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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Girl dazzling smile! The girl's dream! Charming, Gorgeous Beautiful PMY:-bd :x \:D/

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sia3 said: I think Kim Mi Kyung has somehow managed to make the title "Ahjumma" less "old" in its meaning thanks to her portrayal of this super kickass, spunky and full of sass Ahjumma. Oh, I think I have Ji Chang Wook to thank as well for his constant aegyo and calling out to 'Ahjumma' the way he did. He makes it sound much more endearing to my ears, and this title will be less annoying to my ears when the time comes that I'll be called an Ahjumma in future. :)) I've grown so fond of the word "ahjumma" after hearing the way JCW says it. After the first handful of times, I actually found myself trying to mimic that tone, but I think I pretty much failed in that respect. lol. JCW even managed to make "perverted old man" sound endearing and I think THAT takes a whole lot of skills. LOL.

I'm so impressed by JCW that I'm looking up all of his previous dramas. I think I'll watch "Five Fingers" next. I heard that was his first villain role, so it'll be interesting. I loved the intensity he portrayed in this drama, so I'm hoping I'll get to see more of that in FF since he's a baddie.

And I thought you guys said this thread had slowed down since "Healer" ended! How come I had so many pages to catch up on?! I was even thinking about browsing through this whole thread! Haha. Actually, I really, really want to spazz, but since I'm such a latecomer, it's probably something you all have already seen and read. Hehe. So I'm content with just reading all of your posts for now. :D

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Shiny happy eyes of a beautiful talented PMY :x <:-P :)>-In my heart so warm just to see her like this! Indeed PMY that special girl smile which symbolizes the imminent arrival of spring! Let this sweet girl is always just going to be very happy! Proud of her only,and admiration! As always, simply a goddess of beauty and feminine charm!9u8rlgvbsd9i.jpg3mirp8oshwtr.jpgjo7hv0zkmlud.jpg

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Guest wookieLOVEyoung_changmin

Happy monday healer family..

It supposed to be healer day..

And still hooked withdraw healer cannot let go...

I think it would be everlasting drama afterall...


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Oh my...i'm in heaven!! @Olga2010Ans‌ , @briseis‌ & @blossomnagr‌ !! you guys has made my day..thank you so muchy muchy much for the drop dead gorgeous pics of JCW & PMY!! :x

@minoz-joyax‌ !!! Goshh..i never expect that you gonna post that pic!! those armpirt!!! Hahahahahah 8-X =))

How come JCW didnt post that pic on his ig? Hmmm :-w

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More great photo,charming, handsome JCW and stunningly beautiful PMY! they both exude an incredible charisma and elegance! I pray and keep your fingers crossed for a photo shoot together with them, in the near future!Imagine how it can be beautiful,hot,and I hope a miracle happens,i'm sure we all really want it to be! Let's hope that this bright beautiful dream, will be possible, come true,soul directly asks to see them together again, in one shot! Perfect Beautiful Healer Couple,JCW&PMY(ChangMin),Fighting!:x [-O< <:-P :-bd \:D/tsalejo496to.jpghsn7fljoxfc4.jpg

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I've grown so fond of the word "ahjumma" after hearing the way JCW says it. After the first handful of times, I actually found myself trying to mimic that tone, but I think I pretty much failed in that respect. lol. JCW even managed to make "perverted old man" sound endearing and I think THAT takes a whole lot of skills. LOL.

I'm so impressed by JCW that I'm looking up all of his previous dramas. I think I'll watch "Five Fingers" next. I heard that was his first villain role, so it'll be interesting. I loved the intensity he portrayed in this drama, so I'm hoping I'll get to see more of that in FF since he's a baddie.

And I thought you guys said this thread had slowed down since "Healer" ended! How come I had so many pages to catch up on?! I was even thinking about browsing through this whole thread! Haha. Actually, I really, really want to spazz, but since I'm such a latecomer, it's probably something you all have already seen and read. Hehe. So I'm content with just reading all of your posts for now. :D

You can definitely spazz!!!! There's never a too late to spazz about healer. I still want to spazz even after the drama ended especially while I'm rewtching.

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Bwahahahaha!  As I mentioned earlier, I've been rewatching the "Running Man" episodes where JCW guest starred.  I'm now on the second one where the losers of the mission face their punishment: riding the Screaming Condor (a rollercoaster in Taiwan). 

JCW's paralyzed face of fear is PRICELESS.  And it's even more HILARIOUS now that I've seen him in Healer.  As the Healer, he had no problems riding down an elevator shaft to save Young Shin, but in real life . . . awwwww.  This is so adorable!!

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AppleBanana said: You can definitely spazz!!!! There's never a too late to spazz about healer. I still want to spazz even after the drama ended especially while I'm rewtching. Hahaha. Thank you, but I don't know if you should encourage me or not. I spazz really easily... lol.

But I will say this... from the romantic aspect of the drama, I loooooove how there wasn't a love triangle anywhere and there wasn't a break up scene due to noble idiocy! SJH and CYS's love was so developed, mature, honest, and open, it was amazing and breathtaking. They had complete faith and trust in each other, which is something I wish dramas would portray more often. Instead of not communicating or allowing misunderstandings to fester, SJH and CYS always clears the air - maybe not immediately, but definitely as soon as they can work up their courage to. They don't push it back intentionally just for the heck of it.

I think I can count on one hand how many dramas I've seen with such a fantastic love line established between the two sizzling leads. And THAT makes me spazz just as much as watching JCW in action! Man, I can't believe I didn't know about him sooner!

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