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[Drama 2014] Secret Love Affair 밀회

Guest uburoi

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said: @Rania Zeid '

unless there is something else in the writer's mind..a twist or something that we don't expect'
Even when Professor discover their relationship, what would be do? He might be willing to keep himself quiet to maintain his status as SJ's mentor. He might be  jealous of his wife for stealing his gem, SJ.When I watch the interaction of SJ and the professor or Professor's comments on SJ, there is a slight hint of homosexuality from the Professor's side. Most men do not recognize that there is a hint of homosexuality in them.They may not exhibit this tendency physically but there are many men who exhibit hint of homosexuality on emotional level. I wonder if the Professor were one of those men. 
I think that the danger for SJ and the woman are SJ's GF, the bitxx and her surroundings. The bitxx thinks that she is entitled to act like a horny dog due to her wealth but she would not be happy when she discovers her friend/enemy has a young talented hottie and he is deeply in love with his lover.

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SJ is so 'normal' when talking to this lady...then he turns into a ball of nerves with HW. HW meets SJ at his house where he just got keys from the landlady (I guess). He invites her in (I think) so they go up the outside stairs to his old house. HW holds a phone for a light for him to see. They go into the aptment. 
HAHA he still has shorts hanging up everywhere.  

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ugh live streaming looks like it died. SJ is cleaning while HW waits...he gets a box for her to sit on. He is so nervous...I love him lol taking a swig out of the water bottle after he pours some for her. 
ST is awesome here. 
So now they are alone....lol so uncomfortable. 
(SJ has to be thinking Punish me again. Please. LOL)

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I am watching it on mysolive: I just catched how SJ cooked coffee for HW. They are just sitting and not talking for awhile but then HW starts speak. I think she is telling him about the autidion and the possibilities he will have at the school, the competitions he could win and the places he could visit like PAris or Milan but SJ interrupts her. He is talking about Kang and her, how important she is and what she means, I think he is telling her she doesn't need to worry about him or anything just to love him since he will love her on his own. This sends HW into a laughing fit, Aww the poor puppy. Meanwhile Kang is leaving their house going somewhere, maybe to SJ's house.Edit: SJ starts unpacking boxes and looking for something probably notes and compositions while HW looks through a music sheet and stops because she sees SJ wrote something there and she laughs when he notices what she is reading he runs and takes it away from her.Awww, HW is no reading through SJ's essay from grammar school. She asks him to show her his mother's photo she wonders how she looked like, she compliments her on her beauty which makes HW happy. 

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He makes her lol at something it looks like is embarrassing to him. Hubby at home looks like he is going to get her at SJ's house (Did that fool send her there originally? Moron.) hope he doesn't walk in on anything to controversial. SJ gives her music sheets to look through makes her giggle at something LOL he hears her giggle so he runs to take it away from her in embarrassment (haha hilarious) seems her wrote in it when he was a kid. She keeps reading and it sounds like his younger self narrating what it says. 

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awww he shows her pictures of his mom proudly. good lord boy get off the PC (he is doing something I think, but STILL lol). Oh he plays something on the computer (piano music) all nervousness aside since they are now listening to the music...obviously their joint love now. He looks through the stair guard at her while they are listening. Oh goodness here comes hubby...awkward much? Mood killer. ;) 
She has tears after the song finishes. He doesn't look happy when she offers to hug him...wonder if he is holding back or if he wants more. Stupid hubby is listening in. SJ walks down the stairs slowly stepping towards her then hugs her. 
Again st is awesome here. 
The hubby leaves? Really? Good lord shows him in the car sitting then leaving. SJ keeps hugging her slowly wrapping her arms around him back. breathing heavy. Phone rings GOOD LORD its DM on the bus. 
SJ runs down to the ahjumma to get some keys or give them back idk. Then they both get on his bike then ride. Shows a montage of them riding and riding all over. 
Again...awesome St here. 

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Suddenly SJ plays a some music on his PC, it's a piano and HW is absolutely shocked to hear it, SJ is enjoying it while HW is absolutely swept away by the magical perfromance. She has her eyes closed and SJ sits against the railing and watches her. Now, Kang comes bearing something to eat and stands in front of the door to SJ'S flat.It looks like HW is on the verge of tears, she is wiping her eyes.  The piece is from Tchaichovsky, it'S something he wants to play to the audution and she tells him to go for it and even offers to give him one hug and offers her arms. There is a moment of silence when she lowers her eyes but then SJ says he is going to hug her, Suddenly HW says she needs to leave but stops when SJ comes near  and HUGS HER, Her husbands hears it all through the door.SJ continues to hug her and HW is very much affected and SHE HUGS HIM BACK!!! SJ IS SO HAPPY! BUt then his phone rings, it's DM

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OMG! It's like they are on their private run from DM. They are riding his motorbike!!! They are most adorable thing ever.  This is so romantic, she is even wearing his jacket. He takes her home. The poor puppy is looking after her until she enters the house. The husband is waiting inside.

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They finally get back to her house he dropes her off and watches her walk away with a smile (killer smile that turns sad I think). 
OH my gosh her hubby is sitting on the couch just waiting...he knows I just know it. They talk...heis so shady here. 
(missed a min cause had to pee *grin*) 
SJ is beating a punching bag on his roof. He is doing it wrong lol...ahrm I mean LOVE you SJ. Then he goes for a run (shows what we saw in the preview) where he is running outside her house. Hubby comes in after SJ runs by then goes to another window to look out at what she was looking at. It seems SJ is already gone though, and it shows him running away after the fact. 
Oh dear. School stuff. ;)
Ahhh He got his piano back!!! Tuning it looks like. Texts HW about it HW puts her headphones in, AHH he is playing twinkle twinkle again!! How cute is that?She is so happy remembering them playing together. 
Later HW is getting her hair did with DM washing it so they talk. HaHa is that DM holding something from her hair at that chicks (gum chick)? served her right if it was them. 

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OMG, SJ is boxing and suddenly he runs all the way to HW'S house, she sees him smiling through the window like in the preview but her husband comes, but SJ is already gone but KANG reads the text message he just send HW that he is leaving and Kang realizis he was there. I think that'S why HW will tell SJ not to send her any messages.Edit: SJ is hanging the laudry outside when he recieves a call, they are bringing back his piano, they are even going to tuneit for him. I think it was HW who took care of it. because he sends her a message thanking her for the suprise. After she reads the message there is a mp3 file attached to eat it'S SJ playing Twinkle Little Star in the newly tuned piano. SHe listens to it and is absolutely happy. THIS OTP IS KILLING ME WITH THE SHIPPINESSEdit: HW is in the salon with DM and asks her how it went with her boyfriend and she is happy it all ended well. HW wonders if she shoudl get her haircut changed. HW recieves another message from SJ that makes her smile.DM is threatening and bullying the spoilt girl in the toilet and HW hears it but pretends she didn't. I guess that DM is a little devil inside. HW is dining with her friends from work. HW breaks down a little nad wonders out loud how can she compete witha 20 year old and her firends wonders if she has a lover but they laugh about it.HW sends SJ a message not to send her any messages anymore and he starts to play but then he recieves a call from Kang. Kang remembers what he heard the other day whne HW offered to hug SJ and he said he will hug her.Edit3: The scene where HW will get beaten by SW is coming up, they are going to play majong now, SW talks with her father and persuade him about something. HW gets a diamond necklace and earring from Madame HanI lost the stream during the last 2 minutes. The end

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That is where it ends? Good grief, they are seriously lacking in a good ending today. 
*sigh* I am wondering how significant it was that she is letting him drive. Then again I think this ep did move along the plot a little in that the hubby is obviously fine with letting his wife have a hold on SJ. Might needs subs to confirm that, but from my perspective that is what it looked like. 

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