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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest turquoiseblue

tinsky73 said: She says HK filming is tiring her but I don't know, she still looks positively glowing! You can just see it in her eyes. There was a time from years ago when her eyes looked sad & that was also the time when she'd be hospitalized a lot during filming. I guess such things happen when you've no inspiration & work is rigorous. That doesn't seem to be the case now, does it? From BTS we can see how she's actually enjoying work despite the hectic schedule. I know she says they only get to sleep 3-4 hours a day since HK filming began but the perks of filming outside Seoul is that they have lodging within the area of their location shoot. Which could mean they are housed in villas in Alpensia, right? Which brings me to this question: why aren't we getting fan accounts of how DW & DH spend their time off the set? WHY???? *sorry, I'm in crazy stalkerazzi mood right now* 8-}

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Guest turquoiseblue

blueGurl_nineteen said: @turquoiseblue‌ HAHA. Yup, she is doing it again :)) If they ever disclose their status to the public, it will be well-planned; maybe we'd get a press conference with both of them admitting their relationship. Lols. Two agencies must give the go signal. They can't just plainly admit just like that. If the time and circumstances aren't conducive to admitting, they won't do it. I remember Kim Soo Hyun once said that in dating, even if he was dating in real life, he was advised to never admit it in public. XD
As much as there are many fans wanting them to go out in the open, sadly, there are nasty repercussions, which would echo on their respective career; so they must plan it well. :P Lol. Though, I see this happening in the near future. I am claiming it. Good things come to those who claim it. HAHA.
@tinsky73 I know, right? She is glowing and blooming, and becoming more and more beautiful. We totally get to see them enjoy their time in spite of the busy scheds. Must be a result of working with someone who she can share anything to, understands her well, and definitely someone she always looks forward to. :))

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Guest turquoiseblue

SeGafanlady said:

hhmm what are they talkin’ about?? lemme guess…

Cherry : Hon.. OMG you won’t believe how many of my sweet fans gathering here in the airport… I’m so surprise… (smiles 1000 watts)

Wookie : really baby? wow.. I’m happy to hear that… hhhmmm miss you already.. please come back soon.. (aegyo-full ala Wookie)

Cherry : aaaww honey I miss you too.. so much I wanna cry…. see you soon after I get back ok? Love you honey……..

Wookie : Love you too…… wait wait… can I see your lower body? I wanna see it now…

Cherry : hhmmm why?

Wookie : baby… show me now…. ok? now.. don’t make me wait.. (fussy and conservative and nagging)

Cherry : hhmmm alright… (focusing her iphone cam to her lower body)

Wookie : WHATTTT THEEEEE??????? did you wear that super hot skinny white Dolce and Gabbana jeans again? and that TOP? what is that? I don’t understand the design!!!!  @#!!&*%$#@!*&!!

Cherry : oepss.. miane yo chagiya… hhhmm sorry I must check in now.. talk to you later okay. when I’m arrive in Hongkong.. bye.. (hang up)

Wookie : baby.. baby.. baby… I haven’t finish yet!! @&*%$#@!&*!

(kicking plastick trash bin near the entrance door)

=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

LOL LOL LOL…. this twosome is really giving me A LOT of inspiration and imagination… DAEBAK!!

Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae nailed it.

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Guest tinsky73


said: She says HK filming is tiring her but I don't know, she still looks positively glowing! You can just see it in her eyes. There was a time from years ago when her eyes looked sad

Which brings me to this question: why aren't we getting fan accounts of how DW & DH spend their time off the set?

WHY???? *sorry, I'm in crazy stalkerazzi mood right now* 8-}

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in the K-drama or K-ent world, as far as I remember no one ever declare they are in relationship during filming either with their costar or someone esle, unless caught by media.

So I'm not bother at all about her story, she has said that countless time during year 2006 till 2010, and then only during Chuno she said she broke up with her costar. that's Lee Da Hae that we know so well.

Anyway, waiting for other fans acc. cannot wait for that

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Guest turquoiseblue

tinsky73 said:


said: She says HK filming is tiring her but I don't know, she still looks positively glowing! You can just see it in her eyes. There was a time from years ago when her eyes looked sad

Which brings me to this question: why aren't we getting fan accounts of how DW & DH spend their time off the set?

WHY???? *sorry, I'm in crazy stalkerazzi mood right now* 8-}

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We all know that both of them keep their private life really well. We don't know who they dated with or dating with either. So unless they make it public, I don't think they will even get caught with excuses such as filming HK or MG or we are just friends.

Also regarding days off or spare time, I think they are too busy to go outside. They spend a lot of time together though during filming but they are just too busy for dating outside.

And "A person she can share anything with? ". She definitely mature a lot. And when reading that part, the only one I can think of is DW. Looking at how comfortable they are together. Aigoo. That's right, that's the quality should be for a husband.

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They prolly have similar instances to the one we saw in ep 22 BTS, the one in which they fell asleep for real. :)) First, Dahae on Wookie's shoulder, then Wookie falling asleep for real while leaning on Dahae. How common is it to see co-stars become uninhibited like that? :P
Maybe filming sites are so closed-off from the public, which is why we don't see much fan-stalkerazzi pic? We saw a few before but most of them were really zoomed in, and taken from far, far away. Haha.
@AnhH that is true. What is consistent with them both is their emphasis on protecting their private life from the public. If the cat gets out of the bag, who knows what might happen. I mean, this is k-ent we are talking about. Oh, and... if I may say... Dating outside maybe superfluous if they are together most days of the week. :)

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Guest turquoiseblue

samzz said:

in the K-drama or K-ent world, as far as I remember no one ever declare they are in relationship during filming either with their costar or someone esle, unless caught by media.

So I'm not bother at all about her story, she has said that countless time during year 2006 till 2010, and then only during Chuno she said she broke up with her costar. that's Lee Da Hae that we know so well.

Anyway, waiting for other fans acc. cannot wait for that

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Guest tinsky73

turquoiseblue said: I dont think they have enough breaks to be honest. Even Dahae said they only have 3-4 hours of sleep coz sometimes they will film day and night even up to the wee hours of the morning and sometimes 2 days straight so in between breaks all they do is probably sleep :)) the only real breaks they have are day offs coz I think they shoot the drama Mon-Fri. And  food is delivered to them on the set and maybe they have rooms in Alpensia where they rest. Like what I said, whatever free time day have, they probably spend in the privacy of their homes/hotel rooms so It will be difficult for you to stalk them right now. Wait until Hotel King is finished. then you can be in your stalkerazzi mode :))  

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Guest turquoiseblue



is it only me or what I see here is actually Wookie and Cherry?

but in reality.. he probably rampage that cherry lips already.. hahahaha..

youthness is a blessing... indeed...

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and of course she cannot admit she's dating with someone or currently dating. She was in the news few days ago in China, a hot news indeed about her heart broken bf. Imagine if suddenly she said Yes to that question, I cannot imagine the how Chinese media takes it. Wooke will be dragged along, and I don't like it to happen.

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If it was me, a sight of the back of his head would have me fainting on the spot. Lol. =))
But seriously, I just love the way he looks at her. :x

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Guest turquoiseblue

samzz said: and of course she cannot admit she's dating with someone or currently dating. She was in the news few days ago in China, a hot news indeed about her heart broken bf. Imagine if suddenly she said Yes to that question, I cannot imagine the how Chinese media takes it. Wooke will be dragged along, and I don't like it to happen.

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Guest tinsky73


said: They prolly have similar instances to the one we saw in ep 22 BTS, the one in which they fell asleep for real.


) First, Dahae on Wookie's shoulder, then Wookie falling asleep for real while leaning on Dahae. How common is it to see co-stars become uninhibited like that?


Maybe filming sites are so closed-off from the public, which is why we don't see much fan-stalkerazzi pic? We saw a few before but most of them were really zoomed in, and taken from far, far away. Haha.

@AnhH that is true. What is consistent with them both is their emphasis on protecting their private life from the public. If the cat gets out of the bag, who knows what might happen. I mean, this is k-ent we are talking about. Oh, and... if I may say... Dating outside maybe superfluous if they are together most days of the week.


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Guest turquoiseblue

If it was me, a sight of the back of his head would have me fainting on the spot. Lol. =))
But seriously, I just love the way he looks at her. :x

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Guest tinsky73

omg that gif has so much FEEEEEELSSSSS :x :x :x dahae was laughing there saying something amusing while wookie is just..I can't..he was just looking at her seriously with so much fascination :x :x  if it was me... I will probably just die.... :x I'll see you in heaven @blueGurl_nineteen =))

and why will the girl who takes BTS vids capture that moment if it's insignificant? she's probably seen wookie doing that  'stare' to dahae many times before (birdcage bts)  and she melts into a puddle too...like 'awwwwwww..." :x :x

That's why she kept holding on to her script, concentrating on her lines...if she didn't, she would've melted into a puddle with wookie staring at her lovingly like that!


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 well for some reason that site i posted wont load, so i will tell you what the site stated about some signs that a guy likes you.1. he's touchy "Guys usually show what they want if they want it. Is he touchy when you guys talk? Does he rub your arm? Or purposely nudge you? Or put his hand on your leg? If the answer’s yes for all three of those, he probably likes you! Guys want to be obvious and show that they want you. And the best way to show you, is to touch you. Don’t take being touchy in a weird way. Don’t think that he just wants to use you physically or anything. Some guys don’t even have that intention! They just want you to know that you should feel comfortable with their presence."2.He’s looking at your lips!3.He Can’t Stop Smiling at You"I’m telling you, guys are so transparent. If he’s sad, he’ll show that he’s sad. If he’s mad, he’ll show that he’s mad. If he’s happy, he’ll show that he’s happy. When he’s with you, and he’s always smiling, he probably loves your company. He loves being with you and he loves just seeing you. He admires you beauty and is grateful at the fact that he is just staring straight at you. Guys also love the little things. They love seeing you happy. They love seeing you smile. They love seeing that you happiness is because of them."
4.He’s genuinely nice to you"Let’s be real. Some guys can be super rude! But when a guy likes you, he will be super nice to you. Not just a nice like he’d be to a random stranger, but a genuine nice. He will not be rude to you. He will not say anything to offend you. And he’ll compliment you a lot. And if he really likes you, he’ll even tease you. Literally, he will drop everything to be with you. He’ll ditch his friends to be with you. He’ll change his plans to be with you. No guy ever gives you the time of day unless he is interested in you."
yup dongahae meets these signs!!! 

and of course theres many more.. 
:) :x

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:x :\"> :x


If it was me, a sight of the back of his head would have me fainting on the spot. Lol. =))

But seriously, I just love the way he looks at her. :x

who knows she's already used to it..haha..if not, she might be dying enough to keep it still together..maybe she's using her super laser power hadoken to fight it..nyahaha..puing!


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