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[Drama 2013] Her Legend / Her Myth 그녀의 신화


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thunderman1 said: In episode 6, I bet you JH didn't know what he was scribbling down on the board. I'm a math minor and it seems as if it was random sin equations on the board. haha! But I would love to have a cool board like that for my company department!

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It just struck me that the name of JS's stall (on her business card and on the sign next to the stall) - 줌치 - may be yet another pointer to the significance of that good luck purse that JS received from her mother and passed on to her adoptive mother,  because 줌치 is the Korean word for "pouch" i.e. an item made in exactly that way, out of a  single (or patchwork-pieced-together) piece of cloth or leather, gathered together by a drawstring.

That also set me wondering, especially in view of what JS uncle said about the power of the purses his father had bequeathed to his descendants to bring good fortune, whether there's any connection with the 줌치 노래 or "Pouch Song" which is found in a number of different versions in the folksong repertoire of several Korean regions.  It sometimes features in the "folk culture" shows put on for tourists. There's a (rather bootleg-looking) video here  The three women downstage right are actually making the pouches, which they give to the dancers as the song draws to a close.  They do look somewhat like the items that caught our attention in this drama...

The  words of this song have been much discussed by ethnologists. It is at one level a song about the process of making a pouch, but the materials from which the pouch is to be made, namely the fruits of a tree that has twelve branches and 365 leaves, "fruits" which include the sun and the moon, are obviously related to the cycle of the months and the seasons, which in Sino-Korean culture are closely tied to human destiny. The song speaks of bestowing the finished pouch made from these mystical materials upon a loved one, and so giving them access to the cosmic forces that power the world of nature.

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Before I finally shut up for the night, one more thing that struck me re KY's failure to fit in with the etiquette of Korean company life but which there's no real way any subber can get across with anything like the force which it carries for  Korean ears.

Those of you who are working away at Korean might like to replay the scene in ep 5 where the team are discussing whether they can award the job and note the sentence-endings used by the participants in the discussion, especially two who have most to say, namely Min Ki and Seo Hyeon/Kyeong Hee. You'll notice that (with just one exception that I'll come to in a moment) every single verb and adjective with which KH expresses her views carries markers of outright assertion, laying down what is the case and what they must and mustn't do. By contrast, all of Min Ki's sentence endings, apart from the one where he expresses the majority decision (which isn't his own view) are questions, albeit more or less rhetorical ones. Where KY baldly asserts what "is" the case, Min Ki repeatedly asks whether people don't agree that this or that might be the case. And that's the polite way to make your point in a Korean discussion, by question, not assertion. The one question-form sentence KY does use is in effect a thinly veiled threat rather than a modestly tentative suggestion.  She asks whether, seeing how the other candidates being interviewed at the same time as JS were made aware of the defects in her portfolio, it wouldn't provoke complaints and bad publicity for the company if they went ahead and appointed JS. And she looks meaningfully at MK as she says this, reminding him that should that happen, he will have to take the responsibility.

The net effect is that although KY has the "stunning" appearance referred to in her character profile and might not seem from a Western perspective to be overly pushy in this scene, to the rest of the group her whole manner embodies what Koreans perceive as "typically American" individualistic arrogance. This is emphatically not How To Make Friends and Influence People in Korean business. Even though her view carries the day, you can bet everyone hates her guts for the way she expresses it.

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alexx said: thunderman1 said: In episode 6, I bet you JH didn't know what he was scribbling down on the board. I'm a math minor and it seems as if it was random sin equations on the board. haha! But I would love to have a cool board like that for my company department!

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I don't understand ep6,there is this problems that korean writer face,they are not steady on one story line,they keep adding one problems to other ,until the end of the drama,many questions are left for the viewers to answer by themselves.the writer has not yet develop  Jeong Soo character,as a person who is trying to make it into the designing industry,she has not  yet discover how the people who she is living with betray  her,and sent their daughter to her suppose adopted mother, the new man that is coming into her life, the writer is now introducing conflict b/w the two people who suppose to start developing love interest,can't Korean writers,write a drama without love-triangle? don't know about other people i love dramas with good love story not dramas that keep punishing one person to the end.all you see is bad people keep reaping good reward of their evil doing.

ep7 preview, is deceiving, is this writer telling me that Jeong Soo will be able to go into the adopted mother house and have the gusts  to tell her the truth about Kyeong Hee and her parent deceiving her for the love of her money or is just the usual   Korean style making things out of nothing.someone gave JS a lift she fell asleep,carrying books in her hands ,as big as the company is,no cart in office  for her to use and carry the folders just other  childish writing.

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I just watched the recent episodes.

Gotta love how both guys are gonna start falling for JS. KH is trying too hard to get JH to notice her and seems like her ex still thinks of her... but I don't think he'll be thinking of her anymore since JS came to his life keke.

The stare and devil look that KH always make pisses me off.

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Back to the topic of JS's education, prompted by another subtitle issue.

As I posted yesterday, JS application form, which we get a good look at on KY's computer screen, says she graduated in Fashion Design from an obscure college. So subtitle-dependent viewers may wonder about the line in ep 6 where, according to the DF subs, MK asks her "Are you sure you haven't had any training or education?" . But that sub is wrong. What he actually asks her is "Aside from your college studies, have you really had no other design experience?"   What he's getting at is his own observation, brought out during the discussion among the selection panel in the previous episode, that JS showed a hands-on knowledge and understanding of the manufacture and treatment of various types of leather which none of the other candidates, and indeed many of the established designers in the company, couldn't rise to. That's why she answers in terms of what she learned by watching her uncle, and adds that she also must have inherited something from the maternal grandfather (whom she has in common with KH) that she never met. We reflect that KH, since she despised her own father so much and was ashamed of his humble calling, never bothered to learn anything from him, and doesn't think she's missed out. Hence her snotty remark during the discussion that the job is about designing bags, not getting your hands dirty actually making them or the leather.

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Well" after watching episode 5 and 6 with subs... I really have to tell u, I despise that KH more, the way she's carrying on about herself 8-|  Listen carefully sweetie" u need to get yourself together, because JH only has eyes for someone else @-)  and that is JS ;;)  and I think MK is going to fall for JS as well.. I'm just going to sit back and relax to watch this Drama 8-> because it going to be a roller coaster series.. I just can't wait  [-X  for Monday to come. after seeing the previews.. I do believe that JS's uncle told her something about the switch between her and that obnoxious child KH. It's getting better and better by each episode :-bd Last but not Least" the adopted father JW is going to be the 1 to catch on first, about KH and that Olive Oil Mother of hers... See when you do things in the Dark, It'll most certainly come to the Light... guess what everyone, Yup" I see it's coming >:/

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Guest leaaaaa

@laquetahodge I totally agree with you. I also think she will be her own downfall. She doesn't need anyone for that.For me, she is rather a weak evil character(not that it makes me feel more sympathic toowards her. I still hate her. lol) She reminds me of the evil half-sister in rooftop prince  (the drama is entertaining but the plot lacks many times). She also started strong, but the moment, her sister reappeared, she was like a trapped mouse. One mistake after another and she couldn't really make her sister suffer since the sister had nothing to lose-she had to lose everything. Same with KH. JS can't lose anything. She has nothing to begin with. KH has to lose everything. KH's biggest problem is that she has no one on her side, except her real parents who won't be a big help in 'her world' anymore. It seems like that the people in the office won't like her for long bc of her 'snobby' attitude, MK already knows what kind of person she is, she can't rely on her adoptive parents since she must hide JS from them(btw I also think the adoptive father will find out before his wife), JH already rejected her three times(at the club, in the elevator where she indirectly asked him to spent with her the weekends, and with the teaching thing) and she can't pretend to be SH's daughter since JS already knows who she is and would immediately conclude who SH is to her. Hence, I neither don't know  what the writer will do with her. She is doomed. I can't think of any ways she could make JS suffer much anymore, besides making her real mom shout at JS more lol and make her over-work which only will help JS to get more plus points with the guys and office people....hmm anyway, this will interesting to watch ^^ 

hehe in this drama, I don't hate that there is a love triangle. I am even looking forward to the love triangle^^ It will be fun to watch, especially since JH is so expressive with his feelings. You immediately can see at his face what he thinks and feels. (good job there KJH!!) I love how he looks caringly at JS in the scene where she takes the measures of his cover.It is really cute to watch how he is exasperated because he already cares for her too much and he doesn't know why(the scene in the car before he gave her job was perfect in displaying his feelings). Now, I totally want him to see him jealous xD  
Anyway,  the drama is really good made until now. I can't see any sloppiness in the plot so far. They even are careful with the details..the drawn cover on the paper by JS has also the little words on it like the real cover which JH rejects... Many dramas tend to oversee that..(lol the other drama I watch, tends to oversee even BIG things...tsk tsk tsk soo sloppy there)...Now, like suchadiva42, I will just sit back and relax to watch this drama the next weeks ^^

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Guest leaaaaa

hahaha  You're the best LSS is one of those dramas...It is not one of the best dramas. For me, it is even painful to watch, ...Not even the OTP will be able to convince me to watch every episode. I meant 'Who are you'. I am just watching it for fun. It has so many mistakes in them, that it gets entertaining. My personal fav is that even the guy is dead for over 6 years, all of his possessions are still in his house. In my country that house would have been emptied years ago and auctioned when there are no family members and if there are, they wouldn't just let such a big house vacant. 
Anyway, I am glad jtbc gave us this drama. Cliche or not, at least I don't have to be scared that the mother suddenly appears in front of JS and tells her that she just faked her dead so that JS hasn't have to grow up with the shame of having a mother who sings at a bar or something like that...lol

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Episode 01 ~



Episode 02 ~




Episode 03 ~


Episode 04 ~





CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Her Legend English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F7453-her-legend-2013%2F
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