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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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Lmangla said: """"""""EDIT TO MAKE POST SMALLER""""""
-- YJ goes around and tries to collect the evidence and is doing the fight alone. she hasn't really leaned on MH completely... wonder why the writer had her listen to the conversation between MH and secretary -- will she do something with that info later?
-- SY on the other hand does not like to get her hands dirty; she would rather be the puppet master and have her puppet DH run around and do the work....

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Episode 14:

SY-YJ throw down: loved that she was kind of giving SY advice to not obsess over a guy who clearly doesn't love her based on her own personal experience with DH. Loved that whole speech...

DH kneeling down to YJ: The guy has no remorse for what he's done... he knelt down in desperation. I just thought it was cool that MH knelt down to YJ in Ep 12 and DH here in Episode 14 for two totally different reasons :)

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Wow! Maybe a wedding will take place where SY is left at the altar and MH and YJ eloping! The both of them make babies and present MH Aborji with San-e version 2!

hahaahahaaa.. talking about making babies.. YJ should use a good contraception or birth control pills later if she doesn't want to get preggo every year.. I mean helloo... it's Min Hyuk that we're talking about here ya'all......

If only a gaze can sperminated women (sorry teenagers.. this drama is an Ahjumma-ish one since babies are included) we're all already pregnant now... [-X

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@Lmangla your comments are very insightful, I think the writers are tryig to tell us a moral story that you catched on very well 
since there are so many smart comments about what's gonna happen next and all of them sound very likely, I just wanted to share my favourite scenes from this ep:1. MH's dad saying this time is different (refering to MH's feeling)2. YJ saying to the crazy SY that she is crazy (that's what we keep telling her for like 4 ep) and she didn't look happy not once before the marriage3. KS saying that the unnie would look prettier with straight hair :)) actually tha whole scene was cute, even the question : what did Mh do with YJ at this late hour? :D4. MH telling that Se Gwang son (I can't remember his name) thet whenever he sees his he wants to act perverted. I so loled at that. Ad after "That's why you don't have friends, you idiot!"5. SY telling MH's step mom that she made a promise that she won't leave until MH says so. Go girl, e strong like a rock!6. My favourite of all the drama was the bucket scene! Nothing made me more satisfied than all that water poured into DH's head while he kneeled >-) Major humiliation expects you just around the corner, dude. And of course, all those lovey-dovey stares, hugs, kiss, hand-holding and smiles between our leads. I don't think it was fan service because they don't  seem to waste not even one single scene, everything has a deeper meaning in this drama. But even if it was fan service, it was very welcome, since I longed for some proofs from YJ that she loves MH back. I too believe that the secret lies in ep 1 , along with Ji Hee's death and I hope for a guilt free ending. Also, some closure to MH regarding his mom. I don't hope That DH dies, I hope he rots in jail and he will be publicly humiliated (pls, show him on tv and his mom's store too). Also, hope SY's dads will put her into an asylum cause death will be just too easy. Well, I don't know how it will end but I'll sure have lingering feelings over this drama fr at least 2 weeks after it's finished :(

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As expected, the text preview didn't give much clue about what will next episode.. I'm literally crazy here.. :((  
I dunno why... but I'm feeling like if there is anyone who would die in this drama, I think the writer-nim would make DH's dad to be the one after seeing ep 14.  
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Looking at his expression, even the dad was scared knowing that how evil his son is now & somehow at this point, I think only his dad would be able to stop him from going further with all his wrongdoings. If his dad got affected by his action; like died or s.thing; DH would stop right? He would be the worst son in the world ever live if he wouldn't. 

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Forgot to add about hearing the restaurant convo.

By hearing this she gets to know that MH already has protection/evidence against DH.

She also learns that they wont do anything to DH, UNLESS he does endanger MH and/or K-group.

In the phoneccall she gets more evidence that there is no stop to DH and he will never be remorsful of anything he has done or not anything he wont stoop to do.

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tessieroo said: OMO  insomnia.gif
@Janett has gone all crazy vengeful! Ahahahaha! I'm just kidding, I'm actually on board totally with SY being humiliated in front of the press, family & friends. Only problem is ...she's kinda insane so I wouldn't be surprised if she jumps out in her wedding dress with a knife to stab MH.  axe-murderer.gif

I have no idea what's going to happen but I like what @snguyenova had to say - it made sense while I was reading it. Of course, then I went to watch more of today's episode and got scared again. I need to put my trust/faith in this writer since she's been so incredible up to this point but that's SO hard to do! I've been disappointed with too many drama endings to count. I guess it's okay to be nervous? titanic.gif

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Guest falloutjane

So I received a notification of my Soompi anniversary today. 6 years, since 2007 yo! And through all those years, I've not even hit 250 posts. And above that, this is possibly the second thread that I am so involved in. Above all that, definitely the first drama thread that has consumed my life! So considering the lurker or lazyass that I usually am about all these forum stuffs, do you see how Secret has managed to bring me out?! Ergh DRAMA, why so good!

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