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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Haha, our girl is such a tease with all those hints that makes us wonder and wonder again what message she is giving us but don't we love it? ;) Of course the most famous topic today is who is that "someone" behind the camera :D :D

Have to thank you all again for all the insights and keep this thread goes on and on. I guess with not much news we have about those two, this thread is my savior to have some dose of them ^^

About that "holding hands" thing at the fashion show, their hands never touched actually :)) you can have your own judgment from this better quality video (their part start at 5:18)

@samzz, thanks for the gathering of our evidences :x I guess the most evidence for us is the accumulation of all those evidences. I may say that some are already seen from other co-stars. Even the kiss ad-lib, other drama couples shared it ^^


But to have all those together done by our couple is something that is just rare to see and make it hard to believe it is a causality like other cases :D

And I guess I missed it (as I didn't watch RM) but did Wookie also go hiding when Miss Kim appeared on the program??
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AQ, yes I know abt other kiss adlib, but to me still according to the script, or for the sake of chemistry. Chamo ad- kissing is for real, and you said none did it like them.
on the Miss Kim part, the news abt her coming to the show, came out at least 2 months before her actual appearance. She came to the house on the day Wookie on the way to Osaka FM. I can guess roughly the date of her appearance based on Nana outfit, the day she went to movie Premier, and the days they brought the donkey home. Usually they shoot around 3 days, and she came on the 2nd or 3rd day of the shooting. Wookie went to Osaka straight from the house to the airport. To me the PD/crew specifically choose the day, so Wookie is not in the house, same cases with Shoo-Wookie went to London. I saw Miss Kim just glance at Wookie bed when she did the tour in his room. I don't know what is in Wookie's mind after seeing his two ex, roaming in his room.

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On LINE @NaryeL posted a summary of recent statistics of how idols behave when they are secretely dating someone and casually DongHae coincide with many points like going overseas at the same time for work and meeting when the schedule is empty; showing a lot of love for a certain pet since they can't show a selca with their lover, the pet is the methapor of their man/woman; update their SNS frequently with long posts because they feel guilty towards fans since they can't admit the relationship yet; date at home instead of car; say they wanna get married; say a type that could not fit their lover; being SUPER good to fans even tho they are annoyed that day; have their own house...

Well, analyzing Donghae...

- Overseas work and meeting: it has happened TWICE already that they had schedules in foreign countries (USA and China). Da Hae stayed a lot in LA this summer, while Wookie only went to do a photoshoot. It lasted 2-3 days and I think he left with DH -on diff flights most likely- because on the day after his return she did the photoshoot with PINON but she said she was in USA! In China they left two days apart both on arrival and departure. They were in the same country at the same time but here probably they couldn't have met due to the distance of the cities they were staying and time. But we can't know. When you love, you can do greatness...
- Showing love for a pet: Cherry and Strawberry, DH's dogs. She has always loved her dogs, ofc, and took a lot of pics with them in the past as well. But recently it seems like when a mysterious person could be with her, she says it's her dog. Wookie's bday, Nov 6, DH posted a pic of her with her dog and her grandparents. Excuse! She had an excuse to do so not only for LDW's bday but coz he couldn't be in the picture with her family, so dog = Wookie's presence. Wookie's presence was also deep in the cap DH's grandpa had on his head. Lately she posted pics of her with Cherry at the gym and the park. I really think on both occasions LDW might have been there but naturally she couldn't openly say so.
- Update SNS frequently + writing a long message + being good to fans: You all said it. In the past, DH used to update very less, just the essential. Now she has updated TWICE in a week!!! In March during her events in China she also did the same. Who knows, maybe she was both excited for what she was about to do but also needed to send a selca "I am safely arrived" on KakaoTalk to her man. On most pics we saw articles that could be deemed as couple items too, correlated with long posts. Yes, I can say DH is practicing her Chinese, but imo there's an "hidden" message to what she says. She writes just to write coz she can't write what she would really like to write. Not only this, they are also very nice to fans both on SNS and in real life. People who have met them say they are very kind and nice and you can easily talk with them, they are very attentive. Fans are more keen to accept a truth like being in a relationship, when you treat them well. It would be a pity to treat you badly even tho they may not like your partner or the idea you have a lover.
- Date at home and posses a house: We know DH has a house of property in Nonhyeon-dong. House = independence = future with a family. Mostly house of property means this. One buys a house to be alone and do what they want, but idols use their houses to date as well. They have big houses and their building provides a gym and other private comforts that common people can't have. It's a little annoying to be always at home but like this they are less likely to be caught. On 2014 DH used to post pics of food on ever last weekend of the month. Probably, she was having a date with someone but used her friends as a disguise (remember when she invited her teacher home). According to @samzz research, it's possible that Wookie has a private house too. They couldn't possibly date at his family house with parents around. XD
- Say they want to get married: DH didn't say this before very often, but on the INStyle Weddings interview she did and posed with wedding dresses as well. kekeke. Wookie has said this in the past a lot, he also said he had a person he wanted to marry at some point of his life, but then he didn't anymore. Now he has denying and revealing. At his Japan FM he said something contriving about wanting to get married. Why he wants his fans to think he is single??? Maybe because he is not??? ; )
- Say their type is the opposite of their lover: this was like this only during MG/after MG period. When asked, DH always said Junki's character was her type but then she always said LDW's character and between them she always chose Wookie. After HK they asked her this question on the MBC section news and she totally said a type close to her possible man: taller than her with heels, one who can hug her with one arm... kkk. Wookie as well was asked about the type and the last I recall during TAXI interview from 2013, he said small frame with nice butt, a person with a good S-line --- totally DH, because she has nice hips and her body is not unshaped like many others.

What we can conclude about this? Some of the points where we see they are totally talking about the other plus couple items, make me wonder if we are close to an actual announcement. Being more open can only mean they are tired to hide this so on some days their secrecy can waver (like yesterdays' pics of DH) - or they are slowly revealing stuff to prepare for a bigger revelation very soon, so that when the day comes we won't be that surprised.

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"Being more open can only mean they are tired to hide this so on some days their secrecy can waver (like yesterdays' pics of DH) - or they are slowly revealing stuff to prepare for a bigger revelation very soon, so that when the day comes we won't be that surprised."

So its a good point, even when we talk it everyday lol. Da hae is giving hints through sns and wookie saying wait for may (in case, he say some in may haha)

Personally I loved yesterday pics, I think it was a perfect date together and I'm glad.

And one more time, da hae seems to be reading us here haahahahaha

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I want that person who took the picture for Dahae is Wookie too but will that be really possible?  One of the picture Dahae didn't wear the mask so people will definitely curious about who she was with.  May be Wookie was wearing his sunglasses and mask too!  Or even with a wig and a dress?  =)) 

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On the musical tastes of Donghae. Through the shirt that Dahae wear, and all the songs that Dong Wook extremely favorite. I also realize that both have musical tastes are extremely similar. In addition to the general preference with songs like Eric Benet, both probably also love rock music. I'm not sure about Dahae, but I knew Dong Wook really loves rock. He has a song that he deeply favorite are "Creep" by Radiohead. years ago, he used to sing it in all FM in both Japan and Korea, or the latest he has requested song "Sugar" by Maroon5. And we can recognize: Radiohead, Maroon5, Marquee Moon and Black Sabbath, all are rock bands.LCD Soundsystem also play music genre is a genre harkened  of rock music combined with some other genres, they is a punk - funk bands. This is a music genre originating from funk rock genre of rock music.All bands also has a style of writing lyrics for songs similar. If you just see the lyrics of two songs: New York I Love You and Television, and most of the songs of this band, you can realize it.
 And so, I think the Wookie favorite song is as well Dahae favorite songs. And it's easier for us to understand that they have a soul attuned with each other. And when they love each other, it will surely be a deep love making they cann't forget each other.
 What will be the favorite of them, such as creep, sugar, animals, pervert, ... =))And I remember that Dong Wook also love to wear these shirts with motifs as superheroes or the shirt symbolizes singer or band that like the t-shirts which Da Hae wear


 I always remember the gift of two of their drama. :x :x :x


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@HoaD, when I saw Dahae's T, I immediately remember Wookie's fav song on the snowy mountain last month, many commented, his choice of music is very cool/rare, bc LCD, is not a mainstream, not many people know it esp in Asia. Dahae. too as I said before, her fav song, also from unknown group/singer but have specific followers. I don't know if Television T is available in Korea, most likely she bought it when she was in States or New York, and out of many music group, why that T-shirt unless she's really a fan, and knew this group from her bf.
I don't know who influences who in this kind of punk genre, but knowing them like this brand is not coincidence.
and we still hv something unresolved clue-Dahae's mom on the set of HK. Dahae's mom always accompanied Dahae to shooting set,  even she stayed with her during Love Actually in China, there is a scene, she was sitting with Joe and Dahae during rehearsal. She also loves cooking for Dahae's fans or visitors visiting the shooting location, e.g during IRIS 2 , she served fried chicken to the staff. She's a great Cook, according to fan, her foods are delicious
#李多海# 2012年倩倩@小多麻麻最爱我 去爱蜜片场探班时,多妈爆料,左图是多多爱吃的零食,还贴心地为海带们各准备了一份[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]右边的是多妈为海带们亲手做的点心[阴险][害羞][花心][笑cry]饭上如此好的女神、麻麻也真是幸福

# Lee Da Hae # 2012 Qianqian @ little more hemp love my honey love when the studio to visit the set, multi-mom broke the news, on the left is a lot of favorite snacks, but also caring for fans are each prepared a right is more Mom are hand-made dessert so good on rice goddess, hemp is really happy[Ha ha][Ha ha][Ha ha][sinister][shy][Fa][Laughs cry]

as what we have discussed before, if the woman in green is really Dahae's mom, we have another biggest clue for their future together. 

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DaHae looks very content with the photos she posted on her weibo. I just noticed that she was wearing 3 layered clothes???? Let alone the black mask who was also seen worn by Wookie during his Japan trip. In this case, I presume that they were indeed having a date under the beautiful sky because of DaHae's over-dressed self, when I say over-dressed it means she was wearing too much clothes to hide her identity. PLUS! the cap Hahahaha 

Seems like she was also wearing the same shoes (which she and Wookie have something in common during HK) I wonder what the person who took the photos foot wear was. Hahaha ;) Though we all assumed that that was a secret date there are those who pointed out why DaHae had her face revealed in this photo below and that people might have recognized her, my conclusion is that this angle isn't really the area where people would stroll by and as we can see several amount of people are there behind where DaHae and that mystery person are located.




I hope it's fine to post these pictures


(this pains me until now, my baby Ssul~ :'( )

I guess, celebrity dating with masks on is also a trend in Korea. ;) My thumbs up goes to DaHae for having a date under the scorching sun. Hahahaha
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Actually Dahae always went to Han River for outing like this, usually with her cody, Cherry Junior and her Chinese teacher. I think why people not really pay attention to her bc they used to see her there. I'm not sure if Wookie was there, if not at least it will appeared in Insta. However, I know her Naver/Nate/DC/Daum are protected, her agencies have screening process, that's why we never see any hint of her with a guy, or suspicious guy for many years on her media. But my delulu also thinking the photographer is none other that Wookie.
-------------Continuation from  "hard evidence" of our couple
10-We heard many encountered them together, but no pic or whatever, the only we had are-18th April 2014 at seafood restaurant, famous for seaweed soup for birthday party and, quite far from the Alpensia. Wookie gave her advance birthday celebration. We are lucky many people posted their autographs in that shop and even one blogger mentioned he/she saw two of them at the restaurant.

[Jumunjin Sashimi House + VJ Commandos restaurants arch support - through striking octopus kimchi throughout ... 48분전 48 minutes ago 보내기 Feedback
"호텔 킹"이라는 드라마인데, 이동욱이랑 이다해 나와서 봤던 ㅋㅋㅋ 둘 다 제가 좋아하는 배우 쨘 저희가 시킨 메뉴가 나왔어요. Inde drama called "Hotel King", lee da hae lee dong Wook and both came out I saw it ㅋㅋㅋ my favorite actor MEET that we got the menu. 젤 먼저 스끼가 나왔는데, 완전 많이 나와 +_+ 종류별로 한 컷 씩 다 찍음요... Gazelle seukki first came out, a lot of completely cut out + _ + by the jjikeum Important to Category 

-another autographs pic from our Chamo on 26th July posted by Chamo fans. We know 25th was the last day of HK filming, so 26th was their own time together or maybe small fan meeting. 

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From @wishbone26
Notice] PAT Autograph signingDate & time :2015.5.15 (Friday)12:00pm - 13:00pmPAT Yangae store (Near exit 5, Yangjae station, Subway line 3)Any foreign chingus who would like to go, Go for it!!(Any Wookie fans in Korea who want to attend and need assistance, do let me know. Will do my best to help  )

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Video on Wookie FMhttp://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00BTWLL6U/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_myi?m=A1CNU9DUNU9381

old interviewHallyu starYouTube video together @ Kanryu_movies Apr 10
"We love K Lee Dong Wook exclusive interview (2013/1/24 delivery) "http://bit.ly/1CSfP23  


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just saying;
Why do i feel "  The Time I loved...."   drama is  Donghae real life drama. Met at young age, Dahae 21, Wookie 24, hv dating history with others but not working.
quoting from DB

The drama follows two longtime childhood friends (Lee Jin-wook and Ha Ji-won) as they mature through their twenties and into their thirties together, dating other people before they finally realize they ought to be together. Or perhaps it’s more that they actively have feelings for each other but are thwarted by bad timing or missed windows, since Lee Jin-wook’s character is described as “constantly failing in romance because of his friend of twenty years, Jang Hana (Ha Ji-won).” Aw, was he just friendzoned and unable to navigate his way out?

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Wookie latest remarks on the ending of RM.
credit to @Wishbone26  on 2 translations taken from Wookie's thread-
I want to thank my fellow 'roommate family' who have been through thick and thin with me for the past year and wish them all the best. I don't know when we'll able to meet together with this combination again. Know that I will always be rooting for you.

I would also like to thank the viewership of RM for their support as well as their criticism.

I am now going to back to my role as an actor. I look forward to meeting you through a good project.

I ask for your continued love and support of the entire Roommate family.

Hope that everyone is happy and healthy!-------------------------------

[As a returning member from Roommate Season 1, actor Dong Wook Lee was the solid foundation on which the program held firm. He exhibited his serious, charismatic side as an actor as well as his down to earth side with his candid and witty remarks. As the MC of Strongheart, his "entertainer spirit" blossomed on Roommate.

Playing a leading role in Roommate, Dong Wook Lee showed an honest, and humorous side that was not able to show through in his dramas. Sometimes, he would be razor sharp using straightforward speech, but then again, his gentle manners and charm won the hearts of the female viewership as well. In addition, his slighly goofy and humanly side could be seen too. He truly showed a diverse spectrum of himself on the program. At times, he also utilized his 'MC' skills to serve as the host on RM.

Having made an imprint on viewers' minds through Roommate, whether in its next season, or in other variety programs, we are looking forward to the future feats of Wookie, (Seho, and Jackson).]

looks like he's eyeing a  new project soon. Same with Dahae, eyeing 2 projects and also FNC is going to fund a new drama, so both are very busy-I bet after summer,
another message to his RM's friends
 Trans cr. Cosmic.sailor
DW: I feel so sorry to say goodbye to these people..
YJ: I wish we all could live together in a house!
SH: I hope we become someone who can talk freely with
MW: See you outside the Roommate often!
JO: They taught me I could be new and different.. -
Read more at http://websta.me/tag/leedongwook#hcPGYFxXgZHrBcJO.99

------------------------------------Wookie no need to fee sorry, you still can see them as what Min Woo said, unless your sugar does not allow you to meet the girls, yes she voiced her jealousy last year.
However, looking at the news, he seems very close to Seho, which I like it bc, even some said he's annoying, but to me he's someone can be relied on plus came from stable family and a very smart person. Rohei also a very interesting person, a hidden charm, and I remember in one ep, Wookie looks highly on him, or sort of his fan. Joon is very very funny person, positive thinking person, same with Jackson, and with this new family, Wookie will be more open up and looks thing differently and have more confidence in what he has achieved or for future projects. He needs to know he's is very talented, and has everything actually, just need a right circle of friends to push him to higher level.
Yoonji comments on her RM family-well we know Wookie is hot temper, but he knows how to control it. His hot tempered attitude is actually his hidden charm and the funny thing nobody afraid of him especially Dahae.
#SBSROOMMATE #CharismaJongokOnnie #BAMMMMAlwaysCoolJoonhyungOppa #RealMenRyoheiOppa #HotTemperedYetAlwaysNiceDongwookOppa #KindAndFriendlySehoOppa #WomenFullOfCharmsGookjuOnnie #GoodAtEverythingSunnyOnnie #VeryKindMinwooOppa #AlwaysPrettyNanaOnnie #HandsomeKangjunOppa #AlwaysBickeringYetThankfulFriendJacksonie #LovelyTroubleMakerOi♡♡

Just some old interview during SOW promotion in Singapore few years ago,-Dahae is like ping pong ball to him, kekekeke
When asked to compare Sun-A with another co-star, Lee Da-Hae, whom Lee Dong Wook had acted with in hit drama 'My Girl' in 2005, he pointed out distinctive differences.
He said, "Sun-A is very experienced, and is my senior in the industry. She is a great actress who can focus on any scene and she helped me a lot.

"Da-Hae is like a ping-pong ball, very energetic. She is my junior in terms of age and she is very cute. In 'My Girl', there were times when we had to act without a script. She can do impromptu very well."


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I just come in and post for LDW the first time. Though i haven't watched his drama a lot or know him much, I appreciate him despite the actors look, he is out going, down to earth and willing to open up to audience by joining reality show roommate, MC and game show like running man. It is quite hard to find actors in the same popularity like him to open up to this in k entertainment industry, where most actors will be too private and reserved to join reality show or TV program.

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