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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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sarah.lina said: @chrissydiva : Batolu said to WY that ET is too strong, just give up, WY said that as warrior giving up is like deserting, so he challenged her or something... :D :D :D in order to show her, that if you have the heart you can win, something like that

@petria : no way, he would get in that hole, maybe his horse though :-? :-?

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Week of 17 February - 23 February 2014 AGB Nielsen Top 20:
'Empress Ki' 28.5% average - 2nd overall

Episode 32 Ratings:

AGB Nielsen:  Nationwide 25.3% (2nd; -1.3%) / Seoul 28.8% (1st; -.6%)
TNmS:  Nationwide 24.4% (2nd; -1.2%) / Seoul 31.0 (1st; +.1%)

Looks like Emperor Puppy is channeling Tim Gunn in the Yuan Dynasty Version of "Project Runway."  :))


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Guest hunterdd

^^ Will be interesting with the almost kiss cliffhanger what the ratings are like tomorrow.
I'm guessing they will tease viewers for a couple of episodes with SN and TH before any oolalala.

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Guest bashful

pegster said: Just reading some random stuff on Baidu, and saw some posts about how they saw fans in EK DC posting stills of a stunt double for TH, so they're speculating that something is going to happen to TH the next day (tomorrow's episode).  Maybe fall of a horse and get hurt, or something...hopefully is for when he's trying to save SN.

The other detail they're looking at are the BTS stills of SN/TH shooting the arrows, and riding their horse in the forest.  The argument is that they both actually look happy in those photos, which means something probably happen the night before  If SN refused TH, TH probably would be in a depressed mood instead of the happy vibe that we get from those stills.

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Top 30 Most Searched Character in Drama based on Naver after the broadcast of E32 :

7th : Tanasili (+15)

10th : El Temur (+28)
13th : Wang Yoo (+16)
16th : Tal Tal (-4)

(31th : Tae Hwan (+36))
(42th : Seung Nyang (+23))

Ok that's really surprising, i wasn't expecting that
  :-? :-? :-?

TOP 3 :
1st : Sound (Age of Feeling) (+113)
2nd : Do Min Joon (YWCFTS) (-1)
3rd : Cheon Song Yi (YWCFTS) (-1)

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Guest critics

Had LK failed to anticipate and confront ET face-to-face as her countermeasure on his next plot, it could have been Bayan's head in the box and most probably SN & TT are in prison now, if not dead. http://forums.soompi.com/plugins/Emotify/design/images/41.gif   http://forums.soompi.com/plugins/Emotify/design/images/41.gif   

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Yay!!! CH subs were released extra early today!

SN tells DK that she's not here to see him, aka shut your hole!

SN outright told ET she knows what he's up to, and what his plan is.  SN had talked to TT before on what strategies are out there.  TT gives her an example of a famous war that happened in the past where the side with 2500 beat the side with 15000 by hiding their true strengths, and leading the stronger side to feel fear out the uncertainty.  SN basically bluffed to ET saying that if he tries to put the blame on her and BA, they'll be able to drag him in as well so that he'll always be remembered in history as the evil grandfather who tried to kill his own grandson.
After BA finds out how the 'discussion' with ET went, SN tells him she sees the hesitation in ET's eyes, but she's still unsure.  After SN leaves BA praises her and says how great a person she is to go up against such a strong opponent with nothing.
Of course DK thinks SN is bluffing them, but WY tells him compared to 100 victories, one failure can be detrimental.
DS went back to her quarters because she got 'sick'.  As she's pigging out, El Maid and Evil Maid are pretending to stop her from starving herself.
We know that ET put the blame on that one governor and his daughter as the 'culprit' who wanted to murder the prince.
ET is trying to scare that governor into dragging other people down with him.  ET is threatening to cook, wait...deep fry him...
TH: Stop what you're doing!ET: Stop?  He's the person who try to assassinate the princeTH: How can you listen to the words of the assassin without a complete investigation!ET: The investigation is happening now.  There are at least 3-4 governors conspiring together.  He will confess soon.  You will see.  Go prepare the cauldron and heat the oil!YBS: Yes! Go prepare for the cooking punishment!Governor: Paeha! I'm innocent, I didn't do it Paeha!  Please spare me!TH: I did it!  I was the one who told them to kill the prince!Everyone: Paeha!TH: They didn't do anything wrong, if you must punish someone, punish me!Everyone: Paeha!ET: Did Ki Jai In tell you to do this?  The other governor's will be touched by what you're doing and support you?  Wake up, Paeha.  The prince is your son, you can't even tell right from wrong, how do you expect to rule the world?  Every time I think of our country, I shed tears of blood.  I will never give the royal powers to you, do you understand?TH: Tomorrow is the meeting, this isn't something you can control!
All the governor's gather pleading for ET to release the other governor.  ET shows them the head, and threatens them and their family.
At the meeting:
TH: Before we start, I have something to say.  I want to apologize to everyone here.  To be honest, I'm not Emperor material, I'm dumb, incapable, timid, and selfish.  I'm a ridiculous person who didn't care about what your worries were, and what hardships the citizens are going through.  But, I don't want to continue being a useless Emperor like this.  I especially don't want to run away because of my fear for the Prime Minister.  Because of this, although I've lost my shame, I just hope to get your loyalty.  Please give me a chance, I won't waste this opportunity.  Because of this, please trust me this once.
Before ET leaves, he gives a warning to SN telling her that he now 'sees' her, and she'll know what he means soon enough.
SN tells TH that he's not back to where he started.  Now he has the trust of the people, so he will eventually have his powers back.  Although ET still has the seal, but he's lost the people's trust.  This is still a victory for TH.
DS tells DM to schedule an afternoon meeting for all the consorts. ED is upset and tells SN to take care of the meeting, she's got the seal, and she will temporarily give it to SN so that she can have the power.  ED tells DM to pass her words to the consorts, maids, and all the inner palace servants, from now on, Ki Jai In's orders are her orders.  SN will be the Empress at the meeting.  She wants to show DS what it means to be an empty shell with no powers.
SN's telling everyone to prepare for the hunting competition, everyone will be there.
DS: I'm asking you what you what you're doing right now!SN: We were having our meeting.DS: How dare you act as Empress!  Have you lost your mind!?  Strip her of her clothes, have her kneel down!  Have all you servants gone deaf!  Quick, have Ki Jai In kneel in front of me!Evil maid: Do none of you hear the Empress' orders?DS: Are you trying to defy my orders!SN: Everyone, turn away.DS: What are you all doing in front of me!?  Turn back around!  Dok Man, you explain what's going on.DM: ED...SN: Gave the seal, and authorities taken from you, to me. Please leave now.  DS: I'm not leaving! Why should I leave!SN:  Everyone, turn around.  If you insist on staying I'll have the maids send you back.  Do you really want to have the maids send you away?
El Plague is thinking about what reward he'll get if he succeeds in assassinating SN & TH.  He tells El Maid if he completes the mission, he'll become a high official, at that time he'll take her as his wife.  Oh the blossoming romance.:-&

The letter that WY was looking at was a letter coming from the merchant group to ET asking for ET to lend them money.  From that letter, they realize that ET is actually wealthier than they thought.  They didn't cut off his financial source.
Bi-Soo tells WY that from the start, ET was not an opponent they could go up against.  BS says it's better to just give up because it was her insistence that almost ruined her people.
WY takes her to that dual to fight her with a wooden sword against her real sword to show her she's wrong.
BS asks why he's so insistent, he basically says if he gives up, it means he's giving on his nation/country.
DS compliments TH on his outfit, but TH asks why she's going, it's a dangerous event.  DS snaps back to say not to forget her family background, she has great warriors blood in her.  She goes on to flaunt her archery skills saying there's no other woman in this palace who can be better than her.  Of course SN smirks at her comment, and looks like DK knows she's wrong as well.
There's a big monetary reward for the person who wins the competition.
DS wants to invite WY for tea at her tent, but he just walks away.  
Joambaki says that PBH looks so much younger now that he's a eunuch.  EB tells him that he can look 20 years younger too if he...EB makes the snipping hand gestures.
TH suggests a race with SN.  SN tells him she gives up if he's going to cheat like he did on Dai Chongdu.  TH tells her he's not that person anymore.
Hahaha, DM is mocking the consorts for only bringing back a single rabbit between the three of them.
DS is moping over WY, saying how he's different now then before.  Evil Maid tells her that she overheard DK talking to El Plague, the person who he loves is Ki Jai In.  
She sends one maid to tell TH that she has something to discuss with him and SN, and sends the other to tell WY that TH has something to discuss with him.  She wants to get them all in one place to see how awkward SN and WY will be.
DS is asking SN if she's worried that she'll say thing she shouldn't if she gets drunk.  SN tells her she has nothing she can't say.
TH Tells her to stop drinking, DS tells him to stop pretending that he's worried about her, when really he's worried about Ki Jai In.
DS asks WY about his love, she hears from her cousin that the person he loves is at the capital.  She turns and asks SN if she knows who this person is since she used to be his subordinate.  
WY tells her that person is dead.  If she's done with her questions, he's going to take his leave.
DS is angry, she asks Evil Maid what does SN have that she doesn't?  Evil maid tells her SN can't compare to her.  DS doesn't understand why a low born tribute woman has the love of two man, while they both ignore her.
DS says she wants to kill WY more than SN now because he's made her into a joke.
TH: Are you sober now?SN: YesTH: Don't worry about what DS said, it's just drunken wordsSN: I should leave nowTH: Stay here tonight.  How much longer do you want me to stay lonely for?SN: PaehaTH: Until when are you going to hide till.  I want you.

Tap Jae Hae TALKS!!!  He talks!!! He repeated DK's commend to take that governor away hahaha
Oh, and he had another line when he was talking to El Plague about their plans to assassinate SN and TH.
DK: This is father's order.  The Emperor and Ki Jai In, both must die.
TH: I want you.
DK: These two people broke your heart
DS: Tonight is the last time.  Have all the set ups to kill Ki si completed?
TH: Where is she now?
Lady Oh?: In the direction of Cheon Ma Lo
WY: They've gone to hunt down SN!
SN: You want to kill me
DS: It probably never occurred to you that the cost of having the Emperor's grace is this cruel

EDIT: I forgot to mention this.  When TH suggested to SN that they have a race, SN asked him what will be the prize.  TH says the loser will have to grant the winner a wish.  We never found out who won...hmmm...I wonder what his wish will be...
EDIT#2: Corrected translation for last line about DS wanting to kill WY

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Guest adjani1430293095

Well done TH, you have balls NOW!!! That scene with EL T for his people was fantastic.. and SY's scene with EL T is wonderful!!! And er.. you asked WY about SY? 

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Guest adjani1430293095

@diana76: totally TT spinoff!!! with a Harem full of girls! Oh ok just 2 girls.. its a k drama afterall not Japanese anime :P diana76 said: sarah.lina said: ravendark said:

I can show you the example of the Korean Empress Ki thread, at first there were all the shippers, after the harsh bashing towards WY, Wanyang Shippers all left EK DC, but after the growing popularity of TT (when i said growing it's even more than that, he's really a star now), Tanyang shipper stopped posting all the edits/collage about TT-TJH ect... they felt threatened by TT popularity whence this comment that you surely have seen on NB :

[+140, -33] Seems the female viewers were all going for Ji Chang Wook in the beginning but now I think they'll be going for Jin Yi Han ㅋ I'm a man and I don't understand why Jin Yi Han never got more popular.. He has great visuals but his role is too supportive. --> and it was just the begining

That's the situation in Korea, i keep repeating myself but that's not what i think. :)>- :)>- :)>-
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Guest adjani1430293095

Ok my speculation:

Variation 1: WY rushes to SY and shoves her aside (might even take an arrow) from TN who tries to shoot her. TH arrives and they stand under the trap whilst TN and WY argue (doubt they will wrestle) and then someone shoots the trap to try to kill TH and SY. The trap falls, TH shoves SY out of the way and gets hurt.. they get saved and get together later.. (oooh lalla)
Variation 2: TH rushes to SY and takes an arrow from TN who tries to shoot her. They stand under the trap and then someone shoots the trap and tries to kill them. WY arrives and saves SY and TH (maybe TN will also try to kill him together with them). They all get saved and TH and WY both get hurt but SY rushes to TH instead.. and later.. Ohh lalal 
Variation 3: TH and WY both arrive at the same time and try to save SY, so either one of them will get hurt and TN will know that WY is not on their side. Someone else tries to kill both TH and SY, and TT or Bayan or some of the rest arrive and save them.
Plan to "hunt" them fails.. so another round to SY and TH and now both sides are in the open for blood and try to out-do each other in the next 10 episodes at least with some back and forth.. victories for both sides :P.. but if that HAPPENS, they better be having TH sleeping with SY (after all they need an heir) and building up to Maha's revelation as well... otherwise it might really get very boring with this "you die.... oh wait .. you didnt... now YOU die. .... oh wait.. You didnt.." for a LONG number of episodes :P  

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Can't wait for episode 33. It will be more exciting! Imagine the courage of TH is become more strong because of the love of SN. The last scene in episode 32 is really tempting to watch the next scene. What will happen? Really can't wait. But I have to sleep now. So good bye for now and have a nice day. I know that some people here in your area it is day time. Take care. God bless.

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