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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@chic-chic Thank you for posting these videos! I can't believe WY tweeted. I thought he forgot his password. LOL!  I can't believe he used periscope! Does he have a periscope now? Like you said this is history. All of you who follow 2pm should know that wy rarely uses twitter! LOL and for those of you who don't follow 2pm, it's just like chic-chic said this is history! You look so surprised chic-chic. Can I call you chic-chic? :) Also, now that he's using twitter he needs to follow sy on twitter :D then everything will be perfect. They could periscope with each other before bedtime! 

@Gerry58 Hello. I'm so excited to see his house too :) LOL. You're right, he must've read our comments before. You mean the real2pm right? During My House promotions? WY didn't show his house, right? I can't remember :) LOL I am wondering what's in the other rooms too...

Just want to say I love all of you and I'm sorry if I forgot to mention anyone! :) 


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@kdaddict1 I agree with @Gerry58. Teuksora is really great too. I also love this couple.  Their stint looks so natural. They kiss at the end too however in the end they separated unlike YY. Hands up to Leeteuk who had the guts to serenade Sora during their World Tour Super Show concert in front of thousands of fans. Considering he's a popular idol,  he did well. He even planned the event on the day they will be recording the DVD of the concert. Hands up to the fans too who supported him. That was such a perfect moment. 



WY's house is big considering he's single. He maybe have a separate rooms for his stuff animals, LPS, recording studio and a workout room haha. 

@2handsintertwined Yes you can call me chic-chic. That's my nickname hehehe. I am so surprised and happy. After WGM WY rarely post in SNS so he being active in a night was history. In twitter he just retweets updates from JYP or other members. But last night he bombarded twitter hahaha. I am not sure if he has his own Periscope now. I am thinking the account is Jimin's. She was advising WY to open IG but he said he's too lazy. But prior to WGM when he had his IG,  he was not lazy. He was posting in his IG every now and then hahahaha. 

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By the way, what is periscope? Is it like Vlive? 

Very surprised he decided to show his house. Last time he just showed his work room.

He got lots of LP from his passage way to his living room. Very happy he keeps stuffed toy animals - maybe he still have those from wgm? Hope wy continues to post more for fans. 

Yesterday read that Sony will be reprinting vinyl records cos of worldwide demand- that is good news for collectors and wy. 

Still no news from Hunus or sy? 

Just read they decided to do a drama about 35 year old career women- just like ode to Joy. Sounds interesting 

continuation of sy obs interview.  Wish got new photos of sy 

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Periscope is a live streaming app. I think once you have an account you can also follow people and once they go live you can join their broadcast. Among 2pm members Taecyeon is the one using Periscope a lot hahaha. 

WY probably has a room for his stuff animals. The white one in his living room is Chansung's gift to him. He also probably kept the stuff animals they bought during WGM. 

No news for SY.  It will be her birthday soon. 

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1 hour ago, chic-chic said:

Yes you can call me chic-chic. That's my nickname hehehe. I am so surprised and happy. After WGM WY rarely post in SNS so he being active in a night was history. In twitter he just retweets updates from JYP or other members. But last night he bombarded twitter hahaha. I am not sure if he has his own Periscope now. I am thinking the account is Jimin's. She was advising WY to open IG but he said he's too lazy. But prior to WGM when he had his IG,  he was not lazy. He was posting in his IG every now and then hahahaha. 

Ok :) I miss his instagram. You're right before wgm he wasn't lazy. I wonder, did something happen? Is that why he delete his instagram?

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Did wy ever said that he did bungee jump in New Zealand bfor in any of 2pm interview last time ??...cos i noticed in the live video...wy said New Zealand..bungee jump...n he looked very excited like he play bfor like that...if not mistaken...in seyoung twitter photo album..got a photo of her doing bungee jump in yr 2015 oct...n oso a pic of countryside pic view look like New zealand too???

My delulu mode....ok...they travel together to NZ in 2015...haaa


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2 hours ago, Gerry58 said:

think fans bombarded his IG that's why he deleted it. Sy also delete her IG too, then she put back after she join new management co.

Oh. That's so sad :(. He delete his she delete hers and put it back after joining a new management company Some people ruin things for the rest of us, just saying. SY joined a new management company? Which one?

1 hour ago, kho39 said:

Did wy ever said that he did bungee jump in New Zealand bfor in any of 2pm interview last time ??...cos i noticed in the live video...wy said New Zealand..bungee jump...n he looked very excited like he play bfor like that...if not mistaken...in seyoung twitter photo album..got a photo of her doing bungee jump in yr 2015 oct...n oso a pic of countryside pic view look like New zealand too???

My delulu mode....ok...they travel together to NZ in 2015...haaa

Yes, they traveled together to NZ in 2015. Of course. Yes. (delulu mode on too)

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@2handsintertwined- Sy was formerly with Salt (same agency with Park Shin Hye). Immediately after Wgm, sy had to go court cos of contract dispute with them. She had to stop work for quite a while- think about 10 months. She won, then now with Hunus Entertainment. 

This jewelry sponsor just posted this- was wondering why when Whisper already ended but I guess they still want to promote their products cos Sy looks so good wearing them 

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30 minutes ago, Gerry58 said:

Sy was formerly with Salt (same agency with Park Shin Hye). Immediately after Wgm, sy had to go court cos of contract dispute with them. She had to stop work for quite a while- think about 10 months. She won, then now with Hunus Entertainment. 

Oh she was with Salt(same as PSH)? Ok. So she moved to Hunus Entertainment. Aww, I can't believe she went to court. I feel so bad for her :( She had to stop work for 10 months? That's ridiculous. I'm so glad she won.


32 minutes ago, Gerry58 said:

This jewelry sponsor just posted this- was wondering why when Whisper already ended but I guess they still want to promote their products cos Sy looks so good wearing them 

Oh. She does look good wearing them! I agree :) Ahhh she's such a lady. She's classy too. I like that about her.

When first saw her on WGM with wy, I said, "I want him to have a classy girl like her" :) 

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Wooyoung truly made history by finally showing his house. I wondered what made him decide. Is he trying a different strategy for people not to probe deeper if he is really 'single'? 

@Gerry58 & @yun84 My friend wanted to murder me when she read about the fanfic I mentioned, hahaha! Said it was only for fun that's why she tried writing one. I told her  it is good and let you ladies read it too. She said she'll think about it. That's a good start :). She liked all @blame2pm's work.

One day, you get to read it here...

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@2handsintertwined- Sy has beautiful features, looks classy in anything, even simple t-shirt and jeans :wub:

@standingtallyy- maybe wy realized better to show part of his house so people don't speculate he has something to hide. I think it is a great idea so people can connect with him- see a different side of him, at home, relaxed, rather than an unapproachable idol. 

Tell your friend we welcome her and her fanfic. Don't worry, nobody knows who she is, only u. :)

By the way, tomorrow night I am flying to Nagoya- want to check it out cos wy held his concerts there. So will be absent for a few days, hope the hotel wifi will be good, I will try to log in at night. 

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The Periscope was a surprise, and the tweets.    Been way too long.   

Is that really WY's living room?  With the strand lights that blink like in xmas trees?  Actually it feels homey, even if we only saw a part of it and not a 360.  I see lots of shelves on the corridor afar.  

I think it was Jimin who was recording it with the way she speaks English.  

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Enjoy your trip @Gerry58! I'm hoping to visit Japan soon and later on I can ask you what places you can recommend :)

Mission success! Here's a glimpse under spoiler:). She is being stingy this one, honestly.LOL!!


Life for Park Seyoung is quiet and simple. She has been inactive from showbusiness in the last two years and enjoys work as non-celebrity. Having graduated from Sangmyung University with a degree in Film and Media with post graduate studies gave her the opportunity to work in the media and advertising world. She is employed as an assistant to the marketing  head of ChunTech Media for about a year and a half now. The company is only five years old but has gained good reputation in TV advertisement, short films and documentaries. Her years of experience in the entertainment industry became an advantage to work in the field. Though she miss working in dramas, she finds being the one of the brains behind a production is more challenging and fun.
When Seyoung went to work today, she was asked by Jay, their CEO to go to Dongdaemun to troubleshoot an urgent problem.They received a phone call from the company representative saying they are not happy about the end part of the commerial film. It was a project she spearheaded with her senior. Her job usually don't handle this type of situation but Jay is currently away in Jeju Island attending a conference, left with no choice Seyoung went as requested.
Seyoung arrived in Dongdaemun Design Plaza earlier than expected, there was less traffic than usual so the drive was quicker. She found the location and asked one of the crew where to find the production director (PD). She was told to go to the second floor, and look for the door that says "Production Team". Seyoung went up and found the room easy, it was the third one on the right as you get off the escalator. She knocked three times and heard a voice telling her to come in. She opened the door gently and found there was only one person in the room, sitting on the chair,his back facing her.
"Anyonghasaeyo, I'm Park Seyoung-mida from ChunTech Media. I'm here to see the PD." Seyoung introduced herself to the man.


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Jang Wooyoung was informed two weeks ago that he will be shooting a commercial film from one of the new product endorsement he signed up. JYP confirmed the date and will be under the production of ChunTech Media, a company he never heard of but was told that despite the fact it was new-ish in the field, has gained good reputation. Wooyoung always find interests in success stories, maybe because he is one of them. Years of grueling training, Idols like him invested their best to succeed in this very competitive and cruel world of K-Entertainment. Night before he was to shoot the CF he researched about Chun-Tech.The CEO is only in his mid-thirties who received their first client two months after it opened. The first commercial filmed by the company received very good reviews hence a string of projects started to roll in. The company have twenty employees, ranging from graphic artists,business & marketing staff, some employees have degrees in film and media. The company staff photo were also posted on the company's website. Curiously Wooyoung started browsing at them when a familiar face caught his attention.He zoomed the screen to have a closer look. Wooyoung can't be wrong,it's her! The face he knew too well.
Wooyoung arrived an hour before the shoot like he consistently do. Being early gives himself time to prepare and not rushing, despite not feeling his best, it's like he is brewing a cold. Yet he didn't want to cancel, this is the only schedule for today and will have a free day tomorrow. While his style team were prepping him up, message from PD came that they are doing some last minute review and there will be a delay in shoot. Wooyoung was okay with it as he has the time anyway, he can wait. He looked at his watch and noticed it's close to lunch time, he suddenly announced he is buying lunch for everyone, and asked his assistant to take care of it. Wooyoung excused himself and went to the dressing room assigned to him. On his way back, he thought he could use a bit of quiet time and rest. Passing by one of the rooms, he saw a big note on one of the doors saying "Production Team, Do Not Disturb". In a whim he removed the note and sticked it on the door of his dressing room before going in. Just when he thought everything was quiet, he heard a knock on the door, thinking it was one of the production staff, he called out to come in. Then he heard that familiar voice, the voice he's been longing to hear .

Ladies, what do you think? Not bad so far right?


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22 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:
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The face he knew too well.


Then he heard that familiar voice, the voice he's been longing to hear .

Ladies, what do you think? Not bad so far right?


Giggling at that part, imagine how his face when he miss her :)

Wow, like like like like like like like like....


So, they will meet each other?

I curious with their reaction, it will be exciting.

Please ask your friend @standingtallyy (eye pleading mode)

Thank you for sharing this..



@Gerry58 Have a nice trip...

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Seyoung couldn't believe her eyes when the man turned around to face her is Wooyoung. Jang Wooyoung? She asked herself.
"Seyoung-ah. Anyonghasaeyo." He stood up, walking towards her.
"Wooyoung-ah," Unable to contain her surprise, "How? Why? Are you the endorser for this commercial film?"
"And good to see you too," Wooyoung replied, looking back at her smiling, "Yes, to your question."
Seyoung and Wooyoung stood there just staring at each other for few seconds, unsure of what to say or do next. It was Wooyoung who moved a step closer and pulled Seyoung into a hug. She was stunned at Wooyoung's action but surprisingly, at that very moment  memories came flooding back when she smelled that familiar scent of him.
It is Wooyoung,Seyoung thought.
Seyoung-ah,I miss you so much. Wooyoung thought.
It was Seyoung who broke the embrace when she suddenly remembered the reason why she was there.
I didn't come for this, Seyoung said to herself.
"Wooyoung-shi," Seyoung said, stepping backward away from him. But Wooyoung was quick to hold her hand tight enough so she can't go further.
"How are you?" Wooyoung asked.
"I'm good. Thank you. I think, I went to the wrong room." Seyoung replied, feeling her hand beginning to sweat.
"You are looking for the PD you said? It's few doors away to your left as you go out." Wooyoung said, still holding her hand.
"Thank you.I have to go." Seyoung said pulling her hands from his.
"Seyoung-ah.Will you be here all day? I mean, while we are filming?" Wooyoung asked.
"I don't know. It depends how serious the problem is. How do you know why I'm here?" Seyoung asked curiously.
"You work for Chun- Tech Media," Wooyoung answered.
"I have to go," Seyoung said turning to leave.
"Seyoung-ah, wait! Can I please have your number?" Wooyoung blurted out quickly, he didn't want to miss the chance.
"Waeyo?" Seyoung asked curiuosly. Surprised how straight forward he was.
"Because, I want to see you again."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why? Are you married? Are you dating someone?"
"Please," Wooyoung pleaded."Please, Seyoung-ah."
Wooyoung-ah...don't do this to me.Seyoung thought. Looking at him right now, simply melts her heart. Seyoung then looked into her bag to give him her business card.
After receiving it, Wooyoung quickly reached for his mobile phone frorm his suit pocket, dialled the number. Her phone rang. Immediately looked at Seyoung's phone that was in her hand making sure his number is showing on the screen.
"Gomawo," Wooyoung said.
"Hyung, lunch is coming....Sorry," Woyoung's assistant suddenly barged in. He immediately apologised when he noticed Seyoung in the room.
"Anyonghasaeyo. It's okay," Seyoung greeted Wooyoung's assistant and started to leave.
"I'll walk you to the where the production team is," Wooyoung offered.
"No need. I'll find my way there," Seyoung replied.
"I insist. I know which room I took the sign from," Seyoung looked at him. Surprised, couldn't believe he did that! He then led Seyoung to the room, his hand on her back guiding her. Wooyoung knocked before opening the door to let Seyoung in. PD, Wooyoung and Seyoung exchanged greetings then Wooyoung left her with the team..
The meeting lasted for half an hour. Seyoung was asked to stay back until the shoot finishes just in case new problem occurs. Seyoung stayed as requested. She was shown a quiet corner and observed the entire filming. It was very hard not to notice Wooyoung. From last minute instructions by the director, to his make-up retouching and even when he drinks the bottled water placed next to him.
Wooyoung was happy to know Seyoung was staying until the end of the shoot. His eyes would wander around discreetly, looking for Seyoung. Once he knew where she is, his focus is back to the filming

Apologies ladies...here's more.

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