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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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@spideysteve, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 
Can someone please tell me why this woman keeps putting Gun in a headlock?  The more I see them together, the more I think they have just a really good friends with benefits type of relationship [-(

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Guest chunnogirl33

fourleafclover said: wchild453 said: Wouldn't there be a second heartbeat if there were twins? And wouldn't the doctor be able to notice the rate of growth of MY's uterus to note that there are twins? Or that the fetus is smaller than it would normally be because of there being another taking up room? Am I using too much logic on a drama?

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Thank gawd someone called MY.  Aww poor MY.  


(  I hope Daniel is there because that's gotta be hard to watch.  Gun is actually hugging Se Ra back.  Unlike when Se Ra surprised Gun at the office.

My guess is that Daniel is there too because MY probably got the phone call while with Daniel and he gives her a ride to the hospital.

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Se Ra got her wish granted cos she said if she could turn back time, she would do things differently with Geon. And seeing Geon with amnesia, she will try her best to make him forget MY. 
"Se Ra aah, while you're away Geonnie had to take very cold showers to stop himself from pounding the snail so no matter how hard you try to make him forget, some body parts will remember and crave for her..."    :>   \m/ =D> <:-P  
 *preparing myself for the angst...

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sooyoungdaebak said: Se Ra got her wish granted cos she said if she could turn back time, she would do things differently with Geon. And seeing Geon with amnesia, she will try her best to make him forget MY. 
"Se Ra aah, while you're away Geonnie had to take very cold showers to stop himself from pounding the snail so no matter how hard you try to make him forget, some body parts will remember and crave for her..."    :>   \m/ =D> <:-P  
 *preparing myself for the angst...

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Guest M-i-l-o

This ongoing conversation about the possibility of twins is so interesting that I couldn't resist taking a quick break from Physics to come talk about it, haha. Everyone has raised valid points from both ends of the spectrum, so I just wanted to share my two cents on the matter. Since Dramaland tends to throw logic out the window oh-so-very-often, we might possibly be on to something. 
We don't have a clear timeline of the pregnancy, so I'm just going off of what we have seen so far. LG and MY hear the baby's heartbeat pretty early on. A heartbeat can be heard as early as 8 weeks, although the average is 10 weeks+. During auscultation, the Doppler reproduces the heartbeat by taking in the change in frequency of the waves being detected by the moving probe. Although it is rare, it is possible for a second heartbeat to be hidden behind the more audible one, not due to the technician's or doctor's incapability, but simply due to how it's heard in the first place. Let's also take into consideration that MY went to a public clinic for her first check up, one that probably doesn't have the high tech LG's medical professionals provide.
Now, about the ultrasound, it's nearly impossible not to detect a second baby due to how accurate the visualization is, but again, it is possible if the position of one of the babies is obtrusive. Errors are incredibly rare, but doctors are human, and if they already have the predisposed knowledge from another professional that there is only one bun baking in that oven, there is really no reason to believe another little one is hiding somewhere. Like someone already pointed out, the doctor stated that the baby's head was a tiny bit bigger than normal, which could simply be the second baby's head underlain in the projection. 
If the twin theory is in fact true, then obviously all these are not "coincidences" or due to human error. If there is no twin, then I have no idea where the writers were trying to go with the twin of the prenatal instructor, the two bears, the seemingly "big head" of the baby. Someone should just grab MY and get her HGH levels checked, then we would have a definite answer, haha. 
It can't all be for comedic reasons and although characters don't know how their actions affect the viewers due to dramatic irony, there is usually a reason why the writers chose to go with it in the first place. 
Just two cents coming from my random-facts jam-packed brain, 'cause I'm no professional.

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itzibitzispider said:

Guys I thought about something crazy ><

I read somewhere in the thread that the writers might be hinting twins ( because of the fact that the fatus's head looks too big and that it might mean another fetus behind him, and also MY and LG meeting that Prenatal class teacher's twin in the mall... )

At first I thought that it was just reading too much into it because it doesn't really serve anything in the story, but then omg omg WHAT IF

what if the writers still want to use the miscarriage plot, HOWEVER, she miscarries just one of the twins, it is not that uncommon appearently for pregnant women to experience that. So basically they'll break our hearts by making us think she lost the baby, but after that they make her discover that she is still bregnant with the other twin... I KNOW I KNOW IT'S CRAZY LOL 

The thing is I'm a big sucker for drama and a part of me want that terrible thing to happen just to be blown away by Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara's acting skills.

I know! I'm a horrible person.  X_X  

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Guest chunnogirl33

Guys, I started to think, what would I do if I was Se Ra? 
1.- I would wear protective gear cause all of you will want to kill me? lol
2.- I would try to find out about the contract and Geon's condition, ask grandma and secretary Tak, Geon's lawyer, his doctors, etc
3.- If through my investigation I find out that Geon was drugged by the Hamo duo, I would do everything in my power to put them in jail. I would definitely judge Mi Young and think she is an accomplice. Even if Geon's lawyer tries to persuade me, I would proceed, because the news about the contract is out already, and Geon's image is tarnished,if I could prove that he was drugged it could be convenient for his image maybe? I could make the argument that he was being blackmailed maybe? and even if it isn't I would do it to get justice. 
4,- Since I think Mi Young is a cunning woman who tried to trap my boyfriend I would not have a problem raising her child while she pays for her crime in jail (eek now I'm being evil cause we know Mi Young is also a victim oops, but anyway, I'm thinking from Se Ra's point of view)
Why do I think all of this? because I still don't dislike Se Ra. I think she is justified in her actions, even if she is a little selfish. Going against Mi Young and her family would be in this case, very understandable. This way she could become Mi Young's nemesis without becoming an evil person. She could push Mi Young to defend herself, just by challenging her, distrusting her. In a way, play the role that Daniel plays with Geon. 
Yes, Im delirious! don't throw rotten eggs and tomatoes at me please lol!

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@carmolita said: stuartjmz said: That Chinese-sourced spoiler sounds eminently feasible to me. Tragic, but understandable given the HUGE part that incident played in the original. So many people commenting in this thread have said that if it were to happen without being anybody's direct fault, it would be easier to tolerate, and this scenario fits that bill. There have been far too many scenes already that screamed "it's coming folks!" and the number of those has stepped up in the last couple of episodes, so I'm prepared to accept that the spoiler is quite likely to be at least nearly on the bullseye.

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