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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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@athoughtcloud1 It may be too early to say, but I fear that we won't get a chance to observe the changes properly in the next 2 episodes considering their concepts. The upcoming ep, based on the preview, has both JK in a loveline and a concept in which it seems like the cast will be separated for a lot of the episode (save for possibly one game/the very end). Then the one recorded after it has the cast separated almost entirely for solo missions, except oddly for YJS + LKS and occasional meet ups, and I fear that (highlight the following please as I oddly can't find the spoiler button) JH's screentime will be limited based on how when she and KG meet up, she ends up leaving the location without a nametag, while he has hers. 

I am curious though if the slow reemergence (once more) of MC may have anything to do with the pharmaceutical company's interference or the upcoming FMs, and if the latter, if it will be halted if the rumor about KG's attendance at the FM is true.

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So I watched the most recent episode. I enjoyed it and I liked all the guests. I actually think they outshone LKS in this episode (a fashion model who fails at fashion questions and a basketball player who fails at water basketball and LKW with his bendy thumbs). When I first heard the rules of the nametag ripping, I thought they were too biased towards RM, but it ended up closer than I thought it would be. If the yellow team's couples had been chosen correctly from the start, I think they would have won. They also could have parked the less athletic couple outside the exit when RM got all six remotes. Bad strategy was really what lost them the final game in my opinion. Though, side note, when LKS's team was talking about all the hardship LKS had gone through, all I could do was list off in my head everything he's done to the rest of the RM cast recently. Yeah...I'm still waiting for KJK and HH (especially HH) to get their special episodes. And I don't think SJH has had one in awhile either. Right now it seems like LKS, YJS, and KG are competing for the title of Member with Most Special Episodes.

So anyway, onto spartace. I don't think spartace aren't interacting in front of the cameras, but rather that the editors aren't showing it to us. If you watch carefully, when team RM leaves the first location (where they receive LKS's challenge) and when they enter the second location (to meet LKS's team), KJK and SJH are side-by-side at the back of the group. KJK and SJH also start out the water basketball game next to each other in the pool. They also end up next to each other during the dance segment (you can even see KJK looking in her direction though she's off screen). SJH also stands near KJK in the beginning of the thumb wrestling match. So from what I saw, the only times they're not next to each other is when they have to line up for the cameras or are given seats. When they're given the chance to wander on their own, KJK and SJH move next to each other.

During the thumb wrestling matches, the camera shots mainly focus on the matches and don't show how the people who aren't playing are interacting. But when SJH loses her match, you can see her sort of start to turn in the direction of KJK but then we get a shot of the guest instead. You can hear SJH explaining her loss though. You then get a shot of her explaining to some unseen person on her left, but during the next match, we see that KJK would have been the person on her left. After JSJ loses his match, we see SJH back up and when KJK starts turning in her direction, the camera cuts away, but when we see KJK again, he's moving forward, like he was at the back of the group (where we last saw SJH). My point it, it looks like they do interact - SJH is explaining her loss specifically to him - but we're not getting to see it. 

The only time we get to see them celebrate together is after KJK wins the thumb wrestling match. It's fairly cute. As KG's hugging him, KJK's eyes go to SJH, like she's the person he really wants to celebrate with (I may be a little biased). But that's the only time we see them celebrate together. When KJK wins the final game, SJH ends up standing next to him, but we're not shown any of the celebrations. We don't get to see her celebrate the win with KJK or how she ended up next to him. (Side note: does anyone else find it funny how we can see the progression of KJK's wardrobe from the ending of this episode to his meeting with SJH and co th next day. Like we see KJK taking off his team shirt at the end of this video, so he obviously wanted to change, which is why he has a different outfit from the rest of the team in the support video. And apparently he's wearing the same clothes the next day.)

One of my favorite parts is when they hear that they have to attach a penalty to one of their teammates, SJH says "Oppa, let's put it on JSJ" and KJK smiles at her in response. I'm fairly certain she was talking to KJK (though it could have been YJS as well). Mainly because it seems like the type of joke KJK would appreciate more than YJS. But I think, besides the celebratory hug and KJK in the background advising SJH during her fashion question segment, this is the only we get to see an interaction between KJK and SJH in this episode.

I think the cast are no longer being forced to act MC (because we've seen how that can affect the cast) but the editing still gives MC moments. I don't know if the CF or fanmeets has any influence on how RM is being shot, but it's possible that the staff doesn't want to completely alienate the MC fandom by shutting down all of KG and SJH interactions. I think the main RM audience has made it clear that they don't want manufactured MC (and the brain scans have stopped MC from being pushed as romantic) but there are still a lot of passionate MC fans who watch RM, so rather than lose MC entirely, the editors are showing KG's reactions to SJH and SJH's reaction to KG, and the genuine interactions between them as friends/coworkers. So while RM is still clinging onto MC, they're not forcing the cast to promote it. At least right now. Hopefully we never return to the MC of the Dubai episodes. (This upsets me the most, because SJH probably would have loved to go skydiving. And I hope, if they are dating, KJK and SJH go back to Dubai and go skydiving together.)

So back to this episode. I'm not sure what to make of spartace being edited out. They don't stand next to each other until the end of the episode (which was perhaps more about SJH wanting to be beside a tired KJK than worrying about maintaining the standing order) so maybe they are being told not to stand beside each other on camera. But they seem to be making comments to each other and talking in front of the camera even if we're not always shown it. I think the constant touching in front of the camera from ep 308 was in part because KJK and SJH's feet were tied together so they had to spend most of the game in close proximity. Whereas I think the second game in that episode is a better representation of how they interact in front of the cameras nowadays. Small, silent gestures (like SJH giving KJK his dumping), shard smiles (when SJH gives him said dumpling), side comments/jokes (such as the soy sauce comment that made SJH laugh), etc. Actions which are not meant to gain them screen time but aren't them hiding their interactions from the camera.

Perhaps what KJK and SJH want to do with their relationship right now is different than what the RM staff/producers/PDs wants to do with their relationship right now. We have KJK and SJH meeting up with KJK's niece, Mikey, and a PD in a public enough place that they could be found by fans and we had KJK's friends posting pictures of the them hanging out with SJH at what looks to be a goodbye party. That doesn't sound like two people trying very hard to hide their relationship, especially compared to earlier years (this is all under the assumption that they are in one). But then we have the editing of this episode avoiding showing KJK and SJH interactions (the most obvious for me was not showing that SJH was explaining why she lost the thumb war to KJK). So perhaps the RM staff wants to keep spartace on the down low for now and episode 308 was a fluke (they didn't intend to have spartace on one team being so touchy-feeling and couldn't edit it out because of the game's set up) while KJK and SJH are moving in a direction where, while they aren't going to announce anything themselves right now, they wouldn't mind if the public found out they're dating. I don't know. I'm just theorizing.

And I really hope they didn't make a new love line for KJK. He's been passive about love lines for some time now, going along with them only when he has to and avoiding them recently. SBS may be promoting the love line in the previews (they did that a bit with KJK and HJY in the War for the Center), and it could turn out to just be a mission with editing doing the most of the work for the love line rather than KJK or the members encouraging it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 

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Side note: the pd of yesterday episode is not Myuk pd, but the pd who have dinner with JK and niece. The pd is responsible for editing, so I guess this episode is edited by him. I think it is good that Myuk pd can teach him. With the help and teaching of Myuk pd, the editing and the flow comes out better than his previous ones (before the return of Myuk pd). So I will give him praise for it. Myuk pd is still the main pd, and I am glad that the less experience ones can have a chance to learn and imrpove the overall quality.

In this episode, agree that the guests outshone LKS a lot. They are good at their area, fashion and basketball. But when talking about variety, which focus more on bringing happiness and make audience laugh, bringing out their variety side is better than playing good. For the basketball guy, comparing to last time he appeared in rm, he becomes funnier than before, which is good.

But in this episode, I can only see a competitive LKS and nothing else. I cannot find the variety side of him.(maybe I am not watch thoroughly enough) For few episodes now, you can seldom see him has a smile on his face, espeically when it is his turn to play, not to mention making gag or funny moments. I have mentioned before that I think LKS is in a frustration state of his rm positioning. And in this episode, his variety performance is below standard. (when comparing to himself) As said, he has potential in variety, but most of his screen time is only when he is cheating. He can only shine when he can produce funny scenes and gain screen time without relying too much on cheating. As in this episode, without cheating, you can only see a plain competitive side of LKS. And if this is the only side he shown in few episodes continuously, then he is lossing his variety side. Not saying it is bad to be competitive, JK, KG and JH also have their competitive side. But it is rare for you to find that they are plainly being competitive without adding in their variety side. What makes them stands out is the combination of their competitive side and variety side.

 If you don't add in some variety side, and lose the balance for consecutive episodes, then you will become boring for audience.

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I just watched ep 309 and it was a funny and good ep. actually when I watched the preview last week didn't expect it to be a good ep like this. myuk pd wasn't there in this ep?

and something else,that basketball jk filmed with kobe aired last week but I couldn't find no picture or link to watch or download it . do you guys know where can I watch it?

but about having an special ep for jk ,I disagree with this idea . I like it more when he shine in some random games or when he is a spy or a good team leader  if pd make a special ep for him lot of other member's fans will protest plus other members character in rm is to protest when sth give him an advantage imagine what will happen if they make special ep for him.(ep like true gary are not suitable for him he is sharp and it's not easy to fool him for an ep.) when in ep 250 he was the only er member in team bigbang I saw lot of negative comments about him and complains about why he had more screen time than guests. but I agree to have an ep for haha. 

in this ep  they said jk have a room in ks house. their friendship is really cute and interesting for me. but it's sad to see some peple mistook that with love and say things like jk is gay. actually I'm a touchy with my friends too and it happened before that even some of my friends misunderstood that I'm interested in them  so I can understand what he feels when hear this rubbish things about him dating ks. he even had to clear this in one of his interviews that he is not dating ks but still there are people that ask in in tv shows" are you even interested in women?"

I don't think pd didn't want to show sa in ep 308 being so touchy but he had to. they even posted lot of their pic in insta that draw some attention to them and even made other viewers more caution about their interactions. I think pd wanted to test the water. since ep 309 filming was before they air ep 308 they put kg and jh together so if feedback of sa interaction was not good they could make some mc moments and balance every thing. there were some interactions between g and jh in this ep  ( like closeup from their face when other said sth or when they showed jh was leaning on g twice.)to satisfy mc fandom but it had no caption like ep 304 or in group pic they were not separated from other with a couple pose. (they didn't post no group pc from this ep but do you guys remember that group pic from ep 305?) but rm is unpredictable let's just wait and see what will happen before fan meetings if they have any plan to bring back mc they will do it for fan meetings and if they don't bring back mc till that time I doubt they bring it back anymore. I think it's a fact lot of viewers are interested in lovelines even if they don't ship them so it's understandable that pd try to make them when it's possible. 

will jk have a loveline next week? it's a bit weird he had lot of lovelines recently. I read somewhere that in ep 215 the original plan was jk being the groom but he refused because he didn't want to be involved in lovelines . I was wondering what made him change his mind in 2016? but It's not a negative change for me .It's an aspect of jk variety talents that we didn't see in rm that much. afterall he is king of chemistry.

there were not much of sa moments in ep 309 but i liked them. those moments were natural and for me these little things are sweeter than big events like a pepero game with romantic captions. and about jk and jh dinner with pd maybe it was after shooting this ep .so he was wearing same thing in that promote video and dinner.


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@sana82 I don't think KJK has really wanted any of his love lines since ep 215 (or earlier than that, but since you mentioned 215, that's where I'll start). It's more that he's going along with them because he can hardly reject the female guests. They've been invited to RM and they're trying to promote themselves and the RM cast wants them to feel comfortable, so having one of the cast members (notably the king of love lines) refuse a love line with them on TV would not help promote the female guest and it wouldn't make her feel comfortable. So at a certain point KJK has to go along with the love lines even if he doesn't particularly want to. It's usually the RM cast members (HH and YJS who were present for his X-Man days) who put KJK in love lines. After all, it's a good way for female guests to get screen time and KJK is technically single. It looks like KJK isn't telling them outright not to put him in love lines, but you can tell he's not that into said love lines. Compare how he acts in these recent love lines to how he acts with YEH in X-Man or with MGY in RM. With YEH and MGY and even Lee Arisu, he's active, declaring that he's a fan of MGY or staying loyal to YEH without anyone else pressuring him to say things like that. Whereas in recent love lines, it's the other members saying the female guest is KJK's type and needling KJK to say he's interested. I think because KJK is notoriously shy with women, people often mistake him being unenthusiastic about a love line as him being shy but interested.

In ep 221, KJK is helping HJY get dirt out of her eye and one of the members (I forget who) asks what they're doing. KJK and HJY both explain the situation, and then they both go kind of mute whenever someone teases them about a love line later in the episode. They're both not interested.

Moon Chae Won isn't one of KJK's love lines, but I'll include her in here because she was very touchy with KJK during eps 228-9 and I saw comment of people thinking they're dating. I don't know MCW very well (just from RM) so I have no idea if she was actually interested in KJK or just has a naturally flirty personality. KJK is a polite person - especially with females - so he's not the type to reject them unless he has to. But during ep 229, after MCW wins third place in the game, you see her go to KJK and hold his hands. KJK pretty bluntly pulls his hands away (you can see SJH in the background watching them) so while KJK allows female guests some level of touchiness, he clearly has limits.

Ep 238 is the Fairy Race where HH creates a love line between KJK and KSH. KSH is the one who's interested in KJK and opens pursues him throughout the episode. The dynamic that ended up being made between them (thanks to YJS) is that KSH is trying to seduce KJK and KJK is unwilling, so KJK can remain fairly passive towards the love line and not offend the guest. But he doesn't initiate anything with her and, once again, isn't into the love line.

Ep 241, in the opening scene the RM cast keeps needling KJK about having a love line with Yoon Jin Seo. KJK starts out with the usual compliments that all the RM males give the female guests and acts happy to be paired up with her, but again this is something all the male RM members do so I wouldn't put too much faith in it. When each member is making a wish, KJK is unwilling to talk about a love line at first, just talking vaguely about how he hopes things continue as is, but after the cast (including SJH) continues to needle him, KJK gives in and talks about Yoon Jin Seo. Thankfully, Yoon Jin Seo puts a stop to any love line. And KJK doesn't seem all that upset about it. We see him laughing in the next shot. (And of course we have SJH's overreaction to KJK's rejection.)

There's actually a long break where the RM cast doesn't try to pair KJK with any of his female partners. Perhaps he did ask them to stop for awhile or perhaps none of the female guests expressed any interest. Who knows. But then in ep 266, HJY comes back and the KJK-HJY love line returns. KJK participates, but again you can tell he's not that into it. Just watch the scene in the car where they play the game where he and HJY have to have matching answers. It's actually HH and the male guest who continue to encourage the love line throughout the episode. 

You have the X-Man special where, when YJS asks KJK which of the female guests he wants to partner with, KJK says he can't be picky. Again, KJK isn't initiating any love lines. And in the Dubai episodes, while eating dinner at the hotel, the male guest tries to say that he's sitting between two couples, MC and KJK/LDH, and KJK tells the guest not to say things like that. Again, not wanting love lines.

When HH and YJS try to recreate the love line between KJK and HJY when she is partnered with him for the War for the Center, you can see KJK keeping his distance from her in front of the camera even though they seem friendly in the bts stuff. He does the aegyo and helps her out in the water because she can't swim, but we can see how unenthusiastic he is when saying goodbye to her and how he denies HJY asking about his phone number when HH and YJS are teasing. So he is trying to avoid a love line.

In the couple race, he again seems very distant with his partner, even though he seems to know Sistar fairly well. He's been partnered with all of them before and they've been on his other shows before. Any references to a love line between KJK and Soyou comes from the captions and from the Sistar members themselves. Not KJK or the RM members. 

In the last couple years, KJK seems to more go along with love lines rather than be an active participant in them like he was for YEH or MGY. He's not outright rejecting them (I've listed reasons why) but he's clearly not enthusiastic like he used to be. So I'm curious to see what happens in the next episode if there is a love line. The promotions make it seem like he'll be active in the love line, but promotions can often be misleading.

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8 minutes ago, chelseafjl8 said:

Their dinner with the pd was not after the shooting, the fan confirmed that it was on Wednesday night while the shooting was on Tue.

thanks for information .I didn't know the exact data but it means he wore the same shirt for 2 days in this hot summer?

and dear @linzer03 I enjoyed reading your analysis about his lovelines. you are right.I was just wondering why the number of his lovelines recently is more compare to what we used to see but if it's editing and other members and he is unwilling to do them then he didn't change his mind about doing lovelines.

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@sana82 He's really only had the HJY one recently. And now apparently this one, so I wouldn't say the amount of love lines has increased recently. I think the second half of 2012 was really where he had a lot of love lines. Ep 113 with YJA, ep 114-5 with MGY, ep 118 with PBY, ep 122 PWS (briefly). He gets a lot in a short period of time.

As for KJK getting a special episode, it doesn't necessarily have to be a nametag ripping episode (which, yes, people would complain about it being unfair). But it could be an episode related to KJK's past love lines or KJK as a 90s singer or KJK being bad at ball games - which may not necessarily give KJK an edge that would cause fans to complain. I just remember watching ep 93 where the RM member were listing off their favorite episodes. JSJ had the Sherlock Holmes, HH had the First Love, KG had the TruGary show, and KJK said he'd just ruin them all because, well, he hadn't had a special episode to call his favorite. Even in ep 300, the other members all pick their special episodes to answer questions about, and KJK just goes for ep 151 for whatever reason. But out of all the RM members, I definitely think HH deserves a special episode. He hasn't been the spy in a long time and his last special was the First Love which was in early 2012. He's also the most likely to get robbed of screen time.

I don't know when RM will end, but there are a few things I really want to see before it ends. 1) KJK and SJH in a couple race from start to finish. 2) HH getting a special episode. 3) The Avengers episode done properly (e.g. all members team up to defeat greater foes). Anyone else have things they want to see happen before the end of RM?

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1 hour ago, sana82 said:

thanks for information .I didn't know the exact data but it means he wore the same shirt for 2 days in this hot summer?

and dear @linzer03 I enjoyed reading your analysis about his lovelines. you are right.I was just wondering why the number of his lovelines recently is more compare to what we used to see but if it's editing and other members and he is unwilling to do them then he didn't change his mind about doing lovelines.

Not sure about that, maybe he has another one with exactly the same pattern? The first time he wore this shirt on screen is in the Beijing episode as pajamas according to his fans.

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@chelseafjl8 @sana82 He also could have changed into it after filming was over and then went home and changed into something else. He then wore it the next day since it's a bit wasteful to wear something for an hour or two and then put it in the laundry. Or he stayed at someone else's place and wore it the next day since he had nothing else to wear the next day. Or he just happened to do laundry that night and wore it the next day because he likes that shirt. There are all sorts of explanations. I just think it's funny that he's had that shirt since the Beijing episode.

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really like this episode was fun got you laughing a lot and my favorite part the lovely moment we get to see with our sa thou it wasn't much but its better than none. Love it when they are leaving to join ks and his team jh got out of her seat and instead of leaving she wait until all the other left so that she can walk out with jk and you can see them entering one behind the other. During the thumb wrestling when jk and ks was fight you can see her face expression while looking at the match and even when ks headbutt jk you can see her face not please at all when jk when to the bk you can see her looking in his direction like she wanted to go to him bt hold her self bk also with the last guest you can see her complaining when he's been too whinny after which he was given a band aid and jh also give jk one too which he didn't asked for but jh decided that he needs to have one too which was so sweet, and after he win and he and kg was hugging you can see jh run toward him with this big smile on her face even thou there were no space for her buy jk did find space so that he could go to her and side hug her while celebrating with the other, also the bus ride after the  pool basketball jh was at the front while jk was behind her and you can see jk keep on staring in jh direction while everyone was conversing buy her and the you see him hold don his head like he is on her phone don't know if he is texting her or what but it seems strange to me an also at the end as always they find there way next to each other.

i think in episode 308 they had no choice but to show all the skin ship that was going on between those two because they were bound to each other and everyone was in the same place so its hard for others not to notice them but even though you get to see those they did cut most of their celebrating together 

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1 hour ago, linzer03 said:

@sana82 He's really only had the HJY one recently. And now apparently this one, so I wouldn't say the amount of love lines has increased recently. I think the second half of 2012 was really where he had a lot of love lines. Ep 113 with YJA, ep 114-5 with MGY, ep 118 with PBY, ep 122 PWS (briefly). He gets a lot in a short period of time.

As for KJK getting a special episode, it doesn't necessarily have to be a nametag ripping episode (which, yes, people would complain about it being unfair). But it could be an episode related to KJK's past love lines or KJK as a 90s singer or KJK being bad at ball games - which may not necessarily give KJK an edge that would cause fans to complain. I just remember watching ep 93 where the RM member were listing off their favorite episodes. JSJ had the Sherlock Holmes, HH had the First Love, KG had the TruGary show, and KJK said he'd just ruin them all because, well, he hadn't had a special episode to call his favorite. Even in ep 300, the other members all pick their special episodes to answer questions about, and KJK just goes for ep 151 for whatever reason. But out of all the RM members, I definitely think HH deserves a special episode. He hasn't been the spy in a long time and his last special was the First Love which was in early 2012. He's also the most likely to get robbed of screen time.

I don't know when RM will end, but there are a few things I really want to see before it ends. 1) KJK and SJH in a couple race from start to finish. 2) HH getting a special episode. 3) The Avengers episode done properly (e.g. all members team up to defeat greater foes). Anyone else have things they want to see happen before the end of RM?


About wanting to see something happen before the end of RM: I really want my OT3 - JH, JK, and KS, as a separate team for at least one episode, and with proper screentime. In addition to that, it would also be nice to see my OT4 - JH, JK, KS, and Haha and my OT5 - JH, JK, KS, Haha, and SJ on a team by themselves. 


By the way @chelseafjl8, do you happen to know which fan confirmed that it was Wednesday night or if she specified for sure that it was in the night rather than the morning? I know there was some speculation that maybe it had been a brunch of sorts rather than a dinner, and in that scenario, it would make a little bit more sense out of how JK wore the same shirt (and snapback, as seen in the shout out video and this picture the day of the meal) just through the morning/afternoon rather than the whole next day/into the evening. Especially if he stayed in Seoul (maybe even with KS considering that new information XD) overnight because of the late filming instead of going back to Anyang.

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21 minutes ago, pink007 said:

By the way @chelseafjl8, do you happen to know which fan confirmed that it was Wednesday night or if she specified for sure that it was in the night rather than the morning? I know there was some speculation that maybe it had been a brunch of sorts rather than a dinner, and in that scenario, it would make a little bit more sense out of how JK wore the same shirt (and snapback, as seen in the shout out video and this picture the day of the meal) just through the morning/afternoon rather than the whole next day/into the evening. Especially if he stayed in Seoul (maybe even with KS considering that new information XD) overnight because of the late filming instead of going back to Anyang.

I believe it was actually JK's niece Seung Hee who confirmed it by writing 'the day before' when she posted on the 15th.

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13 minutes ago, airplanegirl said:

I believe it was actually JK's niece Seung Hee who confirmed it by writing 'the day before' when she posted on the 15th.


Oh, no, I know that. Thanks though. I just thought that another fan confirmed the exact time of the day as well.  

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I rewatched  some of old ep that you mentioned about lovelines. since I have lot of free time these days,want to add things about those eps.

about MCW I can't consider her as a jk loveline too.about that scene when jk pull his hand I think he wanted to show a thumb up to her. I'm not saying he had no problem with MCW holding his hand out of the blue like that but he didn't just pull his hand with no excuse it would offend MCW if he just pulled his hand. and some thing else I think jk is not that shy that most of rm fans think he is around women. I didn't see MCW in other shows so I don't know about her personality but I should admit she was too much in ep 228 and 229.even at the end of ep229 jk asked her to comeback and she answered by an ET promise, js tell something to jk and he bow while every one are watching them and MCW is laughing. was it a warning for being too flirtatious? the situation here was somehow similar to ep 237.in that ep jk and his partner get along very well then before they start first game we have a too kind sjh who emphasize on how jk nag a lot and if he didn't nag yet he will after they start playing  with ks. and in the pool game js told him "you two seems really close" (was it a warning again?) ang in the last segment we can see jk explain something to js and they seem quite serious.

in ep 238 he was totally annoyed sometimes,it was obviously an awkward loveline.

ep 241. I think just as you mentioned they put that lady in a loveline with jk so she can gain more screen time but it was obvious that both of them are not interested in each other. but put that loveline aside there is a sa moment in this ep that I really like.

lets say sa started dating before 2015 as most of us believe .after the first round of that kissing game js says ha saw people who keep  sticking their cheeks out to those who aren't their partners.kjk is blinking in the background (s.th that he does when he is nervous )then ask who?who was that? but js ignores him (you can see jk mumbling "ah really."here.)and then js says I've warned you.look at js finger.then he continue "I saw some one who got their kiss then went to someone else.I always thought it was an inside joke.

something I want to happen before rm ends?I want at least one ep after sa announce their relationship (if they are really dating) I want to see rm members tease them and tell some BTS story about them.it's almost impossible, isn't it? 

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@sana82 I forgot to include NJH in KJK's love line list (ep 237). Oops. I think KJK did get along well with his partner in that ep and she was either flirting with him or just had a flirtatious personality, but I don't think KJK was romantically interested in her. All the teasing for the love line comes from the other RM members and KJK doesn't make any comments about being interested in her that I remember (except maybe praising her in the opening because that's what all the RM guys do). But we still see KJK choosing SJH's team last for the pop-up pirate game and he doesn't seem all that upset when NJH goes in the water instead of the frightened SJH. But I find it interesting that you can actually see SJH sticking very close to KJK and NJH as the games go on. And during the last scene, SJH kind of pushes HH so that they stand beside KJK's team.

KJK has said in interviews that he isn't the type to assume that women are interested in him. So it may be possible that in cases like MCW and NJH, KJK doesn't consider them actually interested in him despite them being flirtatious whereas YJS does think that they're interested. I'm reminded of the LKS story where KJK told LKS she wasn't interested and YJS told him to go for it. It may be that YJS is more likely to believe a girl is interested while KJK takes the opposite approach, which is what we see in situations like this. It was also mentioned in ep 230 that KJK is "always wagging his tail in front of girls". YJS is the one talking so there may be some exaggeration but SJH also says "stop confusing them/us" (I've seen both translations) so there's probably some truth to YJS's joke, and KJK is probably a bit of the flirtatious type without necessarily meaning to be. He is the king of love lines for a reason after all. 

But it can probably get very awkward because female guests wouldn't know if KJK is in a relationship or not and therefore feel more at ease to act in a flirtatious way around him. KJK can say the same praises of the female guests as YJS or HH, but those praises take on a different meaning since KJK is officially single. Similar things have probably happened to SJH where guys have flirted with her thinking she's not in a relationship. It can be an awkward situation but I'm sure KJK and SJH have figured out how to deal with it by now if they have been in a relationship for as long as we think. 

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20 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

@sana82 I forgot to include NJH in KJK's love line list (ep 237). Oops. I think KJK did get along well with his partner in that ep and she was either flirting with him or just had a flirtatious personality, but I don't think KJK was romantically interested in her. All the teasing for the love line comes from the other RM members and KJK doesn't make any comments about being interested in her that I remember (except maybe praising her in the opening because that's what all the RM guys do). But we still see KJK choosing SJH's team last for the pop-up pirate game and he doesn't seem all that upset when NJH goes in the water instead of the frightened SJH. But I find it interesting that you can actually see SJH sticking very close to KJK and NJH as the games go on. And during the last scene, SJH kind of pushes HH so that they stand beside KJK's team.

KJK has said in interviews that he isn't the type to assume that women are interested in him. So it may be possible that in cases like MCW and NJH, KJK doesn't consider them actually interested in him despite them being flirtatious whereas YJS does think that they're interested. I'm reminded of the LKS story where KJK told LKS she wasn't interested and YJS told him to go for it. It may be that YJS is more likely to believe a girl is interested while KJK takes the opposite approach, which is what we see in situations like this. It can be an especially blurry line because the women wouldn't know if KJK is in a relationship or not and therefore feel more at ease to act in a flirtatious way around him. KJK can say the same praises of the female guests as YJS or HH, but those praises take on a different meaning since KJK is officially single. Similar things have probably happened to SJH where guys have flirted with her thinking she's not in a relationship. It can be an awkward situation but I'm sure KJK and SJH have figured out how to deal with it by now if they have been in a relationship for as long as we think. 

I wanted to write that jk doesn't seem romantically interested in them but I forgot to write it. actually most of the times it seems he take care of younger girls like his little sister. maybe because of this habit mikey and YJS in happy together said he is nice to all the women and confuse them. it was a joke in that program  but I think there is a bit of truth in it. both kjk and sjh are nice to younger guest or coworkers and take care of them that sometimes it can make others confused. 

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Just a random observation. I was watching the opening of ep 149 where the couples are being selected. I think after Song Eun Yi picks HH instead of KJK, you can start to see KJK and SJH getting exicted at the idea of being partnered. Eun Yi is a friend of KJK's and I think she might have known he and SJH were dating. When she says that KJK is the only knockout among the men, you can see her looking in SJH's direction while laughing. But after Eun Yi picks HH, you can see KJK looking at someone on his left (the direction looks like it's one of the women who still has to choose her partner) and subtly nodding. And then YJS says, "At this rate, you'll never know who will get paired up." It's actually not that hard to guess, but I think YJS was preparing for the possibility that SJH and KJK get paired up. Kim Sook is next and you see SJH laughing but then she places her hands in front of her mouth and then moves them into a praying position. We don't get a shot of SJH throughout the rest of the Kim Sook's selection. But if you watch, as Kim Sook walks near KJK, he puts his hands in a praying position as well. Something I don't think I've seen him do before and I wonder if he was mirroring SJH's praying position. The RM editors can hardly show that KJK and SJH were both in the same position, so we don't get to see her during the selection process or any of her reactions to KJK being chosen by Kim Sook. Oh well. I just thought it was interesting that they were both in the prayer position during that segment and it was probably really disappointing for them not to get partnered when they had such a good opportunity.

They also had matching outfits - KJK being the only male dressed in all white and their shoes look similar. I'm not a big fan of saying they wear couple accessories and such (especially since celebs have coordinators who chose their outfits for them), but there are times where, during fanmeets, they are wearing the exact same shoes and it's kind of hard to deny. But I actually wonder if instead of KJK and SJH picking out couple stuff, it's their coordinators who enjoy picking out couple stuff for them. If you watch the Beijing fanmeet, after Uptown Funk, SJH, JSJ, YJS, and LKS are already on the stage in their outfits for the final group performances. KJK, HH, and KG come out later (from the opposite side of the stage from SJH and co) so that might have been the first time KJK and SJH saw each other's final performance outfits. KG doesn't change his outfit from Uptown Funk at all, while it looks like HH and KJK take off their long-sleeved outerwear. KJK also, for some reason, now has a red hat instead of a black one. But as they come out, you can see KJK point to or adjust his red hat (2:01:00) as he's walking to SJH. He stands by her and adjusts his hat again while they talk about something and laugh. I wonder if perhaps they (or at least KJK) were a little thrown off for a moment by the matching red hats or that KJK suddenly understood why he now had to wear a red hat instead of a black one. Who knows. Just food for thought.





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6 hours ago, linzer03 said:

@sana82 He's really only had the HJY one recently. And now apparently this one, so I wouldn't say the amount of love lines has increased recently. I think the second half of 2012 was really where he had a lot of love lines. Ep 113 with YJA, ep 114-5 with MGY, ep 118 with PBY, ep 122 PWS (briefly). He gets a lot in a short period of time.

As for KJK getting a special episode, it doesn't necessarily have to be a nametag ripping episode (which, yes, people would complain about it being unfair). But it could be an episode related to KJK's past love lines or KJK as a 90s singer or KJK being bad at ball games - which may not necessarily give KJK an edge that would cause fans to complain. I just remember watching ep 93 where the RM member were listing off their favorite episodes. JSJ had the Sherlock Holmes, HH had the First Love, KG had the TruGary show, and KJK said he'd just ruin them all because, well, he hadn't had a special episode to call his favorite. Even in ep 300, the other members all pick their special episodes to answer questions about, and KJK just goes for ep 151 for whatever reason. But out of all the RM members, I definitely think HH deserves a special episode. He hasn't been the spy in a long time and his last special was the First Love which was in early 2012. He's also the most likely to get robbed of screen time.

I don't know when RM will end, but there are a few things I really want to see before it ends. 1) KJK and SJH in a couple race from start to finish. 2) HH getting a special episode. 3) The Avengers episode done properly (e.g. all members team up to defeat greater foes). Anyone else have things they want to see happen before the end of RM?

I want to see lee dong wook and dongjun reunite together with song ji hyo in a couple race

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2 hours ago, linzer03 said:

@sana82 I forgot to include NJH in KJK's love line list (ep 237). Oops. I think KJK did get along well with his partner in that ep and she was either flirting with him or just had a flirtatious personality, but I don't think KJK was romantically interested in her. All the teasing for the love line comes from the other RM members and KJK doesn't make any comments about being interested in her that I remember (except maybe praising her in the opening because that's what all the RM guys do). But we still see KJK choosing SJH's team last for the pop-up pirate game and he doesn't seem all that upset when NJH goes in the water instead of the frightened SJH. But I find it interesting that you can actually see SJH sticking very close to KJK and NJH as the games go on. And during the last scene, SJH kind of pushes HH so that they stand beside KJK's team.

KJK has said in interviews that he isn't the type to assume that women are interested in him. So it may be possible that in cases like MCW and NJH, KJK doesn't consider them actually interested in him despite them being flirtatious whereas YJS does think that they're interested. I'm reminded of the LKS story where KJK told LKS she wasn't interested and YJS told him to go for it. It may be that YJS is more likely to believe a girl is interested while KJK takes the opposite approach, which is what we see in situations like this. It was also mentioned in ep 230 that KJK is "always wagging his tail in front of girls". YJS is the one talking so there may be some exaggeration but SJH also says "stop confusing them/us" (I've seen both translations) so there's probably some truth to YJS's joke, and KJK is probably a bit of the flirtatious type without necessarily meaning to be. He is the king of love lines for a reason after all. 

But it can probably get very awkward because female guests wouldn't know if KJK is in a relationship or not and therefore feel more at ease to act in a flirtatious way around him. KJK can say the same praises of the female guests as YJS or HH, but those praises take on a different meaning since KJK is officially single. Similar things have probably happened to SJH where guys have flirted with her thinking she's not in a relationship. It can be an awkward situation but I'm sure KJK and SJH have figured out how to deal with it by now if they have been in a relationship for as long as we think. 


1 hour ago, sana82 said:

I wanted to write that jk doesn't seem romantically interested in them but I forgot to write it. actually most of the times it seems he take care of younger girls like his little sister. maybe because of this habit mikey and YJS in happy together said he is nice to all the women and confuse them. it was a joke in that program  but I think there is a bit of truth in it. both kjk and sjh are nice to younger guest or coworkers and take care of them that sometimes it can make others confused. 

do you guys remember  lee min jung  i think she too like kjk the way she act around him its different from "friends" and at the last scene where lmj took of the tag of kjk (their team mate)  you can see the expression of kjk when he saw jsj and lks  standing  with the stuff and watching them his (kjk) face  expression change to  "im not doing anything wrong " from " i know your the spy" when he saw the rm members   

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