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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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It's the long awaited sunday tomorrow and suddenly I have to go on job trip. On that long awaited sunday. To a place where fast speed internet is an alien and won't be back until the next sunday. I so want to watch the new member episode and share the thoughts in this forum. But looks like I have to wait some more.

It looks like a dangerous statement in the article but if it's that bad, Yoo PD will show his lobster hands to make that part disappear. So in Yoo PD we trust, let's be positive.

Can I cry now? :tears:

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2 hours ago, jayne1874 said:

Can I cry now? :tears:


Oh noes *group hug* Well....let's look at the bright side, when you get back you can watch back to back episodes. :D Have a fun and safe trip dear. 

Re YSY's clothes....it's not very fashionable but I don't think it's horrible. lol. Our boys dress well so maybe they'll inspire his fashion over time. Haha. Or maybe not....that's the least anyway. 

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I am excited for today too! Can't wait for YSY to get tortured.Yu PD,do that! And that underwear pic! XD 

he is like, "did they just show my underwear on TV ON MY FIRST DAY!?"

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9 hours ago, jayne1874 said:

It's the long awaited sunday tomorrow and suddenly I have to go on job trip. On that long awaited sunday. To a place where fast speed internet is an alien and won't be back until the next sunday. I so want to watch the new member episode and share the thoughts in this forum. But looks like I have to wait some more.

It looks like a dangerous statement in the article but if it's that bad, Yoo PD will show his lobster hands to make that part disappear. So in Yoo PD we trust, let's be positive.

Can I cry now? :tears:


Awwww I feel for you! Absence makes the heart fonder or something? In this case it will be more exciting after a week of anticipation and @Arhazivory is right - Back to back! Back to back episodes yo! :D In the meantime, we will be sure to enjoy his debut episode for you :phew:

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Seriously! I'm as excited as a child at Christmas. I really can barely contain my anxiety for the debut. I won't watch it raw. I'll wait for subs to come out and watch it comfortably tomorrow night. :D But I will look forward to the spoilers and I hope the ratings really hit it big with a new member joining. 

It's 1:13pm in Seoul so by the time I awake tomorrow the local audience would have already experienced the new member. Oh well, just 24 more hours to subs for me. :w00t:

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21 hours ago, jayne1874 said:

It's the long awaited sunday tomorrow and suddenly I have to go on job trip. On that long awaited sunday. To a place where fast speed internet is an alien and won't be back until the next sunday. I so want to watch the new member episode and share the thoughts in this forum. But looks like I have to wait some more.

It looks like a dangerous statement in the article but if it's that bad, Yoo PD will show his lobster hands to make that part disappear. So in Yoo PD we trust, let's be positive.

Can I cry now? :tears:

Be strong :P and we'll enjoy the new episode for you. :phew: I think even if that part looks bad, Yoo PD won't cut it. But he'll ready and come forward if netizen come after his new member, just like he did when he stood by KJH during his company's scandal, explained CTH's pork cutlet mission or JJY's cold demeanor.

KJHyuk's style was also a disaster. KJH is a comedian but he dress better than gutaeng hyung. :lol: YSY's fashion choice is umm different and kinda outdated, but if he's comfortable with it, let him be. The others dress nicely in general, but they also have their moment. I don't like this pants JJY wore, but somehow he pulled it off because he was confident in it, and that slippers is his bestfriend.





Yoo PD reposted JJY's pic and I thought they went fishing together today, but it could be lol. His fishing partners that I know for sure are Jonghyun CN Blue and Eddy Kim.

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Last time I visited the old face book page, I look at the profile and main page with photo of KJH, and sadly think that these will be changed soon, YET, they decided to keep it and open a new page starting from zero, it's just a minor thing that makes me respect the team more.

It's a brandnew start and our new member arrive but the past members will still be in out hearts.

Pd nim posting Joon young pic is cute haha, I can picture joon young showing off his photo and fish in the chat group, and his hyuans wondering whether he catch it or not, while the pd praising him and post the pic in his ins after adding a new filter Imao

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Netizen need apologize to his cordinator ..trademark 1n2d since s1 (when  umh tae woong  as member s1 ) with    go house new member + with limit time ..  shi yoon just get his clothes without thinking   








naver trending -- 1) kikm joo hyuk 

2) yoon shi yoon 

3) 1n2d 


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Btw hallo all,, i'm an avid fan of 1n2d especially season 3,, n a lurker in this forum since a long time ago, i really like all your posts and conversations here that i can't refrain myself to make acc 

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