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[Drama 2014] Glorious Day 기분 좋은 날

Guest reijaye

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translated preview

Thanks to @gerrytan863 who provided the translation for episode 43 preview..

Preview to Episode 43

NGY takes the girls to a merry go round (Lotte World), waves and smiles at them as they go around and a round as Writer Han is at a distance

NGY: If perhaps to say there is a Dad is to exist...what are the things that you will all like to do the most 

Off camera NGY: Just directly help me out in this 

MS comes into the kitchen saying something to SA.

MS: Let us marry Soon Jung off...Youngi (NGY) loves her 

SA is at Writer Han's house running her mouth about NGY to her

SA: How dare you "seduce" (tempt) Sam Choon (NGY)

Writer Han scream at SA as she is taken aback by the shelling.

Writer Han: What with the word "seduce"....it is fine that you just stand aside idle on the sidelines (mind your own business)...also is it necessary for I to have to live the rest of my life alone!!!

Halmeoni dementia is deteriorating as she couldn't recognise Dr Kang as he greets her

Halmeoni: Who are you...trespassing into someone else's property

Da Jung is surprise

Da Jung: Halmeoni...don't you recognise who he is at all?

Halemoni looks blank....Da Jung fears for the worst

YES!!! Looks like MS knows as well that NGY is in love with JSJ and he wants to get them married. This is why SA came storming over. Imagine saying JSJ was seducing NGY, why can she not sit down and shut up!!!  GLAD JSJ gave it to her. Poor Halmeoni, it looks like others will see some of the other symptoms of her illness.

No episode today due to the baseball game, but we still have the last two episodes next weekend. I hope NGY and JSJ have a satisfied conclusion and hopefully it is not open ended and they are together with her finally saying screw what SA thinks since everyone else is all for the two of them. (If not, tape her mouth and sit her in the corner with a bucket!) DI will come over as well to her "Hotel Uncle" and her mother when she grows up and thinks about it.
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Ldy Gmerm said: @awsparkle
You and I think the same about the Team leader. She should be ashamed of herself! Does she not have other friends to call???? Why did she call Writer Han to come? (I think on some level she senses something).  But to have her take her drunk butt home then to get up barely embarrassed and to eat (that was a full meal in front of her greedy behind!) and to not leave after that she took advantage of their hospitality. Then hours later she comes out of the house still THERE! Why? She ate before Writer Han left to go on her date with NGY. Just lurking around being creepy.. I was yelling at the screen as I was typing.. not to mention SA, she runs her mouth way too much. I can't wait for the next episode when Writer Han lets her have it.. walking into her house running her mouth.

Then she sees NGY talking to toad and inquires about that??!! Why is it her business to ask about him?! it is not she is just being nosy. She will never be with him and I am hoping this writer has NGY wake Writer Han up!! Looks like NGY is up to something and I hope it works.

DI, I can understand her being upset to find out her friend is her half brother but It is not his fault their father is a failure as a dad and that half bro had him and she did not. Grow up little girl and stop whining.. then stop holding your mother back. She is allowed to have a life just like DI is. She is also allowed to be with NGY if she chooses. I will say again the women in the house spoiled her entirely too much!! Time to face some real world issues such as a half brother, and the fact that her mother does not have to put aside her life now that all of these girls are grown , two married , one pregnant and one with a step son and the last in her early 20's none of them are babies anymore and when DI leaves and marries boyfriend she will prolly go to Japan with him so her mother will be alone in a sense.. (just no more chicks to raise with a couple of grand kids.) she needs to have love and companionship as well.

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I think it just normal for DaIn to act that way... No matter what she still the youngest one in the family... And DaIn always act like spoiled child but she easy to deal with... She just angry at first and when you persuade her she will follow you... Like her father problem...  In this situation she already have problem with her half brother thingy, and to add with her mothers lover... it to much for her. Plus she still not in married mind stage yet, so she not even thinking that she gonna leave her mother, different with her sister... They both married so they know what their mother need... 

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I need some homework help….

I’m a grad school student doing the initial stage of what will be a research paper on the information-seeking behavior of the foreign drama community, particularly East Asian dramas (Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc)

Could I get a few of you to give me some brief statements on
1. How you got into dramas
2. Where you get your information (besides here ;) ),
3. What information you look for (Actor gossip? Release dates? Filming photos? Reviews? Language learning help (to not need subs, or to help sub etc)? Where to download/buy subbed versions?
4. How the language barrier (if you have one) affects your experience searching for information


Thanks! this is just the initial info-gathering stage, I’ll probably have a more official survey I’ll send out to a bunch of sites later on…

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Guest ravendark


I need some homework help….

I’m a grad school student doing the initial stage of what will be a research paper on the information-seeking behavior of the foreign drama community, particularly East Asian dramas (Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc)

Could I get a few of you to give me some brief statements on

1. How you got into dramas

2. Where you get your information (besides here ;) ),

3. What information you look for (Actor gossip? Release dates? Filming photos? Reviews? Language learning help (to not need subs, or to help sub etc)? Where to download/buy subbed versions?

4. How the language barrier (if you have one) affects your experience searching for information


Thanks! this is just the initial info-gathering stage, I’ll probably have a more official survey I’ll send out to a bunch of sites later on…

1.i accident all start to watch boys over flower s while i was searching for koran Horror movie.

2.hancinema site

3.infi about drama, upcoming dramas, actors previus works etc

4.i easily find English subbed ones.

Hope this help.

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ravendark said:


I need some homework help….

I’m a grad school student doing the initial stage of what will be a research paper on the information-seeking behavior of the foreign drama community, particularly East Asian dramas (Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc)

Could I get a few of you to give me some brief statements on
1. How you got into dramas
2. Where you get your information (besides here ;) ),
3. What information you look for (Actor gossip? Release dates? Filming photos? Reviews? Language learning help (to not need subs, or to help sub etc)? Where to download/buy subbed versions?
4. How the language barrier (if you have one) affects your experience searching for information


Thanks! this is just the initial info-gathering stage, I’ll probably have a more official survey I’ll send out to a bunch of sites later on…

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@Harukogirl- you might want to check the general soompi rules before posting here. You bave to comment on the drama itself. Not post random questions otherwise you might be blocked or banned from soompi if you get too mnay off topic tags. Just saying. Otherwise drama sites such as this would be spammed with people asking any topic they like.

@Lady gmerm- thanks for the mini recap yesterday. I was planning to skip the episode but after reading so many scenes where you didn't what was said; I became curious. And then darn it, find out there's no episode yesterday.

Pretty bummed out about IW and SY ending up together after reading your recap. That's why I need to watch the episode to find out what was said.

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ck1Oz said: @Harukogirl- you might want to check the general soompi rules before posting here. You bave to comment on the drama itself. Not post random questions otherwise you might be blocked or banned from soompi if you get too mnay off topic tags. Just saying. Otherwise drama sites such as this would be spammed with people asking any topic they like.

@Lady gmerm- thanks for the mini recap yesterday. I was planning to skip the episode but after reading so many scenes where you didn't what was said; I became curious. And then darn it, find out there's no episode yesterday. Pretty bummed out about IW and SY ending up together after reading your recap. That's why I need to watch the episode to find out what was said.

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@Khai shares your view.
So much of emotions rolled into one episodes.  The big story is really on DI and HeeJoo.  Both having to live through the actions of their parents. Noted that there is no reason for bad behaviour and lack of consideration for her mum. BUT I asked myself how I would have responded if I was in DI's shoes; considering her age and circumstances she has been presented with or borned with... Honestly and shameful to say... chances are I would have responded with similar emotions.  It is circumstances that would have brought the worst out of you.  Therefore I would choose to cut DI some slacks.
Biggest clue on what's going on in DI's life and mind was when she said -- I do like him (NGY) but if mum gets married to him, the family structure will be more confusing....my father's last name is Jeong, my last name is Han and my new father's last name is NamGoong.  Isn't that confusing? ... I don't know these days I don't like anything--
DI's system has gone through major shocks and she needs time to digest.  None of her sisters has gone thru what she has gone thru.  Here are my consideration points...1) at a very young age she has to go thru social stigma and million of questions on why her last name is different from her sisters.  Can a little girl understand and deal with this? So this has been sitting in her system over the years; unresolved.2) she thought her dad was dead.  Suddenly he popped out.. to find out that he is a loser.. and betrayed and abandoned them for another family.  Don't want anything to do with him.3) at her age, her friends meant a world to her.  At her age, friends understand you better than your family.  It must be a major shock to her system to learn ... friend that you hangout with everyday.. friend whom you share your interests and meals with... and open your home to.. turn out to be the family who is a catalyst to your family breakup.  Betrayed in different ways.  This is a lot to stomach and to digest.  4) she adores her godfather.. but now he is going to add to the confusion by being her new father.  Once she is over HeeJoo's shock.. she will be over the moon that NGY is her new father.  Remember she said before.. something like... NGY would be her dream father? If at all.. she is the one who brought NGY closer to the family.  Remember.. she was the one who converted him to their godfather?
She just needs time.  Good that x-man is coming to his senses and apologising and trying to amend his ways.  Hope HSJ and x-man have a proper closing for the sake of the next generation; something they were not able to resolve amicably in the past is haunting HeeJoo and DI.
Cheers WooRi.. you did well and glad that you have a significant role in this episode.  Your dream father will come soon :x :x

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@Skyzora .....I have no idea and baffled by it .. in terms of how it works.  This is the first time that I am watching kdrama live and this stop-go-stop thingy is driving me bonkers.  Based on my business dealings with koreans... they are the most hardworking, the most respectful of schedule and very professional people.  So kdrama management totally threw me off.
Perhaps the more experienced kdramas viewers on this thread could help with our understanding.
Am learning the hard way... will not follow another drama live.  I didn't expect LSW's drama to get cut!! :-O:((~X(
But I must say that GD team has high level of commitment, passionate in what they do and professional in their delivery... despite shortcomings on the management side of this drama.  No publicity and they have gone far!!
Bravo to GD team!!!  Truly appreciate GD's team efforts.  Wish is for SBS to respect and recognise their contribution.

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Lovely photo of WooRi/DI and a few articles on her and her experience shooting GD.

Credit OSENhttp://joongang.joins.com/article/644/15959644.html?ref=mobile&cloc=joongang|mnews|pcversion


Credit StarNewshttp://star.mt.co.kr/stview.php?no=2014092913231116621&type=3

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gigglessquiggles said: @Skyzora .....I have no idea and baffled by it .. in terms of how it works.  This is the first time that I am watching kdrama live and this stop-go-stop thingy is driving me bonkers.  Based on my business dealings with koreans... they are the most hardworking, the most respectful of schedule and very professional people.  So kdrama management totally threw me off.
Perhaps the more experienced kdramas viewers on this thread could help with our understanding.
Am learning the hard way... will not follow another drama live.  I didn't expect LSW's drama to get cut!! :-O:((~X(
But I must say that GD team has high level of commitment, passionate in what they do and professional in their delivery... despite shortcomings on the management side of this drama.  No publicity and they have gone far!!
Bravo to GD team!!!  Truly appreciate GD's team efforts.  Wish is for SBS to respect and recognise their contribution.

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@gigglessquiggles & @omgomo13, Thanks for the OST. I didn't hear this song in the drama before. I thought that the song I don't know was the last OST. This song sounds so sad...

Btw, have you seen these photos of Da Ae, Da Joeng and Da In at Lotte World. They look so so cute. I really want to see what is NGY's plan in ep43 :))


Cr: StarNews


Cr: Woo Ri's Twitter

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