moved her. But JMY's sister getting nasty at the friend at the hospital? I'm still thinking on what would be appropriate for her demise. I'm not thinking happy thoughts about her.

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As you can see, both JI and daughter have the same sense by being honest and confrontin the enemy with the evidence. SMH SMH. Wae wae wae. SY tell her enemy she is getting better.

I wonder are they really capable of miurder to protect their secret if so THEY SHOULD NOT BE FORGIVEN AT ALL.THEY MUST BE PUNISH.

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UnniSarah said: As you can see, both JI and daughter have the same sense by being honest and confrontin the enemy with the evidence. SMH SMH. Wae wae wae. SY tell her enemy she is getting better. I wonder are they really capable of miurder to protect their secret if so THEY SHOULD NOT BE FORGIVEN AT ALL.THEY MUST BE PUNISH.

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