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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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how on earth people can go to this length to destroy someone life given she has done them any wrong  jj was good friend, SIL, and loving mother and caring wife. i think her daughter will die while she is in prison and that is a turning point for her to seek a revenge . she is betrayed by so called family not once but twice it is so painful to have no one in your corner   she may be think HW betrayed her too because of the phone and he has to work hard to prove his innocence  at this rate may be will have time jump when she release from jail 

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euraka said: how on earth people can go to this length to destroy someone life given she has done them any wrong  jj was good friend, SIL, and loving mother and caring wife. i think her daughter will die while she is in prison and that is a turning point for her to seek a revenge . she is betrayed by so called family not once but twice it is so painful to have no one in your corner   she may be think HW betrayed her too because of the phone and he has to work hard to prove his innocence  at this rate may be will have time jump when she release from jail 

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THB" JI azz needs to be in jail for being the DUMBEST WOMAN THAT EVER LIVED 8-| and I also agree her first thought is definitely going to be that my yeobo HW betrayed her, to a point where she really won't trust anyone until HW prove his innocence along with clearing JI. from the charges they have against her, as to where JI comes out and seek revenge of No Point Of Return to all who did harm to her, then she'll become the SMARTEST WOMAN THAT EVER LIVED ;)

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Hw was so weak in this case.hope he made a double of the video before calling his bad brother,also hope he Will find away to get ji out of jail by going after the prosecutor whom he gave the video to.hs is getting his hands dirty he can go to jail for doing all this to ji.well this is a way for this writer to cause misunderstanding between ji and hw. Please dear writer don't kill ji daughter let hw protect her for ji please

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suchadiva42 said: THB" JI azz needs to be in jail for being the DUMBEST WOMAN THAT EVER LIVED 8-| and I also agree her first thought is definitely going to be that my yeobo HW betrayed her, to a point where she really won't trust anyone until HW prove his innocence along with clearing JI. from the charges they have against her, as to where JI comes out and seek revenge of No Point Of Return to all who did harm to her, then she'll become the SMARTEST WOMAN THAT EVER LIVED ;)

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 Hi.@suchadiva42,  I don;t understand why she thought she could work with these people and think something good would have come out of it.. So I blame nobody but her for this and when your life is on the line you don;t leave to no one to take care of but you she should have went to the police or whoever she could have hide the phone and produce the evidence right in court of her innocents she just to brain-dead for me even whats her name in yellow boots wasn't that bad..     

Awesome,i agree 100percent you just said what is in my mind this is why she also can share some blame because she knows hb is no good

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@valsava" Hello 2 you as well..

I totally agree" I really think JI is missing a piece from her brain don't you think, I mean how stupid can she get and just being too damn nice all the freaking time gives me a headache. But now she'll be behind bars looking stupid then she ever was before, but hoping this will be the turning point of taking care of business if you know what I mean!

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We can all agree that JI is dumb, but it all started because her daughter put her name down for the contest. Don't forget that chingu's. I think she is working there because of her daughter but once she realized who she will be working with she should have quit. 

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suchadiva42 said: @valsava" Hello 2 you as well.. I totally agree" I really think JI is missing a piece from her brain don't you think, I mean how stupid can she get and just being too damn nice all the freaking time gives me a headache. But now she'll be behind bars looking stupid then she ever was before, but hoping this will be the turning point of taking care of business if you know what I mean!

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@suchadiva42,  I don;t see why she would want to be two inches around these people without wanting to kill them thoughts in her head every minute.. JI is the type of nice I think jail wouldn't change her hopefully some of not so nice women teach her how to think..

@valsava" I know prison isn't a good place to be but if it makes JI tougher then I'm all for it so she can come out and strike a pose on those EVIL DOERS 8-|

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i really don't know what is going in that head of jj we all can see she a genuine  person and optimistic to the point  it makes you sick to your stomach. saying that  but there is a big difference between being nice and stupid . you still can be smart and as the same time sweet and nice. i try to figure JI character and  what come to my mind is " perception is projection "  in short our frame of reference is ourselves  since she is kind caring and never think to harm others probably she believes others do the same 

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ep 37

ji remember the painting was ruin in the fight so why they have the same painting back, she asks sister in law, the sis says ji is wrong and that was another one and  she asks her out to get some info for hs, she is worried ji may find out this gallery are washing money with fake paintings.

bh says that prosecutor has returned to seoul and he came to the gallery and he must want to investigate them again, hs says so zhu didn't learn his lesson, bh's mom says he will be more vicious than last time, they need a scapegoat, ji comes in with info that hs needs, he says good job and he looks at her weird, it's clear the scapegoat is ji.

hs says ji is good for scapegoat since she is a thorn in everyone's eyes, he says they will throw a bait to zhu and he will bite, mom says but ji just came to gallery recently, hs says they can use ji's sil since she has worked here for long time and bh should handle her and bh agrees.

sis asks if jmy is still interested in ji since he still calls ji "your sil" and he even had dinner with mom and ji, mom says ji is still angry at him, sis says of course since he divorced he because of affair and she won't eating with her former family if it's her case, mom says she shouldn't pull cold water on him and she should help him to get ji back, sis says they should stop obsessed with ji since they had divorced and why still messing around, jmy says what and she is too much, mom says stop and she wants ji's address and she wants to see how ji lives and she will talk ji back,

ji comes to ji's office and takes something from her bag, ji comes in and addresses her in informal term, bh asks why informal, ji says because bh never uses formal to her, bh says so she will be formal to ji since she won't see ji for long.

bh gives sis a painting list and asks for genuine versions because she will send them to some place, they take the paintings to a place that is unknown to the sis and bh asks her to hide it well in the house, bh takes out ji's note to jt's mom, it's about she want to thank mom for help her and allow her to use the workshop, ji says she doesn't know how to thank mom back, bh reads the note and says ji won't have to worry about how to thank mom since ji won't have the chance to thank, sis is hiding the painting in the house.

bh calls hs and says the trap is done and time to throw out ji as a bait.

bh is shocked because hw jumps out suddenly, he says she is shocked because he is too handsome, she says he has serious prince illness and he doesn't know how to heal it, he says he will get better if she has dinner with him, she wants to leave and he stops her and says today is his birthday, they eat together, some people are having a birthday party, she asks why he has to eat with her alone since he also has a brother, he thinks he can't tell her it isn't his birthday today so he says his brother is busy today, she says so he must be very disappointed since he can't be with brother and brother must act like his father since he had no parents since childhood and their brotherhood must be good, he says his brother is very good and is a super man because he can do anything and he is smart and kind and warm and the best man in the whole universe, she says so he must like his brother very much, he says his brother is the man everyone likes and because he is like his brother so he is so excellent too.

at the cushier they see a note about birthday customers will get discount, hw wants to pay normal bill, ji stops him and the worker says he should show his id to prove it's his birthday, ji asks him to show his id, he won't and she says so his photo on id must be weird and she wants to see his id, he finally confesses it isn't his birthday today, she says so he lied, he says he didn't and he just have had his birthday earlier and so he should be forgiven, later he says sorry since he committed a crime that's worth a death so she cant beat him, she says he jokes again, he says he just wants to stop her being angry with him and it's just a dinner together, she says she felt bad if he ate alone for his birthday so she ate with him but it wasn't his birthday at all, he says so she will eat with him at his real birthday so they should make a promise, he takes her fingers to make the promise, the prosecutor arrives and hw calls him senior, that man says long time since last time they met and he asks if hw works for his group oh not his family now,  hw says so the senior hasn't changed his thought that all rich families wouldn't walk the right way, zhu says he can't change because rich families continue to act like that but he will leave since hw is with a companion.

ji asks who was the guy and they seem to have a bad relationship, hw says that guy thinks him disgusting and he thinks that guy too old fashioned, she asks why that guy thinks hw is too disgusting, he says because he is too perfect and he laughs, someone is taking their photos, hw asks ji to get in the house and he says sorry he lied to her but thanks for eating with him, she says she will be angry if he lies to him again, later hw grabs the spy and gets the man's phone and a call from hs, he asks hs for talk.

hw drinks, hs stops him and says alcohol is poison when you are in bad mood, hw asks what hs is thinking and he even spied on him, hs says he is worried for hw and ji is the woman hw likes and how hw can be with ji and it's because she is divorced and she has a kid but she is the ex of jmy bh dated, hw says that's why he didn't tell hs he liked ji, he says sorry and the relations are so complicated but he still likes ji and he wants to be on ji's die and protect her, hs says it isn't love but pity, hw says his feelings to ji is love, hs says even it's love but hw can't because he wants hw to have a woman who is from a good family and who hasn't got hurt and the woman can't be like ji who has got hurt so much, hw says he knows hs cares for him but hs should understand him since hs himself can't give up on bb even if bh is bad and that's what love is and his feelings is like this and it's no matter how he feels it sad he just wants to be with ji so please understand him, hs sighs, later hs thinks sorry but he can't allow a woman like ji to be with hw and if hw won't give up he will erase ji for hw.

ji is told by call by friend that prosecutors searched their house and found paintings, another call from prosecutors that she is asked for investigated, jmy's sis recalls bh didn't tell her whose house it was when she asked, ji wonders what this is about.

friend tells hw prosecutors found and took away paintings that ji doesn't know about, he asks where ji is now, she says in prosecutors office, he says so she is alone without a lawyer, she says ji is innocent so ji can just tell it right, he says it's weird and ji can't be alone and he will ask around what goes on, he is out and  jmy's mom enters, she realizes he was the man before and wonder why he was here, she asks friend if he is the thief, friend says he isn't and she is busy so why mom is here, mom says she came to see how ji's place is and it's such a mess and what happened and if ji is in trouble.

ji says she knows nothing about the paintings, prosecutor says so why gallery's genuine paintings were in her house, she says she didn't take them there, bh is in her office and says all was ji asked for and she should have left when she asked her to leave and if she left she won't have things like this, jmy's sis is in her office and says she took parting in framing ji and she is crazy.

hw meets zhu and asks what happened, zhu says they investigate the gallery and there were illegal deals there, hw says ji can't be that kind of people, zhu says hw must go back to tell his family members that they can't get away just because ji has got caught, hw wonders what "family members".

jt is told ji is investigated and he asks his man to check it quietly because mom will come back today and it can be told to her because her health isn't good.

jt's mom is back, maid gives her a list that's people who called her when she traveled,  she calls a peter guy and says she was out to trip with kid, he says he didn't know she lost her cell phone and he even left her a voice message about exhibition plan for ji and he asks if she heard it, she says she didn't, he says she can hear it if her old number wasn't cancelled, she says so she will check to it, she asks kid how to listen to her voice messages on her old phone number, kid tells her how, she hears ji's message that's about one of mom's paintings about a place in jeju island and ji said she only told the place to painter ajumma and if mom painted it so mom is that painter ajumma, mom is happy ji is the child and she calls her but no answer, she calls ji's friend and knows ji is in a case, friend says ji is said to do illegal deals at the gallery, mom says ji couldn't do that and it must be wrong and she goes to gallery.

hb's mom says so ji is investigated and what if the result isn't what they wanted, bh says they have given evident and the prosecutors wont' reject it and they will just accept it, mom says but zhu doesn't want to catch ji alone but them and the group, bh says he will bite ji and he won't let go of ji since ji is their tail and the result will be ji who committed the crime alone, she says once ji is gone every problem will be gone, mom says if ji is in jail jt's mom won't know ji is that child, bh says every time she see ji she is reminded of ji's kid was injured and it was because of her kid mj, jt's mom comes in and she has heard them outside, she yells you devil people! bh and her mom are shocked, jt's mom yells they have human's skins but how can they do such horrible things and they don't fear heaven's punishment!

hs: how did you do things?
bh: what? videos about the illegal deals?
jmy: what? ji is investigated and it is to do with you?
bh's mom: what about we escape to overseas?
bh: where can we escape to? i feel unfair and angry but i can't leave, i won't leave, never!
hw: ji were set up, things must have to do with ji.
hs: he should pay the price, he will be made to pay the price, the innocent won't be involved.
bh's mom: who are you? you beat my daughter, who are you?

(sorry don't have time to read proof so there must be a lot of mistakes above, i will eat, sleep and dexter tomorrow and the day after tomorrow for holidays... ;) )

i meant there won't be translations from me for 2 days. ;)

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Just want to point out hb and er mother are truly a piece of trash...all their plans have backfired and they expect this to work? She is wrong about the prosecutor going to make ji take the fall unless she bribed him because just look at ji....her looks alone tells you she can't even steal a stick of gum...
i am also worried about ji daughter now alone i do see hb trying to get jmy to kill her. As long as she is breathing she is a threat to hb daughter.

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i don't think ji is stupid,there are just too many evil people around her, bh and her mom aren't that smart and in fact i think they are stupid, only hs may cause some damage to ji because he is smart, jt's mom will help her and jt will too because he is mom's boy, slowly i found this drama is fun to watch, even jmy and his mom care about their ex family member. lol

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Off the rail...this show is!! What happened to my Christmas wishes? An OTP that gets together early on and kick...I meant a real good KICK... all the rear ends of everyone else in this show except the sick child!! Santa needs to visit us folks. Am not looking forward to a misunderstanding between JI and HW and HW's trust in his brother, oh boy, :-q :-q :-q ! And everything I am feeling and thinking about JI has been succinctly written in the last few posts here...sigh.

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suchadiva42 said:

Triton823 said: So after watching ep 33...my normal site doesn't have the new one up yet...I've coming to the conclusion that the painting lady will wind up giving everything to JI after she learns what HB has done and her daughter! Even though she said she would give part of it to that child she taught painting too, but yeah she's going to learn about and give it all to JI before HB kills her! Because you guys know HB will attempt to kill her!

Once this comes to pass JYM will come crawling back like we all suspect.

BTW...Mr. American Express (Love the name) I am so glad he grew his hair out. I really didn't like it in Noble Woman....preferred it either in Ice Adonis or You're So Pretty.
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