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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

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Guest missmaple

suissou said: Oh noesssss my heart burnsssss! I knew they were going to end it there, but it still hurts. I need Wednesday now!
Didn't catch livestream today - was actually trying to sleep - it's over 2am now...but...I couldn't stop stalking this thread (it's contagious!) T.T
Thank goodness I don't have work tomorrow. Or I'd die. But I just might, because I need next Wednesday NOW.
(You think the police will figure it out if I leave "Secret" as my dying message?)
Just came on to thank all you lovely recappers and images guys. Wouldn't be the same without you :x
Now to bed (:| I-)

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ymiss said: @abbysomeone, yeah! @illay and others had explained that already as well! Thank you! Isn't him Min Hyuk's so call friend! That loser! So is Do Hoon! I wouldn't mind so much if he just stand there with his sad puppy face! But he totally deserve a punch, hit also for laughing and crying at the same time!

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falloutjane said: OH MY GOD. Just when you think the show cannot get any better, the characters cannot get any worse, the craphole she's in cannot get any lower. SHOW WHY YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 
Ok so here's a brief rundown. OH MY GOD! MY HEART! 
So scene opened with YJ with Hyeri and the whole realisation (for her at least) that MH is involved with the whole San issue. Meanwhile, DH is all OH CRAP! HE KNOWS on his end. This basically caused YJ to be all depressed all over again and she sat outside the bakery, contemplating her sad miserable life. While DH started going batshit crazy and started doing all this investigative work, in order to save himself. 
YJ got her act together and decided she no longer wanted anything to do with MH. So she went to his workplace to pass an envelope containing her rubbish contract of 30 years and some money, which I think came from her father's savings. Then she left. While she was at the reception, MH walked past but didn't notice her until he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He went to the reception area but she had left. The reception dude gave him the envelope. He looked at it and was all what the heck is this. So he went running after her calling her Driver! Driver! cos he's classy like that. She managed to get away from him this time. That night, she was weighing some stuff which looked like minced meat (I know! Amazing eye for useless details) and her phone kept ringing. Finally, she couldn't take the ringing so picked up the phone and was very cordial in explaining that she doesn't want anything to do with his crazy rich chaebol richard simmons. But he was all whuuuuu, driver! Then she ended the call midway. Which sorta gave me this childish satisfaction. 
Meanwhile, DH is seriously growing exponentially crazy, looking into old files at the police station and all that. Police officer noted that he's now in K group and that someone from K group was also very interested in the case. Or something like that. And because, Koreans are all sharing is caring, police officer gave DH the namecard. DH went all crazy outside the station and stomped on the namecard, which showed dun dun dun! MH's name. So he finally figured, MH knew about his relationship right from the start and was messing with him all this time. HO HO HO. 
Anyway there were a few moments where MH and DH were face to face and they were both trying to up each other those times. SO yeah, scenes which I didn't really care for. Oh and DH was more bold in his act of trying to get to SY good side, sometimes just outrightly showing his interest in her. 
There's a scene of YJ and gangster unnie. YJ was crying, saying how she missed San. How she doesn't even know about his sickness. The pain he went through etc. Unnie just held her hand. Because gangster unnie can't show any more emotion than that to keep to her gangster image. 
In any case, getting to the more interesting pairing, MH went to look for YJ and found her to be working at his dead's gf's mom's shop. SHe was so earnest doing her job of trying to sell the fish but people were all like MEH. FISH. And omma of dead gf was resentful of sorts but there were moments where she looked like she had softened a little because YJ IS SO DAMN EARNEST AT SELLING THE DARN FISH. In the end, ahjumma cut a fish for her and asked her to eat it. After which, she slammed her shop's door closed. Or well, slid it close. So YJ was all I"LL EAT IT WELL! TOMORROW I'LL COME AGAIN. Because she is not shameless like that. SO all these stuffs, MH was just creepily watching her, getting more confused each time because what the hell is this girl? WHERE IS THIS MONSTER THAT SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE?!?! Also possibly, HOW IS SHE SO CUTE SELLING FISH!?!?! Hur. 
Anyway that night, he shamelessly went to her shop/home and the three cellmates were there. Hyeri is somehow now forgiven after the satisfying head whacks she got from YJ. So they were all OMO! SANGJANGNIM! all over the place. Except for the gangster unnie who's like MEH. He's not my sangjangnim. Or something. Then YJ came out with her fish stew from supposed fish ahjumma gave her hur and OMG. He just STARED at her. Like. My heart kinda melted right there. Because HOT DAMN. YOU ARE ONE HOT SANGJANGNIM. Hurhur. But she's all whaaaaaaaat. And anyway the other three ladies fed him and YJ just walked away. So he followed her. After which she went on and talked about her son in the bottle of sand. Or something. He didn't say a word. I think he was just floored by her sadness or something. He left her ridiculous contract on her table. I'm guessing he's sorta asking her to go back to her ridiculous 30 year contract deal. She ran after him, said something which I didn't understand. Then he went back to KS and was all WHY THE HELL AM I SO FRUSTRATED WITH HER. Or something. Then he proceeded to kick some bottle, almost tripping in the act. But cute, nonetheless. 
Then, let's see, DH meanwhile went to K group's I don't know mega archive office or something because whaddya know. There's a video from the blackbox from I'm assuming KS car or something which showed DH fixing the wipers in episode 1. And the being the ball-less dude that he is, proceeded to delete the file. Oh he also went back to his old prosecutor's office to get the old files of the case. At one point, MH also asked for the files. So DH''s ex colleague was all why is suddenly the kgroup wanting all these files again? And MH was all confused and went HUH? WHO ASKED FOR THIS FILE? and that guy went DH. DUN DUN DUN. 
DH went to SY's home and said stuffs which I don't quite care about. In any case, he worked on something in her house. At one point, he saw a listing of homes or something. And she explained she was looking for her marriage home. Where he then said something like WHY DO YOU WANT TO MARRY HIM. Or not. I don't know. It seemed like it. Then he fell asleep, mouth opened and SY was all, oooh let me cover him with his jacket. And then, being the DH that he is, grabbed her hand twice. -___- She walked away. He also then left her place. 
Meanwhile, MH received another sms. Stating that some money has been transferred. Either that, or the amount owed left. By YJ. So he got all in a pissy mood and tossed his phone aside. Dude is all confused as to why he's pissy that she's out of his life. Hurrr. SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Heh. 
DH appeared on TV. his sorry excuse for a mother is all proud and happy saying how he looked cool. Customers remarked something negative so his father's happyface turned to sadface. Then YJ also saw the same news. She's a cleaner somewhere. Looked like a logo of that place that DH recommended based on the green logo of the namecard he gave her. 
Then another scene of sms coming in while MH was talking to SY. So now he really got in a pissy mood because ONLY RICH CHAEBOLS get pissy when more money comes rolling in and he went to look for her. Then he was all angry and I have no idea what, but possibly about her leaving the body at the accident. He stared at her so intensely here and I SWEAR HE KNOWS BY NOW she's innocent because there was this subtle look or realisation that hit him. LIKE THAT BEAUTIFUL FACE OF HERS couldn't have done that. But she lied through her teeth that yes, she saw the body and left it that. HE GOT SO PISSED, HE KICKED HER BUCKET OF MOP! THEN WENT TO PICK A RED TOGA DRESS FOR HER TO WEAR. (Imagine when he's happy). But squealy salesperson who lacks decorum and proper etiquette yelped seeing her exposed shoulder in her toga dress. So MH being the guy that he was opened the dressing room, saw it, and man, so damn cool. He was all, that's not the suitable style for you. And he picked out a black sexy lace number for her. When she came out, he gave a snap of approval and was all just floored at how pretty she was. Then caught himself, and walked away, pretending he didn't just have a OMG! SEXY WOMAN! moment right there. 
Went to TGIF (because, rich people have parties here) and then saw DH and SY. Not sure whose party. But anyway, SY saw and was all pissed. I think MH wasn't expecting her there. So to his credit, he went after her to apologise. Because bringing another girl in front of your fiancee is never cool, yo. Then MH got slapped for his stupidity. Good job SY. Meanwhile DH grabbed YJ and tried to talk to her. Asking why she's still hanging out with MH etc. And being the royal B that he is. So she wanted to leave. As she's walking away, stupid MH's friend was all, OI HOW MUCH DO YOU COST? She was all whaaat. And he was all HOW MUCH DOES MH PAY YOU? I'LL DOUBLE THE AMOUNT. Then he proceeded to paw her when she resisted and wanted to slap his silly face. So basically he chased after her, ripping her dress and exposing her shoulder. At this point, they were at the main area and then the jerk gasped and was all disgusted at her shoulder. DH just stared. JUST BECAUSE. ERGH. Then down came a coat from the bar's ceiling, dropping nicely on her shoulders. DUN DUN DUN! MH's coat. And he was all WTH dude! Why you being an a??? Friend proceeded to say something demeaning. MH said something ultra cool which I sadly do not understand. But from how he said it, I melted already. Then went on to beat the hell out of the guy. 
Then they were separated. And she finally stood up. I liked that no one helped her up. In fact, when the coat came landing on her, MH was all GET UP. The last shred of dignity he gave her is so awesome. As opposed to just I don't know help her out or carry her out, as expected of other B-grade makjang. Then after that, MH got a call, confirming from KS that the pair were together that night, and most likely that DH was driving or something. At the same time, SY lost her nice girl act and I htink did something to the shares of K group. 
Last scene, DH grabbed YJ's hand to walk off. But MH came striding in. YJ hurriedly pulled her hand away. MH walked past DH, shoving into him a little, went straight to YJ, grabbed her shoulders and went WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU? After which, I proceeded to moan at the fact, that it will be another long week to next Wednesday. :/ 

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sorry there are too many pages for me to back thread.@.@ well what did MH says to YJ before it ended.. did Mh find out that YJ was not the one who knock down her gf? why did dh cry when yj was in a sorry state.. did he feel pity for her or himself for falling in love with her?

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Guest missmaple

@faalloutjane i don't know what to click, LOL, insightful or awesome..

just hope the sub will out soon. (No! not the spain subs)

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lovelybluehoneyz.. said: falloutjane said: OH MY GOD. Just when you think the show cannot get any better, the characters cannot get any worse, the craphole she's in cannot get any lower. SHOW WHY YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 
Ok so here's a brief rundown. OH MY GOD! MY HEART! 
So scene opened with YJ with Hyeri and the whole realisation (for her at least) that MH is involved with the whole San issue. Meanwhile, DH is all OH CRAP! HE KNOWS on his end. This basically caused YJ to be all depressed all over again and she sat outside the bakery, contemplating her sad miserable life. While DH started going batshit crazy and started doing all this investigative work, in order to save himself. 
YJ got her act together and decided she no longer wanted anything to do with MH. So she went to his workplace to pass an envelope containing her rubbish contract of 30 years and some money, which I think came from her father's savings. Then she left. While she was at the reception, MH walked past but didn't notice her until he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He went to the reception area but she had left. The reception dude gave him the envelope. He looked at it and was all what the heck is this. So he went running after her calling her Driver! Driver! cos he's classy like that. She managed to get away from him this time. That night, she was weighing some stuff which looked like minced meat (I know! Amazing eye for useless details) and her phone kept ringing. Finally, she couldn't take the ringing so picked up the phone and was very cordial in explaining that she doesn't want anything to do with his crazy rich chaebol richard simmons. But he was all whuuuuu, driver! Then she ended the call midway. Which sorta gave me this childish satisfaction. 
Meanwhile, DH is seriously growing exponentially crazy, looking into old files at the police station and all that. Police officer noted that he's now in K group and that someone from K group was also very interested in the case. Or something like that. And because, Koreans are all sharing is caring, police officer gave DH the namecard. DH went all crazy outside the station and stomped on the namecard, which showed dun dun dun! MH's name. So he finally figured, MH knew about his relationship right from the start and was messing with him all this time. HO HO HO. 
Anyway there were a few moments where MH and DH were face to face and they were both trying to up each other those times. SO yeah, scenes which I didn't really care for. Oh and DH was more bold in his act of trying to get to SY good side, sometimes just outrightly showing his interest in her. 
There's a scene of YJ and gangster unnie. YJ was crying, saying how she missed San. How she doesn't even know about his sickness. The pain he went through etc. Unnie just held her hand. Because gangster unnie can't show any more emotion than that to keep to her gangster image. 
In any case, getting to the more interesting pairing, MH went to look for YJ and found her to be working at his dead's gf's mom's shop. SHe was so earnest doing her job of trying to sell the fish but people were all like MEH. FISH. And omma of dead gf was resentful of sorts but there were moments where she looked like she had softened a little because YJ IS SO DAMN EARNEST AT SELLING THE DARN FISH. In the end, ahjumma cut a fish for her and asked her to eat it. After which, she slammed her shop's door closed. Or well, slid it close. So YJ was all I"LL EAT IT WELL! TOMORROW I'LL COME AGAIN. Because she is not shameless like that. SO all these stuffs, MH was just creepily watching her, getting more confused each time because what the hell is this girl? WHERE IS THIS MONSTER THAT SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE?!?! Also possibly, HOW IS SHE SO CUTE SELLING FISH!?!?! Hur. 
Anyway that night, he shamelessly went to her shop/home and the three cellmates were there. Hyeri is somehow now forgiven after the satisfying head whacks she got from YJ. So they were all OMO! SANGJANGNIM! all over the place. Except for the gangster unnie who's like MEH. He's not my sangjangnim. Or something. Then YJ came out with her fish stew from supposed fish ahjumma gave her hur and OMG. He just STARED at her. Like. My heart kinda melted right there. Because HOT DAMN. YOU ARE ONE HOT SANGJANGNIM. Hurhur. But she's all whaaaaaaaat. And anyway the other three ladies fed him and YJ just walked away. So he followed her. After which she went on and talked about her son in the bottle of sand. Or something. He didn't say a word. I think he was just floored by her sadness or something. He left her ridiculous contract on her table. I'm guessing he's sorta asking her to go back to her ridiculous 30 year contract deal. She ran after him, said something which I didn't understand. Then he went back to KS and was all WHY THE HELL AM I SO FRUSTRATED WITH HER. Or something. Then he proceeded to kick some bottle, almost tripping in the act. But cute, nonetheless. 
Then, let's see, DH meanwhile went to K group's I don't know mega archive office or something because whaddya know. There's a video from the blackbox from I'm assuming KS car or something which showed DH fixing the wipers in episode 1. And the being the ball-less dude that he is, proceeded to delete the file. Oh he also went back to his old prosecutor's office to get the old files of the case. At one point, MH also asked for the files. So DH''s ex colleague was all why is suddenly the kgroup wanting all these files again? And MH was all confused and went HUH? WHO ASKED FOR THIS FILE? and that guy went DH. DUN DUN DUN. 
DH went to SY's home and said stuffs which I don't quite care about. In any case, he worked on something in her house. At one point, he saw a listing of homes or something. And she explained she was looking for her marriage home. Where he then said something like WHY DO YOU WANT TO MARRY HIM. Or not. I don't know. It seemed like it. Then he fell asleep, mouth opened and SY was all, oooh let me cover him with his jacket. And then, being the DH that he is, grabbed her hand twice. -___- She walked away. He also then left her place. 
Meanwhile, MH received another sms. Stating that some money has been transferred. Either that, or the amount owed left. By YJ. So he got all in a pissy mood and tossed his phone aside. Dude is all confused as to why he's pissy that she's out of his life. Hurrr. SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Heh. 
DH appeared on TV. his sorry excuse for a mother is all proud and happy saying how he looked cool. Customers remarked something negative so his father's happyface turned to sadface. Then YJ also saw the same news. She's a cleaner somewhere. Looked like a logo of that place that DH recommended based on the green logo of the namecard he gave her. 
Then another scene of sms coming in while MH was talking to SY. So now he really got in a pissy mood because ONLY RICH CHAEBOLS get pissy when more money comes rolling in and he went to look for her. Then he was all angry and I have no idea what, but possibly about her leaving the body at the accident. He stared at her so intensely here and I SWEAR HE KNOWS BY NOW she's innocent because there was this subtle look or realisation that hit him. LIKE THAT BEAUTIFUL FACE OF HERS couldn't have done that. But she lied through her teeth that yes, she saw the body and left it that. HE GOT SO PISSED, HE KICKED HER BUCKET OF MOP! THEN WENT TO PICK A RED TOGA DRESS FOR HER TO WEAR. (Imagine when he's happy). But squealy salesperson who lacks decorum and proper etiquette yelped seeing her exposed shoulder in her toga dress. So MH being the guy that he was opened the dressing room, saw it, and man, so damn cool. He was all, that's not the suitable style for you. And he picked out a black sexy lace number for her. When she came out, he gave a snap of approval and was all just floored at how pretty she was. Then caught himself, and walked away, pretending he didn't just have a OMG! SEXY WOMAN! moment right there. 
Went to TGIF (because, rich people have parties here) and then saw DH and SY. Not sure whose party. But anyway, SY saw and was all pissed. I think MH wasn't expecting her there. So to his credit, he went after her to apologise. Because bringing another girl in front of your fiancee is never cool, yo. Then MH got slapped for his stupidity. Good job SY. Meanwhile DH grabbed YJ and tried to talk to her. Asking why she's still hanging out with MH etc. And being the royal B that he is. So she wanted to leave. As she's walking away, stupid MH's friend was all, OI HOW MUCH DO YOU COST? She was all whaaat. And he was all HOW MUCH DOES MH PAY YOU? I'LL DOUBLE THE AMOUNT. Then he proceeded to paw her when she resisted and wanted to slap his silly face. So basically he chased after her, ripping her dress and exposing her shoulder. At this point, they were at the main area and then the jerk gasped and was all disgusted at her shoulder. DH just stared. JUST BECAUSE. ERGH. Then down came a coat from the bar's ceiling, dropping nicely on her shoulders. DUN DUN DUN! MH's coat. And he was all WTH dude! Why you being an a??? Friend proceeded to say something demeaning. MH said something ultra cool which I sadly do not understand. But from how he said it, I melted already. Then went on to beat the hell out of the guy. 
Then they were separated. And she finally stood up. I liked that no one helped her up. In fact, when the coat came landing on her, MH was all GET UP. The last shred of dignity he gave her is so awesome. As opposed to just I don't know help her out or carry her out, as expected of other B-grade makjang. Then after that, MH got a call, confirming from KS that the pair were together that night, and most likely that DH was driving or something. At the same time, SY lost her nice girl act and I htink did something to the shares of K group. 
Last scene, DH grabbed YJ's hand to walk off. But MH came striding in. YJ hurriedly pulled her hand away. MH walked past DH, shoving into him a little, went straight to YJ, grabbed her shoulders and went WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU? After which, I proceeded to moan at the fact, that it will be another long week to next Wednesday. :/ 

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