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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Erm, I just thought everything was a rush and there was alot of mish mash of scenes.I mean they show CYS and SJH on the roof after he come and look for her, then went back there again at the end.
I dont know, maybe because I was recapping, so I didnt watch it properly. Need to rewatch with subs to enjoy everything. Would you believe that its my first live recap exercise? only for Healer!
Overall, everything is nicely wrapped up and everyone got their necessary ending. But I really wished they would have gone to moreu moreu island. Well so much for the ratings, so they dont have budget to do all the fancy stuff.
Thank you all for all the pictures, gifs, insightful comments and funny cartoons. good night and goodbye, hope to meet you guys in other dramas. Time flies and two months are over.
p.s i just saw JCW's IG and suddenly feel very sad...........

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Thank you to all the recapppers and translators. I could not watch it live by refreshing soompi like crazy, this comes close, thanks to all of you. I realized that I am probably not going to be happy with the ending because i wish to swap places with CYS and that ain't gonna happen.

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At first I thought this episode will be tense but from the start this episode always makes me LOL-ing :)Finally Jeong Hoo introduce himself to father Chae in the cool ways ever :)) even the uncle next to father's Chae (don't know his name) is like "wow" with JH fighting skills :D then when JH pretend to be the elder's man and he meet with SS guard CEO and Yoyo guy, the SS guard CEO trying to slap JH but turn out that he slap yoyo guy instead  :)=)) =))Another one is, when YDY meet with Ahjumma in the toilet :)) aaah.....there's so many scenes makes me :)) the only sad one is when Myung Hee finally find out about her daughter who's still alive and have cheerful life as Chae Yong Shin Anyway 힐러 jjang!!! already miss them......  

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missing some parts that i already wanted to see


1. Kim Moon Shik and Moon Ho. at least give the scenes when Moon Ho is visiting his brother on prison or maybe mental hospital.

2. Jeong Hu and His Mom. they need a scene. they need to talk and his mom shoud praise him to cleared his father name.

3. JH need spread Sabu's ashes on South Pacific. he already promised right?

4. JH formal introduction to Myung Hee. i want to see her reactions when she knows JH is YS boyfriend.

5. JH is lived as new healer or just do reporter work like his father? but seeing the text preview, it should be JH is stop for being Healer.

6. so, CYS isn't pregnant from ep 16? :neutral_face:

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Even though I didn't understand a thing while watching the final episode, still I was happy with the ending.  Yes it seems rushed but the flow is okay with me.  I'm satisfied that Healer ended on a happy note with our two lovebirds working together and being able to freely show their love for one another  - except for kisses in front of Appa - hehe!.
I'm gonna miss seeing our favorite Healer characters every Monday and Tuesdays.  I'm also gonna miss spazzing with you guys after each episode or when a preview comes out.  It's been a great 20 episode ride with everyone and thank you for the great insights/posts, screencaps, live recaps, gifs and other Healer goodies.  Thank you also to the Healer Int'l Fan project team who organized sending out our love and special messages to the cast and crew of Healer.
Well, I'm off to sleep now and eagerly awaiting the raws and subs to be out.  Spazz with you guys later about favorites scenes and feels for Healer!
Healer love is the best!!!! 

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=)) =)) well since I am in the U.S. day just started so I am lurking lol

Omg I can't believe it over !! What am I going to do with myself !!! No more healer

No more JH and YS OTP swooning moments

No more YS dancing and singing when she is upset

No more MH smiles which crack me up when he's mad and he smiles lol

No more JH jumping off rooftops and beating people up like the sexy man that he is

No more papa Chae and Ajusshi bromance

No more ajumma and her singing and losing her temper and making JH have is ear drum ruined

Oh the depression now lol

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Nice ending.  JCW and PMY  FTW!!!!!! nice otp.  
Can someone make the gif  when SJW dodged the slap and Double S guys got hit themselves.  hahaha!!!! nice dodge!!!!!  I also liked the scene when the ahjumma got irritated with kim moon ho when he was playing/rolling with the pen on the handphone.  hahaha!!!!! very funny!!!!

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RadEchiZen said: realistic2280 said: yes, the ending feels rushed... there should have more scenes....

though we wished for a special, but chances are... none given.... a special DVD perhaps, extended 30 min version?

I keep looking at the time, during the final 10min of the show... i was like, ok, we are not gonna have many scenes to tie up everything in the drama,... 5 min and still on the airport scene... then 3 min... aigooo... only at the last episodes are JH more kissy? aish...

dont get me wrong, perhaps there was so many shippers that the writers need to be careful after ep15... but still.... we want more.....

(aiming for the 1000th page here... tonight... :)

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