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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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This chapter came as a complete surprise. We are now in Busan:blush:

Day came for Wooyoung and Seyoung to fly for Busan.Wooyoung did all their travel arrangements including car pick up to take Seyoung to his parent house in complete secrecy from the public. Wooyoung's flight was two hours ahead of Seyoung. But that morning she woke up feeling a little queasy. She blamed it on the excitement and nerves of seeing Wooyoung's family again. She took very light breakfast to make sure she doesn't get sick before heading to the airport. The flight to Busan was pleasant. A car was already waiting when she came out. An elderly gentleman introduced himself as Wooyoung's uncle who will take her to his parents house. Wooyoung was waiting for her at the door when she arrived. He then led her inside where his parents, sister, brother-in-law and his niece were waiting.
"Anyeonghaseyo Abunim, Omonim, Unni, Jin Joo and Hyungnim," Seyoung greeted everyone politely.
"Seyoung-ah, it's good to see you again," Wooyoung's Mom greeted back, giving Seyoung a warm hug.
"Gamsahamida, Ommonim.I'm very happy to see you and everyone again."
"Come, come sit down. You are probably tired from the journey. Aigoo...yeupoda,senja," Wooyoung's mum remarked leading Seyoung to a chair.
"Omma,I'm here too you know. You seem to be more happy to see Seyoung than me," Wooyoung said, he then went to his Mom and gave her a back hug that made everyone laugh.
"Aigoo...our maknae is jealous of the attention we are giving Seyoung-ie," His Mom replied back.
They all sat down and chatted. Wooyoung's sister was a charmer. She have the same sense of humor Wooyoung have. His brother-in-law was a little reserved but very nice too. Wooyoung's Dad, is his usual self, soft spoken at the same time funny. Wooyoung's niece is pretty and a little chatter box like her mom. And his Mom is the original charmer like her kids. Wooyoung on the other hand, never left Seyoung's side. Grinning from ear to ear seeing how Seyoung is well received by his family.
Seyoung wanted to help prepare lunch. Woyoung's mom didn't want her to being a guest but Seyoung begged for her to be allowed to help them. When lunch was ready, everyone sat together in the dining table. Seyoung couldn't believe how much food Wooyoung's mom prepared for their visit. After saying grace, they started eating.
"Seyoung-ie how is work doing. Wooyoung said you haven't been active in acting and work somewhere else." Wooyoung's mom said.
"Yes Ommonim. I now work with a private company who makes commercial films and documentaries."
Suddenly, Seyoung felt like she was going to be sick, she put her hand to cover mouth, quickly excused herself Wooyoung following closely behind leading her to the nearest bathroom. Everyone looked very concerned.
"Yeobo,kenchana?" Wooyoung asked looking very worried, rubbing Seyoung's back while she was bent over to the sink, dry retching.
"Actually, since waking up this morning I felt queasy in the stomach.Mianhe."Seyoung replied when her nausea settled.
"I should be the one saying sorry for dragging you all the way here." Wooyoung looking very concerned."We should take you to the hospital. Does it hurt anywhere?"
"No. You know how I wanted to come here with you. I'll be fine. Gomawo." Seyoung replied, rubbing his arms for reassurance.
"Come. I'll take you to my room so you can rest." Wooyoung and Seyoung came back out. Everyone were waiting anxiously if Seyoung was okay.
"Kenchana Seyoung-ah?" Wooyoung's sister asked.
"Kenchana, Unni.I think my excitement of seeing you all caught up with me. I've been looking forward for this trip all week," Seyoung answered,smiling.
"Omma,I'll take Seyoung to my room to have a lie down," Wooyoung told his Mom.
"Araso,araso.You go and rest Seyoungie,"His mom agreed.
"Aniyah Ommonim.I feel okay now. I want to finish my food." Seyoung answered and sat down again.
Wooyoung followed but was watching her closely.
Seyoung barely managed to keep her food down but she didn't want Wooyoung's family to be disappointed especially if they spent a lot of time to prepare this feast.
"Seyoung-ah. It's okay. Don't feel bad. You'll be more sick if you'll force yourself." Wooyoung's sister said when she noticed Seyoung struggling.
"Yeobo.You need to rest. Let's go." Wooyoung insisted and they went to his room. When they got there Wooyoung helped Seyoung to bed and sat next to her holding her hand.
"Are you comfortable?" Wooyoung asked.
"Is your stomach hurting?"
"Annii. Sorry I got you worried." Reaching out to touch his face.
"It's okay, My Love.I want you to stay here and rest. Let me know if you need anything," Wooyoung said, looking at her lovingly.
"Your room is nice. Maybe later on I'll have a good look around and see your old photos."
"Feel free to have a look. My room is yours too. Mom kept it really clean and tidy."
"Of course. You are such a neat freak." Seyoung said laughing.
"You are right. I think it's a disease." Wooyoung agreed.
"You should go and talk to Abunim and Hyungnim.I'll lie down for a little bit and will be out soon," Seyoung said, urging him to go.
"Animidah.I'll stay here with you until you're fine. You forgot, I haven't seen you for a week," Wooyoung said.
Seyoung gave a soft laugh knowing she'll never win. It's true. Wooyoung have been busy the entire week. Often, she sends him text message during the day to say hello. Making him feel that she was thinking of him. The phone calls come late in the night.
"Poor thing. She must be really tired," Wooyoung said, when he noticed Seyoung fell asleep. He arranged the blanket to make sure she is warm. Kissed her in the temple before quietly leaving the room.
His Dad and brother in law were already in the lounge room when he came out. His Mom and sister busy in the kitchen.
"How is Seyoung?" His dad asked.
"She's sleeping,"Wooyoung replied.
"It must have been a long week for her," His brother in law said.
"Her work can be physically demanding at times. She goes around all over Seoul when they do productions."
"How is she coping with your busy schedule?" Wooyoung's brother in law asked.
"She hasn't complained at all. Which makes me feel bad. That's why I make sure she has all my attention when we are together."
"Do that Son. You got a great woman there." His father said.
"I agree." His brother in law reaffirmed.
"Thanks. Let me go get us a drink." Wooyoung offered.
"How is Seyoung?" His sister asked when Wooyoung came to the kitchen.
"She's resting. Sleeping actually," Wooyung answered before going to the fridge.
"Wooyoung-ah,"His sister said in a whispering manner when their Mom left the kitchen.
"Noona.Why are you whispering?"Wooyoung asked.
"I have a feeling that Seyoung might be pregnant."
"What makes you say that?"
"My dear brother. You and Seyoung are very healthy adults. Don't tell me you haven't slept with her yet?" His sister said bluntly.Still whispering.
"Noona! " Wooyoung was taken aback hearing it from his sister saying it like it was nothing.
"Sshh. Keep your voice down. Listen. Her symptom is exactly same when I had Jin Joo.I have spare pregnancy test kit at home.I'll ask your hyungnim to bring two later," His sister said.
Later in the day Seyoung was up feeling much better.She apologised for the inconvenience she caused. Wooyoung's family reassured her it was no bother at all.
The ladies all busied themselves with dinner preparation. Wooyoung's sister managed to pull Seyoung aside, away from her Mom for a quick talk.
"Seyoung. I have something to ask you."
"Deh Unni.What is it?" Seyoung asked.
"Can you remember the last time you had your period?"
"Unni!" Seyoung was surprised with the question.
"Come on. Don't be embarrassed. It's normal for a man and a woman that are in a relationship.You know what I mean, sex. But that is not important. Anyway, are you on a pill? Or Wooyoung ever used condoms? What I'm saying is. You might be pregnant if none of you have taken or used birth controls. Try testing your urine later and do another one early in the morning. It will either come up as positive or negative. By the way, this is 99% accurate. I used this when I had Jin Joo." Wooyoung's sister said it straight. She then put two pregnancy kits in Seyoung's hands and went back to prepare dinner.
Seyoung looked at the pregnancy kits in her hand. She realized that Wooyoung's sister could be correct. She calculated the days, she has been over a week past her expected date. She has been that busy, and didn't even notice it.There is a big chance that she might be indeed pregnant!


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Dear Everyone, 

come to think of it, we are all fooling ourselves, yet we enjoyed every bit of it. Despite all these delusions we've made, we still hope for a very slim chance (-like 1%) that they are likely to be together. I happened to watch wgm YY couple just a month ago, it was 3 years back then. And started to find what has happened with them. I've searched blogs just to satisfy my curiosity. Found & followed this site-soompi. I didn't expect someone would answer my questions & still be here since this happened years back. Somehow, life for me had been interesting, this is sooo new to me.

As I have said, I have been tired & sad, I have realized that I have wasted so much of my youth, working to death. I would say that my family belongs to the decent ones. I was just raised & exposed to doing business & harvest what you sow. In my younger years, life has never been boring, I was a busy body. I was a wow to many girls & boys too. I was even featured in young entrep, fashion & health magazines. Sorry but I opted not to expose my real name. But these all are just meaningless without someone around to interact with you. Well of course, I'm loved by my siblings & parents. But there's always something that's missing...love from a boyfriend. I had one love-a friend when I was 10, he's 12, he has all the qualities I like, at an early age he was really tall-he was like Taec Yeon when I first saw him in Cinderella's Sister. Our families arranged a wedding when I'll reached 20, after finishing my degree at Parsons design school in NY, I flew back to Manila, but unfortunately, he impregnated my best-friend. Back then I didn't feel lonely, I felt betrayed. Excuse me, I don't mean to brag all these. I'm just explaining Möney isn't everything. At one point in your life, you'll realize there's something's missing. 

This is when I have learned to watch drama, I get this excitement that I have never experienced before. That's why WGM couple made me so curious on how it feels like to be in love. Well I guess these people are actors & actresses to make you believe what's happening are true. That's made me mad, because they even drag their parents into the show to make it realistic. Unlike drama, there's always a happy ending. 

Soon, we have nothing else to say because our lead actors drifted apart. I'm starting to feel this emptiness again. It's hard to believe that these are fanmade delulus. This makes me more hurtful & sad. I hope these actors take time to read our forums/blogs, so they'll come to understand us. We are humans, we cry, we laugh, we love, we hate. 

The longer we have this delulu, the deeper the wounds in our heart grows. When I read about WY doing aeigo again with Irene, I hated it & scared to watch it. I have watched the video where Bernard gets invited to his apartment, I hated it too, it only shows that his house is open to public-no more privacy...

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Technically WGM is also just a show just like any other dramas. We may never know if what we see on the show is real or not. We also don't know what happens after. Initially this ship was created to support WY and SY while they were doing WGM. This was also created with a hope that in any way they will be together after the show. Most of the members already left for the reason that there is no indication that WY and SY are together.

For us who stayed, we are here to support them together or not. Of course, there will always be a part of us hoping they will be together. However, we are also in touch with reality. If they are not together and dating other, then we'll just support them individually. 

This delulu we are doing in this ship is a way to have a little enjoyment and excitement. This is also a way for members to bond. It may seems that we are fooling ourselves but there is nothing wrong to enter fantasy land once in a while. hehehe. 

In this ship there are heartbreaks but most of the time we're just enjoying and talk with friends. This ship is here not just because of WY and SY but over the years we met great people. 

Let's take it lightly and just enjoy. :)


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Advisory alert : Keep tissues handy :cold_sweat:

After dinner Seyoung spoke to Wooyoung in private.Told him what his sister suspected and what to do to confirm.
"Wooyoung-ah what if your sister is right?" Seyoung asked him.
"Yeobo,I will be the happiest man in the world if you are pregnant. Come on, let's do it."Wooyoung reassured giving her tender kiss on the lips.
Later that night, Seyoung went and did a pregnancy test while Wooyoung was waiting patiently outside the bathroom door.It came back positive plus two line indicator were very clear.
Seyoung opened the door and showed Wooyoung the result.
"This means?You. are. pregnant?" Wooyoung asked, his eyes getting bigger with each word.
"I think. Yes." Seyoung said softly, nodding her head looking at him.
Wooyoung drawn her into a hug. Kissing her all over her face in total excitement. "We should tell mom and dad now!"
"Not yet.Unni said I should test it again early in the morning to reconfirm." Seyoung stopping the very happy Wooyoung from running into his parents room.
"Why? I thought this is 99% percent accurate?"
"Unni said it is.But she also said to do it again early in the morning. Let's wait okay?"
"Yeobo.You have no idea how happy you made me. I love you a hundred times more."
"I love you too. Jang Wooyoung-shi."
Seyoung and Wooyoung hugged each other happily at the same time, both in utter disbelief they are going to be parents.
Sleep did not come easy that night. Seyoung stayed in Wooyoung's sister's room while Wooyoung in his. But sometime during the night. He came in to join Seyoung in his sister's room.
"Yeobo." Seyung heard someone calling.
"What are you doing here? We will be in trouble if your parents find out we are sleeping together in their house." Seyoung said.
"I can't sleep. I miss you. Please let me stay. And besides, aren't we sleeping together already? Our little Wooyoung is growing inside you as we speak."
"Jang Wooyoung!" Seyoung exclaimed but immediately covered her mouth for the noise she created.
"Sshh. Keep it down or we really are going to get caught. I promise not to do anything unless you allow me.I just miss you. I haven't seen you in a week. I'm dying of loneliness here."
Seyoung moved to make room for him. Wooyoung  quickly wrapped Seyoung in his arms.
"How do you feel about the thought of being a Mom?" Wooyoung asked in his very serious tone.
"Happy and excited. But a little anxious." Seyoung replied.
"I don't know. Maybe it's the whole new responsibility that we will be facing? What if I suck as a Mom."
"I highly doubt if you'll suck as a Mom. You are one of the kindest person I've ever met. But the prettiest amongst them all. And I love you. We are in this together. You, me and our baby."
"I love you too." Seyoung replied.
Finally sleep came for two people who will be facing better days ahead.
Seyoung and Wooyoung woke up at very early the next day to do the pregnancy test again. Waiting for Seyoung to come out from the bathroom was the longest ten minutes wooyoung had. When Seyoung came out. The result was again positive and the two line indicators were again very clear. Seyoung is definitely pregnant!
"Yes!" Wooyoung said throwing a fist in the air in complete joy.
They went back into the room. Kissing and hugging each other.
"Oh god. You are so beautiful.I want you." Wooyoung whispered showering Seyoung with kisses everywhere. Seyoung welcomed him. Lovemaking was Seyoung and Wooyoung's menu for breakfast.
Later that morning, Wooyoung's sister came to join them. He announced the news. Wooyoung's mom hugged Seyoung. His Dad congratulated them both.
"Thank you Mom and Dad. We are very happy." Wooyoung said.
"Gomawo Unnii." Seyoung thanking Wooyoung's sister.
"No. Thank you for giving my brother a second chance and making him happy again.Welcome to the family," Wooyoung's sister replied.
Wooyoung contacted his personal assistant to re-book his flight. Wooyoung was supposed to fly an hour after Seyoung. But with finding out Seyoung's pregnancy, he was adamant that they will fly together back to Seoul. After few phone calls, their flights were confirmed for the late afternoon. Seyoung had another bout of morning sickness. Wooyoung was so worried, he insisted on getting his doctor cousin to see Seyoung. His cousin came and checked her, he prescribed anti- nausea medications for pregnant women and reassured Wooyoung that Seyoung is very healthy except for her morning sickness. All morning, Wooyoung was extra attentive towards Seyoung. Lunch was a struggle, trying not to disappoint Wooyoung's mom, she tried to eat as much as she can, the smell and taste of kimchi stew doesn't agree with her at the moment. Wooyoung's Mom noticed this.
"Seyoung-ah, kimchi stew isn't agreeing with you right?" Ommonim asked.
"Susahameda,Ommonim," Seyoung apologized.
"Kenchana.I was like that too when I had Wooyoung. Any dish with kimchi made me sick," Ommonim answered.
"Omma,what can I give Seyoung?" Wooyoung asked.
"Dry crackers always work. Make sure Seyoung has that all the time." Ommonim replied.
"Gomawah Ommonim," Seyoung replied.
After lunch, Wooyoung went to buy the crackers. Seyoung stayed in bed, she took the tablet given to her by Wooyoung's cousin, it made her feel a little drowsy as an after effect. Then she heard a light knock on the door. It was Wooyoung's Mom. Seyoung sat up quickly.
"Deh,Ommonim," Seyoung said.
"Kenchana Seyoung-ah?" Ommonim asked.
"Kenchana Ommonim. Gamsahamida," Seyoung replied.
"Seyoung-ah. Omma-ga is very happy because of you and Wooyoung. Gomawah for accepting his love again. It must have been more than two years now when he lost you, he drove himself to the edge. He never told us what happened, but as a mother, it broke my heart seeing him like that. He worked like there was no tomorrow. One day, he came home and just cried and cried on my lap, saying he was a fool for letting you go.He blamed himself for everything. He stayed with us for a week, that was the first time since his debut I've seen him that low. It was so heartbreaking. I was worried and prayed to the Gods everyday and night, to please keep my Wooyoung safe and to give him strength to go through that. And never give up. When he was leaving back to Seoul he told me he will do his best to make you proud of him so that, if he sees you again he will be the man you can lean on. And if fate allows you will meet in any given circumstances, he will never let you go. When I received the phone call from Wooyoung that you are back together. I cried. Finally my prayers was answered by the good God. Because I knew he was hoping for that miracle. The miracle of finding you again. And how he cling to that tiny bit of hope for years.
Seyoung-ah, please forgive Wooyoung for all his shortcomings. And the pain he caused you in the past. My son loves you very much. And now, that you are going to have a baby. There is nothing more in this world that I want but to see you both together, living happily. Gomawah Seyoung-ah, chungmal gomawah," Wooyoung's mom said crying.
"Ommonim.I never stopped loving him. It was really hard for me too. I tried to forget him but my heart tells me otherwise. Watching him from a distance was killing me. I don't know why we had to suffer when none of us was at fault. I thought, if I give up being an actress that will make me forget. So I kept myself occupied with work then I would be too tired to even  think of Wooyoung. Since then, there hasn't been anyone else. It's always been Wooyoung. It's only him. When I saw him again after a long time my love grew even more.I didn't hope of seeing him again mainly because, I want Wooyoung to be happy. Being an idol was his life. It was hard for him to be the boyfriend he wants to be but I didn't want him to choose between his career and me. I let him go because I love him that much.
Ommonim I promise you, whatever challenges we will face. I will stand by him. We will face them together.I won't be a coward anymore.This time I am not letting him go either." Seyoung replied and hugged Wooyoung's mom.
Wooyoung heard it all.He was standing outside the door all that time. Listening to the two most important women in his life made him so grateful and thankful for everything. Wooyoung quietly left, went to the backyard for a moment to allow Seyoung and his mom finish their talk. And himself cry those tears of joy.


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@kdaddict1 I hear you. Whether in drama world or in reality we go through heartaches. I was 22 when I experienced the pain you went through. There was the man who promised me the moon and the stars, but was sleeping with someone else and got her pregnant. No different from kdramas we watched. It was reality to me. And it's called betrayal.

We go out with friends. We travel. We work hard. We look after our family (for those who are married).Yet, somehow time comes that we feel a degree of emptiness. That's why we look for something to fill that gap. This is why I like this forum. We have gone past the delusions. It was all good when we saw the signs from WY. We cheered together. But when that fateful statement statement from WY came out, we also grieved together. And that's how I knew, we have formed virtual friendship. We became more than a bunch of shippers hoping our couple will have a happy ending together. This forum is like the glue. I'm not sure if others will agree with me but I think they will. We become too busy with our lives so at times, we can't be around as often, but I always come back here to know how @chic-chic @Gerry58 @hazeljrr_c922 @elenskivios38 @yyluv @blame2pm are doing...sometimes it's no longer about YY anymore. Now, I'm happy to see @kho39 @yun84 @2handsintertwined @pammie69 @Ratee-Siri @kdaddict1all you lovely ladies dropping in. It's great!

I agree with you @chic-chic. Take it lightly and enjoy :)

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Hi everyone, feel very sorry for the thing that i wrote made some of u feel down today..this all only my worryness only n its not the true btw..so..after i rethink again n put myself into another way round this time..ok..let me think this way around...

1)..wy composed sad song is rare but he cannot everytime only do happy song rite..let think in this way...friends.

2)he so emotional when sang those sad song n "without u"..let think in this way...now ..he very into LP rite, he listened alot of good music around the world rite...that made him had alot of feel in music, to help him sing beautifully n emotionally..btw..he like monitor his singing lately rite..mayb that the reason he doing better in singing then  bfor..to improve himself...

3)he now seem more active in sns n show his house to friends n public..let think in this way...mayb both of YY discussed that..they cannot keeping low profile like past 2 yr anymore...cos now..wy need be solo artis  n get more publicity in korea..cos 2pm is more popular in japan but not that in korea anymore..n he got his coming korea solo comeback mayb..that y...he start active in sns world btw next yr he will eslist military too..so this yr he need work harder to earn more...so after his military, he can give a better life to 'her'..

4) actually ..i not worry about that Irene kim too..dont get me wrong...she is pretty but i think this type of girl are alot in wy surrounding n im very sure sy is more special for him bcos she is different rite...i only worry is ..izzit wy wanna to 'move on' from the past...that y ..it border me seeing wy agyeo w her in public...sigh...ok let think in this way...mayb he already got approve from 'her'..to do his best on the show , to let ppl know more about him..the cute side...haaaa...ok..i think i feel better thinking in this way...we never know rite...mayb im right.mayb im wrong....mayb...haaa

@kdaddict1..for me...YY never fool us..they are real..wy eyes cannot lie...we only believe in reality..they gave us reality hint too..if u readback..there is alot of hint yy gave us...its not delulu for sure....but but.....in 2017 now.... honesty i can say i really dunno ....that y...i looking for more hint in 2pm latest concert to see the members got teasing him or not?...n his interview too...

Btw...anyone here can understand korean?...i need to find out wat sungjin ,ahyeon & wy talked in sbs youngstreet last time...if not mistaken..i heard they talked about "kyeohun" (married)..i think wy looked abit of awkward when sungjin asked him sumthing....ar...i need to find out wat he say...pls..anyone can help? Refer to youtube ( 170620 youngstreet i hate you day6 sungjin full) around at 51.14min.. wat are they talking?...haaa sorry...i dunno how to upload video here...

Thanks everyone in this forum...really glad meeting u all...thanks for always giving us positive spirit  for our beloved YY couple.n keep this ship sailing..u know who u are...love u all...


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@standingtallyy looks like I shed more tears from what you wrote me than the fanfic of your friend. Thanks that was really consoling. We had almost same story, I wasn't that affected then. I see things differently. Farthest thing we've done was "kiss". That man was never mine. Neither with my best friend. They didn't marry. He's still into me these days but I don't see him as a man anymore. 

Hey girls, would you be jealous if I go & find my man in Korea? He said he's available? In my dreams....

i was deeply sad this afternoon, can't help but cry over the things that's happening with our WY. I know this periscope was just his outlet to make himself busy, because at the end of his day, he will lay his head on the same pillow again.

anyone if you guys from HKG?

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@kdaddict1 Go for it girl! Find someone in SK...any of the 2PM men will be great! Hahaha! Thank goodness you didn't end up marrying him. He's still into you? Tell him to move on because you have :). I didn't mean to make you cry but am glad it gave you some comfort.. Not only Wooyoung but a lot of celebrities are actually very lonely. Often they go home to an empty house. When they go out it's all about work. Well it's the price they have to pay. Money certainly couldn't buy you everything. 

Off topic - @kdaddict1 You are about the same age as my nephew, he just turned twenty nine this year. He is not rich, but very hard working. Good looking but wears glasses. And loves his Aunt (me - I have no kids, you see). He is a very sweet man. He moved out of home since he was twenty two and has been independent since. He has a girlfriend but lives in the US. He is in Cebu. He loves Starwars more than the girl I think - his only hobby. Doesn't smoke or drink. According to him, they are very realistic and practical about it. Come what may sort of thing. Do I sound like I'm trying to hook you up with him? Hahaha! I'm only joking :D. Just believe that one day, he will come your way. Anything is possible, dearie...


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Guest elenskivios38

                    "YASAS" Hello! dear ladies ! sorry i've been busy past few months.What a beautiful fanfic another talented lady added .

         many thanks for contributing your great ideas in YYForum its a friend of @standingtallyy ? "wow!naman galing":wub:.Better late than

         never welcome to our new YYlovers @kdaddict1 @kho39 @yun84 @2handsintertwined @Ratee-Siri @pammie69 im just 

         few months away look! new friends came :o:)You found a right place .Another "kababayan"was

        mersmerized of YYCouple .Our YYCouple though busy in their separate works keeps spreading love virus from WGM..

        My dear @kdaddict1 take it easy as what @chic-chic  Whatever may happen to our YY couple.they'll be together or not its OK

       we accept .Lets enjoy meeting here with good friends .

       I second the motion ...go! go! go! @kdaddict1 find a good man... girl like you deserves to be happy 

       Tell  your ex LET IT GO >>>LET IT GO>>> DONT COMEBACK TO ME ANYMORE!!!

       ALL THE BEST !:wub:


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#Wooyoung at Emo Lab Studio, Hongdae.

Other pics in spoiler since pics are with Irene. It might cause heartache for some hehehe. Some Hottest are so jealous too since Wooyoung is so comfy with her. They also noticed doing Aegyo. 

But they are for sure just doing a show. 


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Good morning YY Nation  :)

A quick one- don't worry about wy- he is a big boy. Now he has to go on his own cos his brothers will go military first. He needs to promote himself that's why he does variety shows, he will meet lots of girls but he is old enough to know what to do. Even if he finds a gf not sy, I am fine with it. 

@kdaddict1- cheer up. Consider yourself lucky u found out before marriage cos I have friends who went through stressful divorce. U still young, have a career and money  that's why guys are attracted. U still have plenty of time to find the right one. Enjoy life, network with gfs, don't get married just to please anyone. Also ok to be single too. Date as many guys u want, only be careful of money. Even after marriage, have separate accounts - that's the advice I give everyone even I happily married. Also be independent, have your own hobbies and interests cos end of day, we may outlive our partners 

@elenskivios38- happy to see u doing ok. Visit more often

@standingtallyy- ya enjoying my annual holiday- lucky didn't go zujaigo even though it's the most beautiful place in China. Nagoya is great, convenient, clean, safe- just like Osaka. Got lots of history (home of 3 famous shoguns) and it is the birthplace of Toyota, airplane and bullet train. Only thing it's hot 27- 30 degrees. Going out again to explore. Great food at reasonable prices. 

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2 hours ago, Gerry58 said:

Good morning YY Nation  :)

A quick one- don't worry about wy- he is a big boy. Now he has to go on his own cos his brothers will go military first. He needs to promote himself that's why he does variety shows, he will meet lots of girls but he is old enough to know what to do. Even if he finds a gf not sy, I am fine with it. 

@kdaddict1- cheer up. Consider yourself lucky u found out before marriage cos I have friends who went through stressful divorce. U still young, have a career and money  that's why guys are attracted. U still have plenty of time to find the right one. Enjoy life, network with gfs, don't get married just to please anyone. Also ok to be single too. Date as many guys u want, only be careful of money. Even after marriage, have separate accounts - that's the advice I give everyone even I happily married. Also be independent, have your own hobbies and interests cos end of day, we may outlive our partners 

@elenskivios38- happy to see u doing ok. Visit more often

@standingtallyy- ya enjoying my annual holiday- lucky didn't go zujaigo even though it's the most beautiful place in China. Nagoya is great, convenient, clean, safe- just like Osaka. Got lots of history (home of 3 famous shoguns) and it is the birthplace of Toyota, airplane and bullet train. Only thing it's hot 27- 30 degrees. Going out again to explore. Great food at reasonable prices. 

@Gerry58,  totally agreed with what you mentioned about marriage ,before or after. We,ladies should be independent, have own interest and there is nothing wrong to be single if reach certain age.

I envy you that you are able to visit many countries ( I back read some pages) :). Wish I could visit Korea or Japan one day..

Last and not least, Welcome to all new YY lovers!!!

 Recently I am real busy, facing challenges in life and going to start new job soon.However, I still drop by once a while. Can feel the fun, the girls are sharing in the forum. 

@standingtallyy, thanks for sharing the fanfic. :wub:Its nice although I have only read one chapter so far.

Okay, take care ! to all YY lovers in this forum.



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Hi guys!! How is everyone? I hope everyone is doing well. I'm soo sorry for not dropping by for quiet a long time. I see a couple of new shippers. Anyeonghello and welcome aboard! :)

So many things to catch up since I last was here. How surprised were everyone when Wooyoung did Periscope and that show with Irene? :o My opinion is Wooyoung is going to have a Korean solo comeback soon. So that is why he is currently being visible now. I too have similar thoughts with some of you regarding the current status of YY. I hope that they are still together. I try to be positive even though I do worry a little about their behaviors lately. But yeah, unless they're are news of them dating other people etc., there is still hope that they are together or will be together in the future. When I get too down, I try to remember Seyoung accepting our support truck with bright smiles. 

I noticed a new fanfic too! @standingtallyy which page is the first chapter? Excited to read them!

On unrelated note, I would like to tell you guys about my experience at 6nights. It was a very emotional concert. Everything was on point, from the songs list, to the vocal to the choreography and staging. Every members gave their 100% on stage. I noticed Wooyoung especially since I paid attention to him (and Taec) the most. Leaving his heart and soul on the stage. (Probably the reason he was so emo during Without You). But WY was still so smiley and interacting with fans and talkative. I think everyone knows by now about 6nights since it had been awhile....but did you know that I had eye contact with Taecyeon? HAHAHA. :tongue: 

On the first night, when they were asking fans who came from overseas and Junho was speaking his hoglish, Taecyeon stayed at centre stage and kept looking at us. Tring to figure out where we were from. But then he went, "Indonesia?" to us. *facepalm* . Finally, the Japanese fans around us helped us out by screaming "Malaysia!". And Taec went, "ahh Malaysiaaaa. Fans from Malaysia also came." Nichkhun went, "Malaysia, truly asia!" and even gave us an over the head big heart. :wub: And then Wooyoung also chimed, "Malaysia, Malaysia?" Haha. Made my life. Luckily someone recorded this exchange. 

The next night, they asked again for overseas fans. This time Taecyeon looked at us and guessed correctly, "Malaysia?" So should I change my name to Malaysia now or what? :D

Oh and we met Wooyoung's parents too! On the way back from the concert on the first night, we bumped into them and was so excited @yyluv even cried haha. They were so kind, gentle and appreciative when we mentioned how much we love their son. His mom even held my hand when we took pictures. On the third night, his mom was walking past @ujiyus1 and she even stopped to greet her again. I could see how proud of Wooyoung they were too. When the curtain had dropped on the final night, and everyone was still cheering for 2pm and didn't leave the venue, his parents stayed with the fans when all the other members' families had left. 

Oh yeah I also went to JYP the next day and I couldn't believe my luck because Wooyoung came to the office that day! When he was going out, I shouted his name and he gave a smile, a nod and a small wave. 

Anyway, I still cry whenever I think about that last trip, 6nights and 2pm. I'm tearing up even as I'm writing this. What are we going to do for the next 3 years. :(

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@blame2pm  @yyluv @ujiyus1 what an experience, how exciting!   Whoa, two thumbs up!  You went to 6 Nights!

  @kdaddict1  I don't know what to say, except cheer up and smile.  There are times when the mood takes us, and times when our blessings keep us positive, that is how things are.   Thank you for sharing part of yourself, and we are just here, just  a search away.   

@chic-chic  yes, seems like a show, thanks for sharing. 

@Gerry58  have a great time in Japan.  Beautiful country.  Eat some sushi and sashimi, and wagyu for me in Osaka. :)  really great quality food right at the source.  

@standingtallyy   Glad you returned from the rough outback.  And thank you  again for sharing your friend's  fanfic.  Is there another chapter I wonder?   

@elenskivios38  always great to see you around.  

A warm welcome to the new chinggus!  

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Hi everyone!

This is going to be exciting! A lot of you have resurrected! Come on join the fun.

@standingtallyy hahaha! oh it's alright to pair me with your nephew, knowing he is seeing someone, I won't dare go in between. I love star wars too, I collect them from the miniatures to lifesize toy. (I'm kinda tomboyish when I was younger-played basketball & tennis too) I'm surprised you speak Tagalog, are you filipino? 

Guys, when is WY enlistment scheduled? Any idea?

@blame2pm glad to hear from you. Hope to read some fanfics from you again. 

Hi @pammie69 @elenskivios38 Visit us often.

thanks @Gerry58 glad to have met all of you here. 

@kho39thank you for the kind words.❤️

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@blame2pm Thank you for sharing your experience. What an exciting experience!  I think you need to change your name to Malaysia hehehe. You're lucky having eye contact with TY, meeting WY's parents and seeing WY in JYP. Though it's quite sad since that would be their last concert together,  it's really great you're  able to see them. 

For the next three years, let's work hard and earn a lot for their comeback hehehe or we can support DAY6 for now hehehe.



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39 minutes ago, blame2pm said:

Hi guys!! How is everyone? I hope everyone is doing well. I'm soo sorry for not dropping by for quiet a long time. I see a couple of new shippers. Anyeonghello and welcome aboard! :)

So many things to catch up since I last was here. How surprised were everyone when Wooyoung did Periscope and that show with Irene? :o My opinion is Wooyoung is going to have a Korean solo comeback soon. So that is why he is currently being visible now. I too have similar thoughts with some of you regarding the current status of YY. I hope that they are still together. I try to be positive even though I do worry a little about their behaviors lately. But yeah, unless they're are news of them dating other people etc., there is still hope that they are together or will be together in the future. When I get too down, I try to remember Seyoung accepting our support truck with bright smiles. 

I noticed a new fanfic too! @standingtallyy which page is the first chapter? Excited to read them!

On unrelated note, I would like to tell you guys about my experience at 6nights. It was a very emotional concert. Everything was on point, from the songs list, to the vocal to the choreography and staging. Every members gave their 100% on stage. I noticed Wooyoung especially since I paid attention to him (and Taec) the most. Leaving his heart and soul on the stage. (Probably the reason he was so emo during Without You). But WY was still so smiley and interacting with fans and talkative. I think everyone knows by now about 6nights since it had been awhile....but did you know that I had eye contact with Taecyeon? HAHAHA. :tongue: 

On the first night, when they were asking fans who came from overseas and Junho was speaking his hoglish, Taecyeon stayed at centre stage and kept looking at us. Tring to figure out where we were from. But then he went, "Indonesia?" to us. *facepalm* . Finally, the Japanese fans around us helped us out by screaming "Malaysia!". And Taec went, "ahh Malaysiaaaa. Fans from Malaysia also came." Nichkhun went, "Malaysia, truly asia!" and even gave us an over the head big heart. :wub: And then Wooyoung also chimed, "Malaysia, Malaysia?" Haha. Made my life. Luckily someone recorded this exchange. 

The next night, they asked again for overseas fans. This time Taecyeon looked at us and guessed correctly, "Malaysia?" So should I change my name to Malaysia now or what? :D

Oh and we met Wooyoung's parents too! On the way back from the concert on the first night, we bumped into them and was so excited @yyluv even cried haha. They were so kind, gentle and appreciative when we mentioned how much we love their son. His mom even held my hand when we took pictures. On the third night, his mom was walking past @ujiyus1 and she even stopped to greet her again. I could see how proud of Wooyoung they were too. When the curtain had dropped on the final night, and everyone was still cheering for 2pm and didn't leave the venue, his parents stayed with the fans when all the other members' families had left. 

Oh yeah I also went to JYP the next day and I couldn't believe my luck because Wooyoung came to the office that day! When he was going out, I shouted his name and he gave a smile, a nod and a small wave. 

Anyway, I still cry whenever I think about that last trip, 6nights and 2pm. I'm tearing up even as I'm writing this. What are we going to do for the next 3 years. :(


40 minutes ago, blame2pm said:

Hi guys!! How is everyone? I hope everyone is doing well. I'm soo sorry for not dropping by for quiet a long time. I see a couple of new shippers. Anyeonghello and welcome aboard! :)

So many things to catch up since I last was here. How surprised were everyone when Wooyoung did Periscope and that show with Irene? :o My opinion is Wooyoung is going to have a Korean solo comeback soon. So that is why he is currently being visible now. I too have similar thoughts with some of you regarding the current status of YY. I hope that they are still together. I try to be positive even though I do worry a little about their behaviors lately. But yeah, unless they're are news of them dating other people etc., there is still hope that they are together or will be together in the future. When I get too down, I try to remember Seyoung accepting our support truck with bright smiles. 

I noticed a new fanfic too! @standingtallyy which page is the first chapter? Excited to read them!

On unrelated note, I would like to tell you guys about my experience at 6nights. It was a very emotional concert. Everything was on point, from the songs list, to the vocal to the choreography and staging. Every members gave their 100% on stage. I noticed Wooyoung especially since I paid attention to him (and Taec) the most. Leaving his heart and soul on the stage. (Probably the reason he was so emo during Without You). But WY was still so smiley and interacting with fans and talkative. I think everyone knows by now about 6nights since it had been awhile....but did you know that I had eye contact with Taecyeon? HAHAHA. :tongue: 

On the first night, when they were asking fans who came from overseas and Junho was speaking his hoglish, Taecyeon stayed at centre stage and kept looking at us. Tring to figure out where we were from. But then he went, "Indonesia?" to us. *facepalm* . Finally, the Japanese fans around us helped us out by screaming "Malaysia!". And Taec went, "ahh Malaysiaaaa. Fans from Malaysia also came." Nichkhun went, "Malaysia, truly asia!" and even gave us an over the head big heart. :wub: And then Wooyoung also chimed, "Malaysia, Malaysia?" Haha. Made my life. Luckily someone recorded this exchange. 

The next night, they asked again for overseas fans. This time Taecyeon looked at us and guessed correctly, "Malaysia?" So should I change my name to Malaysia now or what? :D

Oh and we met Wooyoung's parents too! On the way back from the concert on the first night, we bumped into them and was so excited @yyluv even cried haha. They were so kind, gentle and appreciative when we mentioned how much we love their son. His mom even held my hand when we took pictures. On the third night, his mom was walking past @ujiyus1 and she even stopped to greet her again. I could see how proud of Wooyoung they were too. When the curtain had dropped on the final night, and everyone was still cheering for 2pm and didn't leave the venue, his parents stayed with the fans when all the other members' families had left. 

Oh yeah I also went to JYP the next day and I couldn't believe my luck because Wooyoung came to the office that day! When he was going out, I shouted his name and he gave a smile, a nod and a small wave. 

Anyway, I still cry whenever I think about that last trip, 6nights and 2pm. I'm tearing up even as I'm writing this. What are we going to do for the next 3 years. :(

Hi @blame2pm really you follow them even in concerts? Oh envy! How did you do that? You even went to JYPE? I can't believe that! Can you help contact their production staff? I can provide some clothes for them. 

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