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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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fourleafclover said: chunnogirl33 said: @fourleafclover‌ Hi there. I don't think people have said Se Ra deserved to be lied to? What some of us did was, state the reasons Geon had to not tell her what was gong on right away. What people are saying is that Se Ra is self centered and had unrealistic expectations that Geon should wait for her forever. I applaud her choice to make her career a priority, but she shouldn't string him along. Geon spoiled her and instead of reciprocating on equal terms she expected him to always worship her and do "what she wants" She said it herself. My opinion is that relationship had to be reevaluated even before Mi Young appeared. Like someone at DB said "They love each other but they are not on the same page" This doesn't mean she deserved to suffer. She was so confident that I feel sorry for the shock she must've felt. It's like someone pulled a rug under her feet.

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Guest reedtrip82

I really don't care about Sera's heart break , I'm a meanie. OK. And I'm basis too lol, bwt MY & Sera , MY need Gun more because when he around her the world seen to involved around her for the first time ever, she not a post it girl when she w/ him but it him the post it guy that tend to her need and in return she supergule his note in her heart.

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@fourleafclover‌, I agree that Gun's at fault for not telling Sera at the earliest, sooner!

So what if she's about to go do a performance, he should of just tell her regardless! But then if he did, the drama would of ended in episode 5 since his phone call to Sera before his wedding with Mi Young was in episode 4!

With that being said, Sera may love, want, need both Gun and her career but I don't think she wants Gun as much as her career! If she really, truly wants both, she should, would of let him know and discuss it with him before making the final decision on her own!

Plus if she want him that bad, that much, after she got off the plane, after a few hours, after a day, or days, she should, would of contacted him first and ask if he has received her text message or not since he never replied, answered her right after he read her message but instead, she waited and waited for him to call her first! What did she think she was doing! Give him time to suck it in, calm himself down, get over it then call her saying, baby, it's okay, take your time, I will always wait for you and I love you! What the! She's crazy! If I was her and I want, need to pursue my career first before settling with him in the long run and I didn't tell him first before making my own final decision, I would be apologizing my a s s off 24/7 to him after! But no! She waited for him to call her first! If she would of call him first, he may of let her know what's going on and she may be updated at the moment, earlier!

Now with that being said, I don't think Gun's love for Sera is really a man-woman, couple relationship! Maybe more like friends, siblings and most importantly, like teacher and student! Like someone or others in here mentioned previously, they're not at the same level regarding, considering each other's wants, needs to reach one similar goal involving the both of them which is to be together, to settle at the end, in the long run! One is more benefited than the other!

Now, this is where Mi Young comes in! She's not only thinking about herself but others as well! She has balance and that's what Gun wants, needs! Maybe that's why he was that attracted to her to begin with which turns into love that he's not mentally realizing at first until recently despite the fact that he claimed he loves Sera for how many years!

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I really don't care about Sera's heart break , I'm a meanie. OK. And I'm basis too lol, bwt MY


:)) honestly, I love our OTP so much that I couldn't even careless about sera lol. However, in reality, I can understand sera's feelings. Though I'm not in any way rooting for her.

However, I hate to put it like that. I hate to say Mi Young needs gun to save her because I dislike the whole typical Cinderella story. Instead, I like to see it as though they're bringing the best out of each other. Mi Young offers a new perspective to Gun, and because of her, he will grow to become a man while Mi Young had always thought of herself as a post-it girl, but because of Gun, she will grow to find meaning in herself. In the end, I believe Gun will need Mi Young more than she needs him. If this drama is how I predict, Gun will go crazy without her.

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@shengvang‌, "Gun will go crazy without her." had me laughing but yes, I totally agree! Awesomeness!

I was going to press awesome but your last sentence made me laugh and I just couldn't help it but pressed LOL!

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This drama has 16 episodes - which means we are halfway through it. 

In episode 8, when Gun put his and SeRa's picture in the drawer, I believe he has decided he has to face the  reality - that he is married and is expecting to be a father soon; that there is no reason to hold on to SeRa, especially now that she already know the truth.

Gun  is actually not immature.  He has a temper which he is trying to fix - that's why he consults Dr. Octopus regularly (what a name).  And since MY moved into their house, he  seemed to have been influenced by the soft-spoken MY.  He has become mindful of the people around him, especially MY.  He gets very concerned every time he senses that MY is uncomfortable.  In the  scene at the gallery when Daniel hugged MY, I was expecting he would  blasts Daniel  or give him a punch on the face.  When he did not and he followed MY instead, I  thought he would rant at her.  But he did not - he asked her calmly what  is wrong  with her - and didn't insist when she  continued on to leave.

Although episode 8 ended with a good note, with  8 more episodes coming, I  would guess some heartaches coming  MY's way - and some of those heartaches may even involve SeRa and Gun.  I don't think Gun,  like what he told MY in the last episode,  is all prepared to be with MY; so I am guessing he might wander a little bit.

As for Daniel, I believe he would continue to protect MY as a siblilng - MY has a soft spot in his heart - but I don't see it as a personal liking.  I still believe they are related.  We'll find out in the next 8 episodes.

Sorry if my  post is a bit confusing.


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Guest reedtrip82

16 ? Really? So it not 20 ? Well, Gun did said while living w/ her , somehow she got cute and more cute as time pass, I firgure it must be her inter beauty too because of her pure heart. She is rare. You can never find a girl like that

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miyawoks said: anopinion said: gumi said:

Ratings for Episode 8: 

 TnmS: Seoul: 13.5% Nationwide: 10.6% 

 AGB Nielsen: Seoul: 11.8% Nationwide: 10.6% 

 Hmmm it seems that the show is still the lowest in ratings amongst the 3 big networks. However, it's not really so bothersome, since I have to admit that all the shows in this times lot are well-written pieces. 

Besides, the important thing is they've already reached double digits


At least a substantial number of people are watching them every Wed-Thurs. Am sure the people watching the show during reruns are those watching the other two (2) shows on Wed-Thurs.

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ikr............Gun will go crazy without her ........., he can't even handle a few hours when MY left home  :))  :))where MY, i think in terms of mentally  is stronger than Geon she has the will and courage to take care of her baby alone if it what takes her , although  they are the best together and  complement each other so perfectly 

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ymiss said: @fourleafclover‌, I agree that Gun's at fault for not telling Sera at the earliest, sooner! So what if she's about to go do a performance, he should of just tell her regardless! But then if he did, the drama would of ended in episode 5 since his phone call to Sera before his wedding with Mi Young was in episode 4! With that being said, Sera may love, want, need both Gun and her career but I don't think she wants Gun as much as her career! If she really, truly wants both, she should, would of let him know and discuss it with him before making the final decision on her own! Plus if she want him that bad, that much, after she got off the plane, after a few hours, after a day, or days, she should, would of contacted him first and ask if he has received her text message or not since he never replied, answered her right after he read her message but instead, she waited and waited for him to call her first! What did she think she was doing! Give him time to suck it in, calm himself down, get over it then call her saying, baby, it's okay, take your time, I will always wait for you and I love you! What the! She's crazy! If I was her and I want, need to pursue my career first before settling with him in the long run and I didn't tell him first before making my own final decision, I would be apologizing my a s s off 24/7 to him after! But no! She waited for him to call her first! If she would of call him first, he may of let her know what's going on and she may be updated at the moment, earlier! Now with that being said, I don't think Gun's love for Sera is really a man-woman, couple relationship! Maybe more like friends, siblings and most importantly, like teacher and student! Like someone or others in here mentioned previously, they're not at the same level regarding, considering each other's wants, needs to reach one similar goal involving the both of them which is to be together, to settle at the end, in the long run! One is more benefited than the other! Now, this is where Mi Young comes in! She's not only thinking about herself but others as well! She has balance and that's what Gun wants, needs! Maybe that's why he was that attracted to her to begin with which turns into love that he's not mentally realizing at first until recently despite the fact that he claimed he loves Sera for how many years!

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gumi said: I feel like I would've slapped him in his face if Sera was my friend and he told her that news right before her performance and ruined her performance. That's not being honest or conscientious, that's just being selfish. Telling early actually would have been easier choice for him. Because he never intended to not tell it, then the fear of having to face it and tell her was always there, and that pain just gets bigger when he pushes it back. Also, just talking on phone is much easier than telling in the face, when it's something u feel awkward and difficult in saying. But waiting and telling her in person was his respect towards his girlfriend. He was even willing to fly all the way over to New York, just to tell her the news, when he felt like this thing must be taken care of earlier and he can't wait until Sera comes back (that's not an easy thing, I abhor that 14 hours flight gaaaah). And I think his decision was right. Sera almost fainted when she heard that from Gun, and she was standing in solid ground. She could've easily injured herself during ballet performance, that's how big and shocking the news is. I feel like 'as soon as possible' still needs to consider the situations, it's not the absolute standard that decides what's right or wrong. 
I do think in Geon wronged Sera as a boyfriend to girlfriend. Of course, he wronged her, I mean what kind of girlfriend would be ok when she found out her boyfriend is married and has a baby...? She has every right to be mad. But I also do believe that Gun didn't make any wrong choice. I do disagree in ''What if she goes into a performance, he should've told her regardless' statement. I would've been very disappointed in Geon if that was the case, cuz I think that's being inconsiderate, not putting in the listener's situation and telling whatever one has to tell. I guess it's difference in personal belief...honesty vs. respect/consideration. And I do respect those having different beliefs than I do, and will not try to convince furthermore, but I just wanted to make clear that 1. I'm not thinking 'Gun made a wrong choice in not telling the girlfriend but should be forgiven becuz he himself was in a clueless situation' . I actually think he was right to push off telling her until her performance is over and they are seeing each other face to face and 2. I'm not standing on Gun's side becuz Gun is beautiful I ship Gun and MiYoung, I would've thought this way even if it's someone else in this situation. 

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I totally, definitely understand the points, your points, @gumi! But Gun telling Sera that moment on the phone will make him less guilty even if it's going to cost anything to Sera before, during or after her performance!

Whether he realize it or not, he's already attracted to Mi Young after they accidentally slept together before he found out she was pregnant! For example, he looked for her while he was at her place for business needs!

It's not Sera's fault that the set up plan happened coincidentally exactly during the same time frame she made her decision not to show up and left for ballet but unexpected things do happen and since she chose the path that she did, she would have to face, over come any obstacles, consequences!

If he respects, considers her, shouldn't he be honest with her then! Forget about her performance, career! Don't Gun wants, needs her as well! Just tell her and I bet she will fly right back! But then we will be watching a different drama instead! And Mi Young will no longer be needed!

I think I need to stop also!

Please continue to convince us till the end of this drama, @gumi! We may disagree on here and there but that's a good thing and it's very interesting!

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