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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guys the girl version of BE THE ONE was played at the ending right? I think the writers are telling us that they are going to get back together? This time MY will take the lead? Hahaha! For two weeks they are playing GOOD BYE MY LOVE, and they separated now it's really the start of their 2nd part of their love story! Gosh I can't weeks for the coming weeks!

Wednesday come quick!

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DANIEL - Kim mi Young lets get Married , Become my Family


=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P 
GOSH!!!! I do feel like a monkey crazy monkey 037crazy monkey 037 making ALLL SOunds from GUNNY!!! 
There's this CHILD in me who'z never willing to GROW up!!

>:D< >:D< >:D< Thank you all for MAKING UPTO HERE!!! soon itz gonna be 500 & above!!!!

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Lj said: Guys the girl version of BE THE ONE was played at the ending right? I think the writers are telling us that they are going to get back together? This time MY will take the lead? Hahaha! For two weeks they are playing GOOD BYE MY LOVE, and they separated now it's really the start of their 2nd part of their love story! Gosh I can't weeks for the coming weeks! Wednesday come quick!

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Guest kaonamp

Episode 14 was a bit tone down and not as funny as 13 but I still enjoyed the progress of the drama and where its headed. I still feel so so bad for Gun. I know he's trying so hard to stay away from MY and let her go but it just seems that his heart is really telling him something else. That he has unfinish business that he needs to attend to and maybe just maybe really tell her how he feels after all these years.

MY was awesome being the strong, positive energy that Daniel needed. I know I heard a few people say they weren't that interested in Daniel's story but we needed to see it to understand why he held onto MY for so long. Yep we're looking at one very lonely man who thought he was alone in this world until he found MY (or more like MY found him). I think he summed it up pretty well during his proposal that he was lonely because he couldn't find his sister and he thought MY was lonely because she lost Keddongie and thats why he's stood by her for all these years. But I honestly believe lonely souls can become great friends but not too sure about lovers especially if one person has already fallen head over heels for someone else and is still seeing memories of the past before her very eyes.

If the song choice that's being used are what foreshadows what happens next then maybe some of you are right in MY chasing after Gun. I have yet to see that but I think that would be a nice pace of twist for us. I'd love to see the strong MY go after Gun and isn't afraid of being let down. But I will have to wait and see how the writers brings the two of them together again.

Lastly can Wednesday already be here again hehe. 

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My heart ached when Gun thought MY was apart of his dream. Jang Hyuk's acting is amazing! The subtle change in his face from happiness to hurt as he reached out to touch her tore me apart. You must love a person that much to as happy as he was when he saw her and to be as hurt as he was when he had the sudden thought that it was just a dream. To top it off, he woke up to and unpleasant surprise, it wasn't a dream after all and the woman he loves wishes to never cross path with him again. :(( :(( :((

Furthermore, can we please give this writer a hand of applause for writing the most heart piercing dialogue between the two leads? Their meeting at the cafe was agonizing, as they exchanged words that stabbed one another. "Sticks and stones may break bones but words will never hurt me." Whoever came up with this phrase is such a liar, because words are a weapon of it's own.

Additionally, I love how MY is so comfortable texting Lee Young Ja. Just somehow, this person seems like someone she's known for a long time. Just somehow, she feels ok telling her about her personal issues. Just somehow, her heart knows this person is good.

I also love the little talk Gun had with Daniel. While Daniel's guards are up, Gun is backing down. He loves her that much to feel at ease knowing she is in good hands. How do you not love this man?

Lastly, the pain I felt for Gun when Daniel proposed to MY overrode the sweetness of Daniel's proposal. My guess is that Gun will happily step away and leave the painting behind. This will serve as an indication that he is making way for the two of them to be together. Our intuition tells us that Gun should stop this proposal from happening, but if we take a step back and look at the big picture, a man who is willing to yield way for his loved one's happiness is a better man. Same goes for a man who chooses to love and support his loved one from a distance; without her ever knowing of his heart, he will always be by her side. His love is sincere and his love is true if he can sacrifice his happiness for hers. If he walks away, I will hurt more because it shows that his love is greater than his needs and wants. Then who can hate him if he does?

When the time comes and MY finds out that Gun pushed her away to protect her, MY will be torn apart. As of now, she resents him. The more she resents him, the more she will hurt and the more she will regret. The more she will hate herself for ever resenting him. She doesn't know just how much he loves her yet.

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"Fated to Love You" Jang Nara turns over a new leaf 

Jang Nara reappeared as a completely different person. On the thirteenth episode of the MBC drama "Fated to Love You ", Kim Mi-yeong (Jang Nara ) became an artist named Ellie Kim. Kim Mi-yeong returned to Korea after spending 3 years in France. 
She became a sophisticated, well-known person for her talent in art. After all, Mi-yeong still had the heart of gold. She still felt sorry about the baby that she had lost 3 years ago and still had feelings for her ex-husband Lee Gun (Jang Hyeok ). 
She was grateful to Daniel (Choi Jin-hyeok ), who treated her as her guardian, but she could never like him the way he did. 
Kim Mi-yeong's painting of her lost baby was accidentally sold to someone named Lee Yeong-ja . She called the buyer and said it was a picture of the happiest days of her life and then cancelled the deal. Lee Yeong-ja was a name which Lee Gun used to buy the painting. It hurt Lee Gun's feelings to know what Mi-yeong was thinking. 
Lee Gun drunkenly caused a mess in room 2006 of a hotel, thinking it was his own room. Kim Mi-yeong was staying in that room and they finally met each other. Three years ago, Lee Gun and Kim Mi-yeong had met in a similar way; three years later, will their relationship make a recovery? 
Source: http://www.hancinema.net/spoiler-fated-to-love-you-jang-nara-turns-over-a-new-leaf-72300.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook

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Guest spideysteve

I haven't watched this ep with subs, but lol this scene is gold.



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cattx said: :-B Watched Geon and MY at the cafe....I felt that not knowing what they were saying to each other was indeed a moment, as a viewer, to just linger on their facial expressions.....and, all I have to say is that these two actors are amazing....AMAZING.....if you've ever been through an amicable break up....and still had feelings for that person....and you meet again to discuss whatever...'how you been'...'hope you're doing well'.... But, inside your saying, 'I miss'.....'I need you'...'You complete me'.....in this case.....with MY and Geon.....even if the conversation was about working for Geon's company or not....Geon and MY's facial expressions said it all....it was RAW....and yet filled with emotions on both sides...they love each, they miss each, they feel incomplete without each other...all those emotions were on their faces...and it was so very easy to feel what they were feeling, especially, if you'd been through a similar situation...these two actors made you remember......they both were reluctant to really look into each other's eyes....because if they had they would have seen what we saw and know that they Love each other with an intensity that few couples find in a life time. This episode, yesterday's episode....call me a Mush-Heart, a softy....but, I enjoyed, and was moved by both. KUDOS to the FTLY Team.....the way the scenes are filmed...the attention to details not only in these two episodes but in all of the episodes, wow, just exceptional. As I watched the Proposal, all I thought was 'what a beautiful way to propose to someone'.....what a beautiful scene. Kudos....I come away from the Proposal scene a bit exhilarated...I know sounds odd....but, if this doesn't put the Fire Under Geon then what will.....Geon isn't your 'sit-down-and-let-the-World-pass-me-by' kinda guy....I am exhilarted to see what the PD and the Writer's have in store for us.....LET it BE AMAZing.... [-O< because if we know anything about k-dramas it is the last few episodes that can either be REALLY GREAT or can be Really Disappointing.....I for one Believe FTLY will continue to please and end up being MEMORABLE.... :D crossing my fingers.... ;))

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Guest fiovial

Just finished watching episode 14. Not my favorite episode. It's on the serious side yet lacking the emotional depth. I think I get why knetizens have the negative reactions.

Not much happened in this episode. Nothing really move forward. Well...maybe Daniel proposing but other than that everything is in the same place. I understand why there was a need for Daniel's back story...after all we are supposed to root for the 2nd lead too. But it's just so difficult for me to root for Daniellie when I don't feel the sexual tension or attraction between them. Daniellie shine when they were in a more platonic relationship because the vibe between them is platonic.

Compare this vibe to Geon and Mi Young's vibe...it's the total opposite. Even when Geon and Mi Young were not all touchy feely like for instance in the cafe scene...there is this palpable sexual tension that's there...there's this strong magnetic pull between them that we as viewers can feel. We just want to grab them two and stick them together. Sadly I don't feel that between Daniel and Ellie. And even if the writers and pds try to push us into believing in the possibility of Daniellie. ..it's way too late for that. I mean I know there's 6 more epidodes left and all but please stop pushing for the non-existing romantic chemistry between Daniel and Ellie. They just don't have it......I hope they will keep this so-called Daniellie romance short. If they are to give more Daniel time let it come via the long lost sister storyline. The Daniel-Ellie angle just doesn't cut it for me.

Don't get me wrong...I am rooting for Daniel to find his happiness and his family. Please let him be reunited with his sister soon. I really really want to know how he can be reunited with her and how their paths will cross one another. I just can't root for Daniel and Ellie...I just can't.....

Gosh sorry for the ramble but I'm just speaking what I feel. And please note I am not talking down about the actors' acting ability. It's just that some actors have better chemistry with others...it's either there or it's not.

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Guest Brianwest92

Ratings are out. FTLY return to no.2 spot among 3 same slot dramas, but the the gap between no1 and no 2 isnt big though:D
(AGB Nielsen) Nationwide/Seoul 1.JG: 11%/10,7%2. FTLY: 10.7%/12,5%3. IOIL: 10.2%/ 10.9%
Wow, FTLY's Seoul ratings is the highest of the three ^^
(TnmS) Nationwide/Seoul
1. FTLY: 11,1%/14%2. IOIL: 10%/11.6%3. JG: 10%/10.4%

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Just a random thought. We try to guess or picture what Geon would do since he saw DP proposal to MY.   :-/Eg, would he walk out the door and leave the painting behind?    :-<Or would he quietly leave with the painting? And so on...     #-o
But I'm thinking what if he interrupts it with his Heuheuhahaha laughter...    :))    :))We are talking about Geon and he can be absurd at times with his reactions.   b-(    =))
Even though Daniel's proposal is so awesome, it's bittersweet knowing Geon continued to love MY for the last 3 years, changed to a better person, continued to be her number 1 fan, kept Keddongie's stuffs with him, talked to Keddongie and so on without MY's knowledge.Geon ah, fight for what you truly believe is yours. Take the driver seat in this relationship and don't look back. And writer-nim, with all these angst, give us real hot kisses and bed scenes soon, jaebal!!     [-O< [-O<

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