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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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Lol poor Jongmin get strip down just to greet the audience hahaha

So cute their celebration throwing Jongmin to the air after he win

Aww I love yaps appa giving message to JJY to come back anytime...btw I just watch sound of heart yesterday I totally forgot JJY appear there so it such nice surprise lol that drama is hilarious such pity he only appear in one episode only

They totally kill me when they used Goblin and Grim reaper footage and bgm for Junho and Defconn lmao



For me the best part today ep the battle between Jongmin Vs Defconn LMAO I'm dying because im laughing so hard I think worse than CTH hahaha these guys going all out from beginning of year..

The fight so brutal lmao I'm half scared they gonna hurt or kill each other for real and half laughing like mad.beside the bgm not helping lmao too hilarious.

But at same time feel sorry Jongmin get slap for real and even Defconn suffer 

Junho Vs Donggu is funny too.. Poor Donggu get his hair pull by yaps..the best plot twist though Junho fight for 2nd time he still go back to the same number lmao not even increase hahaha so unlucky

But the biggest victim is the poor staff need to pull Defconn lmao the rope keep on slapping the poor guy hahaha dead


BTW Happy New Year to everybody here hope we will continue watching this show together with many good ep and good news only this year 


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Hello everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! :blush:

I felt a bit guilty for not sharing my joy and happiness that has been going on for about the past 2 weeks. But I am glad we are doing okay and even greater. Let's have another great journey ahead for the new year and hopefully wishing our maknae to come back as well (no rush of course). Has anyone read this yet?


Looks like our maknae is coming back with his music first before deciding if he is coming back to our beloved show!


I have yet to watch the latest epi... just waiting for subs...

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RATING  1N2D S3 EPISODE 156   170101

18.5%  170101  (-0.5% )





E154  16.5% 161218  (-3.3%)  HWARANG CAST (SEOJOON-MINHO - HYUNGSIK )PART 1 

E153  19.8%  161211   (+3.5%)  KIM JONG MIN SPECIAL PART 3 

E152  16.3%  161204 (-2.4%)  KIM JONG MIN SPECIAL PART 2

E151  18.7%  161127 (+.1.2% ) KIM JONG MIN SPECIAL PART 1 

E150  17.5%  161120  (-0.3% ) 

e149  161113    17.8%   (+1.6%) 

1) E148   16.2% 161106    (- 0.6%)

1) e147   16.8% (-0.6%)  161030

1)  e146   17.4% (+0.9%) 161023 

 E145    16.5%   (+0.9 %)    161016

 E144   15.9%       161009 

 e143     16.7% 161002

16.3% 160925  e142

16.3% 160918   e141

16.8% 160911   e140

17.0% 160904  e139

18.2% 160828 (-1.7%)   e138

19.9% 160821 (+5.2% )  e137

14.7% 160814 (-1.8%)   e136

16.5% 160807 (+0.8%)   e135

15.7% 160731 (-1.5%)   e134 

 17.2% 160724 (-0.5%)  e133

17.7%   (+1.6%)  e132 

16.1% 160710 (-1.4% )  e131

17.5% 160703 (+1.3 %)  e130 

16.2 %  160626  e129

16.0% 160619  e128
e127 18.4 % 160612 ehwa uni 1st epi/trip with new ilyong












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Oh my, the "rope fight" with Jongmin and Defconn was so hilarious! They just got tired or fed up at the end and kept slapping each other LOL. The slo-mo of Jongmin's KO from Defconn's slap was so funny, I laughed so much; I loved his reaction, it was like watching a Knock Out replay in a Boxing/MMA match. But, to be honest, the fact that they can hit each other like that over laughs while enjoying 'battling it out' and then have fun over it at the end shows that the member's chemistry is excellent.

I thought that the doctor made some pretty good observations about each member's personality as well given the length of time she was given.

Like someone else mentioned the staff member got hit a few times by Defconn's rope and even fell over a few times. I feel sorry for him but it was still super funny.

Wow 18.5%! 1N2D's first episode of 2017 has started with a bang.

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Excerpt from Cha Tae Hyun's interview (from Han Cinema):

"I don't get too surprised when I'm working with another actor. I don't feel bad, either. When I was younger, I did a lot of comedies and my co-star would use a lot of ad-libs. Some would be taken by surprise and some would absorb it. I think I absorb it. When I was a supporting actor, Kim Jeong-eun, Jo Jae-hyeon and others almost took me by surprise, although I learned to enjoy it. I don't lead. I be led. Entertainment shows have made me that way. They're the same as movies. There are people who cut you off and try to steal your light. However, in entertainment, if everybody does that then the show will lose it's point. So I just laugh. I think about how Kim Joo-ho or Kim Jong-min will blend in and seem natural. They are the creators of laughter. That's not my character so the least I can do is support them."


I think I want my son Soo-chan to be like Yoo Ho-jin though. He doesn't have the face to be on TV, although I think a program director would be a good job for him. It's tough, but it brings laughter to people".

It's not usual for a father to want his child to go down the same path as him but Cha Tae-hyeon simply says he would like his son to become a director. He thinks differently and he knows it.

"Look at how I did "Highway Star" and "Jeon Woochi - Drama". I do what others don't do. I am not afraid. Even "1 Night 2 Days", I wanted to be on a TV show, but I didn't want to just do it for a year. I wanted at least 3 years. That alone puts me apart from the others. Actually, I never even thought about "1 Night 2 Days". I don't even like traveling. I didn't know why that show was 'fun'. I thought I'd be in "Running Man" or "Infinite Challenge". But I wondered what it would be like if I joined "1 Night 2 Days".

Cha Tae-hyeon has been in the show for 6 years now and now he's inseparable. He says, "I think I can do this because myself in movies and on this show aren't that much different". Still, he worries that the show might have influence in his movies.

"I started the show also because I want Soo-chan to think that his father is a famous man at least until he's 20. I saw 3 years at first, but now I lost my timing to leave the show (laughs). There's no difference in my character on the TV show so that's why I can do this, but when it comes to real work, I worry a lot. Being in TV shows sores my throat and my body, and this shows in dramas. But if I'm too careful about myself then it's no fun. Now I think my bodies adjusted to the change".


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Sorry for being late, congratulations to 1N2D for your awards! May you shine even more in 2017!

Donggu cried three times, when he won, the the show won, when Jongmin won :) His winning speech was so raw and I love his determination to be better. 

Kim Jongmin!! It's so touching when everyone rose to their feet and they looked genuinely so happy for him. All this acknowlegment of his winning is heartwarming. :wub: 


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here  1n2d uploaded  part if jongmin not win award (unaired on tv  ) .. so many say seem like 1n2d team already know result daesang award .. team 12nd  filming  2 version win or not win... ...if regular here knowledge new trip filming 23-24 december  (24 december night  kbs ent award...)



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Happy New Year fellas~! :glasses:

Last episode was FUN! At first i cried a lot when JongMin get the Daesang award, and then i cried again when JunHo sincerely send his best wishes and hope to our maknae JoonYoung.. I'm so touched by his saying.. 

Next after that, all i got was a LOL face. DONG GU IN ACTION!!!!! hahahahhahha he's so evil really! :naughty: 

The match between JongMin and Defcon was very funny hahahha like they're having fun slapping each other's face *rofl*

It's a good beginning, i hope they can forever be a team. Amen!

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I enjoyed the first episode of 2017. Well done team 1N2D!

It was nice to watch a short recap of the Awards show in the beginning.

I laughed so hard when it was revealed that Donggu mental age is 42! The oldest amongst them lol. When the doctor warned of potential stress/mental problems Donggu may face, KJH became "kind" and wanted members to support Donggu this year even if he wants to take off his clothes hahaha.....KJH the genius at work again when he pulled out strands of Donggu hair!

Every member did well at the start of the year. Let's hope for another year of fun-filled episodes. All we need now is for JJY return to make the 6-member team complete.

Can't wait for the next episode!



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Honestly JJY was never really my favorite member, but I felt somehow empty watching 2d1n episodes without him. I can't believe I actually miss him and now I kinda see his valuable contribution to the show. He does somehow balance the show with his.....uuuh....... randomness and free spirit.


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On 1/4/2017 at 11:47 AM, kjmcth said:

here  1n2d uploaded  part if jongmin not win award (unaired on tv  ) .. so many say seem like 1n2d team already know result daesang award .. team 12nd  filming  2 version win or not win... ...if regular here knowledge new trip filming 23-24 december  (24 december night  kbs ent award...

Really spot on @kjmcth.I dont know actually.Thank you for the video and information

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Can someone please tell me the nickname of Kim Joohyuk a.k.a Gutaeng Hyung? I mean his real nickname, maybe it is his nickname since young. CTH gave it as a hint to Junho in Harbin Episode when they choose menu for lunch in second day. Is KJHyuk nickname really "rabbit" or something similar to "rabbit" in korean language? 


I suddenly remember this question, because traveljunkie84 share clip which KJHyuk is shown hehe. :blush:

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@wishingmagenta If I may answer your question, Joohyuk got the Gutaeng nickname because he got the wrong Korean idiom for abandoned needs which was supposed to be tosa gupaeng. During the Harbin trip,someone pointed out that one character was close to Gutaeng's "nickname,"  and they we're referring to the first syllable of TOsa because their was a menu that had a TO Chinese character for TOkki or rabbit.

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aaaahh, how can I forgot the "tosa" part. My mind really goes to far, how can I think it is other nickname, even think it is his real nickname before 1n2d. LOL


Now I really miss our Gutaeng Hyung. I hope his relationship goes well. And more, I wish he get married and 1n2d member and team give a special appearance, like become his bestman (bestteam) maybe heheee

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Guest pink_dolphins

Jung Joon Young for Ceci November 2015 issue / Ceci Magazine

After a few months of hiatus, Jung Joon Young’s return to 1 Night, 2 Days has been confirmed! 

On January 7th, a production member of the program confirmed Jung Joon Young’s return through a statement. According to the staff, “After taking a break to reflect, Jung Joon Young, a member of 1 Night 2 Days, will return to the program starting this month. I will inform you that the program will continue with six members.” 

Jung Joon Young participated in his first recording on January 6th for an episode that will air next week. The staff went on to thank their viewers for their affection and concern and expressed gratitude for their patience. The statement ended with a positive statement, “1 Night 2 Days will provide more effort to become an entertainment program that will give laughter to our viewers.” 

Back in September, Jung Joon Young was involved in a controversy involving him and his former girlfriend. Although the sexual assault charge was dropped, he had to take a hiatus and back down from his television projects.

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! JUNG JOON YOUNG IS BACKK. The maknae is in the house, now my mission (my mission is that when JJY is going to return to 1n2d I'm going to start re-watch all episode 1n2ds3 from the first episode ) is on , because when I'm watching I'll be so glad that his back :blush:.

I know this already late and years ago but CONGRATULATION !!!  KIM JONG MIN , he won the daesang award , Donggu won the rookie award, the scriptwriter won and (our favourite show that we have watched for 4 years or maybe longer ) 1N2S3 won the best variety showww. 

I still can't believe that  KJM won. When he won ,all I can remember when I was watching 1n2ds1 when (he just got back from the military services) they doing trip and they have to choose witch camera they want to use (all I can remember Kang Hodong and Eun Jiwon was a team and they choose the camare that came with a helicopter) on that trip KJM was alone to go his destination by walking but he got lost until it becomes night. Suddenly, he call Kang Hodong , they chat about something and Kang Hodong give his phone to Jiwon and he also chat something . At the end of their called , Kang Hodong and Eun Jiwon give some words that will cheer him up . KJM try to walk away fast from the cameraman because he was crying and the cameraman asked him that if he was crying but KJM deny and still smile while crying . It hurt my hearts when I watched that episode but thank goodness , the were local people (that they were three family just about to get in the restaurant) give some support to KJM (like "fighting , KJM you can do this!!! "  ) when they saw KJM outside the restaurant .

*Out of Topic*

It's been a while since I comment in this forum because of school but when I was just  about comment the KJM won the daesang *pop* a news breaking that JJY is coming back . I was like "Wooow, what a coincidence " . Now the are two great news. 

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